
September 4, 2024

The Power of Chiropractic and Innate with Dr Dawn Maynard DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 593

Dawn Maynard grew up in the marshes and salty air of Charleston, SC where she attended the College of Charleston and has been a practicing chiropractor since 2009.

When she isn't in her office adjusting busy and healthy families, she can be found taking care of her plants and her house with her husband, Eric, and her two terriers Beron and Ellis.

My Smart Body and its companion Activity Book are the first books to be a part of Dawn's first children's book series.

Dawn is a December 2007 graduate of Life University. Upon graduation, she moved home to Charleston, SC. After working as an associate for 2 years before starting her own office, Prime Chiropractic, a lifetime family membership practice.

Dr. Maynard has served as a speaker for Dynamic Essentials since 2018 and has also spoken at PSCA events. She is a member of the PSCA, GCC, FCS, ICA, and ICPA, with whom she is Webster Certified.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number-one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!


LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 593 of the Chiro Hustle podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Don Maynard. And if you want to hear the story of the power of chiropractic and innate, stay tuned for the full episode. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle podcast. They have Don Maynard coming on from South Carolina. She's episode 593. I'm really excited to have her on. She's the release of children's book that we're going to touch on. Not the book so much, but why she wrote it. We're going to talk about our love for chiropractic throughout this podcast episode and service and passion. So there's going to be a lot of amazing things we're going to talk about what we're going to touch on her career and where this profession might be going. So before we get into it, though, I always do the big why. Why do we do what we do at Chiro Hustle? It's our anchor moment. We protect freedom of speech. If you guys don't know how important that is, it's vital. It's vital to the future of our Constitution and medical freedom and family health freedom. Like these things all live in the same arena. I always kind of joke around, but it's the truth that people don't listen to this episode at all. All they hear is the first two minutes of our show. I want them to know why chiropractic is so vital. And freedom of speech is very important to medical freedom and family health freedom. And right in your book, I'm sure you learned a lot about that, those topics. We're philosophically based too. We protect B.J. Palmer's Sacred Trust. If you don't know what that means, go and search your favorite search engine right now for B.J. Palmer's Last Words, B.J. Palmer's Sacred Trust. Like you're going to learn more about chiropractic than you previously did, even if you're a chiropractor, even if you've read it before, go do it again. And then Subluxation Centric Subluxation based Chiropractic. That's something we support as a show also. And thank you to Sherman and Life West Colleges for supporting us, chiropractic schools. There are sponsors of our show, and that's why we build our connection with them because they are subluxation centered schools. And if you have students, send them to Sherman or Life West. And there's other schools out there, but those are schools that have joined forces with us, so we support them. We do believe in in intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. I know that's a lot of deep dive on the philosophy, but hey, now you guys know why we do what we do. And this is episode 593 of the Chiropractic podcast, Don Maynard. Welcome to the show.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Thank you very much.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I mean, we opened it up really heavy, right?


