
August 14, 2024

The Stress Beyond Mental and Physical Health with Dr Mel Krug DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 587

After spending years in and out of doctor’s offices, Dr. Mel started to feel like just a number in her health journey. Pills, restrictive diets, and numbing emotions just weren’t cutting it anymore.

After discovering the powerful healing benefits of Network Spinal Chiropractic Care, Dr. Mel has radically overcome her own personal health challenges, moving from menstrual cycle dysfunction and emotional trauma to more power and strength in both her body and mind.

Dr. Mel then founded Inspire Life Chiropractic Center in 2017 in which she now helps hundreds of women and families every year overcome chronic health challenges including anxiety, indigestion, trauma, sleep, mental health, and so much more. Additionally, Dr. Mel works with clients in the realm of private, 1 on 1 business mentorship and entrepreneurial start-ups as well as mindset, embodiment, and breakthrough coaching. She is dedicated to helping women (and men of course) reclaim their power, navigate stress naturally with more ease, and ultimately live a life filled with empowerment and inspiration from within.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!

LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 587 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Mel Krug, and on this episode we talk about the stress beyond physical and mental health. Stay tuned for the full episode. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. It's the 587th episode of the Chiro Hustle Show. I have Dr. Mel Krug on with me. I am really excited about today's show. She is a network spinal chiropractic practitioner. We'll talk about that. We'll also talk about chiropractic takes care of things that are beyond the physical. And there's a whole sentence that she has here that will share with you the things that she helps take care of for people that aren't your traditional chiropractic cases. And then we'll talk about the collective stress that people have encountered since 2020, and probably well before that. It's a cumulative thing. And then we'll talk about this great paradigm shift. And she says it's so much more eloquent than I do. But it's from the idea of pathogenesis that we've been duped by and to more of a salutogenic, vitalistic model. And I think I gave her a lot of honor there by saying that properly. And then I'll talk a little bit why we do what we do, and then we'll jump into Dr. Mel's chiropractic story. The first thing's first is freedom of speech. We've never censored anybody on the show. I think that's really important to say it's been going on for six and a half years. We know what it's like to be shadow band. We know it's like to be shunned by social media. And we know it's like to be priority, like lack of priority in the newsfeed. That happens. There's to be a time where we would have like 60 people on our live casts. Now we get like two to three. Like any coincidence there guys? No, but that's important that freedom of speech is something's front and center in our show. People’s freedom, family health, freedom are things that we really represent too. A lot of times people just don't know where to go for their health. So we give them the option of understanding chiropractic better. So they can make that choice to where we don't live in medical tyranny and chiropractors can go forth and serve and protect the sacred trust is a part of our show too. So we do protect the sacred trust with these episodes. You can't ever discredit chiropractic or change it because we've documented chiropractic. So go away guys. Can't happen. Then we also support a subluxation-based chiropractic. I know I shouldn't have to say that, but they're taking it out of the schools. So if you guys are a part of a school and you're watching this, share this with your students, share this on campuses because we talk about real deal chiropractic over here. And that's an intelligence, a universal intelligence. We believe that when man or man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. And I know that that's a lot to say in an opener, but that's it. And this is episode 587. Dr. Mel, welcome.

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  Thanks, James. I'm super honored to be here.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, we come out swinging, don't we?

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  Oh, yeah. We were swinging before this and we're coming out swinging today. We're almost just 600. Let's go.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So you're up in the Twin Cities. You matriculated to what college did you go to? I think life.

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  No, I went to speaking of philosophy or lack thereof. I went to Northwestern Health Sciences, which I am not one to necessarily bash live, but I will tell you that they are definitely moving towards the pathogenic model than the subluxation-based vitalistic model. So the fact that I came out as a very, in my eyes, principled, subluxation-based chiropractor, that has a journey and a story of its own.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. Well, I think that we all have to throw life preservers to the students that went to these schools that didn't have philosophy and green books and teaching subluxation and teaching and intelligence, universal intelligence. We all need to go friend a chiropractic student at these schools and take them to a Chiro conference. Adopt a student. Adopt a student program.

