
January 10, 2024

The Nobel Prize of 2021 and Chiropractic with Dr Dan Murphy DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 525

1. Undergraduate three years at the University of California, San Diego
2. 1978, graduated from Western States Chiropractic College, magna cum laude
3. 1986, Diplomate of the American Board of Chiropractic Orthopedics
4. Have accumulated approximately the following post-graduate continuing education hours:
Biomechanics: 550 hours; Orthopedics: 1040 hours; X-ray: 520 hours; Neurology: 950 hours;
Nutrition 400 hours.

Clinical Experience:
1. Continuous clinical practice 1978 – 2003.
2. Part-time clinical practice 2003 through present.

Undergraduate Teaching Experience:
1982 to present and continuing, part-time undergraduate faculty at Life Chiropractic College West, in Hayward, CA.
Current class is Management of Spinal Disorders; Spinal Pathology Neurology.
Rank, full professor.

Postgraduate Teaching Experience:
Have taught approximately 1,970 twelve-hour postgraduate continuing education classes.
Class topics include: biomechanics of vehicular collisions; biomechanics of spine trauma;
biomechanics of pediatric vehicular collisions; soft tissue injury and repair; pain and proprioceptive
neurology; the management of spine and spinal related disorders; clinical nutrition.

1989: Chapter V in Spinal Manipulation: “Posture, Tissues, Neurology and Health”, published by
Chiropractic Biophysics, Inc.
1990-2013: Quarterly Column in the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic.
1996: Contributing author: Motor Vehicle Collision Injuries, Aspen Publication.
1998: Contributing author: Pediatric Chiropractic, Williams & Wilkins.
2005: Contributing author: Motor Vehicle Collision Injuries, 2nd edition, Jones and Bartlett.
2011: Contributing author: Pediatric Chiropractic, 2nd edition, Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams &
2023: Contributing author: Pediatric Chiropractic, 3rd edition, Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams &
Special Awards:
• 1987, 1991 and 1995: Post-graduate Educator of the Year, International Chiropractic
• 1997: The Carl S. Cleveland, Jr., Educator of the year, International Chiropractic Association
of California.
• 2001: Chiropractor of the Year, International Chiropractic Association of California.
• 2003: Chiropractic of the Year, Chiropractic Biophysics.
• 2003-2009: Vice President, International Chiropractic Association.
• 2009-2010: Chiropractor of the Year, International Chiropractic Association.
• 2014: Lifetime Achievement Award, International Association of Functional Neurology
and Rehabilitation (IAFNR).
• 2021: Honorary Degree, Life Chiropractic College West (Humanities).
• 2021: Alumni of the Year, University of Western States.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You've made the Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one Chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes and to continue hustling. This episode is sponsored by Transact Card, Align Life, NeuroInfinity, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, and the IFCO. Let's hustle.

LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 525 of the Chiro Hustle podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Wolett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we had the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Dan Murphy. If you want to hear how we discuss the Nobel Prize of 2021 and how it includes chiropractic, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle podcast. Today it's Dan Murphy. I saw this guy speak at CalGiam back in 2018. I rocked my socks, was like, this guy's the real deal. And it's been a really long journey for us to finally get him to say yes to being on this episode today. So before we jump into telling his story and talking about some of the significance with the 2021 Nobel Prize and what that means for the relevance of in the chiropractic profession, we're going to talk about how safe this chiropractic adjusting. And we're also going to talk about why spinal adjusting is important, alternative to drugs and management of spinal pain syndromes. But before we jump into these topics and telling Dr. Dan Murphy's story, I want to let everybody know the big why. Why do we do what we do over here at Chiro Hustle? Well, First Amendment is really important to us. Freedom of speech. We've never censored anyone on this platform. And I think that that says a lot about what we're doing over here to protect the relevancy of the truth behind this profession. There's a lot that goes into it. We also believe that there should be medical freedom across the board for every individual and family health freedom that the family gets to decide how they raise their kids and what goes into their body and what doesn't go into their body. Thoughts, chemicals, food, whatever it might be. We just want to have the family have freedom to make those decisions. Talking more chiropractic. We also protect the sacred trust. And that's BJ Palmer's Last Words. If you want to learn more about chiropractic, go to your favorite search engine right now, pause this interview and go and listen and find out what BJ Palmer's Last Words were and what his sacred trust was. And then learn how to guard that. And that's what we do with the show as well. And then as we go on to the introduction, the last in the middle here, as we talk about we do support subluxation based chiropractic. I know that's something that's been under fire in the vernacular of this beautiful profession. We just want to make sure that we support that. And then the last thing is in intelligence, universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. And that might sound woo woo to people, but that's really the baseline of chiropractic. And then we get scientific stuff. But that's a philosophy. And with all that, Dr. Dan Murphy, welcome to Cara Hustle.