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, these people need it.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  That's a lot of anchors.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  They need it though. The world needs it. Yeah. We need to talk about this stuff because no one else is doing a good enough job, in my opinion. And the people that we're trusting it to, they needed to learn what chiropractic is too. Like even the best people out there that are promoting righteousness and freedom, they need to understand chiropractic.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Yes, very much so. And even if you do have anchors, you still need to be reminded that you have them.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Amen. Amen. So let's just friends, families, colleagues, all of them, patients, they might not remember who you are, why you become a chiropractor. But let's share your story. Let's take them back to, I think you said you became a chiropractor in 2009.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Uh huh. Graduated in 2007 at the end of 2007 and started in 2009. And I really had to think about it too. And this is just who I am and what I do now. You know, it's crazy to think that I was almost 30 years old before chiropractic even came on my radar. Um, I was in sports medicine and undergrad. I liked activity. I liked, um, taking care of people. And I even actually interned with somebody who suggested that I look into chiropractic school after undergrad, and I just completely blew it off because I had no idea why on earth I would do such a thing. Um, I was into taping ankles and rehabbing hips and all that kind of good stuff. So it just, I didn't even know why. Um, and you know, God always makes things, just puts things in your path, whether, you know, for whatever reason. And um, I, gosh, in my twenties, I was just the headache queen. I had headaches 20 days out of them out of a month. I was always a group and a very, um, outside in medical model family. Um, the doctor actually told me that, et cetera, and a Coca Cola and some chocolate were going to help me get rid. Apparently, I just had a lack of caffeine in my body. Yeah. Um, and so that was kind of, that was what my reality was in my twenties. Um, I was on vacation with a friend whose aunt was a chiropractor, and she got tired of watching me pop these pills and complain about my headache. And, um, and I'm sure she saw like a terrible future ahead for this 24- or five-year-old girl. And, uh, she's like, can I adjust you? And I said, listen, if you think you can help me with this, go for it because it was really under, um, under everything I had been told. This was just my life. This was something I inherited from my mom or my family or it was in my jeans, and it was just, it was just going to be how I was. And so that adjustment that day didn't end my headaches. Obviously, we all know that, but it set forth this crazy gauntlet ahead of me that just, I was so curious and it was the perfect time for me to get adjusted because I was looking at grad schools and, and I was just like ready to burst out in life. And, um, I think I was 27, eight, something like that. And it was just the perfect time, the perfect trifecta. And, um, I think it was within six months I was had enough to go sit in a classroom at Sherman to see if chiropractic school was something that was for me. And I even kind of blew it off because I was not really a science girl. And so it just, um, it just really ignited some massive curiosities and interests and passions within me. And I mean, she saved my life that day completely. When I think about the person I would be now at 50, um, having taken all those drugs for all that amount of time and just being completely lost. Um, I feel, you know, filled with gratitude constantly when I think about how different my life would be without the chiropractic adjustment. And even when I went to school, I was like completely outside in oriented still. I remember, uh, Val Panaccio, who was this, um, she was our philosophy teacher first quarter, and she was just discussing chiropractic and how people were, uh, like we're losing their symptoms just under chiropractic care. And she said something about headaches, and I just raised my hand. I was like, Oh, could you please teach me the adjustment that gets rid of headaches? I'm still looking for that one. But, you know, I just thought that it was just one thing you did to make something else happen because that's how we're trained, right? If you watch TV, if you take this pill, this is going to happen. Several other things might also happen to you, but you're going to not have this anymore. Um, and so it, you know, as I continued to get adjusted and learn that I actually have an innate intelligence within me. And that intelligence is, is, um, ignited when there's no interference in my nervous system and in my body and, you know, it completely changed the course of what my life would have been.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  How radical and weird is it that we get told that it's urgent genes that make us the way we are and just, just settle for that. Like, don't ever think beyond that. Just, that's your destiny now.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Yeah, it's abuse.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, people aren't familiar with Bruce Linton's work either, epigenetics. You become the environment that you place yourself into. Right. Your nervous system becomes the person that you allow your nervous system to be cared for. And that's what chiropractic does. And that's why you have the miracles with headaches or the transformation that you went on and became a chiropractor because of it. And what did you say you're doing before chiropractic school?

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Your tape and ankles and that was just in college. Um, I was actually, um, I worked in PR for a sports marketing firm and a couple of teams in the National Hockey League. But yeah, I was in PR. I was just having fun doing golf tournaments and writing things.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So then, then you, you're having 20 headaches a month and you get recommended, et cetera. Coca-Cola and chocolate.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  A doctor said that.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And that's just it is we're told it's the genetics deal with it. And then we never told to consider other sources. Correct.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  And we're also taught that the doctors are, I mean, my parents grew up, the doctor was the smartest person in town. So you just listen to them because that's, they know more than you do.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I was always like super respectful and I had to go to a doctor. I was always like, Oh boy, something's wrong. Right. I always listened to Dr. Green. I'm telling you, like, I, I didn't start seeing a chiropractor until I was 16. But when my mom took me to like Dr. Green, I always knew that like we pay attention.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Yeah. It was a big deal to be there.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So when they're telling you that your genetics are the cause and take things that aren't the solution, that's a, it's a different method than what we share here with chiropractic, right?


