Grassroots Chiropractic is FUN with Dr Abby Sirovica DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 579

I have always been a dreamer, questioning why certain things have to be limited in any way. As a chiropractor I love being able to serve patients but what I didn’t realize that I would love building and growing a business just as much. When I experienced practice out of school, I worked in an office where we saw patients a full week, utilized extensive care plans they would purchase and spent weekends away from our families to market. I knew there had to be a way that felt in alignment with how I wanted to live and show up for people. Fast forward 7 years later Grassroots Chiropractic has grown into Grassroots Collective. We currently have two locations, five doctors. We are only getting started. The culture we have is everything. Our people are everything. We get to truly show up each day fully supported as humans, women and doctors. The practice is 100% cash, our patients are members, most of them have their full families in within the first month and are utilizing chiropractic as a no-brainer for their family for lifetime wellness. I own residential rental properties and commercial including Airbnb, long term, commercial rental spaces and a gluten-free, dairy-free wellness cafe.
I believe the only thing that limits us is between our ears. I know there are so many ways we can build out joyful lives, supported teams and endless abundance. The best part we can stand shoulder to shoulder along the way with people doing it. If you are scared, good. If you are uncertain, jump. The universe has a great way of landing you in a bed of feathers; and if you need someone to remind you, you’ve got this, it is nice to meet you. Let's grow together.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.
This episode is brought to you by…
ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.
EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.
The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.
Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.
Now let’s hustle!
LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER): Hey guys, welcome to episode 579 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So today we had the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Abby Sirovica. And if you want to hear a story about grassroots chiropractic and practice being fun, stay tuned for the full episode. All right, welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I have Dr. Abby Sirovica coming in from the great state of Michigan. Really excited for this episode. It's episode 579. Before we get into this episode, you guys know how I do this. I tell you the big Y, why do we do it? We do it at Chiro Hustle. Well, first things versus the amendments, and that's freedom of speech. We believe it's so important to keep the airways open for people to understand what chiropractic is and how it supports people. It's not neck pain, back pain, headache stuff. It does help with that, but it's about the nervous system. It's about reconnecting the man or woman to physical to man or woman to spiritual. And that's in intelligence and universal intelligence. We also really believe for all you people out there that like medical freedom, that chiropractic is an important component and why we have medical freedom in 2023. I love the fact that chiropractors stand for freedom of health and family freedom. I know that Dr. Abby does a lot with taking care of moms and kids. So having the choice of how you take care of you and your family is so important in today's medical economy. So, philosophically, we speak and we do believe in protecting the sacred trust that's BJ Palmer's last words. If you don't know what that is, go and search for BJ Palmer's sacred trust on your paper search engine. Stop the interview right now. Go over there and check it out. Learn more about chiropractic, please. We do support and believe in subluxation based chiropractic also. And I shouldn't have to say that, but the schools are ruining the profession by removing the lexicon and language eat out of the schools and they're trying to take out in-intelligence, universal intelligence and subluxation. So let's keep that alive in the profession and just speak the truth of what chiropractic is. Dr. Abby, welcome to the show. You have to sew 579.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Woohoo, thanks Dr. James.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, so getting into chiropractic, your story. I know we're going to talk about practice can be fun and you can be supported. We're going to talk about getting out of your own way and creating the ideal chiropractic dream, which I've told you, you've cracked the code to pretty much every chiropractor's dream, hiring associates and having multiple offices. But why chiropractic? How did you decide that this was the right path for you?
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah, absolutely. So I really wanted a field that I felt like I could make a big impact in. I wanted options to be able to serve people. I didn't really know what age group or what specialty I'd want to be. And I really resonated with ADIO, like the idea that the body is innately intelligent, that if we move out of the way it knows what to do, the full circle, I always say to people, like chiropractic shows me, right? And I'm not just a chiropractor. Like chiropractic is my lifestyle. It's tattooed on me. We try to live a lifestyle where above, down, inside, out that is true to us in the way that I raise my kids, in the way that we how our health and wellness in the way that we eat, it just made so much sense to me versus a sick care system. So yeah.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, as I get to flow with you today on this interview, I just, I'm interested like chiropractic school. Like, did you get adjusted before you went to school? Were you a chiropractic kid? Were you a chiropractic patient? Like how did all that happen?