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  Yeah, we should do Chiro Hustle. Adopt a student.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, let's start Patreon. There we go. There we go. We have to start the student Patreon. So tell us your journey. How did you decide that chiropractic was the right place for you?

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  Yeah, I think it's important for your audience to know that I did not grow up with chiropractic and I did not get introduced to chiropractic until I experienced my own sports injury. So growing up, I was always an athlete. I started sports at the age of five and I got really into soccer, into college. I got really into rugby, familiar with rugby. It's a pretty intense sport, full contact, no pads. And that'll explain a lot of my intense energy probably on this podcast. So I was playing high level rugby at the time in college. I was trying out for the Old Midwest team and my friend tackled me. I went from feeling like I was 20 years old on top of the world, you know, classic 20-year-olds like, I can take on anything. I know more than you. Right? I was feeling like I was 20 years old to 80 years old in a moment where I was tackled. I sprained my AC joint, and I went from again, feeling well, didn't really understand what well meant at that time to wasn't able to sleep laying down. I just sleep sitting up in a chair for two weeks. I felt like I couldn't breathe. And the thing that really allowed me to deal with my own stress was taken from me. Couldn't play rugby for a number of weeks. And at that time from the injury, my teammate said, Hey, Mel, you should go check out this chiropractor. They can probably help you. I said chiropractor can I really know what that's about? And no idea, you know, because my mom growing up was like, Oh, you're fine. Rub some dirt in it. You know, she didn't really carry us to the doctor a lot. She's like, chug some night quail. You're good. You know, I was raised by a single parent. The joke is that instead of a helicopter parent, she was more of a prairie dog parent where she'd be like, you guys good? Okay. See ya. And so I had my own way of dealing with stress growing up. So at the time, my friend recommended a chiropractor, and I went to this chiropractor and they were okay. I will say that. Come to find out as I go into school later on that they were not one that focused on analysis, subluxation based, vitalistic. It was very kind of do all your stuff, see you later type thing. And I experienced a version of relief for sports injuries. Nothing wrong with that, but it was not the depth of healing that I know is possible with chiropractic. So I got better. But meanwhile, I'm still dealing with these health challenges, right? And I'm in my twenties and like, man, I have this low back pain. My menstrual cycles absolutely suck. And I just felt like my mental emotional well-being was kind of all over the place. And a lot of it makes sense now, given my history of trauma, my history of using different substances to deal with my own pain. You know, I got into drugs and alcohol at an early age and didn't live that aligned life, right? Didn't live from the inside out. And so my other chiropractic coach at the time said, Hey, I know you're seeing this other guy, but you should go see this other guy. He does something very different. And I said, what don't all chiropractors do the same thing? No they do not. So before I went to this chiropractor before he even tracked my spine, I sat through a health talk and he educated me on the vital importance of the nervous system that life flows from above down inside out and that there's innate intelligence within every single cell and literally every single living being on this planet that gives your body the power to heal. And when that connection is interfered with, you can't heal to your greatest capacity, which to me meant I can't play rugby at the top level. I can't do my educational stuff at the top level. I can't perform at my highest ability. And so he educated me. Fair enough, didn't analysis, started getting upper cervical care. And James, it was like the lights just turned on. I started playing even higher-level rugby to the point where I became an all American. My low back pain went away. He didn't even touch my low back. My menstrual cycles got better. And it was like this veil of emotional stress was lifted from me. And I was like, huh, this is way more than shoulder pain, back pain or neck pain. Like there is something to this art. And I'll never forget his ability to just speak it into me, teach me was the reason why I chose that week to look up chiropractic schools and enrolling chiropractic school and, you know, eventually opened up my own practice. And I like to joke that I have like three different chiropractic stories of how I got into network and all this, but that was my first experience with true principle based vitalistic chiropractic.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, I'm going to just have a follow up story to that. Like the rugby community started my career in chiropractic. That's amazing. So I was working as a bartender at a piano bar and the guy that took IDs and took money at the door at the piano bar, he played rugby at Palmer. And he said, hey, I have this project. I want to create a documentary for recruiting for future rugby students to come to Palmer and that's like, you know, we put together. And then in any ways long story, I ended up working at his practice and learned how to be a traction tech in a CPP office and worked in a chiropractic biophysics office for almost six years between Chicago and Denver. And I really learned about chiropractic then. And anyways, we went on to do great projects together, but Freddie Scofield was the first guy I ever met. He taught me what a bob down inside out. He taught me what any intelligence was. Like it was like gospel. I was like, wow, I didn't know any of this stuff. And I grew up in Davenport, Iowa. What a shame. We need to tell more people about this. And then six years in, I was at mile high chiropractic weekend up in Denver, Westminster, or whatever we want to call it. And I heard this guy named Joe Borio up on stage saying, tell the story. And I was like, gosh, that would probably have helped me a long time ago. More chiropractors told the story. Anyways, now we have this podcast and there's a lot of cool stuff. It was started by my enthusiasm to work in chiropractic was because of Palmer rugby.