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, so let's talk about that a little bit. I know that you're associated with dynamic essentials, the Palmetto State Chiropractic Association, the Georgia Council Chiropractic and the Florida Chiropractic Society and ICA International Chiropractic Association and the ICPA, just the International Pediatric Association. So those groups and organizations, they definitely don't tell people to go take, uh, etc. and eat a chocolate bar and drink a Coca-Cola.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  No, not at all. Not at all. More so than anything, they want people to understand that there's something that interferes with us that stops us from living. And that's a subluxation. And that we actually have the gift of being able to remove subluxation from a spine and help unleash that life and that potential. And to squelch that privilege and to quiet that message and turn it into something else is the one thing that I just don't appreciate in that exists sometimes in chiropractic. Um, and yes, I support those people. Yes, because that those are those are those people are in my family and they love what I love and they, um, I know that I can trust those folks to represent chiropractic in a principled, loving, passionate and very focused way.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And it's, it's kind of like the, to me, it's, it reminds me of like the coming home project. Like you go out on this big journey to become this doctor and you figure out like what's out there and then you start to get into practice. Yeah. And then you start to realize what is really like and essential. Yes. And then you start to realize what, or your marketing dollars should go, which is support of your profession. And then you start to figuring out like who's doing the righteous work within chiropractic and how does that line up with your personal philosophies?

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Very much so.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And then you can, like I said earlier, when we were off camera, I'm like, sometimes it's important for people who just double down on things that they're good at instead of constantly searching for the next thing and trying to like learn something or do like the next cleanser, do the next challenge or whatever it might be. Like sometimes we just have to double down on what's good and what we're good at and who we're associated with. And I think that that has a lot to say about the groups that you support. Thank you. Um, let's talk about growth business a little bit. Okay. Um, were you always good at running a chiropractic office?


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  What, what did you, what did you do to find your way?

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Um, several things. Well, I'm not going to say several things. One of the things that was very important, especially when I first started my practice, I found my tribe. I found people that made sense to me that I either knew or met through people I knew that represented what I wanted to not only embody and chiropractic, but I wanted to develop and nurture. Um, I left out of that whole bio that the, my first couple of years in practice, I was working for personal injury chiropractors and literally almost left the profession. Um, and finally found some people with whom I could root and learn and grow and nourish. Um, and one of the biggest things that I learned early on and it took me so long to figure out how to both release and grab on to this concept is that you can do all the things outside that are suggested to you. You've mentioned scripts like you can do all those things, but everything that is going to make you grow and develop and become attractive to your community and loving to your community, it's all within you. And when I learned that it actually was within me and I didn't have to be scared of it or um, afraid that it wasn't enough when I knew that it was all in me and that I was more or less chosen for this profession, it gave me a license to be able to be more confident in my office or be more confident outside of my office. I try to do everything I can because chiropractic is an inside out job. Um, any intelligence is an inside out thing. I try to do everything that way also outside of the office. So you know, I try to have inside out conversations with people even when I'm not in the office. Um, I think one of the when I first started reading again that I didn't have to read in school when I started reading the green books again for me and not for the instructors. The very best quote that I ever, um, I think that I ever came up with. I've got it in posters all over the place. Um, was from Palmer's love life and it said if we're able to give one virtue, uh, to a chiropractor, but I also kind of reflect that to people that come to my office. If we can relay one virtue to the chiropractor, it would be to give him the joy of innate because the innate man is hard to satisfy. He's always moving. He's always looking. He's always searching inside and really trying to become more in contact with himself. And the person who's just working with their educated brain is just satisfied and they just say, this is what I've done. This is what my life is. I'm not moving on. This is, this is what we've got. And so they're, you know, the joy of an eight giving you that insatiable, um, passion to be able to express, um, how to, how to run your office, how to communicate to the people in your office that, yeah, you might have a spine that looks like it's been taken a run over by, you know, a roller coaster, but you still have an innate intelligence within you. And that can't change unless you allow it to. And so when I started really looking within and gaining and kind of pulling those things out of myself, rather than focusing on building my practice, I focused on building chiropractic and how I could best be that person.


