Get Patients To Work With You with Dr Jess Hambly DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 581
Dr Jess has been in practice 16 years, first in Australia for 10 years and then in the UK from 2018. While practicing in Australia she also got her certifications in Applied Kinesiology, Neuro-emotional Technique and became an accredited Doula.
“What drew me to Chiropractic as a health profession was the principle that our body is more than just a sum of its parts. It is a whole, completely self-healing, self-regulating system, and when we have external interference to that system, our body cannot work the way that it was designed to. I am continually energised and inspired by the results people see with Chiropractic and what a clear nervous system is truly capable of.
I believe when people are connected to their full potential, they are more able to live in a state of joy and purpose, and I believe the world is a better place if its filled with people living with joy and purpose. Chiropractic allows our bodies to return to, and embrace that state more often and that is a world I want to help create. I have never met anyone who couldn’t benefit in some way from what Chiropractic can do”
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.
This episode is brought to you by…
ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.
EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.
The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.
Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.
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LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER): Hey guys, welcome to episode 581 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Jess Hambley. If you want to hear a story about how she gets her patients to work with her and not her working for them, stay tuned. Welcome back! This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today we go across the Atlantic to the UK with Jess Hambley, originally from Australia. And we're going to have a nice talk today about chiropractic and we're going to tell her story and tell the chiropractic story. And before we do that, I have to let everyone know our big why. Why do we do what we do over here at Chiro Hustle? Well, it's the mantra of the show. And we do protect freedom of speech with this show. We've never censored anyone. We actually know what it's like to be censored in Shadow Band. It's real. So, we'll never do that to anybody. We also believe in medical freedom of family health freedom. Because of this show, we are able to shine a huge spotlight on that for people. Very, very important for people to have a resource where they can go and hear somebody talk about something in a narrative that is chiropractic centered. And I think that if more people knew what we do, they would do what we do. So that's why we continuously perpetuate and tell the truth of chiropractic on the Chiro Hustle Podcast. This is episode 581. We'll get philosophical. We do believe that there is a sacred trust in chiropractic, and we protect that. So, if you guys don't know what that means or what that is, go and do a search right now. Stop this interview and go look for BJ Palmer's last words. You're going to learn more about chiropractic than you ever knew previously. I guarantee you, even if you're a chiropractor, go do it. I like supporting that. And we also have firm belief in subluxation-based chiropractic. So that is front and center. And in in tow of that, we believe in subluxation and that gives us the connection of man to physical or woman to physical with the spiritual. And that's in intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman to spiritual. And with that said, Dr. Jess, welcome to Chiro Hustle.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Thank you for having me. It is a joy and an honor to be here. I'm really excited.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, thank you. Thank you. It's really cool to do this and to be able to connect the dots of chiropractic for your friends, your family, patients, and people that may think that they have like an understanding who Dr. Jess is, but maybe you can reintroduce them to your why and why you got into this amazing profession in the first place. And maybe take us on a transition of where that started and where you watch today.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Absolutely. Well, I think, yeah, I was one of those that heads, I didn't have a cool chiropractic story before I started chiropractic. I'd never seen one. I didn't know what chiropractic was. And then I just knew I wanted to be in healthcare. I just knew I wanted to help people, which I think is a big, is a big calling to most chiropractors. And it wasn't until I went to a university open day in Australia. And I saw chiropractic like in the health sciences section of the university. And I had no idea what it was. And I walked up to him, and I was like, what's this? And the guy there said to me, he was like, Oh, well, what we're looking at is how your entire body works together as a whole. And it was so simple. And for me, that just made sense because I'm like, Oh, great. Because I didn't know if I was going to be in defeat or teeth or ears or eyes or what branch of healthcare. I'm like, okay, that makes sense. Simple. And I think that was so helpful, even though it's such a basic tiny little pigeon, I view of what chiropractic really is. But it was a good way to start for me. And I think that then I got in and then it had my first adjustment in my like about