
August 7, 2024

How to Find Your True North with Dr Aaron Burt DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 585

As a LWCC class of 1996, I spent 23 years running a high volume, family wellness practice in Zaragoza, Spain. Taught chiropractic philosophy and professional development at BCC. Now living on a small beach in Panamá where I serve my local community and work with international clients in my Advanced Life Navigation mentoring program.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!


LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 585 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Aaron Burt. And today we talk about how to find your true north. Stay tuned for the full episode. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I have Dr. Aaron Burt. I'm coming from Panama. First ever interview from Panama. so, I'm really excited to have you on. We built a relationship down in Mexico City. And we were participating with a bunch of amazing chiropractors down in Mexico for a couple of events now. so, we've gotten to know each other over the past couple of years. Really amazing. I can't wait to tell your story. Before we tell your story, though, I want to let people know our why. Why do we do what we do? Well, what makes us unique is we do protect freedom of speech. We believe in medical freedom and family health freedom. Those are things that are not the same, but chiropractic helps facilitate and people having a choice on how they take care of their family's health. It is amazing what chiropractors do. so, if you're listening to this, please consider finding a chiropractor for your and your family's health. As we get a bit more philosophical, we do protect B.J. Palmer Sacred Trust. I think that it's really important for people to know what that is, kind of like finding the chemistry of life of Reggie Gold. Go to YouTube, check out the chemistry of life, watch that. But also find B.J. Palmer's last words and find the sacred trust because, you know, those are things that really are fundamental to this profession to explain what chiropractic really is. There'll be a great refresher for the chiropractor, but also somebody that doesn't know a chiropractor is like, dang, that's really cool. I didn't know that people in chiropractic philosophy. We support subluxation-based chiropractic. We believe in any intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical get adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. And that's our why. Why do we do it? We do it at Chiro Hustle because we believe in telling the chiropractic truth. We've created a depository of information over the past six and a half years. And this is 585 of the Chiro Hustle podcast. Welcome Dr. Aaron.

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  Thank you, Jim. It is an honor to be with you here to this afternoon, my brother.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, there's so, much great stuff to talk about. We were talking about, you know, transition of your practice style from now to then. And let's just talk like 23 years in high volume practice. What got you to the point that you're like, I think I should be a chiropractor.

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  You know, Jim, you know, I used to tell students this all the time. I really wish I could come on here and tell you this miracle story that, you know, I, you know, I was born, you know, different. And I got adjusted and my arm grew or, you know, there's so, many amazing stories in the chiropractic profession that it is mind blowing. And that was not my story. My story is totally different. You know, I had been introduced to chiropractic when I was 15 years old. I had a wrestling injury. My father actually took me to see a local chiropractor. And he really worked on my neck and my shoulder pain went away. I was like, wow, this is great. You know, I don't have to take some stupid drug and I could go back to wrestling and that was pretty cool. And I went off to college and, you know, I was just living my life and doing my thing. And my sister started dating a chiropractor. She met this guy, this amazing guy. And you know, his name is Dr. Andrew Dixon. I don't know if you've ever met Andy. He was the president of the Tennessee Chiropractic Association. so, shout out to Dr. Andrew Dixon, an amazing guy. He had just gotten into practice. He had moved into our town. He fell in love with my sister. They started dating and he became a big brother. He was just, I mean, he was just the coolest guy in the world. Dating my older sister. Had this great practice, wellness, how he was an ex-football player, wrestler. I really, you know, to this day I'd look up to this guy. And you know, he was like, Aaron, you would be a great chiropractor. And she'd think about chiropractic school. I was like, Andy, you know, I've gone to the four years of college. I can't start again. And out of the blue one day he calls me. I was in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. And he calls me from nationally and he said, hey, I just got a copy of today's chiropractic. And there's an ad that life Atlanta is going to be doing an accelerated pre-rex program for college students who want to get into the profession. And it was one year of sciences to get in. And I was in my fourth year of university. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. And I loved the idea of doing what he was doing. And because he was a cool guy and he was making money and everybody loved to hang out with me in his office. And I would go get in just a lot of love being there. so, he was really the inspiration for me to get into the profession. so, I went to life in Atlanta and then that changed my entire life. Because in that class with me, I had two very significant people that really woke me up. The first person that I met that really opened my eyes was Kerry Sigafoose, the youngest son of Dr. Jim Sigafoose. And I met Kerry. I know Kerry is an amazing human being. And we met 20 years old and he's talking about this chiropractic lifestyle thing from Jim. And I was just blown away. You know, me and Kerry said in the back of the class and he's telling me what this is all about. And then the other person that I met who had probably the biggest impact of all was Dr. Jason Dyche. You know, and I'm sure most people watching this probably know Jason and all the things he's done for the profession. Jason, as a student, he was just talking to me, it was like, man, you have no idea where you're at. You have no idea of your potential. You know, Jason one day said, you have so, much potential, you should run for class president. And he was like, when you harness this potential and you start understanding why what this is all about, you're going to be unstoppable. And so, it was really those two, once I got into life that really just hit the switch. And I was like, wow, this is, this is much bigger than I thought.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, life after life, what happens?