DR DAN MURPHY DC (GUEST):  Thank you. Glad to be here.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And fashion of all of our episodes, I think one of the most significant things we can do is share your story about how you became a chiropractor and how you got into this beautiful world of chiropractic.

DR DAN MURPHY DC (GUEST):  So when you mentioned your tribe, have you read the book, got tribe by Sebastian Junger? Have you read that book?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I have not.

DR DAN MURPHY DC (GUEST):  You guys should your whole audience should. It's killer good. It is one of the most important books in world history came out in 2016. Read it's a quick, easy read, put it down, read it again, and then put it down for a month, read it a third time. It's really kind of exactly what you're doing. It kind of puts you where are you, where it is your tribe? What do you think? And then, you know, you, you're shooting the bridge with me before this thing started. You say, yeah, like you're like good scientific basic. The fact of it is I'm actually a really good chiropractor. So I'm a chiropractor. This is your 45 for me. I've been on the job now for 45 years. I've had no kidding. 70 associate doctors. And I'm a little bit different now. My, my, I'm a little bit in fact, uh, heard in that I am no longer the big dog in my own office. My wife, Michelle, who you've talked to, she sees most of the patients now. She is really on fire. Miracles all the time. She was, I took her, she worked all the yesterday, then she took the red eye, including New York. So she's in New York right now. I just hung up from her. And she, you know, she's telling me about the bodies that she did just yesterday. And she's, she kept telling me about these two that have Parkinson's disease and that are just doing just unbelievable and these other, these kids she's doing that have unbelievably difficult medical diagnosis that have been given up for no benefit in how well they're doing it. And it's like, you could tell even after a long day and we drove, we, we worked on Sunday, we worked in Vegas and then drove up to Northern California and I'd drive and she's like exhausted. She drove the whole way. And yes, she sees patients and you can tell she just still so fired up about the things that are going on here in our office. And when I was 17, my father came up to me and he goes, there's, there's something wrong with your mother. And I go, dad, we know mom has been coughing nonstop. Mom, by the way, was age 44th time. I was 17 in junior and I was called his mom's been coughing nonstop for here. And he goes, yeah, but what you kids don't know, there's five of us. I'm two or five. Your mom is now coughing up blood. And he goes, there's only one person working in this family of seven. And he goes, it's me and your big brother's already back east. He's at Notre Dame and mom's got to go to the doctor and she can't do it on her own and I can't do it. So it falls to you because you got a driver's license. So I took my mom long story short. Mom is diagnosed with bronchogenic carcinoma. My mom is diagnosed with lung cancer. She never smoked. She never hung a smoker. She's 44 years old and I was there also when she got the report of fine. And basically the guy says, you will not see her 45th birthday. The guy just flat out said, we will do radiation. We will do chemo. We'll take at least a lobe, maybe an entire lung depending on why we see when we get in there. And my mom says, if I do all that, I will like live. They go, no, you still sleep 45th. And she very politely declined medical care. And of course I'm thinking, Oh, hell, this is crazy. Decline medical care. It's crazy. And so I figured my dad's a California politician. He's a type A. He's a super out baby, super smart. He's super personality. He's really funny. And he's 265 pounds. He's a big man. And I said, I'll just tell dad and he'll just make mom do whatever the doctor. We'll figure out really quick. Mom ran the family, not dad. But that come up surely thereafter goes, you know, your mom wants to go see like voodoo doctors and stuff. And I go, whoa. He goes, yeah, he goes, I can fight with her, but she's sick and she's dying. Like a fight with her and force her. He goes, what good would that do? I've decided I'm going to let her do whatever she wants to do, but she cannot do it on her own. It's too much. She needs a companion and it's got to be you because you can drive. And I go, can