
July 10, 2024

Personal Trainer Turned Chiropractor with Dr Drew Wagner DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 577

Born and raised in KC, Missouri
Bachelors in Kinesiology and Biomechanical Sciences
3 years specialized in patients’ recovery from knee, hip, and shoulder replacement surgery.
Background was a personal trainer/strength coach for 4 years then turn to Chiropractic after learning I can help people with injuries.
Graduated from Cleveland KC Dec. 2021
Open Wagner Chiropractic in Gladstone, MO- March 7th, 2022
Became a Zone technique chiropractor by being able to see I can help more people with various symptoms and give them great results. It has been the best education/technique that I invested in.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!


LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 577 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today, we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Drew Wagner. If you want to hear a story about identity and how to be you and not trying to be anyone else, stay tuned for the full episode. Welcome back.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. It's a 577, six years into this journey of documenting chiropractic for this beautiful professional chiropractic. Today, I have Drew Wagner come in from Missouri. I'm really excited to talk about his journey in chiropractic. He's been out of school now for about three years. Jumped into this profession right in the teeth of a scamdemic. And here we are today talking all things chiropractic and Chiropractic and Chiropractic. I'll just let you know our big why. Why do we do it? We do over here. Well, freedom of speech is very important. We've never censored anyone. Even though we have been, it's crazy. It's crazy to think that we'll show, talk about chiropractic. People wouldn't want to hear more of it in the modern world of information. But sometimes people that have different agendas don't like the truth. And that's really what we produce over here. We produce the truth of chiropractic. With that, there's also a segue into medical freedom and family health freedom that we believe in. We believe that people should have sovereignty over their decisions that they make. And chiropractic is a huge component into people having medical freedom. And people have the right to choose who takes care of them, how they get to take care of them, and how they pay for those services is really important. We'll talk more philosophically. Chiropractic was founded on this idea called the Big Idea. But then it developed into protecting that Big Idea. And that's called the Sacred Trust. If you want to learn more about chiropractic, go to your favorite search engine right now. Stop this interview and go find BJ Palmer's last word. You're going to learn more about chiropractic than you previously did.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I guarantee you. And then we get into the nuts and bolts of chiropractic philosophy, which is subluxation innate and universal intelligence. We do believe in subluxation-based chiropractic, we support subluxation based chiropractic. It's important for the vernacular of the profession to retain the lexicon of chiropractic. And then innate and universal intelligence, we believe that when man or woman the physical is adjusted, it connects them to man or woman of the spiritual. Dr. Drew, welcome to Chiro Hustle Podcast 577.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Thanks, James. Excited to be here, my man.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. We got a chance to catch up before the interview started and just kind of touch base with each other. And three years out of school, man, I'm sure people are like, this guy must have a story behind how he got to where he is today. So in typical fashion of chiropractic hustle, tell us your chiropractic story. What got you into the profession?

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  So how I got to make chiropractic was a very injury prone athlete onto it. I suffered from making cushions through football, wrestling. I had a decline in health. To that point, I was in high school. A family friend, she was a chiropractor. Pretty much took me and said, you're coming with me because I'm tired of seeing you being this sick. Couple of, couple of adjustments. That's I felt every day. And that's why I became hooked onto there and just continue going to the path to health and wellness. I've heard a lot of it because I didn't know what I was going to do. We never do more and more and stages, early stages, then came right back and been loving it ever since.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's great. I hear a lot of stories by interviewing the chiropractors. It's great when I find that people fall in love with chiropractic because it works for them. So you start out as a high school athlete, getting care?

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Getting care, getting on regular basis is understand what need to happen. But finally, I know my office is down the street from the chiropractor that took care of me when I was a kid.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's cool, man. So friends and family, colleagues, people that are going to listen to this show, you started your upstart practice three years ago. What have been some of the challenges? What have been some of the wins that you've seen over that past three years?