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah. So I always was adjusted growing up, but very mechanistic and not like here's pain or I had scoliosis and Sherman's disease. So I always just was confused by it. And adjusted and I'm like, okay, feel better. Don't really understand it. It wasn't until my undergrad, I was going to be a optometrist. And I was working for a husband wife and the wife actually was really into Ayurvedic medicine and yoga and chiropractic and Eastern medicine. And I started spending a lot of time with her and learning these different ways that the body's able to heal and then full circle connecting it back to this thing that I had been exposed to, but not in the way that I actually understood what it was. So after starting to understand like, holy Moses, this is absolutely incredible. It's an alignment with my professional goals. It's an alignment with how I live my lifestyle. And I decided that I was more interested in like cute glasses than I was in looking in eyes all day. And so I was like, huh, maybe this is more. Yeah. Like, not the way I was all signed up, sealed, delivered to go to Southern College of Optometry and I Google Palmer and weeks later, there I am heading on my way to Palmer.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So Palmer, Florida Palmer, down in Port.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Davenport, yep.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So down to the fountainhead.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yes, you got it.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): What was it like joining into that college at that age? And do you feel like you made a good decision by going to Palmer or do you think you should have gone somewhere else?
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): You know, I feel like I got a good education at Palmer. I feel like I niched into, I helped start the business center. And as we get through our talk, you guys will be like, oh, that makes sense for her. So I niched into these things and bringing what I felt like I could bring and move forward there in the aspect of getting a really good hands on education. How do I own a business? How do I cultivate? Well, how do I do these things? After graduation, I took a job out in California for a very principal based high volume doc with, we took care of a lot of like Stanford, Facebook, Google, Tesla, on and on. So I really learned, learned chiropractic out there as well. And I think that's some of where my loving, growing our family and this team I get to serve alongside is that, that was my education, my actual inauguration into like understanding how powerful chiropractic is and understanding how to make relationships and how to explain it because I was explaining it to engineers and Stanford professors and neurologists and these people that would have scared the bajevis off of me and then you realize like, oh my goodness, like we have the future right here, like right here and they love us and we love them and that's a whole other talk I could talk for a while.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, it's really cool to hear the back stories on people's, you know, path and how they get to where they are and how they pick the school they went to. And, you know, I mean, people that listen to my show, they know I'm from Davenport, I was so like, that's my hometown. And I was always like really like mesmerized with Palmer College and like how it actually brought like really high level programs to Davenport. Like I think without honestly, this is just off the cuff, but I think without Palmer being there Davenport, it's ruined. Like there's like, that's one like part of like Davenport, Iowa, that's propping up like the culture of that city. So I think it's really amazing that you were able to go there and to learn not only chiropractic, but understand what you want to do chiropractic business because there are, you know, two things. There's the adjusting hand like Dr Sid. So I say there's the adjusting hand, there's the business hand. You got to have both.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah, I always grew up like everyone was like that's the only place to go. So I went grew up in battle creek. The one place to go is you have been went there under credit kind of made my way around only knew of like you go to Davenport, Iowa, that's kind of what the docs in my town said, you know, and then going to the fountain had I have a even more retrospective respect for VJ Palmer because he was a businessman. And I'm like, man, that's my spirit animal. He wasn't just about adjusting, but he was about building branding. Like he was brandy before branding was cool. Like he was Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, I mean, before it was cool. He's like, I'll buy the radio station. And that's where I like, I'm like, yes, game on, like, let's not think linear. Let's think bigger because if you build the platform, you're able to help reach more people that need to hear that story too took way too long for me to hear it.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So well, when you control the message and the platform, you have a lot of power. And that's really why we started this podcast Chiro hustle six years ago because I was like, I just don't think anybody's telling the story of chiropractic. And if they are, it goes down, it gets dead and it goes away. And then they thought they did something, but they weren't consistent. It didn't make an impact. And I was like, what if we just continuously tell the story for as long as it takes?
