
September 29, 2024

Chiropractic and Living Life Without Fear with Dr Josh Young DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 600

Originally from the east coast, spending time in Massachusetts, Philadelphia area, and then New Hampshire. It was in New Hampshire where he met his wife and greatest influence to become a chiropractor, Dr. Emily Young. They attended Palmer College of Chiropractic together, graduated in 2013, and opened their clinic, Crystal Lake Family Wellness in Crystal Lake, Illinois in 2014 where they have practiced ever since. Dr. Josh’s interests include: devoting time to his family, fitness, nature, chiropractic philosophy, growth mindset, always looking to improve his chiropractic abilities in pursuit of mastery, shooting bows and guns, and working on their farm. He believes how we do something is how we do everything. He has studied under Tim Young’s group Focus for five years and counting. It was in Focus, surrounded by amazing chiropractors and an amazing leader in Tim that he witnessed understanding and taking life and chiropractic to the next level. Dr. Josh Young believes every man, woman, and child can benefit from regular chiropractic care. As he teaches, the role of the adjustment is to take stress off the nervous system so it can perform it’s job. The job of the nervous system is to adapt, and for that reason, all can benefit. This is something he is passionate about as it has not only supported his entire family’s health and life in a wonderful way, but now tens of thousands of others in over ten years of practice.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!


LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 600 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Mollett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Josh Young, and if you want to understand chiropractic and living life without fear, stay tuned for the full episode. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. This is 600. I mean, I was just talking to Dr. Josh off camera and just to recognize the fact that we've been doing the show for six and a half years blows my mind. And I'm really happy to have Dr. Josh Young on today for this interview. Before we jump into this episode, I'll let everyone know our big why. Why do we do what we do? First things first, I've seen it happening more terribly than ever recently is our infringement on freedom of speech. And I think that our show, we've never censored anyone. And we know what it's like to be censored in shadow band. It's kind of weird that some small time chiropractor podcast would be censored, but we have been, it's really, really strange to me. But in support of chiropractic is the number one message here. And we support chiropractic because chiropractic supports medical freedom of family health freedom. And if you don't have a family chiropractor, go check out your Google searches and find yourself a family chiropractor. Chiropractic philosophically speaking, we protect the sacred trust. If you don't know what that is, go to the show notes over at our show and check out BJ Palmer's sacred trust will be in the show notes of the show. And we support subluxation based chiropractic. I know it's crazy. I have to even say that on a chiropractic podcast, but they're taken out of the schools and the kids that are graduating aren't learning what subluxation centered chiropractic is. And they're not getting an inate intelligence and universal intelligence is. So we stand by those terms, whether historical or not, the philosophy of this profession matters. This is episode 600 of the Chiropractic podcast. Joshua, welcome.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Thank you. Thanks for having me, James. Appreciate it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, it was pretty cool, man. Like you were sharing with me like six years ago, you're cutting grass and you're listening to our episode, Tim Young.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah. Yeah. Tim, Tim has been, we've been, my wife and I have been coaching under him for going on six years and right around that time, I remember being excited to hear that one in particular episode because he's Tim's amazing. Yeah.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And, you know, I think that we've become a part of the culture of this profession, which is really cool. I was mentioning that to you too. It's like, I opened up by it. It's like, I can't believe it's been six and a half years. Like I can't believe it. Yeah. Your story, it looks like you went to Palmer Davenport with your wife.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yep. Yeah. So the short of it is my wife, I met my wife in undergrad in New Hampshire. I thought I was going to be a medical doctor growing up and was in premed classes. Fortunately, premed classes and chiropractic classes prerequisites overlap. So we met through physics lab partners, moved out to Davenport with her. I was working at SuperTarget there in Quad Cities. Well, she started her first try. And I remember coming back from class each day and sharing with me what chiropractic was because I didn't know what it was growing up. And it was, I felt something kind of moving within me and a curiosity starting to just spark. And basically it was something that started me and I listened and I went to enroll in chiropractic school at Palmer there without ever being adjusted to have a look back.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So off camera, we were talking about your history within like the medical world. And you said you come from a large family of medical doctors?

