Create a Million Dollar Practice with Dr Kendall Price DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 599

Dr. Kendall Price, a native of the Quad Cities, emerged from a childhood marked by struggles with asthma, allergies, and digestive issues. It was through the transformative power of chiropractic care that he found relief, igniting a passion for natural healing at an early age. At the age of 10, he resolved to become a chiropractor, inspired by the profound impact the practice had on his well-being.
Raised in a family with a chiropractic background, Dr. Price witnessed the challenges his two older brothers faced in establishing successful practices in Tennessee. Determined to overcome these hurdles, he dedicated himself to understanding not only the art of chiropractic but also the intricate business aspects that are crucial for success in the field.
His pursuit of knowledge led him to Life University, where he immersed himself in chiropractic studies. Driven by a desire to create a thriving practice, he moved cross-country with his wife, Allison, and their 8-day old daughter. Together, they founded Aurora Chiropractic, where their commitment to natural healing and business acumen quickly propelled the practice to remarkable heights.
Over the last 8 years, Dr. Kendall Price's dedication has seen Aurora Chiropractic grow to consistently generate over a million dollars in revenue annually. Beyond the confines of his practice, he has extended his influence by mentoring students and cultivating a new generation of chiropractors. During his 8 years in practice, he has had four associates, who have all blossomed into successful practitioners with thriving practices.
In recognition of his leadership and commitment to the chiropractic community, Dr. Price serves as the vice-president of the Illinois Prairie State Chiropractic Association which played an instrumental role during the COVID-19 pandemic ensured that chiropractic offices remained open, providing essential care to those in need.
Recently, Dr. Price decided to channel his passion for chiropractic and his business savvy into a new venture. He sold Aurora Chiropractic to devote his energies to Elevate Marketing Solutions, a company he co-founded to assist chiropractors in expanding their practices. Elevate has become a beacon for over 700 doctors, aiding them in scaling their practices, with more than 100 offices reaching the milestone of $1 million in collections or more.
Outside the chiropractic world, Dr. Kendall Price finds peace in his faith in Jesus and spending time with his family. His wife Allison and their four children, Thea, Daniel, Nathan, and Lucas, form the nucleus of his world. When not immersed in the business of healing or helping others heal, Dr. Price can be found coaching wrestling, deer hunting and fishing. His multifaceted journey embodies a fusion of healing, entrepreneurship, and a deep-seated commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.
This episode is brought to you by…
ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.
EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.
The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.
Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.
Now let’s hustle!
LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER): Hey guys, welcome to episode 599 of Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millet, and here's your host, James Chester.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So today we had the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Kendall Price. And if you want to hear about how to create a million-dollar practice, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. It's the 599th episode. Really excited to have Kendall Price on with me. We're going to talk about his origin story. We're going to talk about marketing, new patients. I think that every chiropractor is always curious about new patients. If you guys want more new patients, go to, check us out, listen to our podcast. We're going to talk about the service of chiropractic. What does it mean for chiropractors to grow practice? And not always worry about the money, but worry about the care about the service that they're providing. And get more involved. If you guys have heard me say it once, you've heard me say it a million times. Join your state associations and become members of your state associations, become members of your international associations also. And yeah, do better for yourself by getting involved. There's a lot that we're going to talk about today. And I'm really excited to have Kendall Price on with me. But before we jump into this episode, I'll let you know the big why. Why do we do what we do over here at Chiro Hustle? First things first is freedom of speech. We've all seen the shadow bands and the censorship over the past couple of years. We've never done that to anybody. So this is a place for people to share their voice and to be acknowledged and seen and heard. We also believe that chiropractic is vital to the future of this world. And because of that, I know that chiropractors keep medical freedom and family health freedom, something that is very important. And if you guys are looking for a great chiropractor, check us out, And philosophically speaking, we do protect BJ Palmer's Sacred Trust. If you guys don't know what that means, sometime during your day, go and search for BJ Palmer's last words. You're going to learn more about chiropractic than you previously did. I guarantee you. We also support Subluxation based chiropractic. We believe in in intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. Now that that's all said, this is 599. Welcome Dr. Kendall.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Thank you for having me. I appreciate you having me on.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. So origin story. You said you have some brothers that are chiropractors?