I get out of school? He goes, yes. And I said, count on me. I am your guy. I'm all over. I'm in, I'm in Winthrop, Washington, Great Vine, Texas, S.H. Park, Colorado, New York, New York, Tijuana, Mexico. But the one spot with my mom and she's looking at all of these alternative providers, she ended up kind of with two. One is a person that did the work of Otto Warburg. Remember, Warburg got the Nobel Prize in 1931. He should have got three Nobel Prizes, but he only got one and it's on cancer. And she kind of went that direction. But what really met my career, so this has really changed my career because I'm sure mom lives 26 years with cancer. She lives with cancer. Saw all the grandkids of born, diagnosed at 44, dies of cancer, same tumor at age 70. What got me the most though is she's seeing an osteopath in a bell and a new match. They're going on there. And I'm watching this guy kind of work on my mom from a structural perspective and all this stuff. And so I'm a junior and I is going to go, okay, what am I going to do with my life? I go, I can't play NBA forever. I mean, you know, Monday I'm going to get, you know, my career will be done in the national basketball position, which is what I thought I was going to do at 17. Of course, that never happened. So this, I said to this guy, well, what's an osteopath? So he explains it to me. And then he goes, are you kind of maybe interested, maybe being an osteopath? I go, yeah, I kind of am. I like what you're doing. I see what you're, you know, and I'm kind of into this. And he goes, well, if that interests you, you do not want to be an osteopath because today an osteopath is more primarily like a medical doctor. Their emphasis is pharmacology and surgery. If you like the relationship between structure function and health, you want to be a chiropractor. Five years later, I'm in full-time clinical practice as a chiropractor. That's my chiropractor story. And we just never look back. I mean, I'm just a regular guy just like you, just like any chiropractor out there in the trenches. It's just that I have had an interest, how can people live 26 years with cancer after telling the doctor, no, I'm not going to do which one. All the cool things that we see clinically. I listened to Michelle, yes, to take him to the airport, he had a 1045 flight to Buffalo, New York connecting in Charlotte. And I can think, well, how do you explain any of those things that she is seeing clinically? How is that explainable? And so my interest, besides being a chiropractor, is to figure out what the heck is going on physiologically. So I'm trying to figure out physiologically, and you talk about innate and universal intelligence. To me, there are people that are like us. They are evolutionary biologists. If you read evolutionary biology, that's an actual PhD. You get a PhD in evolutionary biology. If you read it, it sounds exactly like chiropractic philosophy. There's even one guy over the top. There's a guy named Nick Lane. He's an evolutionary biochemist. His book came out last year, 2022. It's called Transformer. You read this, you start thinking, these guys sound exactly like chiropractic. Like what is consistent and what is inconsistent with evolutionary biology and evolutionary biochemistry? And that stuff really thrills me. I read almost everything I read with an eye of an innate chiropractor who has an understanding of evolutionary biology. I don't know if you've ever seen this book here. This is a book that came out two years ago. It's called The Hunter Gathers Guide to the 21st Century, Heather Aying and Brett Weinstein. These guys are PhDs. These are husband and wife. They are PhDs in evolutionary biology. When I read a book, any book, I make my own index and I have this section on the chiropractic self-explanation every time they don't know of, but they are describing it flawlessly. Of course, I get to take that, weave it in. And then of course, I use it in my college class. I like chiropractic college class and where I've been now. It's a part-time gig. It's a one day a week gig. It's my Mondays. It's pretty much our charity work. I'm so committed to the college and I'm really, really happy with the product that comes out. I just did class this weekend at like I said in Vegas. There's some life west graduates recent that are in the room. And I just could not be happier with the quality that's coming out of there.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And I know that I'm part of it.