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  Heck yeah. Rugby players will do that. They're very enthusiastic.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. So it's really cool to know that that's the area you came from. And I started playing soccer when I was five years old too. I went on to play collegiate ball. So that's really cool to us to know that in me, I would get adjusted before and after games. Absolutely. Because I knew that it helped me perform better. Yep. So with you, knowing that your nervous system wasn't tuned and that there was a disconnect and you started getting adjusted, like the body clears up. Absolutely. Once the neurological patterns are adjusted, the body goes, that was cool.

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  I should probably stay here. This is way better over here, right? The body can learn that this is a way better way of functioning, right?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So adaptation. The sentence that I opened up with that you have here is beyond the physical. So mental health stuff, anxiety, trauma, sleep, mental health stuff. Talk about how you've been able to help people with network break through some of this. I mean, you can't package everything into one topic, but how have you helped people with their beyond the physical component to chiropractic, the spiritual, if we will?

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  Absolutely. Which is how you open, right? Yeah. Man or woman to spiritual. So there's a number of ways that I do it tangibly in the office, but I think the biggest thing has been from one my own lived experience and talking about how I struggled with emotional dysfunction, feeling like I was one day, one way, another day, another way, another day and just felt like I didn't have control of my own emotions. And so when I started learning it and receiving the physical care, that's a big thing I noticed. So I studied it and I said, how do emotions and our mental well-being connect to our physical well-being? And one of the things that I've learned from a lot of my mentors, Dr. Alok Trivedi, Dr. Donnie Epstein, is that you cannot be stuck in the mind or call it emotion, whatever. You cannot be stuck there without being stuck in the body. Because if we believe and know in the paradigm of chiropractic that if everything is filtered through your nervous system, your central nervous system, then we must understand that we also filter our reality and how we perceive reality, i.e. how we experience emotions from lived experiences, also in our central nervous system. And so an emotion, Candice Pert is a great example of this for those of you students listening to this. Candice Pert talks about how our emotions actually stem from our spinal cord. And if, you know, basic 101 of network spinal is we're looking at the spinal cord tension patterns. And when we move into these distortions, for example, if you curl and curl your body forward into this posture, what's your ability to think a positive thought? Much lower, right? Versus if I'm up and I'm open and my spine is aligned and free, my ability to access positive emotions or a variety of emotions changes. And so there's this interface of spinal dynamics, neuro spinal dynamics to how we can actually access different emotional states. And so you cannot be stuck in the body mind without being stuck in the body mind. It's not separate. It's one unit. And something I ask my practice members when I teach workshops, which my associate Dr. Aaron and I teach a lot of workshops to do a lot of teaching online and in today's world is when you're having an emotion, what are you noticing in your body? And most of the time, if not all the time, people say, oh, I feel this tightness in my chest. I feel I feel tension in my spine. I feel my heart racing. Well, that in and of itself is telling you that emotions are linked to your neurophysiology. And so this the way that we bridge the gap is we do a lot of teaching. We do a lot of education and actually bring people through the experience of creating and eliciting emotions in themselves and how it actually connects to your spinal distortion pattern. So