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  So, you know, I went to life at Atlanta and then I transferred and I went out to San Francisco to do my, I finished up at Life West. And I got a job offer in Guatemala, went down to work. I actually worked a year, had some ups and downs, some difficulties down there. I just knew I wanted to be somewhere in the world, you know, I wanted to be moving on and to be traveling. And I was there for a year. Things didn't work out like I had hoped they would work out and I came back home. And so, this is, this is before the internet has been big use about 1997. And I called the university and are there any jobs international offers and on the job it was at Life West was an offer for a job in Zaragoza, Spain. And you know, I was learning Spanish in Guatemala. I wanted to keep on doing something different. so, I called this doctor, Dr. Frank Spencer and I called him up and said, hey, I'm looking for a job. I've got a great spot. It's only one chiropractor in the city. You know, if you get here, I'll give you the interview. so, my dad bought me a plane ticket. I got on a plane of Zaragoza and I was there for over 23 years.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, 23 years in Spain. Now you're down in Panama. so, what was it like to practice abroad? I mean, that must be like a really cool thing for people to hear like because I know that that people do that, but you were kind of before like the time of, you know, 23 years ago, nobody was really traveling and practicing abroad. Were they?

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  You know, when I got to Spain, there was about 30 chiropractors in the country.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's how that that's about how many are Portugal now, by the way.

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  Yeah, you know, there were about 30 in the country. And you know, like I said, I went into a city that was one chiropractor for 800,000 people. I ended up not working for him. I ended up open up my own practice. But you know, you know, the thing is that it's totally unknown, which is the worst part and the best part. No one had any idea what chiropractic was, which also means they didn't have any negative opinion. They didn't have any medical doctors saying, oh, this is for back pain. They didn't have any preconceived idea. They had, they knew nothing. so, you know, I come in onto the scene and you know, my wife at that time, an amazing, the mother of my children, an amazing woman by the name of Palar, she was a natural salesman. She knows how, I mean, she could sell ice to an Eskimo and she knew what I was doing. And she had felt it and she had seen it with her family. And she took over and started really spreading the word, getting people in. No one, people just didn't know what was going on. so, they were coming to me and I was their first impression of chiropractic and their first impression, and we just spoke about this off camera, they had to come in, they had to go through my health class and they were getting Reggie Gold's chemistry of life in Spanish from day one. That was their introduction to chiropractic. And so, being abroad allowed me to do that because anywhere I went into the States, everyone was already formed an opinion. Either their brother law has been took chiropractor, their cousin dates a chiropractor, or they've seen the Simpsons episode of the chiropractor. But you go to a foreign country, no one had any idea who I was or what I was doing, they were just seeing the results.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I think that that's really important for people to hear. Like you came into like a new charted territory, you followed your true north, like we were talking about off camera. Like you followed a path that made sense to you. That's right. And did you speak Spanish before you went over there?