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Yeah. So I grew up in the Quad Cities. So you and I are like, we were talking about this a little beforehand. We're both Quad City boys. I grew up in a little bitty farm town on the Illinois side and didn't really know what chiropractic was. But I was kind of a sick kid. I had lots of asthma issues. I used to get these abdominal migraines that were just awful as a kid. And so I just dealt with the stuff that a lot of people who become chiropractors deal with. And went to the doctors and took the medications and did all those things. But I had a friend of mine whose mom was a chiropractor. And she started adjusting me when I was little. And lo and behold, a lot of that stuff started going away. So I had less and less of the abdominal migraines and my asthma improved. And so I just got healthier. And so by the time I was 10, I knew that I wanted to be a chiropractor. And I'm the youngest of four boys and my two oldest brothers, both chiropractors, we all it was kind of funny as we all have different ways that we came to become chiropractors. But we all ended up in the same place. And so I think God kind of had a plan for that all along.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So 10 years old, you signed your letter of intent to become a chiropractor.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Yeah. And it seemed like a pretty cool profession. I also had this really cool chiropractor in Bettendorf's name was Sam Slavin's. And every time we'd go in there, I was a wrestler and I played hockey. And so he would he'd rustle with us and he'd show me a single leg. And so it was just the, I don't know, it was just like going in and it seemed like the coolest profession ever. And I can remember as a kid seeing a MyoVision scan at like seven or eight and thinking it was the coolest thing in the world to understand like where, where nerve interference comes from and how it affects the body. So very inquisitive and just love to be in there. I love getting adjusted.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. You know, this goes back to like why it's so vital for people to get their kids under care and to bring them to a chiropractic clinic because you never know how far reaching something you may say or do today might have the impact on a million of lives tomorrow. And that's BJ Palmer quote, but it really is fundamental for what you just said from being a young kid, you went and saw something that connected the big idea to you. And you're like, wow, that just makes sense.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Yeah. And that's, that's really what it was. I mean, it just, and not only that, but like you see the stories or the testimonials or things on the walls and it's just like, man, to be able to have that much impact on somebody's life is just, it's awesome. Right. You know, it serves that greater purpose.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, a lot of people that have watched my show and have gotten to know me over the past six and a half years of doing Kyra Hustle, they have heard my story. When I first started out, I worked in a CBP office. I was doing chiropractic biophysics as a technician and I was helping people, but I also had a background of videography and journalism. So the doc was jobbing me out to his buddies and I was going to do patient testimonials. So I went and I started interviewing people and asked them, you know, what has chiropractic done for you? Like what was your life like before you came into the chiropractor? What's your life like now? Would you like, would you recommend your friends and family? It's so simple, but I did like hundreds of these. And I started to realize that like there was like this great profession that if you didn't ask people about it, they didn't tell you about it. And if you didn't like investigate about it, people didn't know how to talk about it.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Yeah, I mean, it's they really don't, right? And it's like you almost have to, I mean, it's like when you ask a patient for a testimonial, you have to kind of coach them on like, hey, these are the type of things that like we want to know we want to understand. And you know, like in my office, we always developed a system where it was like, let's roll back through what they told us on their first visit and their goals and their and the objectives that they told us and the things that they've met. It's like, it was almost like when did that, you had even better testimonials. You're like, holy crap, I forgot that that was even a goal. I haven't thought about that in a year or six months or whatever. So it's just really, really cool, you know, and a lot of times I found out because they
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): would have me do some of these like re exam conversations. And when you talk to people, they wouldn't even remember originally what they came in for because they were all by like visit seven. They're all starting to feel better.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): It's the truth. It's the truth. They don't. I think the most underutilized tool in a car practice office is a re exam. I really, really do because I think it's the most important thing other than probably table talk to create a practice full of full of patients that are, you know, that come for what they came for, but stay for what they've accomplished and what they want to continue to accomplish.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. When I was helping patients daily, like the doc was like, look, you can't talk about baseball. You can't talk about football. Like you can like be kind and like entertain people, but take them back to this topic. Take them back to this topic. Take them back to this topic. Because I mean, it's easy for somebody that works in office to like spend their time talking about like who's on your fancy football team are, you know, who are the Cubs going to pick up this share as a pitcher? Like it's so easy for us to go down those conversations with people, but you ought to make the main thing the main thing.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Yeah. Well, I mean, you get, you know, if someone's coming to see you once a week, once every two weeks, it's like you get 15 minutes in the office tops, right? And maybe five of those minutes are with the doctor. You got to make those minutes count.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): For sure. Well, I know one of the things that we wanted to touch on today was marketing. Yeah. But on school, eight years, you said that you've helped over a hundred offices create million dollar practices. Talk about that. Like I think it's a very, very valuable thing for people to understand that marketing works and that new patients matter, but there have to be certain things that you develop into what we're doing today that are different than they used to be, right?