halfway through my first year of chiropractic because everyone there was telling me that you can't be here and not be getting adjusted. Like you didn't know what we do. And then yeah, and it all started to fall into place from there. And I mean, even though where I studied was not particularly strong philosophically, I think it was a really good start and an introduction. And then as most chiropractors will tell you things, then build as you start to actually get out and get your hands on people and learn and understand why. And I think initially I started with a why that was just very much, I want to help people and I want people to get better. And then that's really evolved in that, as you were saying, understanding that connection that chiropractic can bring. My why is now very much like connected people make the world better. People connected joy to their higher selves. Like I want more of those people in the world, you know, and I think 2020 was a very good example of that, of needing more connected people in the world. And that's the goal now is really like, I love just seeing people light up and really get in touch with who they are and what their purpose is because that's what's just going to make it look better for all of us.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. And that's the thing is a lot of times people think that it's just about chiropractors moving a bone.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. Yeah. And you know, the original chiropractors were bone setters. Like, and then it becomes this profession of chiropractic. And then we realized that when you start to adjust the bone, now you're free and up and clearing out a person's neurological pattern that has a disconnect in it. Absolutely. And that fires the brain. That fires the brain. You know, and I think that a lot of times people, like if we could just reintroduce people to it, say, look, it's a neurological profession. The bone is just part of it. The back is just part of it. Yeah. The functionality is the greatest part of it. The adaptability of the person is the greatest part of it.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So, you were influenced to work in the health, some type of a healthcare system. And how did you decide that chiropractic was the right one? Like you said, you didn't know what you were going to do. You know, I've been adjusted.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): I think it really, there were so many aspects to healthcare and chiropractic looked like it just incorporated it all. You know, like rather than just toning in on one little area that actually like, yeah, my God, I can look at everything in one profession. Fantastic. Like that just makes the most sense. And I think, you know, being in it a bit longer now, we know that sometimes the more specialized a particular, yeah, aspect of healthcare is often the more that other areas get blocked out, but really you can't separate them.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. Yeah. You know, I was having a chat before a call with a business partner of mine. And I kind of explained to him like how a chiropractor like focuses on a certain type of practice. Like, some will have a family practice. They'll take care of everybody. You know, some will have pediatric practice where all they want to do is take care of pregnant moms and babies. And if somebody comes in like me with like a low back like problem, you're from someone else. Yeah. And I think that that's really cool too is you learn who you want to have as an ideal client because you know, I asked you that like off camera. And you said you want people to work with you, not you just to work for them. And I think when you start to encapsulate like you are an active participant. Once you have a chiropractor as your provider, like they don't have a magic wand to say, look, we're just going to shake this magic wand now and everything's better. Like you have to like be an active participant. So, it's really cool. It's really cool. The mindset that you shift people into as well. When you think about things like marketing, growing a practice, what is some advice that you might be able to share after 16 years of experience things that worked well, things that didn't work well and maybe some things that you're doing today that you love?
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Yeah. Well, I think I've had the privilege of kind of being a professional associate for a lot of my chiropractic career. So, I wouldn't consider myself marketing social media expert. But what I have found very useful in terms of, you know, we work on our communication and the mindset. And you know, sometimes when you start to see that a lot of your the people coming to see you're all stuck in one mindset. You know, that's what you've got to communicate better. But I found that really like the key is telling people what you do, not just what you think they want to hear. That's been a really big one for me because sometimes that means that people like sometimes, you know, people walk in and crack this crack that and it's like, it's not what we do.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And that's like, you know, like, well, do you think it's helped or diminished chiropractic with, you know, people actually showing the adjustment on YouTube and TikTok and reels.