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And I think that that's what happens with BJ. He bought the radio station. And I think that if people understand, like, if you control the platform, you control the message, you control the media. And then you control like what's true, what's a lie. And I think that that's a big part of what we're experiencing today is censorship. That's why I mentioned First Amendment when we talk about our opener because censorship is real and chiropractic isn't popular to big box medicine. And it's not popular. I mean, obviously it's the people practicing that in that system that love chiropractic but like the overlords that like control like mainstream social media, mainstream media. I don't, I think they would be happy if chiropractors never existed.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah, which is so cool. That's like grassroots, right? Like why I named it grassroots is like, how do we do that? That is by the people for the people. You know, we start talking to the people, most of the people working in those systems are like, I want to go do functional nutrition. I want to go do chiropractic. They bring their families in, right? And kudos to you, James, because it's like that I think is sometimes the subluxation of the chiropractors of like the next stop that to do that. It isn't another Google ad or another paid in my opinion. I mean, these things can be successful, but it's really getting into the actual root of like you are the brand, you are the message and showing up in true, like, just true. Like you just have to like tell them. And then people are like, oh, yeah, that makes so much sense. And the only way for them to hear it are things like this are for us to talk about it. So thank you.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, thank you. And you know, your brand is like a proper lead in now, grassroots.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): How did you come up with the concept for the grassroots collective?
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah. So I, when I was in California, a mentor of me, Dr. Jen Santo, she's in Northern California. She now teaches for the ICPA, heavy Pediatrics and pregnancy, lots of doctors. I don't even know what she's up to. If you know Jen, you're like, yeah, exactly. The group photo is like, keep growing, which is awesome. So I went and visited her and I have to say I really stood on the shoulders of that mentorship. And within, I'm a very much so burn the ship's type person. It was like, click done. Let's go. Looked back to Michigan and started grassroots wanted the same, made a lot of sense to me. Like I authenticity and congruency are really important to me. So I went from an office where we did more of which I am grateful for. I learned a day one day too. I learned how to talk to people. I learned care plans, but I was getting burnt out on like screening and all these other things. I learned their office and it's just simple. Just the same way that you would have car insurance or whatever. You go by your groceries. You go to the dinner, you go to the chiropractor. It's part of your life. And that's what we've built here is like, our people are like, oh yes, this is a no-brainer. And it got birthed out of like, what would you want Abby? What would you want for you and your two girls? Okay. I get adjusted at least a week, weekly or twice a week. I was adjusting my kids, checking them at least a week. But I wouldn't you offer that to other people. It would be like a trainer. Like I live six days a week, but you can only lift once a month. Like so weird. That is not best life. So yeah, that's where it was the birth that of to me, to me. Came back and started grassroots here in Battle Creek. And then it's really organically grown from there.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): One of my favorite chiropracts of all time, he's in my first movie called Chiropractic Documentary Things, Patrick Smith. And he moved from Chicago land where he had a high price point insurance based practice, but he is miserable. And he got out of that and he came to Denver where I met him. And I went over to his studio one day, I was like, hey, tell me about your practice. I still working in the clinic, by the way. I'm out doing screenings for 30 offices. And I just stopped by and talked to him. He's like, yeah, man, I run a cash based membership practice. Like, what's that? It was so foreign to me that like Doc's actually made chiropractic a price point like that was like approachable for like the common person. Yeah. And like I was like really excited. And he's like, yeah, he's like, after I talked to one of my new people, they come in for a new patient orientation. They have to. And he's like, I'm going to be your doctor and you're going to be my patient until one of us blows up.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah. That's what that's essential at least say to yeah.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. And he's like his retention rate. He doesn't have to go find a bunch of new patients and people continuously bring people in and his numbers continuously go up.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah. Hint says having five doctors, it wasn't like me. I wasn't like out to build this thing. This thing is building because it's like you have a good product. It's Alex Hermozi get your product really, really good and you don't, the rest just organically happens, right? And you're just authentic in it and it's sustainable. It's totally sustainable. Like our people come in and they're like, Hey, we want one of those memberships. I got in. I got my whole family or like cool. Let's do it. And then we get to also slow drip and pour into them. Not over 12 visits with an expectation of a result. We pour over them for years and we become like this part that really knows them and I feel like I'm making a bigger impact on that mama through pregnancies, those kids through childhood seeing that mom post part on like we have a better pulse on them than any of their other providers and their other providers look to us like with the same love and respect as they are like, Oh yeah. What do you think? What would you do? And it's the culture is completely different. James and it's beautiful. It's less exhausting. I'm like, this is vibrant, you know, every single student that comes in is to shadow. It's like I've never been to an office like this. We're making reels. We're having fun. We're just in people. They're there for wellness. We're all just, it's just life giving versus life taking. And when I started people were like, that's never going to work. But we got at least try because, you know, what's the worst that's going to happen? I already live in my mom's basement at this point. So we're good.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, you know, that's just it is when you start to believe. I asked you off camera like when was the part that really like made you realize that all of this could be your dream life and how did you go about doing it? And it's just been, it's been really cool to like hear your story about how you've given a affordable product to people, how you create fun for people, how you make the health of these people in your community. Like there's so much that goes into it. And then, you know, when we talk about marketing because I know you like marketing too, I know you like branding. I know you like, you know, inspiring people to take action for themselves by living that example. Like what I guess in the marketing world, what are you doing now that's working?