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  So the starting with the challenges on the set, it's literally taking yourself from the school demeanor to the reality demeanor. School they keep you in close because you're staying in space so you know what everybody goes to everybody to them. You have to shift that. You have to take almost that same mentality, but take it outside. You have to put the footwork in. You have to go out and meet people. No one's going to come to your door and say, hey, I saw that you're a new chiropractor. I'm going to give you a try. No, no, no. You've been known and heard first. Then they start coming toward you to that point. And that's a misconception because every student that we've been told has been told, yes, saying chiropractic is the greatest thing. Yes, it's true, but that's still not going to get people on your door.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, there is often times people from the stage. I've heard it so many times that there's never been a better time to be a chiropractor. Yep. Did you feel that same feeling? Oh, yeah. Coming out of school in 2021. Yep.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  It don't be wrong. It was scary because I was all about myself on this. I do everything about myself in my office. So when you call me, you get me onto there. So just hearing everything that I possibly can and did everything I did and just having to say, I'm doing this, no matter what, there's no plan B. It's only this plan and either I learn from the failure or something else. So I want from the failures and just continue what I do. And it's paid off for learning.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So talk us through that journey of what worked for you. What didn't work.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  So what didn't work was. Thinking everybody needs me. Just saying, oh, yeah, I need every spine in the world. No, I need to stick to the niche, the niche, the people who I knew most of at first and have them bed on me with their help and they've been coming out soft. That point.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's really cool. You know, I think that a lot of people are going to take some stuff away from that because even today, if somebody's been practicing a decade, they've been practicing 15 years. We saw people have a lot of challenges over the past three years. And I think it's really cool that you can share some of your testimony on when you figure out your niche, you figure out your group of people to serve. You just got to do really good at taking care of those people.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Yeah. And that's pretty much they know I take care of them. Then they reciprocate by saying, hey, even taking care of me, here's my family. Here's my uncle. Here's my mother. Here's my twice cousin removed. What's in the city?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. So have you seen a trend in becoming a referral based practice in the past three years? Or do you go out and do like any marketing? Do you do Facebook? Do you do events? Or what's your biggest referral source or biggest growth pattern for new patients?

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  So right now it's starting to change a little bit for me. So I was big into face to face communication with a lot of people. Then as I start getting more patients in, and start being busy, a lot more busy on Twitter, I've had this go into Facebook. I've had to go into being like, which are both incredibly great. That's been a great referral process. I've been able to go through them.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's cool. Yeah. I mean, early on people that listen to my show, they know that I worked in a clinic for almost six years. And I was going as the representative for the office to professional networking groups and going to the BNI chapters and being on chamber commerce groups. And there is just a great deal to learn about business, being around other people that do business.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Oh, yeah, it is. It teaches like it shows like you like, hey, that's a great idea. Do you mind if I talk to you more about that? How you were able to go from there? Like most of my, most of the ideas I get are from other people from my being an i-group. Come up with the saying, hey, do you mind if I use your, your cover letter for people that you who you're able, that are in our grip to help? And that's been one big factor onto that point. It's like, I'm giving you all the, and I'll always tell them, like, I'm giving you the correct. I didn't come up with this.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, the network really helps. And it gets people to communicate and they get their three to five minute commercial that they get like every so often during the year to talk to the people in the group about what they do. I think it's really amazing. Like, I think people should learn how to do grassroots relationship based marketing. I think it should be a huge part of how people integrate into their community. You know, some people fall into it. They do it forever. Some people try it for two to three years and they're like, I've had my time there. I've done the relationship stuff. I'm onto the next thing. But I think it's important for people to at least go that route and see if it works for them for a while.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Exactly. You got to try before you say it doesn't work.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. So reading your bio, I was talking to you about like the certainty of the adjustment. Before we got going and how important it is for a practitioner to like really be able to deliver the goods and to be a great adjuster. What do you think during your transition of where you are today has gotten you to that point of certainty?

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  It was my certainty is to literally shut the brain off and know what you're doing. So you have to get airy destruction out of your head. That was my biggest thing. So no more second guessing. No more caring if the patient likes you or not. No more saying, well, I hope this doesn't aggravate. No, no, no, no. Everything your head has to be positive, mindful, and you have to 100% care that you know this

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  is working. So I think what I hear here is you had to get really clear with your adjusting techniques. Pretty much. How did you develop the skills? Because I talk to docs all the time. They're like, yeah, got a person out of college chiropract school, by the way. And they don't know how to adjust. Like how does it happen? It's like a car mechanic that says, yeah, I don't know how to change a tire. But how did you learn how to adjust?