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah. I think there's, I lose count. I'm going to say 10. Like it was, it was that way of thinking about our health and how we take care of ourselves is, was all I knew growing up. But I spent a lot of time in nature. And so I always, I always kind of was looking at like patterns of things and understanding that we're a part of nature as well. So there was always the pieces there, but there was, it was lacking that spark of kind of everything coming together and what chiropractic was. And that's when my wife started sharing that, but in first try there, that's, that's when it all came together. And I was like, that's exactly what I want to do. I just didn't know that it was a thing.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So talk to me about your journey then. You're, you're, go to Palmer. You're working at a super target. I'm from Davenport. So like it all resonates with me. Yeah.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah. So I was, I mean, before that, and it was, it was one of those perfect things where I think the right things happen at the right time for us because I wasn't very happy, you know, working at Target. I was working in the, in the meat department, putting price tags on meat in the freezer at like, you know, 4.30 AM and it was dark out. It's like, this kind of sucks. And so I was looking for something more and, and then something more found me. We went through chiropractic school together. My wife and I graduated in 2013. We were associates together actually for about a year and then opened up in Crystal Lake, Illinois in 2014. So it'll be 10 years this spring.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So a decade in practice. Can you believe it?

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  I can't. It went honestly so quickly.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So tell me a little bit about how you guys went from associate to start in your own practice because I'm sure a lot of people will listen to this and be like, well, I kind of want to do that too.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah. So we, we worked one position first where interesting that we were hired at two different places together, which I don't know if that's, it seems almost unheard of. The first location was closer to Chicago and we learned a lot of things. We were, we were basically screening like every single day, which at the time I didn't like it all. I mean, looking back, I would want to do it again. But it, again, it provided an amazing tool for understanding how to talk to the general public about what is chiropractic and because you, you get through school and it's just, you know, you've probably heard it before, but it's very good for preparing you for boards and passing boards, but it's not very useful to talking to a general person and helping them. And so that was amazing for that, but we got burnt out. We moved to a second, a second office, a husband and wife as well, we took a giant leap of faith with us and basically trained us for about a year to how they run things and then provided us the opportunity with like a satellite office where we were able to buy out. So that's, that's Dr. Steve and Tony Burleson. So they, I know, Steve. Yeah, they're amazing. We wouldn't be where we were at if they hadn't taken, you know, that giant leap of faith. So.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, that's really cool. You know, I think a lot of people can learn from that. And I guess my next follow up to that is a marketing situation. Like, what were you doing? I know you said a bunch of screenings, but what were you doing for them? And what are you doing now?

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  What were we doing for Steven Tony? Yeah. Um, again, it was more screenings, but it was less and it was, um, it was more, um, I guess. Some different procedures that that we were kind of learning some different ways to educate on like a day one day to things like that. Um, but that's even shifted gears now where we're, then we would do screenings. We do like dinner with the docs and, um, like group workshops, group of order findings. So where now everything has just been completely streamlined where we've, um, we've been now studying under Tim Young for about six years. Um, honestly, we do very, very little external marketing at this point. It's just really come down to, um, trying to generate more internal referrals, um, Google reviews and just, you know, having, having the patients come from us, not to us. We're not seeking them out. We're, we're generating that quality of care where people are actively seeking that out. Um, in my mind, that's, you know, we're trying to be as congruent with that chiropractic principles as possible from the inside out.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So growing of practice six years ago to today, you're, you're focused more on the reviews and internal referrals.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Um, how, what, what method do you go about getting the reviews?