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Man, I love that question because marketing is to me. It's connection and marketing isn't about like, I love the hormones you like give, give, give until they ask. And marketing to me is like just giving such a good product, such a good environment, so many resources, like being the best you can be and then allowing them to ask like, wait, what about this? What about that? And you've educated, you've informed, you've been there, you've got the rapport, you have the trust. And I swear you don't need to hardly, I haven't really had to market and I don't say that so I know how I love to market. My team always hears me say that like, oh, we're bringing another doctor, I can get more active marketing because our heads above the water with new patients, you know, and which is a wonderful, I know that that's a thing to say but I'm telling you that that is very, very possible. And you asked, when you asked me that off camera, I think I, you know, when you just asked me again, I'm like, I told the story but the truth of that story was, it was a month's amount of pain usually that gets inertia to change, right? Like I'm like, I'm exhausted and this and that. Oh, and the other office I don't resonate with this until it gets enough pain where you're like, oh, okay. And then you make this massive change. And then yeah, you realize that it's all possible. All of it, any of it.
This episode is brought to you by…
ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.
EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.
The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.
Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.
Now let’s hustle!
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, that's, it's, it's empowering. So let's just say that I've been asking this question a lot lately, but let's just say that there's somebody out there watching this and they're like, gosh, I can't get to 150. All right, I can't break the 100, I can't break the 100 patient mark in a week. Or like where I'm at, like people see 50 a week out here and that's, that's like an average. Oh, so like if somebody's listened to this and they live in Grand Junction, Colorado, where I live, and they're like, wow, that sounds fun the way Dr. Abby practices. What would you tell that person on how to get their self's position to have more fun with chiropractic?
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah, I think that's such a great question. So already if they said I can't, I'd be like, all right, cancel. Because our verbiage is already off on that, right? And then I think it really starts between the ears of like trying to figure out what their blocks are, which is why I love the whole business side of it, the whole personal side of it, the whole coaching is like, what do you, because just because I see a thousand a week or when it was just me like three to 400, it doesn't mean that's right for another person. So the why underneath that is super duper important to me because a massive amount of numbers is different than profitability and all these other things too, right? So really breaking that down, but if that's a goal of yours, I think getting back to why you're doing what you're doing and pouring back into the people, like pour back into the people, pour into them and I swear it will amplify, get back rooted in your mission.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, I think it's really important for people to hear that. And I don't think it's a can't. I just think that people plateau. I think that they get energetically stuck. And I think that they start to think about, I need to see this many to make this much money. And I think it becomes one of those, if I do this, I get that reward. And I think that that's a big block for a lot of people too, is they can't just like freely go and do what they are gifted to do. They have to attach. If I do this, then I'll get this.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): It's yeah, you'll hear me say it's not linear so much. And then maybe that's something that really helped me in my office is I really wanted to shift where my bougie life, whatever I wanted to do, it was indifferent of the office. So I started to build out a lot of real estate, a lot of Airbnb, short term, all these other wealth building things. And more and more I'm pulled away from being able to, it doesn't, I'm not driven in that way in the office. I'm able to really just pour into what I believe we need to do to serve people and grow it.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So yeah, I think it's important for people to know that just because you're somewhere right now, it doesn't mean that's where you have to stay.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): No, oh yeah. And actually that realization is, with their watching this, that realization, the journey has already begun. Because soon as you looked at this and you heard like, oh, that person was there and then they decided to do it different, like that's already the first step into that shifting and changing. I think honestly James, like I think it's we get in our own way. Like I think we try to control things and I think that we try to, the way that we think it's going to happen for us, we're so locked in versus getting back into that joyful abundant energy and allowing it to happen the way that it's supposed to happen, even though it might be packaged differently.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So you told me that a lot of the times like it's a vibe, like when somebody comes in, they just start inviting their family and they just start offering people in. How do you do that so effectively?