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): That's a hard one, isn't it? I like that that kind of thing has brought chiropractic a little bit more into awareness. And to be fair, I would rather that someone I cared about had a misunderstanding of chiropractic but still saw one than, you know, took painkillers for the rest of their lives. And there's something to it. But yeah, you're right. It does. I think it does really create a false narrative that, you know, people just want to be crack like a glow stick and not really getting the bigger picture of it.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): It's hard. Yeah. You know, when you sensationalize the profession, then a car, then they come in and they say, you do the ring danger. And you're like, no, but you can go to Houston, Texas and get that done if that's what you want. You know, and I think, you know, it has sensationalized it. And early on, this was like a debate with some of the people in my circle and I'd be like, you know what, keep it sacred. Like don't show the adjustment. Like I always thought that you should keep that sacred. Like you can talk anything else, but that part doesn't need to be the part that we make as like the focal point for the public because the adjustment is sacred. And it does. It is a big thing when it comes down to it and we shouldn't just give that away so easily as like what that is. And I think, you know, everybody has their own opinion about, you know, social media. But now we're getting a type of person that shows up that says do it that way.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Yeah. That's it. Dance monkey dance.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yes. Yes. People working with you and not you working for them. There also has to be like that barrier of, you know, going to like the surgical center and say, look, I've been watching surgical videos. I want you to do that thing. Yeah. That's the way I want you to perform on me today. You got it? Yeah. Great. Let's get to work.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): That's what you get example. Yeah.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And you know, for me, I always, you know, go in and I let the doc practice the doc practice there are. And I know that's what you guys hone your skills for, whether it's you doing applied kinesiology, neuro emotional technique work, finding out like how to get people to start rewiring their subconscious. Because I think a lot of this is really all nervous system based. And if you can start doing the muscle tests, like you do a applied kinesiology, you can see where the body's not firing. Absolutely. And then you, and you make the adjustment, you post check and you say, Hey, look, we cleared that out. That's stronger now, right? You can, you can tell. Yeah. So I think, I think that if people just knew that you should just, you know, totally let the doc take over and not have any type of idea of, you know, input, just be a patient, go in and let the doctor be the doctor. So yeah, that's, that's kind of like marketing for me is like, have we gone too far with what we're doing? And how do we course correct if we had, you know, how do we go back and say, you know, say, look, we've done it wrong.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You know, like, how do we go back and make it better? But let's go into the next role of question. Health matters to chiropractors. So maybe you could share with people what you do for your health and how you take care of yourself to be the best that you can be.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Absolutely. I mean, let's start with the obvious, right? I get adjusted. It's really important. I got adjusted today because I wanted to be, you know, clear for the interview. It's just, and I really like now that being, having been under care for 16, well, 21 years now if I conclude being at university, that it really is like about like, oh, I'm really crabby mood today. Like I need an adjustment or like, I mean, I just need to get checked because I know that's keeping me healthy rather than looking into the symptoms of it. And just on what you were saying before with allowing the doctor to practice their art, like I get adjusted by different docs that I work with. And yeah, you don't tell that other doc how to do it. You lie down, you let them check and everyone's got their own art form. And I know that I'm connected when I get off the table. And that's the main thing. Yeah. It's so important.
This episode is brought to you by…
ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.
EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.
The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.
Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.
Now let’s hustle!
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, that's a narrative that needs to be front and center for all people. Like hey, you're going to go see the chiropractor. Like this is how they practice. Yeah. You know? One of my mentors, he's like, yeah, there's this really busy NET office. He's a NET practitioner also. And he would tell me like, this guy has a sign in his office that says it could take up to an hour to get the best services. If you don't feel like that, you would like to wait around. You're free to go somewhere else.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): I mean, let's say if you're clear on what you do and how you do it, then that's the best way to go.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So you said that you've been a professional associate. Yeah. So how did the clinics that you worked with or at stay connected to the local communities? And was that some of your responsibilities to do?