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Um, I think, so this time of year, it's funny because, you know, New Year's, you see a lot of people taking action, um, whether it's, you know, starting up the, uh, new habit, going to the gym, whatever it may be. And something I learned from, um, uh, Troy Dukeowitz, um, I was, I was coaching with him for a bit this past year. Troy's great as well. Um, is that mindset creates action set. And so what we started doing is every time there was a change in care or a time, whether we were doing a re exam or something where there was like a interrupt in the day to day visit. Um, we would just ask on the, on either the questionnaire, um, on the exam sheet or just bring it up in conversation because with that change in action, you get a change in behavior and there's momentum there. And I think in New Year's, like, I was just kind of thinking about it today, how, you know, on the gyms of their all packed and then it falls off about three weeks later. Um, uh, what, what I, one of the things I learned from Troy is that is a, called a reflective project. Um, and so you kind of reflect where you're at, you create that, that mindset and then you're, you have a plan for it. And I think a lot of people don't recognize on January 1st, they're doing a reflective project. They just don't know that they're doing it. And that's why they'll fall off because they won't continue to understand where they're at and have a plan for it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So how do you explain to somebody when they're actually feeling good and why they should continue as, you know, continue on with care? Because I'm sure that there's like that type of triage moment where somebody comes in the like, doc, my leg, or doc, my head, or doc, my arm, or doc, my back. And then you're like, all right, great. Well, we're going to start seeing you this frequency. And then all of a sudden, like, Hey, doc, why am I here?