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Yeah. You know, we're talking about this beforehand. It's that it's that I'm a big subscriber to the fact that you can't just be in one medium. When you're in one medium, you're going to lose out on different ways. And so you have to, for doctors and for chiropractors to be successful, they have to be doing it all, right? And they've got to focus on their business, just like any big business does, right? I love Steven France and Pete Camiolo. Their mentality of internal, external and digital is they're on the, hit it on the head, you know, the nail on the head, so to speak, it's you have to be doing multiple channels to be successful because you got to meet people where they're at. You know, I've really, really dove into the digital side of things because I think that there's so many people that sit on their phone at night. I mean, I'm at my mother and father-in-law’s and for 30 minutes last night after dinner, everyone was sitting there just kind of scrolling on their phones, right? It's where people are at. And so if that's where they are, we've got to be doing things to meet them where they are.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So I didn't prepare you for this question, but I'm quite curious. There's a lot of times when people say, ah, I got to referral based practice. I don't need to do marketing. What's your message to that group?
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Politically correct or politically incorrect. I'll go with the politically incorrect. I think that you're doing your community of this service because we're in it. I mean, it goes to what you just said. I mean, we have the responsibility to share chiropractic with people and knowing the amount that we can change people's lives. It's to quote Stephen Franson. It's the greatest act of kindness that you can have, right? Simply if you're not doing it, you're not doing your job, right? It's not all about you.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): I just interviewed a guy that made it to the podcast Hall of Fame. And he asked me at the end of it when we finished up our call. So why did you start your podcast? And I was like, I just wanted to create more value for the message of chiropractic because I believe that no one was actually doing it well. And it wasn't done consistently. And no one actually took it serious. And no one was going to go and interview every chiropractor that they could find and tell their stories and let them tell their stories. And I never wanted to make it about me. I always wanted to make it about the profession. So I think that if people understand marketing, they don't always have to make it about themselves. And it doesn't have to be about it. They just had to be damn consistent with it.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Right. And that's the thing that I can tell you is one of the things that I kind of bang my head against as I'm talking with doctors, especially younger doctors, you know, it seems like the docs who have been out in practice for a few years, they kind of get it. But the young docs coming in and the docs that are, you know, 10 to 15 years into practice, they sometimes struggle with this a little bit because it's not the things that they've always heard. And it's changing. It's ever evolving, right? And if you're not evolving your marketing, you're doing yourself a disservice. And you've got to set the systems up on the backside to be able to really make it work. That's not the component.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So turn the page with me a little bit. Say, say somebody's listening to this and they're like, dang, I'm struggling. And they're like, I want a million dollar practice. This guy has helped create a hundred of these things. Like what paces do you take somebody through?
