
August 4, 2024

Business Solutions and Asking for Help with Dr John Lee DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 584

Dr. John Lee is the founder and lead coach of Alpha Omega Consulting. Although Dr. Lee enjoys an extremely successful practice now, it was not always that way. He struggled in his early career like many do. As an independent contractor, he found it hard to keep up with any more than 50 patient visits per week.

This was not the kind of chiropractor he envisioned himself to be. Desperate to turn his practice around, he humbled himself by seeking the guidance of a chiropractic consultant. He was fortunate to connect with one but still found himself hesitant to commit to the time and cost required at that moment. The consultant had asked him, “Why would you postpone your success?”. This resonated deeply with Dr. Lee. Due to the honesty and integrity of the consultant, Dr. Lee decided to take the dive right then and there!

Right away, Dr. Lee fully immersed himself in all of his coaching, eager to learn. By quickly implementing what he was being taught, he was able to turn his practice into a success. He doubled his practice to over 100 patient visits per week within a couple months. After just six months of coaching, he was able to open the doors to Lee Chiropractic in 2008. Then in the first year, the practice doubled to over 200 patient visits per week, prompting the addition of an associate doctor.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!

LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 584 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. John Lee. And if you want to hear a story about business solutions and asking for help, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. It's 584. I got Dr. John Lee coming on with me today from the great state of California. Super excited to have this chat talking about business solutions, his consulting company Alpha Omega, and then letting chiropractors know it's okay to find mentorship and ask for help. Before we jump into his story of how he got into this amazing profession of chiropractic, our big why, why do we do it? We do it at Chiro Hustle. First things first is freedom of speech. Super important. That's what this great country's built on. And I think that we should go all revisit that if we need to remind ourselves why freedom of speech is important. Then we go into family health, freedom of medical freedom. Chiropractic is essential. Let me tell you, for keeping families healthy and keeping people having freedom of choice and how they raise their families healthy. Thank you, chiropractic. Then we'll get a bit more philosophical. We go into BJ Palmer Sacred Trust. That's something very foundational to this profession. If you don't know what that is, go and search for BJ Palmer's last words. You're going to learn more about chiropractic than you previously did, even if you're a chiropractor, refresh yourself. Stop the interview. Go check it out. Come back to the interview and then know that we do support subluxation-based chiropractic. We also believe in innate intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that when man or physical gets adjusted, man or woman, the physical gets adjusted. It connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. That's pretty cool. That's really what this profession is when it comes to philosophy and the science and the art. Dr. John Lee, welcome.

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Thanks for having me, James.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yes, it's going to definitely be fun to have a conversation with you today and to get your story. This is a good opportunity for you to reintroduce yourself to your friends, your family, your colleagues, your patients. Who is Dr. John Lee?

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  I am a chiropractor who is actively in practice still, 21 years and part-time at this point, but still love what I do as far as taking care of patients, seeing great things happen for them. I also do consulting for the last five years. Now I've been able to share my knowledge that I've gained from other mentors I've had, all the experience being in practice for so long. I'm able to now share that with chiropractors and honestly help them get to their dream practice a lot faster than it took me. Now I'm juggling those two items right now, along with being a very busy family man. I've got four kids ranging from 11 years old, all the way down to three years old. Very busy life.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I thank you for taking some time and breaking away from the practice, the consulting and family to do this interview. 21 years graduated from Palmer San Jose, right? Yeah, Palmer West. Palmer West. The journey happens. How did you first get introduced to chiropractic?

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Sure. It was by chance. I was 19 freshman year in college and wasn't on the path to become a chiropractor. Didn't really know much about chiropractic and a lot of people got a car accident. It wasn't terrible but it was a pretty hard rear impact and I felt fine but then a week after every time I turned my body one way, my mid back, there was a sharp pain. So I'm a local chiropractor, great chiropractor, great manual gesture. He took full spine, extra films and really explained everything. So my psychologistic patients were and got me better. It changed my path and believe it or not, ironically, my father was really urging me to become a pharmacist of all things which is like the antithesis of chiropractic. I was really glad that this chiropractor happened because my first quarter of college taking general chemistry on the path to becoming a pharmacist, I hated general chemistry. I hated envisioning myself, being behind a counter, counting pills, fulfilling prescriptions and seeing just sick people all day because pharmacists don't typically see the sick people come back and say, I'm healthy, whereas chiropractors do. I just saw that as a, I don't know, nothing is pharmacist but I didn't see that for myself. So decided to become a chiropractor after that great experience changed my major to a neuro science and physiology major, went to visit schools, picked Palmer West early on and that my path was set and I'm so grateful I had that life changing experience.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Isn't it fun to go back down memory lane sometimes and like see like where we've come from?