a network to answer your question, James, to bring it full circle is when we look at someone on the table and we look at their alignment and we do our assessment, every single bodily spinal cord pattern relates to some level of consciousness. You could substitute consciousness with emotion with mental, whatever you want to call it. For example, our lower neck, right? Our lower neck deals with a lot of anger. It deals with a lot of relationships, our social well-being, our ability to connect to others. When that's subluxated and distorted, our ability to connect to others from a much more coherent, aligned, safe place gets wonky. We're more irritable. We're more anxious. We feel like we can't be in social situations. We can't hold eye contact, right? Similar if you go down into the pelvis that deals with our sense of self or a bit of our ability to feel grounded or ability to feel like, oh, I can relax into my being and I can feel confident in myself. So every single emotion that we can experience which exists on a spectrum, like a frequency, like a rainbow can relate to every single spinal cord distortion pattern or non-distortional pattern, right? Aligned pattern in your central nervous system. And as you can tell, I get really excited and inspired by this and I could go on and on and on. But that's what we help bridge the gap is we actually teach people using technology, using podcasts, using social media, using classes in our office, building community and having this be a regular conversation that, huh? Maybe if getting my spine checked and my nervous system aligned and subluxation free, wow, I can see how that impacts my mental health, which we see it every single day in our office.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. You know, the things that you're talking about here, I think really land and I think that people need to hear this stuff. And a big part of the motivator for us to do this is to teach people about chiropractic through your voice. You know, like you're saying, maybe I should interview you, James. I'm like, hold on, pump the brakes. Like, I have a lot to say. But really the reason that this whole thing works is because of the stories that we collect. And that's the practitioner stories. So I think that your message matters big time to the audience out there because you can build a practice through workshops. You can build a practice through education. You can build a practice through the things that inspire you. And I think, you know, the last guy interviewed his whole thing is he's been a chiropractor for amateur hockey team for 20 years. He got into a trucking company and bought a table and put it at the trucking company and adjusted everybody at the trucking company and improve their quality of like sick days by 63%. And then they paid for all of the staff to get adjusted and then they paid for all the family to get adjusted. So it depends on how you want to build that practice and how you can build that out reach to your community. And I think that, you know, communication is a huge part of that. And there are people out there that are silently suffering. Absolutely. And they don't know where to go or who to trust. You know, that's a catch phrase that I always use is the reason most people don't go to a chiropractor because they don't know what it can do. They don't know where to go or who to trust for their health. Next thing they're on, they're on the miracle round for pharmaceuticals and their life doesn't improve. It actually gets worse. So if you could see a chiropractor once a week and get checked for subluxation and adjusted as necessary for the rest of your life, wouldn't you do that? That sounds great. It's time for that. I want that. And I think a lot of people would, and especially if they knew it could help them with trauma, yeah, especially if they knew it could help them with the trauma that they've gone through the past, you know, three to four years now, they'd be like, dang, I want that. So let's talk about that. The cumulative stress that has turned on all of us over the past couple of years. How have you seen people coming into chiropractic since the whole scam dynamic thing dropped on us?