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah. So that's that is, um, it comes down to their understanding of what's going on from the very first visit. It's not that we're treating the symptom. It's we're taking care of what caused the symptom in the first place. Because it all comes down to stress on the spine. And this is what we teach them is that the spine is the link between brain and body. And so when by the time we have symptoms, we've reached that boiling point. But if we continue to support that, it allows us to help you to not just have not come back, but live the best quality of life you can, you know, for, for somebody it might mean you can sit with your grandson on the floor and pick him up. Like that's it's not about the sciatica. It's about what can you now do? So it's like, it's like flipping the script.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I think, you know, because one of my favorite, I have quoted this a bunch of times on our show, but one of my favorite all time chiropractors, his name is Patrick Smith. And he would do his new pain or new patient orientation. And he would tell the patient that was in front of him. He ran, he ran a membership practice. And he would say, hi, my name is Dr. Patrick and you are, and you're going to be my patient and I'm going to be your doctor until one of us blows up. And I thought it was just always great just because you guarantee that somebody's going to be committed to you for the rest of their life. And that's, I think, a really like integral part of what chiropractors have to shift towards if we want to like be that port of entry and that referral source is we have to take care of people for 20 years, 30 years and build those types of practices. So like you said, you know, it comes a time when it's not where you want to be is out doing screenings when you have a young family, you know, when you have like small kids at home, you don't want to be gone every weekend. You don't want to be, you know, at the farmers markets and the home of garden shows and the RV shows and the expos and the 10 Ks and 5 Ks and all those things, which I know helps grow as a practice. But when you're like actually establishing yourself as a practitioner, like, that's not long term sustainable unless you have a team that does that for you.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah, absolutely.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So talking about that, you mentioned that you wanted to talk about some miracles and your miracle isn't like the type where you're actually like taking care of people, but it's the miracle of life.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah. So our, we have three kids and my wife wanted to have home births and I was super on board. For our first one, it, it, something's happened where it didn't end up happening. So then going into our, our second child's birth, she, she really wanted to make that happen more than ever. And I guess the short of it is as she progressed into labor and where we're at, the closest midwife we found that was a really good fit for us is was over the border in Wisconsin. So for those of you who don't know, it was a little over an hour away. And so her labor is progressing and I came to the realization that I didn't think the midwife was going to make it. And yeah. So there's a lot of things going on my head at that point.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And you just got called into action. Yeah.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  I mean, you, you know, you're at the point. I remember being, I remember being very scared for my wife, but at the same time, I wanted to respect what she wanted to do. I was afraid I might lose her because you don't, you don't know. My, my mom is a nurse. She's an OB nurse. So she, you know, you hear stories and whatnot. And it's hard not to be that way. At the same time, I had been started, I had started coaching at that time, Tim Young. And in focus foundations. And in that there's, I had been really exposed to a lot of the green books. And I remember I was going through life without fear, I think for the second time by Fred Barge. It's probably my favorite green book. And so I had this, I was kind of starting to step into that world of faith, not fear, if you will, right? And so her, my wife's labor is progressing and I remember there was a moment where I distinctly set a prayer and I said, please God help me do whatever I need to do to help my wife have this baby. And at that moment, so it was May 3rd. It's also my great grandmother's birthday. And she was no longer with us at that time. But there was some kind of family tie. And at that moment, I said that prayer, I felt the room was all of a sudden full like, and I was no longer afraid. And the next thing I knew, I started coaching her through some of these contractions. I didn't know what I was saying. I was just, it was almost like I was like, words are just passing through me and out my mouth. And next thing I knew, I caught our daughter before the midwife got there. And it was funny, I was sharing before the show, but at the time we had Saturday morning hours since it was on Friday and I remember thinking the next patient I adjust after I just delivered our daughter. It's going to get one element adjustment. But that just kind of, as that all kind of happened, I spent some time with it and reflected. And that really the miracle to me was it was something that I wish for everybody, you know, the whole world, our patients, everybody is that there's a when we understand that chiropractic way of life that there is in the intelligence running through all of us. It provides such a sense of ease and it's just a beautiful way to live. I call it a chiropractic lifestyle. And I think I hear the word congruent thrown around a lot, but truly being congruent congruent in that means that we can be as powerful and in a life that we choose.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, I think it's really important that people understand what you just said. So I just want to like touch on a couple key key topics there congruency. It matters, you know, the first time I heard the word used was Edwin Cordaro, the president of Sherman College. And it was really a resonating moment for me because I had to go and like search what the word meant. There is a time where I was a bartender back in downport Iowa 16 years ago. And there was a guy named Michael Hogan who went on to be a chiropractor and I's got a wife that's a chiropractor also similar story to yours, Tara Hogan's his wife. And now they have like five kids, I think. But he was barcheting with me and he's always talked to me about this word innate. And I'm like, dude, that word doesn't mean anything to me. Like it doesn't matter what you say it means. It just doesn't mean anything to me. It doesn't have. I don't understand it well enough to have meaning around it. And I think that that's where we go back to with chiropractic is people can hear the word subluxation. People can hear the word miracle. People can hear the word congruency. But if they don't have a meaning to anchor that down with and associate it to something greater, then it doesn't matter how many times you tell them what a subluxation is. It rarely matters if somebody ever understands what innate is until they actually have to understand it. So when you were able to deliver your second baby. Like you saw what innate is. You saw like the birthing process of like universal intelligence and life force. And like all these things that we talk about with in chiropractic, not just like the pain and the dysfunction of life, but the life giving the life providing. And like you said, living life without fear. Like if you were afraid, bro, and you had that moment, like it could have gone a completely different direction.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah, well, I was afraid, but I was it was more like.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And they kicked in.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah, and they kicked in and I and I wanted to do it that badly because I knew what my wife had wanted. And so it was like you just taken that leap. You just you just got to go and do it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  What a beautiful moment. So I guess at this point, like I'm really curious, like who have I know you said you've been coaching with Tim Young. You did some some work with the burlesons and you also coach with Duke. It's who have been some of your mentors or heroes, people that have really made an impact on you.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  I mean, you just lifted off a couple of them, you know, from the beginning, the burlesons, if they had done with they did, we wouldn't be where we were. We are so I'm forever grateful for them. I mean, Tim Young has been huge for us as well. When before we started coaching with him, we were living in like maybe a 900 foot rental. And now we've got like a whole little farm and we've got a bunch of horses and cows and chickens and because we've embraced that that's, you know, the kids like it and we like it. And so, um, start life is massively transformed through that vehicle of chiropractic and coaching over Tim. So we're forever grateful for him as well. You know, my wife has been, I wouldn't be where I was if not for her. And I think, I think looking at that, thinking of that, the question, you know, who are my heroes? And I mean this in the most like humble way, but I think at the end of the day, we have to be our own hero a little bit. You know, when you look in the mirror, you have to love and appreciate yourself. And that's been something huge at Tim as well.