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): You know, I think that it's understanding where they are in their practice, right? You know, someone who's brand new out of practice versus someone who's looking to bring on their next associate, it's understanding what it is that they're doing in their practice. What are your goals? What are your objectives? Right? It's just, it's just like when you're talking with a patient on their new exam, right? What are they trying to accomplish? Because are you trying to accomplish a million dollar practice because you want the money and you want the clout? Or are you trying to create a million dollar practice because you want to help and serve as many people as possible? Okay. I think the first question starts as a heart question. But the second question is, is then what are the, what are the things and is your why big enough to help you get to that stage? Right? And until you can get over that hurdle, the nuts in both side of things don't, don't really make that much of a difference. But I think that because I think that the truth is, is when it's all about the money and it's not about the heart and the service, it comes through and the things that you're doing and the things that you're putting out and the things that you're saying. And we tend to see, you know, lazier, lazier videos, lazier ads, lazier things like that when people are not as passionate or, or, you know, kind of full of the philosophy of chiropractic.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): But I mean, what if somebody's like a hard case and they're like, I don't want to do a video, I just want to grow a practice or I don't want to be a digital creator. I just want to be a chiropractor. I think that that's very rational for people to think that way. Like, I don't want to be a content creator. Like not everybody wants to be that, that, that person.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): And I think that one of the things that I've come to realize is that the more you can step into positions in your life where you're uncomfortable, that's where your growth really comes. Right? And so you do have to sometimes do things that are a little uncomfortable in order to serve that mission and that purpose. Right? I can tell you that, you know, when I first started in practice, it was uncomfortable as all get out to get out and do a screening in a community. Right? But I knew I had to do it because I knew I needed to tell people what the message that I had about chiropractic. I needed to grow my practice to, because I have a fundamental belief that all chiropractors should be successful and sometimes it's just putting the work in, you know, the hustling and grinding, so to speak. And so if you're not willing to put yourself in an uncomfortable stage, you get to choose your heart, right? Choose a hard life and a hard practice or choose to do something that is difficult for you. But in the long run, it's going to serve you and your community just as much.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So let's go back in time. Eight years ago, if there was one thing you'd have done differently, what would it have been?
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Oh, man. That's a good question. So I came right out of school and opened my practice from zero patients, had $237.14 in my bank account the day before we opened the practice. So I had 80 new patients on my books the first week. Honestly, I think that the biggest thing that I would have done back then is I would have started building more digital real estate in my local community and really focused more time on content and doing things, like you said, to create value, build value for my patients because I think that that would have taken the three and a half years, four years that it took to get to a million dollar practice and probably shorten that timeline probably in half.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So you'd have created better digital runways for yourself.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Yeah. Again, it all goes back to, are you, what are you doing to, you know, with coaching groups and mentorship groups and all these things, they teach you the nuts and the bolts. So how to do a day one, how to do a day two, how to screen, how to do these sort of things, like tangible sort of things. But I don't think that we understand that you have to have an audience and the more that someone knows, likes and trusts you, the more that they see you, you know, it's a really effective medium to be able to build that trust to where when they are ready, they already know who they're going to go to, right? You apply for the game, not the short game.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So you said earlier that you were at your in-laws and after dinner, people are scrolling. Do you think that people are getting input asphasia? Like they're just tired of ads and their newsfeed. They're tired of like being sold to their target to be marketed to social media.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): 100%, right? I'm totally with you. I think that there is a component where people think, you know, they're tired of seeing it, right? I've seen my mom post stuff about, you know, how do I, you know, how do I get away from this? How do I, and it's like, like I get it. And that's where I think that the content and value based things that you can give to people is super helpful, right? And the more value you can build it, when your ad does pop up, it doesn't seem so intrusive.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. I mean, I can't tell you how many times I go on my timeline and I'm just like, hide, add, hide, add, hide, add, hide, add. I don't care who it is. Yeah. Like I'm just hiding everything. I spend like two to three minutes to just hide and stuff in my newsfeed just because I'm tired of seeing people try to sell me. And all I want to do is like read somebody's comments to somebody else's like post or I want to like see what somebody's like doing like for their real life. Like, where are they going? What are they doing? What are they like interested in? Like, I think that there still is a mechanism of social media where you should be social on it. And not everybody wants to show up and see what the next thing is that somebody's trying to sell them an ice bath or an iron neck or whatever it might be like a sauna or whatever. Like, or chiropractic visit.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Yeah. No, I mean, I get you. And I think that this kind of speaks to, you know, the mentality of the way that we're looking at the world, right? And so truth be told, as far as other than business dealings, I don't use social media all that much, right? Because I find that I can get sucked into it if I use it for too long. And so, you know, I use it for those sort of components, but using it as a business tool is the thing that I've found it to be most successful for. Because while you and I may look at it that way, not everybody does and the general population certainly doesn't, you know.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So let's switch the conversation a little bit towards service. Yeah. Like you were talking about like before we started this interview today, like one of the topics you wanted to touch on was adding the idea to the chiropractor to not do everything for what they get out of it.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Yeah. I mean, just being tight. I mean, tied into your community, right? I mean, it's locally, but also, you know, I'm a big proponent and this kind of goes into what we talked, you know, what you said about being part of your associations. I'm the vice president of the Illinois Prairie State Chiropractic Association. And I got involved with that simply because it's a philosophically sound chiropractic organization. And you know, I wanted to do what I could to help serve our chiropractors in, you know, in our state and really try and grow that. And over the last few years, we've really, really done things to, you know, try and bring as many people in as possible, you know, really big name speakers just to deliver on value and gold, right?