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  Yeah. Well, that's a big one. How long do we have? How long do we have? So back to what I was saying earlier, you know, human beings are designed to co-regulate and we are meant to connect with each other. We are not solitary beings. We're not reptiles. Like as much as we can sometimes maybe feel or look like wild and crazy animals, especially with social media, we are meant to connect heart to heart, face to face. And what the last three years have done and has done to the collective nervous system is create a sense of not feeling safe, even in our own body mind, right? Can I trust myself? Can I trust my body to do what it's supposed to do? Can I trust this person? Can I trust what I'm hearing? There's this level of hyper vigilance that has been permeated and injected into our cultural mind, which therefore, because we are relational beings, we are beings of community. Humans are meant to thrive and thrive in community. That impacts our individual well-being. And so when our nervous system is emitting a frequency of fear, is emitting a frequency of I can't trust my doctor, I can't trust my friend, I can't trust my family member, I can't trust this group of people, how do we think that's going to impact the way we show up as individuals as well as a community? I like what Dr. John DeMartini talks about, where if we don't listen to our own bodily cues, eventually we're going to see that show up on a collective scale, because we are not separate from the whole, right? We are a drop of water in the ocean. And even though you can take us out and we can follow the American dream and be individualized and like do our thing and create our brands, there's still a deep sense of community that is necessary in our central nervous system, because that is how we evolved. And so when you take our ability to be in community safely, that is a recipe for continued trauma cycles, continued fear. And we know that when fear is permeating in our nervous system and our spine, that then shows up as all these symptoms down the road. So one of the things that I've seen in my practice, which thankfully people trusted us coming in 2021 was one of our biggest years, what was our biggest year, so say one of our biggest year in practice, is because we said, hey, you can show up as you are, we are not going to judge you. And this is the place where we're shifting the paradigm. This is the place where you can lean on for your body to heal, for your body to adapt, even in the midst of chaos around you. And that was the message that we spoke every single day. Did I have videos get taken down talking about the immune system? Yes. And yet we still found ways to communicate with our practice members that, hey, your body's smart, it's intelligent, it was designed to do this. And one of the things I saw is the people who continue to come to see us, they stayed well. And even if they did have some things show up in their body, they adapted, they resolved it and they moved forward and they evolved from it. And teaching people, hey, this probably didn't start three years ago. This actually probably started 10, 20 years ago. And this is a catalytic moment for you to wake up and pay attention. That's what we say to people like, hey, you know, whatever you want to perceive the last three years, it was a wake up call. And your nervous system is giving you this ability to wake up and take new action and choose a different trajectory in your life. So we've had people quit jobs, we've had people start businesses, we've had people get out of abusive relationships, we've had people like you were saying, James, like choose different health things that maybe they felt addicted to because they took the moment of chaos and they turned it into a masterpiece. And that's the message that we speak to our people day in and day out because that is the paradigm that we choose to live in to.

This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, you get me to the point where there's a lot of unpacking for me as the host. And I see so much the symptomatology. You know, I've always been a marketer. And you know, since my first time working at Chiro Pride Clinic, they made me go out and do like events and health screenings. And one of the docs that I would go do this for was out of Boulder. And he'd always tell me symptom cell. Yeah, symptoms do sell, but there are different symptoms today that people have to sell themselves. And I think what we found is people are disengaged with big box medicine. They're disengaged with white coats. They're disengaged with trust. And they're like, dang, who do I go to now? Y'all messed up the whole thing. Like, who can I go to that can help me with some of this stuff? And now they're finding their ways as 2021 being a big year for you. They're finding their way to chiropractic. And chiropractic are like, look, we don't just help with pain. We help with the brain. And we don't just help with the brain. We help with all the things that are emotionally connected to the brain. And that's your anxiety. That's your depression. That's your traumatic stress. That's your sleep that you're not getting. That's your mental health where you feel alone and isolated and afraid. And now you're not showing up for yourself and you're not able to show for other people. So let us check your spine. Let us see what's going on in your nervous system. And I think that that's the whole paradigm shift as you're talking about. We have to switch from this pathological, like, I need a pill, a potion, or a lotion to this, gosh, how do I get better through somebody taking care of me? And how do I build a community that resonates with that? And I think that that's the thing that has saved humanity, in my opinion, with chiropractic is now people have a choice to go find somebody that can help them build that community of vitalism. And say, look, it's not the lack of Advil in your body that you have paid. It's the lack of connection with your first cervical vertebrae and your brain stem. And it's the C7, which, like you were saying earlier, conducts your anger. And if we get that segment set, now you're going to be a happier person. And I think that if people just knew a guy, a buddy of mine, Satyam Patel, he interviewed me like five years ago or something. And his quote for me was, if people knew what we know, then they would do what we do. And that's the tee up for chiropractic. So I know we're 26 minutes in. There's a whole lot more we could talk about. Let's jump to influences. You talked a little bit about Donnie Epstein, who is the founder of Network Spinal Analysis. You talked about Alok Trivedi briefly. Who have been some of the fundamental people in your life to influence you to become the doctor you are today?