DR DAN MURPHY DC (GUEST):  I'm not the only part, but I'm a part of it. Even though it was really cool about that is that my actual job is I'm not supposed to teach them anything new. I haven't just before they graduate. What I'm supposed to do is take everything that I've learned from all the other instructors and put it and make sense out of it. How would we use this stuff? How would we use it in communication? How would we use it in a report if we had to testify, which I have to do later today? How would I testify and that I'm talking to lay people and talking to jurors and make them understand, what am I doing? What am I thinking in trying to relate to them and just kind of communicate with them and all? What I did is that I require all this really cool stuff. This is some of the homework that I just got from my current class. I mean, just all of these really cool interactive drawings. Here's one on no-ceception, you want pain, which is big deal. Hey, did you read yesterday's USA Today? Yesterday's USA Day has an article that says that number one chronic problem in America at this moment in the history is pain. And if you look at the Adam study, it came out in spine. Up to your orthopedic journal in the world in December 2017, Adam says that 93% of the people that initially choose to go to chiropractors do so because it's fine pain problems. And yet, spine pain is the number one complaint in America Today. That was in yesterday's USA Today. So doing this stuff on no-ceception yet, then we see things on neuroimmunology. So we do the no-ceception thing because we have to, but then we have these darling drawings on neuroimmunology and every line on the page would have references. These are the studies that say this and they get opportunity to go through all those studies. And that's kind of, you know, my classes probably sort of what you saw me do, at least in part. You know, the way Billy D is done in Caltech, I mean, you get like an hour and you're just going to, well, you know, and try to get out, whatever you can get out in that short amount of time. My warm up, just the warm up with my class is, in fact, one hour. And then we do, then we go to work, but we do. What I do is just like everything I've seen in the last week, because I read so much stuff, I go, all of this stuff has a direct barrier. Remember when Simone Biles, the great gymnast, had to pull out of an event because she got the, with the late press called the twisties, the twisties, she's having some sort of vertical thing. So what do we do that day? Vertigo. Here's what caused it. This is where vertigo. This is the way we influence it as chiropractors. You know, there's four ways that we would do it. We have to vet all four. One of those is probably the culprit because it can be because of a bad jaw or a bad pumper neck or a bad serum. It could be a lot of different things. We're just sort of vetting it through so that because they're going to see people vertigo or the twisties throughout their career. So I want them to kind of vet through how we would think it out, even though they've had that in other classes. My job is to take this that they might have had and maybe through four different classes and bring it all together to a single thing and then force them, I force them to draw it. Because as soon as you draw it, it engages the cerebellar relays. And that's the key to chiropractic, and it was the cerebellar relays. And the cerebellum is the big dog. If you read Candela on sports, they say 80% of the neurons of the body are in the cerebellum. If you read, if you read Norman Doge's 2015 book, he says, 80, he says, that's, controls everything is the cerebellum, the cerebellar relays. And that's the blessing of chiropractic. Just all the cool things that we can do to influence the cerebellar. Oh, by the way, you know, we talked, said I'm supposed to talk about the Nobel Prize, but kind of what got me onto the Nobel Prize saying is, is when you look at it, there's this book by a guy named Sam Quinoni, and it's called The Least of Us. And it kind of explains the craziness that you see in every town, including my town. And you think, what's going on? And he goes over. It's really cool. A guy that you wouldn't think has anything to do with chiropractic, but it does. He says, people can live without vision. They're blind. People can live without sound. They're deaf. But he says, what people cannot live without is touch. Touch is a question. What I do is I start running down, go through his references. He's got a book called touch came out in 2015. I go through 2015, then I get to know that there's this guy from DC San Francisco. Well, boom, then last 2021, that guy gets the Nobel Prize in medicine physiology. I tell people, hey, chiropractic at the Nobel Prize. What got the Nobel Prize is the way we live and move in a gravity environment, alignment and movement. That's what got the Nobel Prize. And that's what chiropractors always goes, how are you moving? And to discount the importance of mechanical care is crazy. And that you start to realize that when a joint is locked up, you cannot exercise it better. It doesn't work that way. But individual joints are not under the control of the voluntary motor cortex. Everything moves except for the one that's stuck. But a chiropractic. I find it use a bonus a lever, reintroduce motion, remodel the glues, break up glues, remodel the tissues, and get a proprioceptive input that goes to the cerebellal loops of life. And the fact that this is getting the Nobel Prize in 2021, this is stunning. I mean, it is like, it is like the best thing that ever happened to chiropractic. Yet I find that almost no chiropractic is no about it. No chiropractic is always hardly any chiropractic is no, but mechanical receptors were given the Nobel Prize in 2021. So I've been collecting some of the articles on it, man, they're really cool and fascinating. Anyway, I should, you're being so polite, just letting me get a rattle off.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You've made the Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one Chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes and to continue hustling. This episode is sponsored by Transact Card, Align Life, NeuroInfinity, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, and the IFCO. Let's hustle.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, you know, the things that you're saying to our audience today resonate with me, because I really believe that the more that we learn, the more effective we can be at sharing this message. That's why I'm relentless on catching more episodes and interviewing more people, because I believe it's kind of like in chemistry, titration. If we use a message of chiropractic over and over and over and over and over and over, eventually we might penetrate the market with it. And when we have enough stories that have a positive spin on chiropractic that are from the practitioners that are out there, like you said early on, and the trenches, and we actually tell this chiropractic story continuously, maybe we can titrate the message of the modern community to understand that chiropractic is the answer they've been looking for all along, and that the mechanoreceptors that people have on their body, the biomechanics that they shift with, the vital lung capacity that they have inside of them, their influence on their thoughts, and if we can clear them with chiropractic care, then we can have an influence on all aspects of their development from cradle to grave, from first breath to last breath, from womb to tomb. However, we want to put it out there, but it's a product and a service that is good for everyone. People just don't know that they need it yet, just like chiropractors are unaware of this 2021 Nobel Prize and how it has a correlation with chiropractic.