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  I did not. That was tough. I went to Guatemala to learn how to speak Spanish. And you know, I'll tell you a funny story. I actually, I went one day with my girlfriend at that time to, we wanted to rent a horse to go horseback riding. And so, instead of saying I want to rent a horse, which is Caballo, I said I want to rent a Caballero, which in Spanish means a gentleman. And so, imagine the laugh that everyone at the Equestrian Center had asking me, do you have experience riding gentleman? You, what type of gentleman would I thought he was saying horse? so, no, I spoke zero Spanish, you know, and you know, I had to learn, you know, and I got to Spain and right away, I met an amazing woman. And you know, people asked me, how do you learn so, Spanish? How did you learn Spanish so, quickly? And I said, you know, the two things that will teach you a four language quicker than anything in the world will be an upset stomach needing a bathroom or a beautiful person wanting, looking for romance. You'll want them quickly. And you know, she didn't speak a lick of English. And I said, yeah, I can wing it on low cards speaking to clients, but I better learn some Spanish so, I'll learn pretty quickly.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  What a fun story. Lots of laughter over here. so, now you're transitioning from high volume, you said you did over half a million adjustments in 23 years while you ran that practice in Spain. And now you've had this like transition. Yes. Talk about how you got the Panama now.

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  Okay. So, you know, as I went through my journey in life, you know, chiropractors great, you know, and I got invited to start teaching and I was teaching philosophy and personal development of Barcelona, chiropractic college. And I just really started tapping into this part of me that loves to teach and loves to, you know, to help people in their journey. And so, after lockdown, after COVID, I really knew that it was my time to start expanding and growing. Also, you know, I've been away from the States for over 20 years where my parents are, where my brothers and sisters are, where my family is. My kids were moving into college. And so, I just, I was like, I really want to go back to the other side of the pond. I want to be closer to my parents. I want to be closer to Latin America. You know, my, my wife, she's Colombian. She wanted to be close to her family. so, we knew that it was time to leave Europe. And I actually thought that Mexico was going to be the place for me. And so, I went to Mexico and I was on a beach. I was in Puerto Escondido, Mexico. And a former student of mine from Barcelona, chiropractic college, a young gentleman from Israel, his father called me because I had done some ex-grove special work helping and supporting his son emotionally. And his father called me and invited me on a surfing trip to Panama. And I had never even put Panama on my radar. so, I came here on a surfing trip and I found this beautiful little beach community. You know, 250 people, permanent residents. And I just needed help. They needed love. And, you know, I was beyond my days of wanting to have a big practice of doing, you know. And so, I just rented a small space and have a couch and a table. And I began to do what I love to do, which is help guide people and release blockages. And that eventually led me into this phase of transition in life now.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, you know, going back to the subluxation, chemistry of life and the way that people generally get into a chiropractic office, it's physical, chemical, or emotional stress. And a lot of times I call it heal on the healer. Like the people that do the big work, they don't know where to go or who to trust either. And then they have massive blockages when it comes to making decisions on what do we do with my family? What do I do with the kids? How do I integrate with my romantic partner? How do I make sense of my finances? You know, where should I live? Like you? Yeah. And a lot of times there's a lot of unknown. And I know that that's a place that you're starting to develop professionals in and use some of your experiences and, you know, your life's work, not only as a chiropractor, but as a spiritual guide now. And you have a program called advanced life navigation. Tell people about like what that really means to you and how you've been helping people.

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  Well, advanced life navigation, let me just tell you quickly how it came about. I had a gentleman come into my little office here on the beach in Panama. And a gentleman in his late 60s and he came in because he had back issues and we started speaking about life. And I started telling him the things that I was picking up on his physical body from his personal life. And he had an epiphany and he realized that there was a change in his personal life that he had been avoiding that was not allowing him to heal. And I had picked up on that. And it turns out that this gentleman runs one of the world's largest coaching companies for CEOs. And so, he and I developed a very strong friendship mentorship and he began training me on how he coaches CEOs. Okay, so, just to give you some perspective, he was the CEO coach of the CEO of Pfizer during pandemic. That's that was the level he was working at. so, he's working with me teaching these techniques to work with co CEOs. And then all of a sudden his life hits in massive personal crisis. so, what I did was take these tools that he was teaching me and I started using them in the way that I know how to use them, which is connect people to spirituality and personal development. And this is how advanced life navigation was born. And really what is based on Jim is figuring out what you're really passionate about in life and developing a concept which is called your true norms, which is where do you really want to go in this story that you're calling your life? Truly and honestly, not what a society wants you to go. And I realized that I had gone there. I was 34 years old. You know, I was seeing 850 to 900 clients a week. And on the biggest day of my career, I was going to commit suicide that night. I was literally going to hang myself that night. I'd seen 287 patients that day because I had made it to a point in my life that everyone told me you want to get there. And I got there and it was it was empty. so, now that I've been there and I've been able to go through that. Now my mission in life is to help people find what their passion is and to help them find their authentic life story and then help them write that because that will become the life that they're living. And this is what this is what I do.