This episode is brought to you by…
ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.
EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.
The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.
Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.
Now let’s hustle!
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, I mean, that was another part of this guy that was on my show earlier, Dave Jackson, the podcast dude. And I was like, he's like, so, you know, a lot of times people will start a podcast so they can like, you know, grow their brand or like, you know, get so many downloads. And I'm like, actually what it's done for me is it's allowed me to get recognized and ask to speak at state association events. Yeah. And people are starting to like take notice that that's a huge value is when somebody has interviewed everybody, that means that they probably have a few things that they can share that would be a value to that group. So yeah, it's cool that you've been involved to stay association. I guess an even better question would be philosophically sound state association. What's the other state associations? What are they doing?
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): You know, I to stay sort of a political keep kind of keep it, you know, it's kind of a what is your philosophical tilt, right? Do you believe in a particular civilization? Do you not? I mean, I think that there's a lot of state associations. There's a lot of states out there that that still have to associations. I know Wisconsin has to. And so it's what are you, what are you getting when you go to those, right? Are you going to get someone from, you know, that's coming and pushing all kinds of supplements and creams? Or are you going to get really dipped a little bit in in chiropractic philosophy? And the things that that truly make a difference and that lights you back on fire. And so, you know, we've really tried to do a good job of, you know, bringing people in who are going to talk about, hey, here's the really cool new science that proves, you know, how subluxation affects the body. So you get the science based off, but then you get, you get people in there that are, that are spitting, you know, philosophical gold, you know, the Liam Schubel of the world and those sort of people. And it's just like, man, what an event it makes when you have a little bit of all of that, you know, science, art and philosophy to really push, push people to go back Monday morning and have an impact.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And, you know, I'm not taking you on like a crazy path or anything, but why do, why are there a moving philosophy from the state associations? You know, it doesn't make sense to me as an advocate. I think that the patient doesn't need to understand chiropract philosophy. But dang, the chiropractor has to understand philosophy.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Yeah, truth be told, I think that we have such a shattering or splintering of our profession in just the so many ways that people can practice. But yet the only thing that's really unique about what we do is the adjustment and, you know, the addressing of the vertebral civilization complex. And so it's, I don't understand it either, if I'm very honest with you. But I think that what it boils down to for me is that there are times when people can see, you know, maybe, hey, well, I can help people this way. But should you, right? And so, you know, it becomes more of a practice or thought exercise and how do you want to do things?
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, being an educated doctor, and there's educated risk involved with that and retaining your own identity is something that shouldn't be of a risk. Right. And I think that having certain parts of your component of your practice, science philosophy and art, like I said, not every person that comes to the chiropractic center or clinic or practice needs to understand that chiropractors have science philosophy and art. But the chiropractor definitely has to like retain their value of their education, of how this profession was founded. And like, there's two different conversations. It's like parents that have a conversation about like, you know, religion, or parents have a conversation about Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. And then there's the scope that we would reveal to children. Or there's the way that we like have Sunday school for kids. You know, there's like the portion that we reveal, but also the portion that we keep sacred. Right. And I think that there are parts where there's a huge confusion like nobody wants to come to BJ Palmer's office and get adjusted. They want to come to your clinic that you built. That's your practice with your, you know, your signage and your touch. Like chiropractors, they want to go to BJ Palmer's clinic because they want to see what BJ Palmer's life was like. Right. But like the average patient, they don't need to know who BJ Palmer is. They don't need to know that what a toggle recoil is. They don't know, you know what diversified is. They don't need to know what an atlas orthogonal adjustment is. They just want to come in and get better.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Yeah. I mean, I think that that's one of the things that that we as a profession have kind of struggled with is just the fact that like, we're so stuck in our way, like our way, the way we do it. Right. And it's like, it is the best and you should absolutely believe that what you do is the best in my mind. I am the absolute best best chiropractor that ever walked the face of the earth in Aurora, Illinois. Right. Because I have to go in there because if I'm going to deliver on the goods that I've promised to a patient, I've got to believe that. Right. And so, but to an extent, we also have to be pragmatic enough to look at ourselves and say, how does that serve the profession as a whole?