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Yeah, I think, I mean, health talks have always been a big one for the ones that I've worked with, like getting out and chatting and, you know, fairs. And I think you had a great term for it. One of your podcasts, we went and did screenings, but you took all that like harvesting the community, which I thought was such a great term for that. So a lot of those are a big one. I think I love talks. I love because I think when someone comes to a chiropractor for the first time, there's so much information. It's we're looking at the body in such a unique way in a way that I don't think any other profession does in the same way we do. So I think sometimes that information overload people take on so little of it. You know, there are still chiropractors. We're still getting our head around philosophy. Takes the practice. Folks a while. So I think the talks are wonderful to just continue to grow that seed and be like, this is what we're looking for. We're actually, you know, I know you want to be heard, but we're not about you pain. We're about how well you're functioning. And, you know, we want to see what your body does with an adjustment. Sometimes that'll feel amazing. And sometimes it won't, but we're trusting that that's what your body needs at that moment. You're like going to get that message out there.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. I mean, it took me a decade to even understand the word innate. So absolutely. Yes. So to bring somebody in that's never been to an office before and to like, like say you're going to the auto mechanic and they're saying, Hey, we're going to do your brake pads. Your brake pads are thin. We got to fix them. You're like, great, do it. And then they're like, yeah, so we had to pull this caliper here and we have to like make sure that we get the rotation of the pad on the right way. So when you go to 40, it doesn't collect, you know, lock up on you. And then you know, then you get to the stop sign and then it releases, you know, whatever it might be. But that's the way chiropractors, I feel like sometimes they get so passionate about the process. The patient just wants to get the adjustment and make sure that they know what to do and come see us again. Yeah. I think I think we really want to like sometimes over educate. But yeah. But at the end of the day, people need that connection to, you know, because if you look at the other model of, you know, what they're used to, they get three minutes with somebody that doesn't touch them.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Absolutely. Like, I don't know what it was like in the States here when we had lockdown, like all of the healthcare was like Zoom, it was online. I'm like, how are you getting care for anything without somebody putting their hands on you? That's madness. Yeah.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And that's a huge component to the chiropractic method is it's, you know, my buddy goes down and does mission trips and they call them the touch healers down in Haiti. And I think that if people like thought of chiropractic like that in the States, they're touch healers. They're not, they're not moving the bones. They are, but it's, you put your hands on people and there's a huge component to people healing. You know, the amount of like human touch that we actually have that goes on, we're so disconnected from like the energy of other people. So when they actually come into your trust and you started adjusting your their neck and you start like, you know, doing different types of adjustments to their low back, like it's an intimate thing that requires a lot of understanding of what you're doing, why you're doing it. And then they have to, like you said, they had to participate with you. So lots of cool stuff. In the future. Yeah. Like let's look through the, the, the next phase of work higher projects heading. If you had any type of reality that you could share with us, what you think might happen over the next five, 10, 20 years, where do you see chiropractic going?
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Oh, well, I mean, I can definitely say where I'd like to see it going. Because I think even over the last 10 years, five years in practice, I've noticed a really big shift in people having less of a trust in medication. I see, I remember like, you know, when I first started out, you know, you asked someone in their first visit, what medication are you on? And you're sitting there and you're typing away for like five minutes as people list everything up. And so much more now I find people come in and they're like, Oh, I don't want to take that stuff. I know it's not going to help. I know it's going to make me sick. Like, especially when it comes to painkillers and anti-inflammatories and things is people know like they have a better understanding that that's a symptom cover up. It's not really getting to the cause of it. They know that once they're on it, you know, that tends to be the only way forward and they want a different answer. And so I think what I'm hoping now is that people see us more in there, you know, they know they put emergency care in its right place and they put healthcare in its right place and like, right, I need to be well. I need to look after my body. I want to do more of what I love and what's important to me for the long term. That's where I go to for the chiropractor. So I broke my leg and need to go to the hospital. Like they understand the difference.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, they should call it what it is. They should call it pill care.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And I think that if people just knew that there was a different choice, they'd be like, yeah, I want to try that first. That sounds awesome. Yeah.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So I think that's, I think the direction that it is already headed and I don't know how long it would take to get that wider consciousness.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): But gosh, I don't know how long it would take to get that wider consciousness. But I think that's, I think the direction that it is already headed and I don't know how to get that wider consciousness. But gosh, I'd love to see that within my career. That would be incredible.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So you went to school in Australia. Who has been some influence on you? Some, some heroes that you've had along the way, some people that have mentored you. How did you become who you are 16 years into the profession?