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  I was such a nerd in chiropractic school. I still am a nerd, but I would go to the library and find old tapes of Reggie Gold. He was huge for me. And I would play hours of listening to him, the chemistry of life. I would get the CDs because I had a Dodge, I'd put CDs. If you guys don't know what CDs are, I feel old now. But I would listen to Reggie Gold. I would listen to Sid Williams because these people were not talked about in my school, which I'm actually grateful for because it really inspired me to seek out the philosophy. So Reggie Gold was huge for me, Sid Williams. Like I said, Dr. John DeMartini, I would listen to his tapes non-stop, driving to chiropractic seminars. Brett Jones has been huge for me. I did a lot of his seminars in school. Dr. Alok Trivedi, Dr. Donnie Epstein. I mean, again, I was like the seminar junkie in school where I would just, if they talked about vitalism and the philosophy, I was there. I also went to a ton of speakers locally at Epoch, which I don't know if they're still doing it here in Minnesota. But from, I would listen to Fred Barge. I read a lot of Fred Barge. So I would listen to like the people who are no longer living on this planet, but their message still speaks through. And I could go on and on, but there's so many lists that I could just keep going. Dr. Brian Lum is still a big mentor of mine in the network's final world. And Dr. Danny Knowles, Dr. Rochelle Knowles. I'm just so grateful for them just pouring into me as a student and really helping me shine really early on in practice.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well I feel like it's a good segue for me to ask you, like, what's next for you? You know, like it's kind of like the historical question during interviews. Like the old Johnny Carson thing. So Dr. Bell, what's next?

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  What's next? Well, I'm in the midst of continuing the training. My associate, Dr. Aaron, she's amazing. She's fresh out of school this year. So that's been my top priority is really pouring into her and helping her succeed in practice. And next year, I'm a multi-business owner. I'm a wild cat. I'll say that. I love entrepreneurship. So next year we're taking my signature inspired immersion, which is a seven day, a four or seven day experience where people come and they get network care and we do breath work. We're taking that international. And I've never taken it international. So that's a big step. That's a big jump for us in 2024. So that's going to be my next step is doing that successfully with a group of people who are choosing to live the vitalistic model. And as a result, learning how to tune up their own nervous system and receiving care in a beautiful location. So that's my big project I'm working on right now.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I love it because it really taps into a current cultural shift. People are all about the biohacking world. Yeah, three quickest ways that people can biohack themselves, take your shoes off, go walk out in your yard, get some early morning sunlight and sit there and breathe for eight minutes. You got it. You'll be straight. Yeah. And then go get your spine check and get it done.

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  Yeah. And then go to your carpenter.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. I think chiropractic is like the fourth list on biohacking that how easy it can be. Totally. And if you're one of those real crazies, jump into some hot, something hot and then jump into something cold.