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  So my during school, I worked for a CrossFit gym. And most of it, everybody in my gym, and that was my niche, knew that was becoming a chiropractor. So they'll come to me to ask questions saying, hey, is there any way that I could get this fix so on so forth. So with them, they allowed me to be their doctor at that time and be able to practice on them. And be a lot more fun, fundamentally successful with them.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, that's cool. You know, I think that that's just it. It's like, we all learn how to do something and then we build upon it. And then we build upon it. And then we build upon it. And your bio says that you've done work with the zone technique. Yes. How has that transitioned your adjusting certainty and the way you do it, practice at your office?

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  It was going back to like saying, no second guess. I don't have a second guess anymore. I know certainly he needed to be adjusted at this level, this level, this level, and get everything balanced out to make sure you're going to make sure that patient is going to feel the best when they walk out of my room.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I've noticed that there's a certain method that zone practitioners do. They check and find out different zones of the body that might not be functioning the way they're supposed to. And then the chiropractic adjustment comes in, you adjust different segments to allow the body to reintegrate and to clear out that interference, right?

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Yeah, exactly. It just goes back to saying we're going to stimulate the spine, getting that brain to chill out. And then once you get to relax or I would say we're just going to reset this and get to get the wheels turning again.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. So talk about you a little bit. What are you doing to take care of yourself, being a busy practitioner and delivering so much care to other people?

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  So I wait train every morning. I was a pet of power lifter, strongman, my early years. Wow. I take care of those guys now. But I still do majority weightlifting that possibly can. I do that every morning. I take walks when I get done with the office. I try and I just eat as I call the four season diet where every season I change up my diet. So that one.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you eat what's in season. Sounds like pretty much.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  If I know it's not in season, not having it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So how does that transition to this time of the year? We're around Thanksgiving.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  So in the Midwest, it's going to be a lot of meat and potatoes.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And then what happens when it hits like springtime?

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  So decrease the potatoes, increase the fruit and the vegetable intake.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's cool. And then summertime, what's it look like?

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Summertime, a lot of fruit, a lot of protein.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Where's pizza fit into this?

SPEAKER_04:  It's a four year season. Four season food.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  No one said I can't have pizza.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I was just like, OK, I'll have it on Saturday. So understanding you the practitioner, I think we've got a pretty good idea of why you do what you do, who you do it for. Marketing, B&I, Facebook. Have you seen Facebook becoming harder to generate your ideal client through?