This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, it's really cool to hear the stories, you know. I never get old like listening to the stories or asking the interview questions because I know that there's like somebody out there that's a friend that you went to college with that's going to see this again. Or there's a patient that's going to watch this and they're going to see your heart. They're going to see like who you are or the next patient that doesn't know who you are that's going to watch this. They're going to say, wow, I want to get into that guy's care. So, you know, no matter where I am as like the coach of the show or the leader of the interview or whatever it might be, there's always something really great that I can see within each person. And that's the thing is everybody has like an amazing story inside of them. Just rarely often do we get asked. And if we do get asked like it becomes all about us and it's all about ego and it's all about my success and my farm and my family and my practice in this. But I think humbly it's really encouraging to see that you actually took good leadership and you start implementing a system and a strategy that worked for you to build the life of your dreams.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah. Yeah, it's, I mean, I wish that I would encourage anybody if you're looking for answers. I mean, Tim's group focus foundations. It's a wonderful place to start. Like I said, we've been that we're going six years now coaching a brand and it's a great group of people. Yeah, I mean, thank you for letting me share my story with it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, so, so I guess I'm curious successful office. Families growing. What's next for you?

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  I would love to continue. Continue growing the practice to the point where I feel comfortable bringing in the associate on. My wife just started adjusting two more ends a week now as well. She's diving more to like the pre nagle. So, I think that would be kind of the next step and kind of look into the future of the profession and doing my part to continue growing as a mentor so I can keep helping grow more later since in this profession.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So 10 years of practicing with your wife.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  What's that done Mike? It's funny because there's been a lot of change in that 10 years because she. For our first our first was in the office with us until she was about to. And then we realized it was becoming too much. And so my wife started stepping away and then each time she started to come back in the office, we ended up having another baby and she would step back out again. I mean, from day one, I mean, all the way back to being, you know, doing homework together, doing physics homework together, you know, in undergrad, we've always kind of worked well together where I'm, I'm a much more reserved and kind of quiet and shy and she's much more outgoing. She's kind of more the gas pedal on kind of more the break and it's sort of, it was a good balance there. And it's, it's actually been pretty easy.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's cool. And so transitioning from the origin, you came from the East Coast. And then you come to a Davenport, Iowa. What was that like?

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Um, I don't remember too much of excited move so much as a kid anyways. So I don't remember too much of like a shock and that I remember being on Mississippi Rivers kind of cool. You can see it from the apartment whatnot. But I don't remember, you know, having too much of a like a culture shock or anything like that.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's cool. And then we're home now.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  So we're, we're in McHenry, Illinois. So we're right next to Crystal Lake. Like I said, we've got a little piece of land and got some animals and stuff. And it's a lot of fun. Chicago suburbs. Yeah, pretty much. It's, it's enough to city, but I mean, we don't really go to the city to be honest with you. Yeah, close to national too. Yeah.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  We need to get you over there speaking some principle.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah, I think things, the things you hear, but.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So at this juncture of the episode, is there anything I didn't ask you that you'd like to share with our audience? Um,