This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So you doubled down on what you love. And you stopped doing things that weren't concurrent with what you wanted to chiropractic to be in your life.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Yes, 100%. When you mentioned that's what you were going to title this one, I thought that was great.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well you have to stop wanting, I think, with a lot of things. We have to stop wanting what we want to look like. We have to stop wanting how much money we want. We have to stop wanting what everything is supposed to be. And sometimes we just have to go and live and be it and do it. And I think that we get so caught up with wanting to do it a way a coach tells us to do it, wanting to do it the way somebody else thinks that we should be doing it. And so many times we forget our own vision. We forget like our own missions. We forget why we started doing something in the first place and we stopped having fun.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I couldn't imagine working in a PIMO. Like, what's, like, you know, I know there's a lot of docs out there that watch my show there like, gosh, I'd take a couple P.I. cases if I could have them right now. They'd be like, hey, do you got a P.I. case I take it. Like for real. It's not a bad business, but it's, you have to understand like what type of practice you want to run. Yes. Where you running a practice for people or you run a business for chiropractic.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  100%. Big difference. Yes. Very big difference. Yes. I definitely have a practice for people.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And I think that when a chiropractor goes back to one of my favorite chiropractors of all time, things Patrick Smith, he runs a membership practice.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Yes. He's one of my favorite people.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, Pat was in my first movie chiropractor of the documentary. I really got to know him. And I sat in his lay lecture and he gives the most brilliant like new patient education talk. Like if anybody wants to learn how to convey the message of chiropractic, reach out to Pat Smith. Like the guy has it nailed. But as I got to know him, he's like, yeah, man, I came from Chicago. I was like, I came from Chicago too. And he's like, yeah, I ran a big insurance practice and I hated it. And he goes, and every time me and my buddies would go take care of each other at any of our practices, we walked past all the therapies, the STEM units, all of it. He's like, we laid face down. We adjusted each other. We went and got food. Yeah. Because not once did we say, Hey, what kind of therapies do you have that we can try today?

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Hold on. Let me get my hot pack.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, that was like the big thing is like, he's like, then I came to Colorado and he's like, I charge people a fair fee. I tell them that I'm going to be their chiropractor and I'm going to take care of them until one of us blows up.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And then I shake their hands and then we laugh and now they're my patient and I'm their chiropractor. And as I got to know this method and I know that you practice that way too, like it really is for the people.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It really is. Yeah. And I'm sure it's really fulfilling for you to be the provider.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Oh, yes. I love that the words we are a lifetime family chiropractic office are on my wall. And people look at it and they go, that's cute. Yeah. And then they become and now they've been here 10, 12 years and you know, just they get it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So there's also something about business then too, because a continuity patient month to month to month is much better than an insurance bubble patient. And then the denials and then the we have to make sense of how to keep this person under care because their insurance benefits have run out.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Like when you run a business the right way with the right types of methods that sustain and it's not constantly chasing and you do what you want, then the business gratifies and it comes to you. And I think that that's the really cool part about today's conversation with you is when you go from a path and you build what you appreciate and love, then the service is easier to provide.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Oh, very much so. I just had a conversation with someone, one of my patients last week because he was kind of complimenting my business model. And I said, plus I hope you also realize that if I tell you to come back tomorrow, it's was actually really believe you should, you know, I'm not going to benefit any, you know, it's I'm actually saying that because I think that it would be beneficial to your life. And he's that's why I'm here. Yeah. And so it gives them ease also.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So community, how do you plug into your community? How do you nurture that relationship?