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Yes, because they don't think that you are who you say you are in that sense. Or they don't believe that, yeah, I've gotten results with this patient onto this. Because everything, I don't want to say everything can be faked, but it looks like a lot of they see onto there has been glorified to. Yeah, if you see this, don't pay attention. You really think this doctor can help you with TMJ Firewall and my alcha? Yeah, good look with that. Bye.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I think that perceptions, reality and people are constantly getting marketed to and they're constantly like if you click on something that you're interested in on a social media, like you're going to see it four to five more times until it basically converts you. Like they know if you're interested, like I mentioned an office space. Like now it just sends me random pictures or updates like, hey, did you see these new office space listed? Like they actually do the work for you now because they know you're interested in it. And they know that if you don't go back to it, you're not going to convert on it. So they're actually going to help you more. So I see like the social media marketing has become a bit more intuitive, but also invasive and almost too much. So it is interesting how people are still, they tune out. Like you said, they don't know why they bought something. They don't know. They don't remember doing it. And then you call up, you're like, hey, you know, you bought like an offer to come see me at the chiropractic office and like, what, who? And they're just confused because there's no relationship there.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Yeah. And that's my deal. It's I'm always either it has to be a face to face being like in person or like this. I don't like texting. Texting takes tonality. It takes effects as stuff that's on to them. It doesn't show the empathy where I'm able to show you in person.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I honestly believe that text messages for business should be converted into reminders and scheduling like schedule reminders, nothing else. But I think, you know, everybody finds a way to interact with new technology. You know, the other, I was just talking to some marketers today and they were talking to me about how you have to now register any number that you send text messages through so people can't spam you with text messages. And I was like, yeah, it makes sense. And they're like the same way that like somebody can't just spam you with email. Like you have to like have clearance to have access to people. You have to register. And I was like, yeah, I could see that because nobody wants to get emails they don't want. Nobody wants somebody texting them that they don't know. Yep. And he's like, if they don't, it's going to ruin the text messaging like as a whole. And I said, yeah, people are going to start sending voice notes more.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Yeah. And he's like, that's what I've done on there. I will send a reminder and schedule on to there. But at the same time, if I have a new patient that I just had, I had today, I'm giving a recall tomorrow saying, Hey, check it in. Once you have any questions, just give me a call back when you got time. I'll just talk to you soon.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Bye. How many times do you find a new patient will respond back to you and be like, no one in my entire life has ever called me and asked me how I was doing after doctors visit.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  They're shocked. They're shocked. I take the time to do it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. Yeah. And that's, you know, one of my questions is your favorite way to stay connected to your local community. But just staying in touch with the people that you take care of the right way and building relationships with them, they appreciate that.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Yep. And that's what I do is the community is going to build you. That's what's the biggest thing that I hope a lot of new docs and students, if they are if they're listening to this, your community, wherever your own beets going to build you. It's how you're going to treat your communities, how they're going to respond to you.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Have you found that reviews matter with your practice?

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Uh, yes and no. Most times people, it's the other person referring them in. So when they take it on to their, then they do their history. They're saying, oh, he has a lot of good reviews on his. Okay. I'll go see him. Or they're just like, I'm taking a shot because my friend told you to come, told me to come see you and I'll talk to them in person and then we'll schedule them at that event.


This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!


DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  We'll send them into the office. So there's a whole different level of connection and conversion. So we'll go to the next slide.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And then we'll go to the next slide. Then we'll go onto the next five slides. And we'll signal over to the next slide. And then we'll do an executive audit question. And Isabel says, and aside from the generation of other products, we'll go through the last one. They'll go with the next five things. And so we'll add some other film many darn reviews. And then you always go to the one that has the most. So I think that there should be strategies for all chiropractors to consider getting more Google reviews and Facebook reviews because those really become social proof. And if I've learned anything through marketing, you've got to have third party validation, people that will sing your praises and digital is a way that people do that they shop with reviews.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Yeah, I agree with you. And that's what most people do is just like the example I had. Someone said, yeah, I go see my chiropractor on this. And it's like, okay, is he good? Well, you go, she legit said, right after you use, you'd be the dictator on today.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Now, what do they look like on Instagram? What do they look like on? Do they have a podcast? Do they have a YouTube channel? Like, there's all these next level demands of the marketplace for access and people to actually like reach out. And today's, you know, social media economy, like people have to reach out different, we have to communicate different.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  It's just getting a message out there and seeing that is it going, is it going to swim in a big pond

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  or a busy river? And then are you building the practice that you want? And are you doing the things that you feel called to do as a practitioner? Like, do you feel like you should be learning Facebook ads? Or do you feel like you should be delivering the best chiropractor care possible and networking with somebody that specializes in Facebook ads? You know, it's like, where's your time best spent? And what is the thing that you can do that no one else can do? That's a just.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Yep. That's a just. It's a just. It's to just. It's the care and smile.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I love that. You know, the smiling part takes me back to when they were a rusting chiropractor for practicing medicine without a license, they'd get locked up and their hunger strike was keep smiling. Yep. And this has been a profession of people that have smiled through a lot of stuff and growth and humility and service. Speaking of that, I'm really curious who have been some of your mentors, who have been some of the people that inspired you to be the practitioner you are today. So I got a couple. There's a couple. So