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): We built that family, we built that culture and it starts from the first time they walk in the door, we're like, hey, is it, is it, everyone's getting adjusted. They're like, oh no, it's just, wait, just, it's just me. Oh, okay, well you can get the famine later or you'll see a lot of families in here because obviously like we'll go over the whole membership, but it makes sense to get your family in. So they've already got these mustard seeds, they're just like, oh, okay, that's what we do. You know what I always say to them like, you know, even it's like, welcome to the grassroots family. Now you're a part of a part of grassroots and we're going to be here for you and on your health journey and when does health like ever not be the most important thing like never.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): I tell people all the time, people want to be invited in and they want to be a part of something. Yeah. And if you're a really good practitioner and you invite people in, that's really what people are looking for. And they want to be a part of a community and they want to have somebody like I've done 700 screenings and when I meet people, I tell them like, check it out. The reason that you're here today is because you're looking for somebody that you can find to be your provider number one, but you want somebody that you can build rapport with and trust. And the reason most people don't take care of themselves because they don't know where to go or who to trust. Now we live in such a strange world where even trusting what we thought was good isn't good anymore. So like we have to be even more informed. We have to be more focused on freedom for health and focused on freedom for family choice and things like that. If you invite people into something where they feel safe and they feel like they're connected, they're going to tell everybody about you.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah, I'm looking for that. Like I'm like, this is a place I want to be, man. I know. Absolutely. Then you deliver an amazing product. You deliver amazing team. Like, yeah, it's a no brainer. It's something that you'd never want to stop doing.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So two locations, five chiropractors, you decide that you need to bring on an next set of hands. Like where threshold you hit where you're like, gosh, we need to find another chiropractor.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah, great question. So I've now it's dialed in, but at first I didn't know I just was like purely exhausted and needed help wanted to see my kids. And then that is one of the reasons I actually did. I was telling you a ChiroIntensive with Dr. Release Ring me and really started needing to learn how to break down your numbers. A lot of I don't know that a lot of us ever have done that before. Like, had spreadsheets, had systems, have an exact office visit average or PVA or these different numbers profitability and be able to say like, now I'm almost so dialed in that I know my own stats. I know what a new doc's going to add to the practice overall. I know our timing like with how many per shift when we start to max out when we need to start thinking about it. I know the timelines of how long it takes to get a student or the right fit for a chiropractor in. And that's seamless. And it's always usually before you think it's going to be. And the other thing is as you build the platform, those come easier. I think it's limiting you and I are kind of talking about this James of like, limiting beliefs for people. You know, you think chiropractors are like, oh, it's hard to get, hard to get associates. I just hired on two at the same time, you know, and like more available because they want to be a part of what we've created. So yeah. I'd be happy like, Karen Tunds is an awesome or there's like, there's different ways that you'll know your profitability be able to know that you can cover their salary, train them, get yourself very well off, get by some of your time back, things like that as well.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, I just think that like I was telling you off camera, like you created the perfect chiropractor dream. You have two offices, you have multiple docs working with you. Every chiropractor that I've met is like, gosh, I mean, but not everyone, but a lot of them are like, I would like to have my clinic in a satellite office. I'd like to hire an associate because I'd like to buy some of my time back, but then they're like, and that's where it ends. Like there's no like real system to follow if it's not a big franchise that's gobbled up little businesses.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I love that. And yeah, being able to like not have a cookie cutter to that that might look different for everybody. And I've got a few thoughts on that. Like, I feel like life keeps pulling me and doing it very organically. It wasn't for me. It wasn't very like ego driven in that way. It was more like, oh my goodness, oh my goodness, like trying to fill needs that I saw my patients, my practice, my community meeting. The other thing is, it's a team. Like I've grassroots is as much those two main other doctors and now will be a five full doctors. It's as much there as and our team as it is mine. Like it has grown together. I stand beside these ladies. It's gonna make me emotional because like I stand beside these ladies and serve with these ladies. And I try to as a business owner, it's hard. It is hard, you guys. And I know that that's our dream, but why? I think we need to really look at the journey of it. And if you regroup and I take, I tell my team, we go, God, family chiropractic or universe, family chiropractic. And if you can take yourself out of it, not as you, that's why it's not Abby Saramika chiropractic. Like it's grassroots. It's ours. If we can start to take ourselves out of it, a lot of what we want is on the other side of releasing control and being the person. Like I want to be reading a book in the corner just like loving that this living or like thing is continually taking in students, training, giving women support to be a mom, do this, do that, serve a lot of patients and be able to like, I don't know, go to our kids events and be sick and go to, like I'm going to Costa Rica for a few weeks and you know, like just be able to do that stuff too. So yeah, James, I think when we put people and build that dream and realize that just the same way we can say to someone, hey, you should get adjusted the rest of your life. We can say that to a doc that might want to come on to our team, like, hey, if this serves you right now or I'll be alongside you, however, like we're not fearful of that world. We're present in creating the best culture we can and all changing, growing from that.