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Right. Well, there's an old saying that a divided house falls and we need to make sure that we retain identity and that we do find a symbolism of protecting the sacred trust, which this show stands for. And I think that if everybody just understood that and if you went back and listened to 50 episodes of Kyra Hustle, you would understand from the practitioner's perspective of why the profession matters and why we should be retaining these things rather than manipulating and changing them and taking chiropractic out of colleges' names and taking philosophy out of schools and retiring teachers early. Like I think there's a huge madness when it comes to wanting to change the profession, not for the better. And it's not for me to correct that, but it's definitely something that we need to talk about as a culture of chiropractic to make sure that people at least have an awareness around this, who just doesn't come in and all of a sudden they're like, all right, it's no longer chiropractic guys. You guys didn't stand up for yourself and we just started changing everything behind the scenes.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): And I think that it's, for me, it's keeping the main thing, the main thing, right? And that doesn't mean that maybe you can't do the other things that you want to do in your practice, right? I'm not, for me, I don't want to limit what someone's scope is or tell them that they can't do the things that are within the realm of what we're taught and what we've learned. But understanding that that patient needs to walk out of the door and understand what the most important thing is that happened on that visit. And if they understand that, then we've done our jobs.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. To me, I want to retain the profession for your kids and your kids' kids. And if people wanted to come into chiropractic and become chiropractors, then practice chiropractic. If people want to come into chiropractic and they want to do something that's not chiropractic, then don't be a chiropractor. Yeah. Like pick your path and go down it, you know? You don't see people coming in until like Olympic like sprinting. Say, now we're going to change everything about Olympic sprinting. Now we're going to, we're going to put in some things with swimming. And we're going to try to make sprinting similar to swimming now. Right. And just because it's a sport, we're going to put some weightlifting in there too. And because you guys are like, okay, as athletes, we're going to put some swimming, some weightlifting and some sprinting all into it. But we're not going to call it sprinting anymore. And yeah, if you guys think that that's the way it's supposed to go, then you're wrong now. Right. But sprinting is no longer sprinting and we're going to put weightlifting in there and some swimming. And by the way, there's no water either, but we're going to, we're going to tell you guys that this is the new sport. Right.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): And that's, that causes confusion. It does for sure. For sure.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And now people open up clinics and they're like sprinting, weightlifting, swimming with no water. And people show up and they're like, that's not what sprinting is. Yeah.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): That's confused. It is. And it's, it's because we're, we're dealing with this. I think that that really gets away from some of the things that as you are portraying the message in your community, right? With what you do, it's helpful to be very focused on the things that you, that you provide and that you provide super, super well, right? And that has to clear, come through in a very clear message. Um, you know, I, I was a part of amped for a very long time with Michael Viscarelli and he always used to say confused consumers don't buy. They don't. And, and so, you know, but sent himself. They do. They do. And so I think it's, it's, you run this fine line of, especially as you're marketing your practice to like, what is it that you want to, what, what you want to do and what you want to see, right? Do you want to be a straight Peds office, right? Do you want to be a whole family office, right? Do you want to do a corrective? Like figuring out what that is, who your avatar is, who that person. That you want to see is. And then doing the things to focus yourself in that direction helps you to be able to, to really clarify to your, your, your, you know, your avatar patient, what it is that you do and how you're going to be able to help them.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So you've been as a practicing chiropractor eight years. Yep. Five more years. You're 13. Where do you see this profession going?