DR DAN MURPHY DC (GUEST):  Yeah, you say that really eloquently, and I think that you and I are coming from kind of the same spot as that you just never give up. I mean, like I said, this is my 45th year on the job, and it seems like every day I'm more excited than the day before, plus I'm smarter. I know more, I'm a better integrator, I'm more intuitive, and I think that's reflected in our practice. Our practice is not a marketing type of practice. Our practice is strictly on education. We do not have an internet presence. You can't find us by Googling us and looking for a chiropractor in all of California and said we are completely on referral, whereas busy as can be. And the fact that I'll take just anything, for example, Michelle right now, as these two patients with Parkinson's disease, the last issue of Parkinson's disease talks about a chemical called trichloroethylene. So I have one of the patients, just shooting the priest, they're doing so good, it's scary. And he's absolutely scary. And so I quickly just grab a piece of paper, this is just from yesterday. I said, can I keep that, I'll give it to you next visit, and I just draw out. TC trichloroethylene, I just draw out the chemistry, I talk about what it is, I talk about the products that have it, I talk about how it influences the nervous system, and I talk about how what we will do, because not only do we need to correct what is there, we have to inform people as to the avoidance of the continuing causes that screwed them up to begin with. Once you understand the trichloroethylene and that is in everything, of course, it's in dry clean, dry clean, it's just solvent, so it takes grease out of here, out of here is sure or whatever. But it's bad for the basal ganglant groups of your brain. And so just kind of doing this, and we type the, Michelle gets this one patient Parkinson's, boom, that one refers to another one of Parkinson's, they're both doing kicking good. But we're just kind of talking to about innate intelligence, about exposing your body to trichloroethylene is against innate intelligence, and it will jack up your neural entrance system 100% of the time. Now that you've done it, what are we going to do? And so that's what we do as clinicians. So we kind of advise people, we talk to people, we educate people, and then we intervene. And like I say, it's like every day you feel just so good, it just got your kind of jazz up, because at the end of the day you've helped so many, so many people. And it's really, it's really a privilege to be able to show people like that.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, even goes back to chiropractic philosophy again. I like to reroot it, is the body needs nothing extra in it, simply needs no interference. So when you start to find out where these interferences are from a chemical component, then you can start the reductionary model, you can start reducing this out of somebody's lifestyle, and now you can start to see that the stimuli doesn't affect the person to have a, I guess, a de-evolution. They're actually evolving forward rather than sickness and disease and infirmary. They're actually improving now, which seems like a miracle breakthrough. But when you remove something from somebody that causes the allergen, or you remove something from somebody that causes the hyperactivity, or it causes somebody to feel pain, and you remove it, now the body is a self-hilling organism, as chiropractors have always been saying, the body needs nothing extra in it, simply needs no interference. So that takes me to this next question is, how safe is chiropractic adjusting?