This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!



JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, curious. You get somebody through this mentorship. How frequent do you see somebody say this is great? I'm ready to go down this way. And then they're like, all right, now I need the next thing. Like do you see people continuously like we call it polishing the gem? DCP. All the time. Yeah.

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  From the beginning. That's why the program that I use, you know, I have a set, you know, it's 12 sessions and you're done and we are done. I'll check up on you. But there's no way I'm going to allow you to develop a dependency and addiction on me. And usually, Jim, the people when they make it to me, they have been through so, many other things, just like when they made it to me as a chiropractor. so, before I would let anyone start working with me, and we begin to dance together, we have to go through a serious interview process to make sure that they are ready to make the changes. You know, Socrates said, you know, the patient has to be ready to face the true cause of his illness in order to change. so, when someone reaches out to me, they're going to have to be willing for me to ask those tough questions about are they really ready to change their life? Because if they're not, I don't want them wasting their time and their money on time with me. Their time is too valuable in mind as well. so, I really only want to work with those people who are ready to make a change in their life. They know that it's there. They just need that extra tweak to really dial into it and to find the truth.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I think a lot of times people just, they, they, they just get stuck and they don't know how to like navigate themselves because of the financial burdens that they're like experiencing or the relationship like disconnect that they're experiencing. They're like, you know, kind of throw their hands up in the air moments where I've had, you know, coaches and, you know, people are thinking this. I've had coaches and mentors and I've been in management groups and whatever it might be. Like, how do, how do you help extract people from that?

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  We do as we first, we really go into what is the story that you're telling is your life. This, this life that you're telling, the, the gym Chester that people know comes from the story that you're telling. This is your life. so, we need to sit down and understand where did you learn how to tell that story? Who taught you that that's the story that you need to be telling? Because at the end of the day, the story that you're telling, you started telling it because you wanted to feel loved and supported in this world. That's what you wanted and that's what you look for as a child. so, we, we build these personas based on that story. And yet we, we're chasing this thing called love that we didn't even know what it is. so, society is designed to say it's a new car. It's a new wife. It's a million dollar practice. It's a trip to Fiji.

SPEAKER_03:  And you get all these things and you don't feel the love.

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  So, we sit down and we actually look at that innocent child at five years old, at four years old, that was a lone creative remembering source. What did they dream about? Who was that child? What, what is still in there? That, what is that little spark of greatness? Because when we find that and we blow on that, we can reignite the soul. And that will stay with us forever.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I think that's really amazing. I think a lot of times people just don't know. And chiropractors, I will listen to this, they'll be like, wow, this sounds like something I could really benefit from. Because I, I, I mean, everybody could use somebody to help them find the keys to the door and to help them turn the key and to help them walk inside of it if they can't see. And I think that, you know, get the embers glowing again and blow it. And then you have fire. And I think a lot of times people just need somebody to help them find out how to make fire again.

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  Yeah, you know, it's not, you know, I, I really shy away from the word coaching and some of these things because it's like, let me show you how to go and chop down wood and no, it's not about that at all. That fire is still inside of you. If you have a pulse, if you woke up today and you have a pulse, the ember is glowing in your heart. It's there. It's all the method. It's the method.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And I think that that's really cool. Um, let's transition back to a little bit of chiropractic for the last seven minutes. Of course. I love that you have a solid practice that you're in love with down in Panama. And I love that you were able to transition from your high volume lifestyle of being a practice, like running a practice with your wife, it sounds like. I know you said that she was a huge champion early on and helping you grow the practice. How did you sustain marketing? Like that's something I'm really curious about.