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Dr. Pete Goldman's one of them. So that's a gimme on that one. Then the other one is my, well, my good friends, I went to what the Cleveland with is that Dr. Eric Benson, who was a great island of Nebraska, he's helped me figure out how to get everything nice and started, get everything where needs to be, how to respond to certain patients reactions. Good or bad, to that point. Literally, give him a call and say, Hey, I need to talk to you about something. I was like, Perfect.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Let's get talking. I think that that's a really great takeaway for people. It doesn't matter how long you've been into your profession, whether it's chiropractic or not, is to have a professional network around you of experienced people and colleagues that are willing to support you through questions and building systems around you and figuring out how to run a business.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Yep. I agree. If I didn't have Eric, I would probably be spinning, just try and figure out still what to do. I don't have to do that anymore because I'm certain about what I need to be doing

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  now. Yeah, clarity and direction are certainly huge for an individual practice. Now, let's talk about the profession. Being in it for three years, understanding probably more about chiropractic in the past five years than you ever did previously to that. What have you seen up to this point

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  for chiropractic and where do you see the profession going? So what I've seen, it's kind of and what I've seen so far is that there's a lot of chiropractors who are and this is a little bit worried that I have that are a little bit scared when they start seeing a patient with certain symptoms. It's like, where are you having that fear? We know what to do. If you're scared, then I'll be willing to. I'll help them out to that point. Don't put them in more of a negative environment. We need them in a positive environment.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So challenging cases are something that you've seen happening and people not knowing how to do case management. Exactly. I've been seeing that a lot more a lot

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  people who've been talking about that. But the other plus signs that we have new dogs who are coming in who are now fully understanding what chiropractic is. Because I feel like we got as we talked previously, but we feel like chiropractic almost got not washed but set into a different definition to that point. That they weren't truly healers. They were just someone wearing scrubs, a suit, suit and tie. Like, yeah, I could work on this event or you want this machine put you on that machine then bill you and be on your way onto that

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  point. Well, I think what we're going to see from my perspective is health and wellness centers anchored with chiropractic. And I think you're going to see a lot of collaboration. Like the way that you said that you started working on CrossFit athletes. I see the trend of where possible chiropractors share space in gyms a lot more just because of marketing dollars and overhead expenses. And you can take care of more people when you have a good network. I can see more, you know, like, have you ever been to like an old school that they closed down and they turned into like a shopping center? Yep, you got that right down the street. And there's a chiropractor there probably. Yep, there is. There's a pizza place. There's probably a coffee shop. There's probably a place to do pink by wine or whatever. And so on. So yeah, and that's just it is like these community centers. Now there's going to be that vitalistic chiropractor. And there's going to be that person that when people don't want to go to the old school model of insurance based care or they don't want to go to like the waiting room for a doctor to do some tests on them, they're going to go see the chiropractor.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Oh, yeah. That's what a new patient yesterday told me saying they were so happy that I was able to treat them that day instead of saying, Hey, we're going to take x-rays. We're wrong. We're going to get to know each other. Then I want you to come back tomorrow and get you some. And then we're going to fix. I'm saying no, you're here to see me today. I'm going to treat you today.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, even with my marketing, I've seen some people convert a day two to a day one and adjust some day one. And it's better for their conversion or retention. Like we have to keep adapting to the system. That's why I asked that question because everybody has a different path and everybody sees chiropractic differently as the way that it develops and the way that it will start to grow and co-op with other necessities. But I do think that people that have gotten to that point of saying, I'm looking for a chiropractor, they're committed. There's something going on inside of them that no one else has helped them with that they're going to say, Okay, now it's time to go and go this path. But it's really like an awakening moment for a lot of people. So I do think that people are going to be, there's going to be more of a great awakening for people. And they're going to be more interested and preventative healthcare rather than crisis healthcare. And the more that you can prevent people from crisis healthcare, that's what chiropractic is going to

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  like find its true calling in, I believe. Oh, yeah, no 100% agree with that. The amount, like with a majority of my practice is seeing nurses. I'm the nurse chiropractor because they're like, Yeah, we're on our feet eight, 10, 12 hours a day. And we're just wrecked. There's maybe a hundred, 1500 pound, 125 pound girl who has to work on flipping over a 500 pound man to get the because of there in that crisis situation. And now they're by us. Pay the price on Thursday. Yeah, you come in here, get you nice and good, good to you set