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): I think that, you know, COVID really woke up. This is just my, my take. I think COVID really woke people up to a lot of the things that are happening in the medical, the medical industry. And it made them start to question how they looked at their life all around. And people are wanting people who are, who are going to preach truth, right? They're wanting, you know, individuals in their lives that are going to help direct them and lead them. And I think to do that from, you know, an inside out perspective is, is really awesome because I can tell you, and it was a very hard three years to be in the Chicago suburbs and running a practice. But I was able to have lots and lots of really awesome conversations with people about things that I never thought that I would, you know, be able to broach the subjects with, right? You know, from home bursts to, I mean, not that I don't talk about those things anyways, but, you know, home bursts to, to, hey, what does your family do? How does your family eat? How does your family do this? How does your family do that? Like they were looking at what was happening and realizing that this is not how we want to live our lives. And so I think that it, it, in another five years, if we continue, if we, if we take the opportunity to continue to keep preaching, preaching messages of a car, you know, chiropractic and a chiropractic lifestyle, I mean, our, our profession could go places. But I think that the biggest thing we have to do is create more successful chiropractors in doing so. If we do that, I think that our profession is going to be in a really, really good place. But unless people get involved, it's, you know, it, it's more problem some because the more shattered we become the more problematic it is to try and make any sort of real change.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So speaking of that, like, who's helped you build your powerful belief system says a chiropractor? Who are some of your mentors and heroes and people that have like, give you the foundation to, to stand on that you say, these are the reasons why I'm a successful chiropractor in Aurora.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Um, I mean, first one and two is my brother's, uh, Josh and Kirk price. Um, they, you know, they instilled in me when I was in, you know, I was in high school or high school, middle school when they're at Palmer and they started talking about, you know, the philosophy of chiropractic and the thought process of chiropractic. Right. Um, and, and, you know, when I got to life, right? It was, it was Rob Schiff, Rob Schiffman was a big influence in my life. You know, I started joined his group right out, right out of the gate. Um, you know, Michael Viscarelli, Jeremy Hess, right? Those guys were instrumental in, you know, my practice, Brad Golecki, Pete Camayolo, Steven Franson, right? Those are the guys that, that, you know, instilled things in me. Um, and then truth be told, just reading green books, right? Like, like buying in to what it is that we do. And so I feel like there's a lot of people who just don't continue to grow. Right. Um, you know, I, the, I always, I always like to quote, when you're, when you're green, you're growing, when you're right, you rot, right? Always being a constant student, right? When you're a constant student of, of your profession and your, of your game, like, you realize that there's always things to learn and, you know, being humble enough and coachable enough to realize that you don't know it all. Um, we can do a whole lot more in your practice, in your life, right? Than you ever imagined possible.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, I look at you as a really found foundational leader moving forward. And I appreciate you, uh, um, helping grow practices and growing a healthy family and standing on your, your values and learning from those that came before you and passing that on to the future and, um, being involved with your state association and understanding the value of philosophy and learning that from your brothers and hopefully passing it on to more and more people because, um, you are a spark, you are a light and the world needs more spark and light because, um, think, B.J. Palmer said, uh, uh, you can't curse the darkness or something or, I don't know, I don't, this, but you got a light of candle right? Yeah, something like that. But there's, there's so much truth in having your values and your clarity and knowing why you do what you do and who you do it for. And then your practice builds around you. Like you said, whatever style of practice you're going to do, if it's going to be diversified, if it's going to be pediatric, if it's going to be torque release, if it's going to be chiropractic biophysics, like that's the part where the foundation of the practitioner practices their art. And that's why chiropractic is science, philosophy and art. And that's why we're all more like than we are different. And chiropractic is a beautiful profession. And, uh, you know, one of my mentors would always tell me when you point a finger at somebody and judge them, there's three point back at you. So we always had to be careful of how we interact with each other. And I, I gave a talk like six years ago in Boulder and the talk was called UND through diversity. And that we all need to appreciate each other, not me being a chiropractor, but me being an advocate for chiropractic. Um, I appreciate each practitioner because you guys do what you say you're going to do and that's take care of people with your skill sets. And everybody does a little bit different. And that's what makes you an artist. And just as long as we stay foundational and fundamental with philosophy, then the profession perpetuates greatness rather than confusion.
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): I agreed. You know, my, my oldest brother taught me very early on, uh, the principle of be do have, right? Be the person that you're supposed to, supposed to be do what you're supposed to do and have the things that you're supposed to have. And that's, that's a, that's been a foundational thing that's always, always kind of resonated with me. And, and that just says that not everybody is going to be a thousand a week office. Right. But what is, what does that success look like for you? And then what are you doing to be able to put that into, into place? Right.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, everybody's got flipped upside down, Dr. Kendall. They have the have do be very much so very. So close us out with the miracle story. What's something you've seen in your practice over the past eight years that you like to share with our audience today?