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Well, like I said, you know, it's plastered on my walls that we are a lifetime family chiropractic office. And so I really do a lot of stuff from the inside out. I have kids that have been with me that are in high school now that were kindergartners when they started. And I go to their football games. I sponsor their soccer team. I we have, you know, I've got kids that invite me to their theater performances and I'm tearing up and they think because I'm so proud of these kids that are my kids. And I call them my kids. And so that's really the big, you know, it's kind of like that center spoke or the center of the wheel. And I just poke out that way. So it is very much an inside out thing also. I asked their kid, I asked the kids how was practice today, how was school today? You know, do you do you want to have your coach come in here? I'd love to meet your coach. Do you want to have your teacher come in? I would love to meet your teacher.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It's easier when you're having fun.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Yeah. That's all we're doing. That's all we're doing.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, let's talk about your kids book.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, tell us the why behind the book.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Well, honestly, there was literally no plotting, planning or why with it. I have, you know, it was so innately driven that it's one of my favorite things that I've done since I chose to get married to my husband. I mean, it's like it's just such a valuable tool. We were literally watching a movie one night and I was thinking about an Instagram post or something that I needed to work on and something just popped into my head. And so I typed it out and then something else popped into my head. And so I typed it out. And next thing I know, I have a whole note in my phone that is a book. And I read it again and I went, what the heck? I think I just did this. My husband was actually asleep. I elbowed him. I was like, you have to listen to this. I think I just did this. And he's like, that's amazing. I read it. And he was like, whoa, hold on. Turns the light on. I read it again. And it was just absolutely 100% nothing but a gift from an eight. It just flowed through me. And after that, I read it the next morning. I woke up and thought, oh, I've heard a book last night. I should look into that. I wonder how it one puts a book together. And it became just the easiest, most fun and wonderful creative process. And it is a chiropractic children's book. And it talks about chiropractic. And it is adorable. And I had such a great time doing it. So it was such a gift.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So tell people what the book is called and where they can find it.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  I may or may not have one right beside me. But it's called My Smart Body. And it is on Amazon. And I also do some bulk orders through I have, I can send bulk easier than Amazon does. We also did, I also did an activity book. So it's a coloring book. And what I love about it is, first of all, they say that, and I'm not the Brainiac neuroscientist that a lot of chiropractors are, but coloring is the closest thing to meditation that you can do while doing something physical. And so the coloring book says things like, I have a smart body. And you can color that. We go to the chiropractor because that's what my family does. My nervous system repairs me while I sleep. And if we can create those processes in children, adults, whoever is doodling in the coloring book, we can start to change a thought process. And you don't fall for something like take Excedrine, coke and chocolate when you have a headache. Know that your body is repairing while you're resting.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  My Smart Body book, I love it. And I really like the way that you produced it. And a lot of people, I had the hardest time, I'm going to tell you, I had the hardest time. Before I started working in a chiropractic clinic, I had a buddy named Michael Hogan. And he would say this word innate to me all the time. And I'm like, he was in chiropractic school. We were bartending together. I'm like, dude, would you quit saying that word to me? Because I have no idea what it means. And it took me seriously almost a decade, a decade, 10 years for me to actually understand what that one word meant.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So the title of this show today, I just love because innate is a part of all of us. And my best explanation to people is, I can't remember who I learned this from. But if you cut your finger, you don't have to tell it to heal. It heals naturally because innate wants your body to stop bleeding. And it's going to heal itself naturally. It doesn't need anything extra. It just simply needs no interference. And when you understand the simple philosophy of subluxation and innate, and when a chiropractor corrects their tubal subluxation, it's like your finger healing. You just don't have to tell it what to do anymore. It just does it what it's supposed to you because that's what the body does, it's self-healing, self-regulating. And when kids understand this, that that's the way the body's supposed to do what it's supposed to do. Now that's a game changer. Or that's the first step forward to making a healthier family. I was not a joke, but I used to always talk about how to recycling happened. Well, it happened because they taught the kids how to recycle in school. The kids brought the recycling home to the families. And now we have recycling programs in most cities. Yes. But this is how we can start this movement of chiropractic with families, is we can start it by giving this good information to kids. And then we create healthier families. And if we do it the right way, it becomes a great conversation topic and sparks a future, possibly the next generation of chiropractors. So really cool. Who, what age group benefits most from my smart body?

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  My smart body is definitely on gear towards younger kids, probably three to eight. But older kids love it. And it does have big words in it. So what I found is that because it has big words in it, parents have to read it too. And then they come back in and they say to me shockingly, that was super simple. Now I get what you're talking about. In the office all the time. So it really is because of the images and things like that for younger kids. But everybody's going to dig it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I love today's conversation. I could probably talk to you for a whole lot longer. But let's close out two more topics. OK. Mentors. Who has helped you become who you are today?