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  Well, you know, for us, luckily I built my entire practice with no external marketing. It was all internal marketing. And so, really, the most important thing that we did was educate them from the beginning. And it's still that way. I was just back visiting. We had last week with the 25th anniversary of the Dr. Bock practice invited me back. And on Monday night, I gave that health talk to 10 new aspiring practice members, just like I taught him to do it. And we're and they still do it the exact same way. so, for me, you know, that was the key. And I knew that on week three, between week three and week three and week four, they were going to be feeling better. You know that the person is changing. so, on week three, week four, I would do an evaluation on the practice number. And in that evaluation, I would ask them, do you remember the health talk that you went through? Yes, they did. What stood out in that health talk that really that you remember this and that?

SPEAKER_03:  Don't you wish someone would have told you to come listen to this talk six months ago or a year ago when that problem started? Yeah, I wish so. Who do you know? Because I know you know somebody. Who do you know that needs to come and listen to this? Please tell that person.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Tell two people because one will come. You know, I mean, honestly, going back to the basics, this is really powerful. And I've done 1200 interviews and no one's explained it this way. And I go back to like trying to like crack the code for everybody as to like, what can you do to like, you know, grow your business, the chiropractic business. And I what my takeaway from you just shared there is your new patient orientation talk is just as valuable as the time of adjusting hours. And if you don't do the other, you don't get the other, like you have to pay your time on the new patient orientation and that relationship bonding experience and that educational transferring experience in order to be able to have better adjusting time hours. And they work off of each other for the internal marketing. That's it. And then we build the practice off that and that practice still runs today. Super cool. Like that's the why we do the show, because there's going to be a gem that I learned from you that I can now teach other people on how to be better chiropractors and to have more fun. You know, I picked up an acronym from a guy named Jill Polish. And it's ELF, Easy, Lucrative, and Fun. And the ELF life, if people can implement that, they're going to have a better north star approach to life. Like if we can teach people how easy lucrative and fun chiropractic can be, they get then to have the life of their dreams. That's it. And they can practice when they want to, the type of people they want to take care of, and they can inspire people. You know, that's the thing at my last interview. I was like, Hey, how many times did you create a chiropractor because of your new patient orientation? And you got them to love the profession. He's like a lot. I was like, how many times did you create a chiropractor from your CAs? Because they sat into your new patient orientations, and they learned from you. And then they went on to become chiropractors. He's like a lot. And I think that that's it. It's these things create incubators. And when you incubate from the inside, and you do it properly, and you do a proper new patient orientation lecture, you incubate. But now what you've done is you've planted the seed inside of that patient to see the promise and truth of chiropractic. And then they become apologists and advocates and apostles for the message of chiropractic. And then your staff sees that too. And that behavior starts to build and build and build. And now we have the future chiropractors that were created because the doctor believed in the new patient orientation time, which just is valuable as the adjusting hours.

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  Jim, I just sat in my office on Friday. I gave a talk to 30 people on Friday night, last Friday night. And most of those people had been clients of mine and are active in the practice for over 15 years. Active members of the practice. Yeah, that's the power of a good first health class.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And a lot of docs quit doing them because they don't like doing them.

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  It's the key. That's like, I don't like opening my front door.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  But here, here it is, Dr. Aaron, all those people that will listen to this episode and they start doing that, they're going to fall back in love with their practice and they'll be more connected to the people. And that's really what it's about is connection. Yeah, they're going to fall in love

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  with who they are when they are a chiropractic warrior. They're going to fall in love with who they are when they find their mission and the reason why they got into this amazing profession

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  in the first place. I love it, man. I love it so, much. I know that we're just over our time together, but let's see if we can go lightning round on a couple topics. Let's rock. What do you think the next decade of chiropractic looks like to you? To me or chiropractic in general? Chiropractic in general because that's the audience that's listening. It looks like it looks like the