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Oh, wow. I think the biggest shift actually happened in that transition from Australia to the UK. And amazingly, you have interviewed a lot of my mentors, which has been incredible. So I think my first real introduction was with Anna Estes-Deste. She was, she explained vitalism to me in a really beautiful way in a way that I thought I understood it and then got a much deeper understanding. So she came and she was just doing a technique seminar at the clinic that I was working at and started explaining the difference between healing from the inside out and then from the outside in a natural way. And I really, and it was such a light bulb moment for me. I'm like, oh my gosh, I've been like trying to put the solution on somebody in a natural way for the last 10 years. Like, I've never really looked at the person as already being whole and have everything they need. And we're just helping to release that. And I remember I went up to her after the seminar and I'm like, we need to have more conversations and four years later, we still talk twice a month. So it's just incredible. And then through her, I met Stu Bittman, also incredible, loving, peaceful, powerful, for chiropractic, I adore him. And then especially when COVID happened and I feel like I felt like I was dealing with a lot of angry people and angry energy and fear based stuff for a lot of the time. He was just the most wonderful antidote to that about, you know, if we want to see more love in the world, we've got to be more loved. We've got to be connected to that, to ourselves and our heart and our wholeness. And again, that's a journey that he and I have been on ever since. So there's some big ones. And I think I've also really admired Heidi Havick and the work that she's been doing to just give people the information and the research and the certainty behind what we do. I think she's incredible.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, you know, there is that part where we have to like start to find out once we know stuff, who can help us refine the knowledge. Yeah. Who can help us make sense of why we have these beliefs. And it's important to find people that have been there before us, you know, in chiropractic a lot of times, they'll say that we stand on the shoulders of giants.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And I've been doing a lot of work with local state associations this past year, like California this past weekend Colorado, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, I'm going to Georgia next month. And I start getting like a vibe that we need to participate with each other more. You know, and I urge people to create a list of all chiropractors and their 10 mile radius and reach out to them and start doing like a collaborative like monthly philosophy gathering, call it the big idea gathering and get everybody together and start to have fellowship and start to connect again and start to adjust each other and start to realize that you guys are a lot more similar than you are different and that it's okay to build a community of chiropractors. And that there doesn't have to be some weird division just because they're a chiropractor in your city and there's some scarcity mindset. Like I really believe that having mentors locally even and friends that are in the same profession is healthy.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Absolutely. There's always more chiropractors than people like why are we competing? Like let's go. Yeah. And I think that's the beautiful thing about chiropractic being the art form and that because you'll never see a chiropractor like two chiropractors working the same way, it means that there's so many roads for people to find us if we wanted to work together rather than you know, kind of shoot each other down.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. And it just makes for a healthier profession. And I urge every chiropractor to have, you know, for lunches a month with other chiropractors and just to, you know, even if it's awkward, just do it. Like, you know, just see what's possible. And you know, like I think that when people start doing more connection, then there's more reality for the profession of where we can take it together. Because having people that live on an island expecting them to be able to do it and build that community together is impossible. We have to come together. So, and support your national organizations support like the IFCO support them support the ICA like support these organizations, but also support your local chapters, you know, your state associations. I think, you know, those are the ways that you can, you know, make a better future for chiropractic, to be honest, is to support with your three things, time, talent and treasure. And if you, if you can't do it with your time, then pay your dues. And if you can, you know, give some of your time to the organization, it will give back to you too. So I think that that's really important. But do it local too. You don't have to like have something like national sanctioned or state sanctioned. You can just have chiropractic gatherings.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Absolutely. Yeah. And I've been, I've already been a part of some of those here. There's a great group locally called the Chiro calling that have just started doing monthly philosophy nights. And I've like, yeah, I've been to a couple of there incredible, like it's just so great to find, you said, yeah, find community.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, then you can figure out how to refer to each other, work with each other. If, you know, somebody needs coverage. Now there's a friend and like that can help. And I think that support is essential for, for chiropractors. So yeah. So closing out today, I'm sure you've seen some miracles over your course of your career. Maybe you could share with us one to two miracle stories to send us off today.