DR DAN MURPHY DC (GUEST):  You know, there are studies that are coming out looking only at that question that are so shocking, it's unbelievable. For example, this year, 2023, a study comes out of the journal, a scientific report. So that's a big deal. It's the fifth most referenced journal in the world. It is owned by Nature Publishing. Nature is the number one medical journal in the world. They don't call it number one, they call it impact factor. The number one impact factor journal in the world, the journal Nature, scientific reports is number five, meaning it is a top tier, a huge big top tier. They just looked at a study, 2023. They looked at just under a million chiropractic adjustments delivered by 38 different chiropractors at 30 different clinics, just about 55,000 separate people. It was the outcomes is unbelievable. They came up with 39 adverse events out of a million, get this, get this now, 28 out of 39, the patient got a little bit sore after the adjustment, which means that's just common. I mean, if you look at the William H. Cricality Willis study from the Canadian Family Physician back in March of 1985, they took 283 chronic, disabled, treatment-filled, low back pain patients. They give them to chiropractic chiropractors fixed 81%, every else, everyone had failed, drugs failed, physical therapy failed, acupuncture failed. Everything had failed. They give them to chiropractic chiropractors fixed 81% and they just flat out said, most patients got a little bit of soreness after, but in the long run, no one was made worse, no one was made worse and we fixed 81%. When you look at a million person study and you get 39 people in 28 and they've just got a little bit sore, big deal. There were no strokes, there were no catequina syndromes. There was nothing, nothing that was long-term disabling. The worse two things, two elderly women suffered osteoporotic rib fractures and they already knew they were osteoporotic. I've broke roots myself. You're almost just below on a menal rib, it will break.