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  last decade. Just like it. The people, it's the individual listener that creates change in the world. People are going to come into the profession for the for the right reasons for them, for money, for this, for that, and the other. And yet they're going to be these gems out there. These are wakening souls that are going to come in these sparks of life and create these life-changing beacons of healing on the planet. That's what we're going to see.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. I kind of repeat a lot, but not all the time, but there's never been a better time to be a chiropractor. I've heard that for a long time. You've heard us in day one. Yep. It's true from day Yeah. If we don't say that, somebody might miss somebody with wisdom sharing something with them. so, I find that some of these, like, the rhetoric, like that's inside of the profession, we still have to say it. And we still have to tell people to tell the story. And the reason that your marketing efforts internally worked is because all you did is told the chiropractic story. Yeah. so, telling the story still works. And there's never been a better time to be a chiropractor. And that's what we were talking about, like, before we started this interview, like, you know, the mutual appreciation for each other. We just, we can just say something and see the other one smile, because we know it makes sense to us. And that translates to making sense to other people. That's right. And, you know, I think BJ Palmer said it the best, I love you because you love what I love. And that's chiropractic. Here we go. And I think a lot of times people just need to hear people, like the kids say, chop it up and talk about a topic that matters. And really that was why I started the six and a half years ago, because I said somebody has to take the keys to the kingdom and talk about chiropractic. Could somebody just do that? And I saw one guy doing it. And I was like, I think I need to do that too. I saw my mentor at Osborne doing the chiropractic philanthropist. And I saw how he was growing a community and how he is serving. And I was like, dang, I think I can do that thing too. And now we have a very authentic approach to how we tell the chiropractic story. And we get chiropractors coming on from all facets of the chiropractic, the chirosphere. And, you know, it's a beautiful thing that we built this tapestry of this message. so, I just really appreciate you being on with me today. And thanks for talking about your transition from Spain to doing your advanced life navigation and being a Panama. And I just think it's been really powerful. I appreciate you spending your, your hour with me and talking to me about all things chiropractic.

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  Yeah, Jim, every time you and I spend an hour together, some amazing things come out. so, the rest of that will keep that between us because there's been some beautiful memories to get

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  in my brother. Yeah, you know, and the thing is, is when people listen, that's when the magic happens. And when you can draw in good people to listen to, yeah, that makes it even better.

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  I can't leave without just reminding you that when the mic broke, and I had to come up on stage and be your translator in Mexico City. And that was the most fun. We had so, much fun on that stage.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I'll never forget that moment. Yeah, that's what makes our future is the things that we've experienced and the fun times we've had. I can't wait for more of them with you. I know we have a long road ahead of us together. If people wanted to reach out to you, learn more about you, connect with you, find more about your program, where do we send them to? They can, I've got a small web page called

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  advanced life And that's where I have some information about my programs. And also, I do a little bit on Instagram, not a lot, but, and that we'll have that in the link. And it's doctor underscore Aaron underscore Burt. And I put some teachings and some guidance up on that. But mostly they can find my information at advanced life

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Advanced life guys, Dr. Aaron Burt on Instagram, doctor underscore Aaron underscore Burt. Check them out. Is there anything I didn't ask you that you wanted to share with our audience

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  today? Yes, there was. There was a question on the list that you didn't ask me. It was if I could go back and talk to any historical figure from chiropractic, who would it be? And in the chiropractic adjuster, BJ, I mean, excuse me, D D talks about a friend of his, Colenville, who was a spiritualist, who met a secret society in Paris that did something similar to chiropractic at the end of the 18th century. I would love to go meet that guy and ask him, who did you meet? Who was the secret society of mystics that were doing something like chiropractic that you met? I would love to go talk

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  with that guy. Well, I can just use my own interpretation. It probably became a therm and fleets work of zone, the zone technique with concept therapy. Yeah, that's my interpretation. Because really, when you start working with a subconscious, and you start working with a nervous system, and you start working with the realm that people live in with pain and suffering, that's what chiropractic has always done. Yeah. so, I'd be really, I'd be really curious to see that form of chiropractic before chiropractic also. Who was doing that? Where did that come from?

DR AARON BURT DC (GUEST):  Yeah, I was like, how were they studying? Yeah, where did it come from? Where was that knowledge?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Really cool deep dive, man. so, I will close out with this episode 585, the Chiro Hustle podcast. You guys just one story away, keep hustling. I'll see you on the next one. Thank you so, much, Dr. Aaron. Have a good night. Thank you, sir. All right. Bye for now. Bye bye.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.

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