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  My husband and I do that. My husband is, we do it. He's more wild than me. He submerges like we live in Minnesota. So it's effing cold here, y'all. And we are the ones that are jumping the lake when it's January. So yeah, we're those crazy people.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, there's a lot that goes into the adaptation. Yeah. And you're saying that you listen to these old recordings of Reggie Gold, Sid Williams and Fred Barge. And I was talking to you before we got going today. I want to go back and listen to older recordings of the Palmer radio show and learn how that they were doing like their advertisements and who they were not working with and what was popular at the times and what topics they were talking about. I think it would be really cool because in 20 years from now, people are going to go back and listen to us and chiropractic doctor Mal.

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  They're going to find you. They're going to be like, wow, James is amazing. So it's Dr.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Mel, but they're going to go back and find like this, this catalog of resources and documentation and stories and they're going to know what the topics of conversation that mattered during 2020, 2023. And they're going to see how we fought for the truth of medical freedom, freedom of speech and family health freedom with a podcast. And they're going to hear stories of practitioners that gave their time to talk about what mattered to them. And that's one thing and that's chiropractic. And that's really what our whole premise is sharing these stories. So I know you don't have a whole lot of time left, but can you close us out with one miracle story?

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  Yeah. So this still gets me emotional to this day. Kyle came into my office from a mental health matters workshop that I taught. And Kyle had literally gone through everyone, all the experts, all the specialists. And what he was dealing with at the time was massive anxiety. He would sleep all day and stay up all night. So her circadian rhythms were totally shot. He was on three different mental health medications, just a function, lost his job. Basically, a lot of family members had disowned him. And he, when he would walk, he felt like the world was spinning constantly. Talk about seeing one. And he was desperate. And so when he came in, I spoke the message, said, this is how it works. Your body's intelligent. I'm here to really just release that interference for you and let your body do the work. And so Kyle's been a practice member of mine now for going on six years. And since then, within three to four months of care, the world stopped spinning. He started sleeping through the night. He, mind you, at the time was going through a massive custody battle with his kids, because his ex-wife at the time had actually kicked him in the back of the head. And so he had gone through physical domestic abuse and has now regained custody of his children. He has had jobs that he's been very successful at. He just ran a marathon this summer and had record time. And he's married to his new wife, who is also under care with her kiddos. And his life has completely transformed because of chiropractic. Like he literally, and now he's off all of his medications. All of them is medication free and has never been so alive and inspired by life. Which is why my practice is called inspired life. But he walked into a workshop and was like, I don't know what else to do. I'm down for anything. And it still gets me in my feels and my heart just what he's gone through in the transformation he's experienced to this day.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So love God. I love that story. I know that we have to get going. One of the things I love about chiropractic is it gets people better faster. And it actually gives people better life. And it doesn't add anything to the body or take anything out. It just removes the interference. And that's old school philosophy. And I'll tell people all the time is you don't have to believe in chiropractic. It's like gravity. It works whether you believe it or not. And that's old school philosophy. And when you start talking like real talk to people, they start paying attention. Yep. And when you tell them that they don't need anything extra in their body, we just need to like remove that interference, that subluxation. And then they like actually like say, I want to be invited into that. Now, now that's chiropractic. So Dr. Mel Krug, your episode 587 of the Chiro Hustle podcast, if people wanted to connect with you or reach out to you, where are some resources we can send them to?

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  If you go to Instagram, Dr. Mel Krug, M-E-L-K-R-U-G. Pretty much everything I do is on there. I'm on Instagram. I share a lot. I teach a lot. I've got a lot of free resources on there. So check me out there and say, hi, send me a DM. I'm not a robot. I promise. I'm not AI.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, Dr. Mel, it's been a long time coming for you to be on Chiro Hustle. Thanks for being our guest today.

DR MEL KRUG DC (GUEST):  Thanks for having me, James. I appreciate it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. So, check her out, Dr. Mel Krug on Instagram. Check out our resources. And you're just one story away, guys. Keep hustling and have a great day out there in Minneapolis, Twin Cities area. And I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.

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