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Well, I think it all starts with Dr. Deccan at Sherman College teaching me philosophy, which is getting in that and needing that dough, really sprouting some ideas. And oddly enough, I started at Sherman. I transferred and graduated from life for no other reason than I wanted a change of scenery. And so I always say that Sherman made me a chiropractor and life made me a doctor. And that's probably just because I went there first. And so those really big deep seeds of that philosophy came early. But after school and as I began to practice, just being around people at dynamic essentials and some things that were planted, Sigafoose and Dr. Santo, audio's from back in the day that I was able to just listen to when I was running or driving down the road. And so that's probably a good start.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's a long list. Yeah, it's pretty powerful what we listen to is who we become.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And it's cliche. But what you pay for, you pay attention to, but really that's your time units. So what you give your time to is who you become. And I think it's really important that we all find mentors, that we all find a cadence of philosophy that anchors us down and gives us a belief system. And then we should trade our time units for things that we love. And we should learn from people that have been there before us and learn how to ask for help from them and become students. You're never too old to learn stuff. And I think it doesn't matter how old you are, you should consider going to a dynamic essentials. You should consider finding mentors within this profession. And yeah, never take it for granted. You have access to some of the greatest minds in the world within this chiropractic profession. Some of the biggest hearts. And I think that that's what really gives us so much valuable. What we do at Hustle is we bring these stories to light. And we give people something to be proud of. And we remind them why chiropractic's such a powerful profession. And it is a science philosophy in art. And everybody has their own stories. I think that that's what I hope to do with this after a thousand episodes. I hope to create this amazing story brand that chiropractic has made an impact on so many practitioners and practices and communities that stories like ours today, people can say every single one of those productions was a miracle. Because there was a reason why that person went on to be a servant for this beautiful profession. And I do appreciate you being on with 593 of the Chiropractic podcast. Let's close people out with a miracle story that you've seen. And your practice since you've been out there

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  saving people's lives. Oddly enough, I think my favorite miracle story didn't even happen in my office. I was at the office one day. I saw on Facebook something popped up. One of my moms had posted this big long story. And so it kind of got my attention. And I'm glad it did because usually I just kind of pass over things there. But I read the entire thing. And basically, she had just delivered her second child, maybe a month before this. And she was walking around, holding the baby, taking care of it. Meanwhile, her wild and crazy three-year-old is running around the house. And by virtue of doing that, he tumbled down the stairs from the second floor to the first and was completely unresponsive. Her first inclination was to call 911. They lived on a military base. So all of that happened. He was rushed to the hospital. And they couldn't find anything wrong with him. They sent him home. And this kid was a limp noodle. This kid mind you always ran around my office crazy and flinging Legos and everything. So I saw her post. I called her and said, you need me now. Can I come to you? And she said, yes, please. I can't believe that you're offering that. And I said, yes, I've got my table in the car. I'm coming. I walked in the door and there's a little Ethan just pale and sad looking and hardly lifts his head. When his chiropractor walks in the door and he just didn't even move. And so I just got on the couch. I adjusted him. He took the biggest, most refreshing breath in. He sat straight up. His eyes popped open and he pointed his finger up and to his head and then his neck. And he said, you adjusted me. And he jumped off the couch, started running around. He had like these little deer legs that were just weak and wobbly. Ran around the living room. His mom's going, oh my god, oh my god. Be careful, be careful. But he was completely changed just like that. And that mother has moved. She calls me all the time. She asks me where to go, what to do and tells everyone that story. And it was just the most beautiful thing I've seen ever. It was wonderful.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Really, really amazing. I get a chance to get those stories from doing the show. So I live with biosmosis. And I get a lot of cool messages that translate through this podcast. So thank you for sharing today. Is there anything I didn't ask you that you liked to touch on today?

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  No, I think wonderful talking with you was great.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It's really good for me to be on the side of it too. I was given a talk down this weekend in Atlanta to the Georgia Council of Chiropractic. And I said to them, I never made this show for me. I never wanted to do just listen to what I have to say, how important I am, the messages that I have. I said the real value was in asking the people that are out there doing the profession of chiropractic their stories. So I appreciate you sharing your story today. And yeah, I look forward to the next time we get to have you on again. And congratulations on the book. And go to by yourself, some bulk of these. And reach out to Dr. Don and have a happy holidays. And thank you so much.

DR DAWN MAYNARD DC (GUEST):  Thank you. You too.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Appreciate it. All right.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.

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