DR DAN MURPHY DC (GUEST):  I mean, sometimes they just break the roots breathing, but that was the only, there was only two of those. Those were the two worst things were some rib fractures and we just get increasingly cautious not doing this. That shows you that chiropractic is about the safest healthcare intervention out there. In fact, the prior 2022, not as good as journal, but a bigger study, just about 3 million adjustments and just about 300,000 patients, again, no strokes, no catequina syndromes, nothing long-term, a bunch of disorders and some rib stuff other than that, chiropractic is safer than anything you can do out there. I mean, just as an analogy, chiropractors often get people to come in on non-steroidal endophilometry drugs. Where's the study that came out of Stanford by a guy named Michael Wolf, you look at what is the death rate from gastrointestinal bleeding from taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs? Pabasin, the top tier US medical journal, the New England Journal of Medicine, are you aware that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, they say, kill 16,500 Americans per year? Chiropractic kills none. That means, oh, just give us one. For another, it would take us 16,000 years to do the damage that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do, 16,000 years. And that was just looking from deaths associated with gastrointestinal bleeding. They know that these same drugs give you heart attacks, they give you strokes, they give you erectile dysfunction, they give you low T, they give you deep vein thrombosis, they increase your risk of Alzheimer's by 66%. That was in the journal neurology back in April of 19, 22-0, 9. People are thinking, oh my gosh, these drugs are the advertised non-stop on TV. And yet, if you look at the Jial study, the Jial study top tier orthopedic journal, it's so incredible. They do a randomized clinical trial. There are very few of them out there on chiropractic where take these guys got the same neck and back problems. You guys get drugs, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. You guys get chiropractic adjusting and that's it. Just chiropractic adjusting is both neck and back pain patients. It was better than five times more effective than the drugs. Chiropractic didn't even have a single adverse event. Yet, the drug group had more adverse events and were benefited. At the one year follow up, the only group that had benefit, long-term, stable therapeutic benefit at the year follow up were those that were randomly assigned to chiropractic. While the drug group fell right back off to original clinical status, this is why every practice guideline out there is now advocating for what we do. They're dialing back all of this pharmacological based stuff. Pharmacology is patentable. What we do is not. That's why these guys make so much money. If you read that book sickening by John Abramson, he says that the drug companies have so much green that they give every politician $450,000 a year and he says they pretty much control the government. They give them. They just look, you get Congress to pass legislation that people have to take their product yet all those Congress people are accepting their money as part of the reelection campaign. You start thinking, that seems a little bit weird to me that people don't see through that as much as I think your typical chiropractor. Typical chiropractor doesn't look at the world like most people. They look at what they're thinking, hey, what about this? Is there a money reason for this? I mean, do these drugs actually help? Or are they actually harmful? Is there a way that is better? If you just look at the studies on the reduction of the use of opioids under chiropractic care, you know there's a study of 62,000 people that came out of Yale a couple of years ago. Kelsey Cochran, you look at that study. Chiropractic on average reduces opioid use by 50%. I mean, we see opioids are killing off lists for around number 100,000 Americans a year. If you drop that in half by getting people under chiropractic care instead of pharmacology, you think, oh my gosh, there are so much good things that we can do. I think that the future is exceptionally promising in all of this because every day, more stuff comes out supporting our perspective and the way that health care should probably really go. And so our patients think we're weird, but we accept that. That's okay. You know, if they, if they, and if we're two word form, they disappear. It's okay. We get better people, you know, just keep them. Never give up.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, what you're saying here, Dr. Dan, is there's based on the patient studies you're sharing with me and the lack of injury associated with chiropractic care. It just tells me that the people that do come in, it's back to philosophical roots. Principal, I was looking this up. It's principal number 24 and chiropractic states that innate, innate healing ability within us is limited by the matter and what it, what it has to work with. And when somebody comes in and they're advanced osteoarthritis, are there advanced osteoporosis, are there got some type of disc bulge or they have some type of a herniation? Yeah, of course, if you get adjusted and you haven't taken care of yourself from 40 plus years and somebody puts a force into that segment of your spine and uses that, like you said, as a lever to correct that vertebral subluxation. If somebody does that, yeah, it could cause a little discomfort. It's been out of alignment for how many decades? How long has somebody gone without having any type of maintenance to the joint mobility of their spine, for their posture, for their properception, for their balance, for their hip mobility, for their joint mobility? How long has somebody gone on like that? And then they're going to come and say, yeah, that hurt a little bit. Well, of course it will.