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  No, I would be curious to hear. You know, looking ahead at what the profession has, you know, for the next 20 years. I think you said that that's the sixth on this episode. So I actually don't know anybody who's spoken to more chiropractors about their story and kind of what they've done through the new and I remember listening to some of your previous shows and being like, I wish that this would come up. Like, I wanted, I would like to pick your brain a little bit and see what do you like, what are your thoughts is, because at this point, I think you're such a wonderful resource for the profession and for growth there.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, there's a reason why I hammer down the way that I do on the intro. Because I think that if the profession is going to. Advance and to establish and. Adapt. Then we can't worry about what's been done yesterday. We can't worry about the problems that the profession has grown through. But what we should consider doing is establishing better leadership. And we should really be more focused on organizing better leadership. And that starts at the colleges. You know, I think that if we really want to. Create the chiropractic utopia. Then it has to be done on a concentrated effort across every diploma that's passed on. Like it has to be passed on from not just you, Josh showing your wife Emily Young, but it has to be passed on from the next graduate from all institutions. And the only way that that's going to happen is if we have the right leadership. And we're leading that group. You know, if you're in a boat with me canoe and we're paddling forward, we're both going the right direction. We get somewhere fast because we're both strong dudes. We're going to cruise. But if I paddle against you. And you're paddling one way, we're just going to go in circles. So I see that there's a lot of circles caused within the education arena. And I think there's a lot of circles causing within. Subluxation centered chiropractic and the vernacular. So if we can stop paddling against each other. And we can start paddling the right way, all of us and everybody that gets a diploma to practice chiropractic. It doesn't say chiropractic medicine on it. It says chiropractic. Doctor of chiropractic is what it means. So I think we just need to stop paddling against each other. And we'll have chiropractic utopia. But until then, we need people out there that are willing to step in and take the hits and take the philosophy positions at the schools. And to force themselves onto the boards of those schools and the schools that people say I won't refer people to as students. They need to go in and make that school better. It's easy to call out the problem. But it's really hard for people to step in and take the heavy lifting of change. So I think if we really want to see it go the right way, it's not us against them. We just need to all start working in the same direction rather than letting some people that nobody even knows who they are really. That are paddling against what all chiropractors of the past like 50 years want. Now the past 10 years, I think that that's where the trouble is. Because I think that the schools have been bought and sold and that the education has gotten weaker. The adjusting techniques have gotten substandard. We just have kids that come out of college at passports. They don't know what philosophy is. If you asked them who Fred Barge was, they wouldn't know. If you asked them if BJ Palmer had a radio station, they wouldn't know. If you asked them anything historically about the profession, they wouldn't know. So I think that we're one generation away from a complete disaster. We're one generation away from a complete removal of chiropractic as what we know and love it to be. So if we don't strengthen it, then the people paddling the other direction might take it the wrong way. So it's going to take a lot of great leaders out there to say, you know what, I can't be comfortable in what I'm doing now. I have to go serve on the board of these institutions and start paddling the right way because this is what matters. And as a whole, I think chiropractic globally. We have a massive impact in Latin America right now. If I talk to most chiropractors in the states that have like a Hispanic culture, they love those patients because they all pay cash. They don't care about health insurance because they don't have it. And they know that chiropractic makes them healthy and their family's healthy. So they refer in the whole, the whole clan. They bring everybody in. So I think that a chiropractic utopia grows globally and it's not about insurance care. It's about family care. And I think that if we get to that point, every midwife's referring to chiropractors, you know, every, you know, back in the day we had to go to the gas station ask for directions. Well, now those types of situations are who do you go to for your health. And I think that we did open up Pandora's box the past three years. And we saw what was released. And what we're seeing now is the ramifications of people being scared. They're sicker than ever and they don't know where to go or who to trust. And I think that if chiropractic really wants to anchor down and be the port of entry for people's health needs, then they're going to have to get really clear with leadership and direction and not throwing the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to the historical context of the language, of what chiropractors say, what they believe in and how they promote the profession. And I think it's going to take a lot of integrity to go in and cut out the bad parts to make a better future. But I think it's possible. But I think at the next 20 years, we don't do that. Then we're going to have a profession that you're not going to be proud of. And all these products that I've produced, these shows. I look at as I made historical document and documented this profession for the past six and a half years to the best of my ability to where nobody could come in and change the profession. So if somebody ever came and said, no, it's this way, no, no, you can go back and listen to 1300 interviews. I've done over the past six and a half years and chiropractors say that's what chiropractic is. Not what you guys say it is. So I did this as like a burden of proof, almost, to capture and build a library of indexed stories of what chiropractic really is for historical purposes, but also to highlight the practitioner. And I think if we're ever going to win the next two decades, we have to do it through the next graduate. That's it. Lots of truth there.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And I think that no matter what anybody thinks. Chiropractic saves lives. It changes families. It changes the dynamic of how do you know if it belongs in the health world? Chiropractic just restores life. Chiropractic is a practice of life. Chiropractic has had to try to fit into this model of the health and wellness world. And chiropractic just restores life. We've had to try to identify the profession into something. And all it does is restores life. Like where there wasn't life, it gives life. But we want to fit into the health, the, I don't know, like the health world. Chiropractic is like light years beyond all of the health world. Like it doesn't add anything extra to the body. It just removes interference. So simple. And everybody wants to take that part of chiropractic and make it theirs. I've seen that happening time and time again. The wellness, the whole wellness revolution. All they did is took chiropractic philosophy and branded it into their pharmacy. All they did is took the chiropractic philosophy and branded it into every other medical provider out there. And it's just, they chopped, chopped chiropractic. They took it into like, they stole it. They chopped it up and then they went and distributed it out there and said, Hey, this is what we believe in too. But really it's been chiropractic for the past 127 years that have been promoting that same message time and time again. Now we just have our practice that try to fit into the health care world. When it never belonged to the health care world. Yeah, it's a life giving profession.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  I think it's hard. The challenge is that we as humans, we want to organize to understand right and maybe it's the closest fit. I'll say even, you know, even as challenging as the last several years have been. Are we allowed to say COVID on air? Sure.


DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  With all that. I thought it was so interesting that that was the first time that I've been in like where people would actively and actually some people still do will still get tested. Well, they're asymptomatic, which is like the whole thing we're asking patients to do. From the beginning was to understand the health is more than how we look or how we've been how we look one way or if we feel one way and if we look fine, we feel fine. We must be healthy. Right. And I find it so interesting that everybody was so quick all of a sudden to just think of that differently like, Oh, well, I felt fine, but I tested positive. But there's a little bit of a silver lining there too, because it shows what's possible. And, you know, if the entire world can be transformed within, gosh, how fast that happened weeks. You know, there's there's always potential for that utopia, I guess.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, we've also seen it. It should at rearts ugly head. And now we have like an understanding of how chiropractic can be the solution. Yeah. And I've also thought that, you know. A lot of practices that didn't have their integrity went down, but the ones that did got busier. And I think that when people have good leadership back to leadership, when the leadership is strong. When the leadership is strong, the whole profession strong.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah, there was, um, that was an interesting time. We didn't, there wasn't one day where we were masks and that was. Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, I mean, I was like, I'm not going to be around upon by some, but I just. Was it going to do it? Um, But the people who. Came and appreciate it. Then some people weren't more comfortable with it, but some people. A lot of people loved that. We stood up for that. And to be honest with you, even the, in the businesses now, like where we take my kids for gymnastics, we started going there because.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, congruency, right? Yes. And that's just where we're at with the world right now is people will go to where it's better for their families. And people will go where it makes them feel like there's freedom.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah. And that, and that, if I could share one other thing for, you know, for somebody listening. I think so often, like if we're in a position where we're looking for what's next for ourselves or for a practice. The, the message, the idea is that our life comes from us, not to us. And so it's not so much. And I learned this from short, you go, it's as well. Something called B do have. We're always looking at middle step to do, right? So we want to do something. What's the quick step? What's the quick solution to have this result? When before all that, who do we have to become where the do becomes natural, you know, where it becomes innate? And that's again, back to congruency. So if we're being this person who is providing quality care and understanding and practicing with love and joy, people are going to want that. And then you're going to have that. So it starts with you. It starts from inside out. And that's congruent to the chiropractic principle as well. That's one of the many things I love about chiropractic.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And then if you be it, you do it. You can have it. And that means you can pass it on to others.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, Dr. Josh, thanks for being episode 600.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Thanks for having me.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  If people wanted to reach out to you and connect with you further, how can we do that and where would I send them to?

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Sure. We have so I have a personal Instagram and a clinic professional Instagram. So the professional one is CL is in Crystal Lake, family wellness on Instagram. And then the personal one, I think is, I want to say it's Josh Young DC. But either way, I'm happy to answer questions and helping whatever way I can.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I was listening to this interview yesterday with Andy Furssela. And he's got started the program 75 hard. And the guy he was interviewing said, man, if Instagram went down, so many people lose their businesses. Well, let's hope it doesn't go down. But if you want to check out Dr. Josh, go to CL family wellness. That's Crystal Lake family wellness on Instagram and Josh Young DC on Instagram. Really appreciate you spending some time with me today.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Yeah, thanks again for having me. Thanks for letting me share.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, hopefully my answer for the next 20 years was something of an eye opener for the profession too.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, with that being said, I'm going to close out by telling everybody you're just one story away. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys on next episode. Thanks for being episode 600, Dr. Josh.

DR JOSH YOUNG DC (GUEST):  Thanks James. All right. Bye.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.

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