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  and sleep for once. Yeah, people don't understand enough about their sympathetic nervous system and their parasympathetic nervous system. And they don't understand the quality control of actually letting the body go to rest and digest. And to chill out the nervous systems where it actually does go to rest and digest rather than always fight or flight. So there's a lot that goes into like when you start to crack the code on somebody's like stress levels. And then they actually start taking care of themselves. It's a quality of life game then. Yep, exactly. It's not

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  a pain game. No, it's not pain. It's a quality game. It's like how much quality of life can I give you back? And every single patient that comes through my door, I'm always happy to see them, no matter what.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So I appreciate the conversation up to where I know we're coming to the close of our session today. But miracle stories, I always like to close out these miracle stories. Is there something that

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  you'd like to share with our audience today? Yep. So I got to the first one was a older gentleman been seen a chiropractor for years, year, year, years on this came in with trigeminal neuralgia. We all know that. Yeah, exactly. Four of it. Three to four visits in. Not done able to sleep, able to get work done. Does not have to pay anymore to that point. Just figuring out what his pattern is, what's going on with him up here, and getting that balanced style stuff. Then the one that I hold most of the ears to me was a patient of mine whose child has a bore who is on the autism spectrum. The child had more of a textile issue. They like a, Cabaret did not like wearing much clothing or certain types of clothing material. Luckily, no dust was in summer time. So I was like, okay, this is a simple alternative. I get a call the next the next day from, from the mom and she says she is wearing every single piece of clothing and not having an issue whatsoever. And I was like, oh, okay. So we got, that was that saying this is definitely more than anything else. And this was what, well, my first year of

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  practice that had that happen. Yeah, you know, I asked this question to a lot of people that we interview. And I think, you know, chiropractic miracle stories happen daily in practices. And it affects the practitioners, much as it gives life and vitalism back to the patient. And that's an anger moment for a lot of the practitioners is those stories that keep them going because people are out there and they need what chiropractors do. They need to get checked, detect and correct a vertebral civilization by a trained chiropractor, restoring their body back to functionality, self healing organism. I think there's a lot of people out there that if they knew a chiropractic did, they would go and do it today. They would go and send their family in now. But it's like a secret. We just had to keep on telling the story about it.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Oh, yeah, telling the story just like DD, BJ, is what they did.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I appreciate you telling your story today and sharing with our audience on Chiro Hustle. Your episode 577. Is there anything that we didn't ask you that you would like to share

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  with our audience? One big thing, docs, students, BU, don't try to fake anything. I think this is not going to get you where you're going to be pretending to who you want to be. It's not going to be there. BU, be 100% real in your office.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, that's a really good closing message. If people wanted to reach out to you or to

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  get in touch with you, where would we send them to? So you can find me on Facebook, Andrew Wagner on Facebook, Wider Chiropractic on Facebook, Instagram, Dr. Drew Wagner, and business page at

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Wider Chiropractic Casey. Alright guys, check them out. Andrew Wagner, Facebook, Instagram, Dr. Drew Wagner. Thanks for being our guest today. Thank you, James. It was a pleasure, my man. Yeah, I actually really appreciated the humbleness that you brought to the conversation and that you've been out for three years and you took the courage to actually jump on the show

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  with us today. Oh yeah, no. I deeply appreciate everything that you've been doing. You're doing it, giving a whole new light to what needs to be at work. It's guerrilla journalism,

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  it's grassroots. No one else wanted to fit the gap, so I decided to do it. And it's been very fulfilling because now I have the greatest database of natural healers in the world.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  That's pretty amazing. Exactly. And you just got to continue to grow. So it's going to continue

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  to grow. And as I close out, I tell everybody the same thing. You're just one story away. Keep hustling. Dr. Andrew Wagner, thank you for being episode 577 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast.

DR DREW WAGNER DC (GUEST):  Thank you, James. Have a great day now.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.

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