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And then it continues to get back and then you can find out the next layer and you can see like, wow, what's next? And then you say, well, healthy eating matters to me and my community. And then you're like, well, what other healthy lifestyle options make sense? How can I create an ecosystem with more to offer to keep people healthy with their thoughts, traumas and toxins? How can I help them with their chemical, physical, emotional stresses? How can I adjust the family but also give them real food? How can I adjust the family but also give the resources to take care of their body and set us on them to a big box medical facility that's going to treat them like a lab animal? And how can I create a community where people actually feel like this is where you go for real health? And back to my original premises, people just don't know where to go, who to trust. You have to go meet them. You have to go tell them what you do, why you do it, who it's for. And then you have to be darn good at it. And I think that that's really the big takeaway for me today is if you're really good at it and you love what you're doing, then like they always say, you never work a day in your life. So it doesn't have to be hard, it can be easy. And if you create something really special, people will refer in and they'll flock to you and they'll want to work with you too.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah, yeah, I agree.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So we have a little bit of time left, but you said Jen Santo was out in California, you stood on her shoulders, you watched her create an amazing thing and then you came back to battle Creek, you did your thing. Are there other people along your journey that you've learned from or been your mentors or heroes or people that you just want to acknowledge?
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah, I mean Dr. Elise has been huge in the past few years in my life. Dr. Patricia Kaiser, so I worked under in California and I always tease that like a lot of my mentors the past few years don't know that I'm friends with them. So I listen to like a lot of Alex Hermozi, Layla and just moving into what the next face right, Jim's, it's like I feel like I've learned and served in these ways and I just like how can I give more? Like how can I give more and you keep the same way in chiropractic, like the subluxation that childhood, okay, the subluxation that and uterine, okay, it's preconceptively. I feel this like giving back to chiropractic is how can I hit the next step of how do we help chiropractors be more joyful in practice? Like how do we start to build wealth versus just getting through being a business owner? How do we start to get out of our own way? Essentially, honestly, like how do we get out of our own way of having to control it versus allow it to be all encompassing? So yeah, a lot of good mentors and a lot of also just people in the, in different worlds. Like I spend a lot of time with people in all aspects of business to help try to bring that back to chiropractors as well and running that.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, I think it's easy for us to say, get out of your own way. My first office I worked in, I worked as the CBP traction tech during traction setups for almost six years, started on Chicago, went to Denver, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of setups. My doc told me, and I was so bitter and pissed at him, but he told me like, if you just get out of your own way, you could change the world. And I didn't know how to interpret that. It actually broke me down and made me resentful towards him because I felt judgment from it. But I think that if we mature, sometimes it takes some people longer than others. But if you mature through the things that don't feel good, that challenge you, you can go for something greater, but you have to be the one that gives yourself permission to go do that.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Like no one else is going to do it for you. No one else's pep talk is going to make you walk through and change your life. Like you have to be the one that does that daily. It has to be a daily dose of humility, has to be a daily dose of knowing why you're doing what you do. And I think that it sometimes takes people a lifetime to find out how to actually go that route. So I think your takeaway is right. Get out of your own way. And if you do get out of your own way, you can go change the world. But you also have to give yourself permission to be great in that process.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Oh my gosh, Mic drop on that, right? Like no one's coming to save you. And when you're the only one that decides it, like when you, and you can say that you can hear that, I've heard that a million times, then finally like through doing things that continually scared the shit out of me, through continually asking me like, are you moving forward or are you staying? Are you moving forward or are you staying like through moving through fear consistently over and over, through moving my body through honestly like working out and all that sounds like whatever, but it's true like consistently showing up and doing hard things, holding it, being like doing things that cultivated more trust in myself. It finally wasn't just hearing it anymore, James. It was like a knowingness. I was like, oh shit, I can do this. Oh shit, I can do. Oh, I can send it to you. Oh, I can be 36 of mom of two had five docs in my office and six properties and these different things. And now I'm like, oh, I've always been like, oh wait, who am I to talk about this? I don't know what I'm doing. And it's like, as soon as you realize like, who are you not to, right? Like who are you not to stand up and just allow for someone else hopefully to have that moment where it clicks and they're like, oh shit, I can do that. I can actually can, you know? And then it's a knowingness. And then I think that's when you start to see it take massive action through with it. So helping people get that clip, right? And expanders are everything. I've seen other people that are doing it go out through it.