DR DAN MURPHY DC (GUEST):  Yeah. And like you said, you're looking at the 33 principles of chiropractic. If you look at them carefully, subluxation is only mentioned once. Twelve times it's innate intelligence like you just did in number 24 there. And innate intelligence, if you read a lot, if you're, it is evolutionary biology that we are evolutionary biologists. I identify with evolutionary biologists and why is, why does the subluxation exist? If you've ever read that book from 2019, it's called An Elegant Defense by Guy named Matt Rickle. He flawlessly describes the orthopedics of the subluxation complex. He doesn't understand the neurophysiological consequences of it. But other people do in, that's part of what got the Nobel Prize in 2021 is understanding the neurophysiological implications of having that subluxation. And so just like you say, why are people sick? It's because usually because they've fallen out of innate balance. And we help them with that and coach them with that as we are fixing their subluxation and trying to improve the way that they live exists functioning gravity. And all of the neurology that's downstream, the cerebellal, thromal, cortical, if you're really, if you see any of those things, and I don't know if you've interviewed Heidi Horvick yet from New Zealand, but she's talked here, neurophysiologist who happens to be a chiropractor. And she is adamant that the primary beneficiary of the chiropractic adjustment is in fact the brain. It's the prefrontal cortex. And that's who you are. I mean, who are you and who am I? We are our prefrontal cortex. And that gives us our values, our drives, our personalities, our goals. Everything is the prefrontal cortex. The fact that Heidi is showing that that is being affected drastically as a consequence of chiropractic adjustment. That's really good thing. A lot of things that to keep the science of chiropractic just keeps evolving, evolving and evolving. The book I'm reading now, it's called We Are Electric. Brand new book. Man, it's got some great chiropractic in that. Here it is. Oh, we are electric. I mean, I'm looking at that and go, whoa, there's some really good chiropractic. Because if you're not writing gravity, that you put stress in the insegrity matrix, which has an electrical signature to it. And that also changes everything, including the expression of the genome. A lot of really good things. The science of chiropractic keeps moving forward. And it's kind of fun to be on the front end of all of this stuff. My only regret is that, you know, I won't be able to do this for another 100 years, but it's been another 45 years, but it's been a great 45 years so far. And we're more excited about it than ever and a smarter, more intuitive and better chiropractors I think every day.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, it's been a brilliant conversation with you today about all things that I love and all things that our audience loves. And you know, the chiropractic profession is something that is really special. That's why we are tirelessly around the clock supporting and promoting this beautiful profession. And a lot of the things you shared with us are on a higher level of communication and what I'm capable of doing. So I'm thankful for your 45 years of expertise and your knowledge of skill set of being an educator, being a practitioner and being a researcher. I think that there's a lot of value that you provided to our listeners today with recommendations for books to read, with understanding some of the limitations of matter that people have, some of the studies involved with it. And you know, as I think more chiropractic standards, the people that are taking a pharmacological approach to it are not understanding the fact that the body can heal itself naturally. We don't have a lack of a drug in our body problem. We have a lack of connection, like you said, with the brain to the spinal cord to the animation of the body and the life force that's from that. So if we can reconnect that, we don't need more of something that's built in a lab. We need less of that actually. We need more human connection and more touch. So that has a profound impact on the way that people hear and the way that they see and the visions that they have. And maybe we'll have an influence on the future and the visions that we share together for the future of chiropractic.

DR DAN MURPHY DC (GUEST):  Well said, I'm proud of you, you're doing really good work, you're doing really good service for the world. Thanks for doing what you do.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, in your episode 525 of the Chiral Healths of Podcasts, I want to thank you so much for being on our show today. Is there anything I didn't ask you that you would like to leave our audience with today?

DR DAN MURPHY DC (GUEST):  You know, I can, like I say, my warm up for the college is just, it's just, you know, it's the first hour. I do do article reviews if anybody ever wants, you know, you sign up through my webpage, which is Dan Murphy But I do, I do an article reviews now for 23 years. And it's just like the best things that I see that I think directly influence chiropractic thinking and practice every week. I put them up there and I, like the ones on safety, I see those. I'm thinking, man, we all chiropractists should know this stuff. You know, the comparison between us and drugs. Just, you know, really anything like that, I just, you know, if anybody's so inclined, sign up and it's a really nice service.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Other than that, nothing. So I thank you so much as Dan Murphy Go over there and pay your dues guys. Go and read the stuff that he's doing his articles on and share it. Like that's the greatest gift you could give to the chiropractic future is take good content and share it. Share it with your friends, share it with your family, share it with your colleagues, post it every week, post it every day. It doesn't matter. There's probably enough stuff out there. You can post it for 365 straight days. So go out there, find the best of the best and share that stuff. Dan Murphy Thanks for being our guest today. You're welcome. Bye for now. Bye for now. No. Thanks for listening to Kyra Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.


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