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): Um, cool story. I was, I don't know, I always love the people who come in and they're, you know, like folded arms. They're like crabby is all get out. Cause my goal is always to change that when they, when they leave my doors, right? Leave them better than I found them. And it was, she was a, she actually was worked for an insurance company, um, doing case audits against chiropractors, um, to try and cut their bills for, for one of the large, um, insurance auto injury. And she had, had had issues for like seven years trying to get pregnant. And someone had told her, well, have you ever seen a chiropractor that, you know, they're, they can help with those sort of things. And she came in and her, her, her first statement to me is, I don't believe anything that you're going to do. I don't believe it. I did just incredible work perspective and I feel like he might be stepping upon this injury because he stopped looking at that baby, trying to take that baby where she stopped at the hospital will go which starts from basically what he looks like. He was like, Dr, just come down with this, everybody is him. Yeah, maybe that's a hospital. And he falters that I mentioned, yeah. He was like, y'know. Come on. And it was when I said, well, uh, I'm sorry, cy anytime you ask. I go away. You know, she was in, you know, and he comes back to that hospital so that we can do some other things. So we did a nice job of getting motherboard. to start with her and at week eight she came in and she looked at me and she just shook her head and I said what like and she and she said I'm pregnant for the she said I'm pregnant and she said they were fighting over you know who was going to get to tell me today you know at the clinic after the heartbreak that we've been through for the last seven years so I mean obviously big hugs in that but I mean what a miracle right what a miracle to be able to help someone with you know I've got four kids the to me the most beautiful thing that you can that you can ever do is help to some help somebody to create a family and not that I did it her body did it but we just did what we just did what we did we adjusted we removed the interference a lot of the body to do what it's supposed to do a lot of the heal and you know gave her a gave her an opportunity that maybe she wouldn't have otherwise had
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): I'll close out two things the power that made the body heals the body I know it's old school rhetoric and chiropractic philosophy but the body needs nothing extra in it simply needs no interference and I think that those things are powerful when chiropractic is very well understood the body doesn't need anything extra in it simply needs no interference when you clear the interference the body gets pregnant and that's when the chemistry of life is working and that's some Reggi Gold stuff and it's the glands that work it's the ovaries that work it's the body that starts to create cells and that's the thing that happens is the body starts to function away it's supposed to Clarance Gonstead that said find it fix it adjust it leave it alone and that's so important about chiropractic is it is a nervous system profession and it's not about the pain of the person sometimes it's the pain of the individual's attitude and that's hard to deal with sometimes but once you get through the biggest subluxation the one above their atlas you can get through to the subluxations in their spine and there's so many times when people have the massive subluxation between the six sensors is a gray matter between their temples that you can't ever get to the spine so yeah I think you've done a great job by getting through that lady's psychology and letting her know that it's not about what you believe or what you don't believe like said Williams would say chiropractic works like gravity works whether you believe it or not and he had dropped the keys so whether you believe it or not chiropractic works everybody and you don't have to believe in chiropractic you know I tell people that I believe systems the Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny chiropractic is a healing art you just have to go in get an x-ray get a nervous system scan get an assessment and evaluation and find out if it's for you if it's not there's no strange to touch for further care but I guarantee you're going to learn more about your health than you previously did and then I say guess what you're going to like us too and then people show up and they like us and we change our lives all the time so that's the greatest miracle is it's not a belief system you don't have to believe in chiropractic
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): you know like that lady didn't you know you don't have to believe in it for it to work it because it works regardless
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): so is there anything I didn't ask you that you was hoping I was going to ask you today that you'd like to share with our audience today
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): um no not really I mean um I think the biggest thing you know we did we did start a uh I with my business partner and I we started podcast million dollar practice podcast um we've got some real gems on there we've gotten a lot of a lot of big names in the profession and people that are they're doing really cool things and you know it's just kind of like this right it's value that we're trying to add to the profession of ways to be more um successful in your practice right to get the right mentality the right frame of mind um and to be able to really reach the people that you're looking to reach
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): if people want to learn more about you or get connected to you where do we send them to yeah um best place to get connected
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): um you can email me at dr kendall at you can visit us at our website which is or you can find me on facebook. Just kendall price go elevate marketing dot com guys send me an email dr kendall at find them on facebook
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): hey doc thanks for being our guest today
DR KENDALL PRICE DC (GUEST): thanks for having me your episode 599
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): I always close out by telling everybody you're just one story way keep hustling I’ll see you guys in the next episode bye for now bye thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.
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