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Oh, let's do that. That always feels good, doesn't it? Yeah, really. I thought about that. And I think like a lot of chiropractors, there's always like, oh, which miracle do I pick? And I love that that's the problem that I had with this question. But the one that always I think sticks out for me because I hadn't been in practice very long, like five years or less, I had in Australia. I looked after a dad that then turned out looking after his wife, then the wife felt pregnant. I looked after her through her entire pregnancy and she had this beautiful little girl. And I don't, I think when she was four or five months old, that doctor said, oh, she's got hip dysplasia. So we're going to have to put her in a spider cast. And so those ones where they relocate the hips and cast them in and then they stay casted for six months. I think they told her six months plus, like this little girl was going to be in a cast. And the mom was an early childhood teacher. She knew about healing milestones. She knew how important that was. And she's like, well, if she can't crawl and she can't get a cross crawl, like, how's she going to develop? And I was like, yeah, that's like, that's a big question. And she's like, what do we do? And I was like, well, they wanted to do it a month. She came in and they wanted to put her daughter in a cast in a month. And I said, well, we've got a month. I can check her twice a week where you can get her nervous system working as well as it possibly can. And then if she's in the cast, we hope her adapt to that. Like we just make sure that her body's going to use much feedback as it possibly can. So I checked on her daughter twice a week, which is probably the most I've ever seen a little one that age in only a few months old. And then they went into the hospital and they put her, they sedated her daughter and the mum and dad are sitting out in the waiting room and they were kind of getting ready for it. And the doctor came out and said, daughter's fine. Like, we don't need to put her in the cast. Go hips up great. They move. There's no problem. And I thought like, that's incredible. And I had all of these, the mum was so excited. She made YouTube videos for the practice and couldn't stop telling anyone. And then I, you know, subsequently adjusted her next two children. But I had all of these characters getting contact with me and like, well, what did you do? And I'm like, well, I don't have a hip dysplasia adjustment, like it's not a specific adjustment for any issue. I just checked it and then her body was able to find its balance, whatever they found wrong, her body corrected. Like, and that's going to be different for every baby. But I think that would have made such a huge difference to her neurological development to not have been cast and rigid for those super important early months of her life. And then I said, being able to then adjust the family. And then I grew with that family in practice right up until I moved to the UK. And they, yeah, they always hold a special place in my heart, those guys. So that was a, that was really cool.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You know, I, I do a ton of marketing events and there's a moment where I was at my booth and this lady comes up and she has a child that's like really not really responsive and just kind of like in the stroller. And she's like, I could tell that she's like had like gears of stress just because the baby isn't like, you know, adapting to life. And I was just like, you know what, come in and see us. Just come in and see us. Just let me be your advocate today. Just come see us and bring your kid, like bring this little child, this non responsive child to the clinic. And I was like, just pay for you. The doc would be happy to see what we can do for the kid too. And I think that if people just knew they wouldn't live in like this, like fear. Yeah. And a lot of times people think it's a medical procedure that needs to be done. No, it's, there needs to be pressure off the nerve to let the body to have the innate flow. I think that if once again, if more people knew what chiropractors do, then they would do car, they would be chiropractic advocates, patients, and they would send everybody that they know to at least get checked by a chiropractor. So at the end of episode 581, Dr. Jess, is there anything I didn't ask you that you like to share with our audience today?
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Oh, no, I think that was just a really beautiful conversation. Thank you. I love being able to chat about this stuff. And I think really just, like he said, tell the story. Let people know that like you're doing the healing, you find a chiropractor like we're all good. I think if you've got a chiropractor, again, that wants to work with you, you know, they're not the hero in the room. You are. They're just going to unlock that for you. And if you can find someone that respects the power of your body, that's it. Go and go and make them part of your health care, your health team. It's just, I can't, I cannot. There's no one that wouldn't benefit from it. And I can't see how anyone would ever regret it.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So, well, like they always say, nine tenths of it's showing up. And when we show up for each other, then that's when miracles happen. And I think that that's the, the, the takeaways. When people show up and participate, the miracle can happen. Yeah. We just have to get through the subluxation above the atlas first. And that's one, that's one of the hardest things to do is get through and say, look, this is for you and we can help you. And the reason most people don't go to the chiropractor, because I've done so much marketing for chiropractors is they honestly just don't know where to go or who to trust. So if they come in and you can build that trust with them, now you can help them.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): All right. Well, if people want to get in touch with you or connect with you, where do we send them to?
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Send them to my Instagram. Absolutely. I'm on social media far more often than I should be. So Dr. Jess Chiro, Dr. Jess underscore Chiro, you will always be able to find me there.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): All right. So check out Dr. Jess Hambley at Dr. Jess underscore Chiro on Instagram. I really appreciate you being with us today. Your episode 581, the Chiro Hustle podcast. I'll close up by telling everyone you're just one story away. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys on next episode. Have a great evening over in the UK and I'll have a great day over here in Colorado.
DR JESS HAMBLY DC (GUEST): Wonderful. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.
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