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, we're almost at the edge of our time, but I can't finish today's interview with that Utahness and Miracle story, something that you've seen in your practice that you like to share because people do wait to end up these episodes to hear these Miracle stories.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah, how do we pick one, right? As chiropractors, Happens daily, I will do one that's recent. And this is a little baby that cranial stenosis and some plasius athlete. So flat mean of the skull. I was, I've had a few moments in my career. I'm like, what am I, I mean, we know the adjustment's always going to do something, but specifically like limitations of matter. I'm like, oh man, this grandma had brought this little boy all the way from Tennessee. We're in Michigan. So she had some ear ending resolve in the office. Again, that trust, right, James? Like she trust us and we're like, okay, let's find your chiropractor down here. Let's do that. Let's do that. She goes down and gets her grandbaby and has driven him up here. And now he's up here to see us specifically working with one of my good friends in the area. I'm not afraid to say, oh, is there anything else we can do to help this little, little man? And my friends, pediatric PT and we're adjusting, doing some optimizers, doing some different things and his craniums getting way better where the neurosurgeon actually has postponed all of the surgeries and stuff and they're giving us more time to work on, work on his skull and getting adjusted. And I'm like, yeah, it's the power, the power of what, what we are so lucky to show up and get to show to people and put our hands on people.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): The body needs nothing extra in it. It simply needs no interference. People don't have to believe in chiropractic. It works just like gravity. It's not whether you believe it or not. And I think a lot of times when people come into the care of a chiropractor and they get to see from a baby's perspective, chiropractic works and it's amazing. And those are the miracles. And it is pretty powerful when some little person that can't speak starts to show improvement through their physiology because of touch and belief and training. And here's the real takeaway. It's chiropractic. And that's the most beautiful part about this profession is it does give people's life back to them. And the cliches given years to life and life to years, yeah, think about year one. Yeah. You know, and I think that that's really important. That little thought when as it grows up, it's going to know that their life was impacted through the care of chiropractors and that's going to change the narrative of that family. It's going to change the narrative of how that little person grows up and shares their message to the world. And that somebody actually could help them instead of having them go ask them surgery on their school. Yeah. Really cool story. Thank you for sharing.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah, absolutely.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): If people wanted to network with you, learn more about you, come work with you. Where do we send them to?
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah. So our website's grassroots family chiropractic around all the socials, Instagram, Facebook, grassroots family chiropractic. My personal is Instagram is Dr. Abby dot Sirovica, it easy last name. And everything's linked throughout. So we would love that if we can, any way that we can help shadow whatever we can do to serve you guys and be there. And again, back to where we started of like it started out of pain for me. Like I felt alone in practice. I felt like I didn't see my kids. I felt like, oh, I loved my patients and flow, but I felt very like it had there had to be another support system and there is. So I just want people to know that I want chiropractors to know that like there definitely is.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, your episode 579 of the Cara House of podcast. Thank you for sharing with us today. I think you could be on our guest. Go to grassroots family chiropractic. Check out Dr. Abby on Instagram, Facebook. And thanks for spending some time with us today.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): Yeah. Thank you. Oh, James also for like coaching or any of that stuff. Cara would be the best way to find me.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So that Yeah. Yeah.
LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER): Well, Dr. Elise written these programs.
DR ABBY SIROVICA DC (GUEST): So, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love talking chiropractic and business. Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): I think that people are going to learn some stuff from this episode and they're going to say, well, I can do that too. So thank you for giving people the opportunity to know that anything is possible. If we just get this right, like you said. So have a great night up in Michigan and I will close out like I always do to everyone. You're just one story away. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys on the next episode. And thanks for your time, Dr. Abby. Thank you. Bye, James.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.
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