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And it just kind of makes us appreciate like where we are today.

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Yeah. And my dad and I joke about now because at first he was pissed. She was so mad that I was changing my path and not taking his direction. And the only reason why he picked pharmacy, he thought it was a very stable job, right? You know, it was a typical Asian American path that, you know, Asian parents set for their kids. But now, you know, he's been a longtime chiro patient of mine comes into my office for care, hyper-to-care and justice. And now we joke that, hey, dad, if you were coming from neck pain back pain, if I was a pharmacist, what would I do for you? I'd give you a pill. But now I could really help you naturally. So we laugh about now.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's awesome. And you know, the dynamics of a crash, you're saying that it wasn't like a big accident. But a lot of times people don't know the dynamics of a crash. Like when somebody gets hit at low speed, high amplitude, it causes the soft tissue in the body to take most of the damage, not the vehicle. And a lot of times people don't understand the dynamics of a crash and it whiplashes the spine in a direction that, you know, it's like taking a deck of cards and throwing it wherever it goes. And hopefully they stay in order. And that's what happens to our spine. But yeah, it's interesting that, you know, a lot of times people get hit, you know, I go out and do tons of marketing and I'll meet people. And they'll be like, Oh, dude, I was in a car crash like two months ago. And I don't feel right still. I'm like, well, what did you do for it? They're like, Oh, went to the ER and they gave me muscle relaxers are these opiates. And I'm like, gosh, I'm like, did you ever see a chiropractor? And they're like, no, what's a chiropractor do? I'm like, please. Yeah. I think a lot of times when people do get into those crashes, they eventually sometime down the line, find a chiropractor, even though as you and I advocates and doctor, we would hope that they'd get in a lot quicker. You know, we hope somebody would like day one after they got in a fender bender or in a crash or an accident, whatever we don't call it, they would actually say, I need to go get an x-ray. I need to go get assessed and get an exam by a chiropractor to see what's going on with my body now.

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Right. Right. And then so I can go deeper in the story because when I was 13 and junior high, I had the typical scoliosis screening by the school nurse I came by. I had a mild scoliosis from, I knew it from like age 13 on, but the typical thing was get sent to be sent to an orthopedic doctor MD. They checked me for maybe six months, six months, and they said it was nothing that they could really do or should do. But then when I saw the chiropractor and I saw that I still had scoliosis, then I realized I should have been seeing chiropractor since I was 13 or younger. And I was a little bit mad that the, you know, the medical community didn't tell me anything about chiropractic. And it, no, obviously naturally most of them wouldn't at that time. But yeah, it all was kind of connected that I really should have chiropractic early on, not just when I got that car accident.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I'll tell you, when I was 16 is when I started and I was playing soccer and I was wrestling, playing soccer, playing baseball, playing football. And I had a high school football accident where I hit somebody with my shoulder, messed my shoulder up, saw the athletic trainer, the athletic trainers like, Hey, we can get you X-rays, but you know, you should go to Palmer College. I grew up in Davenport, Iowa. You can go to Palmer right across the street. My high school is right across the street from Palmer College. And he's like, you can go over to Palmer and get X-rays of your shoulder at a discount because you know, they do that to student clinic. So I went over to Palmer and got the X-rays of my shoulder. They asked my mom because I was 16. Hey, can we do some X-rays of his spine? Check for subluxations. So they take X-rays of my spine at 16 and then all of a sudden I get start getting routine care at 16 years old going forward. So just like you, you know, kids are intuitive. You know, they need, I'll be out there doing an event doing screens, getting new patients for a chiropractor. And the mom will come up and say, Hey, this is my daughter. She says that she has to come see the chiropractor. Can we get her in?


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, like seriously, now we're coming up with their parents saying, Hey, we want to go see the chiropractor.

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  That's good.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So yeah, you're intuition at 13, my ability at 16. And now everybody that listens to this show with kids, um, get your kids checked by the chiropractor.

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully more, more people will take that step for earlier on.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I mean, it's only going to give quality of life, right? Like your, your dad want you to become a pharmacist because it makes you stable. Well, we only want your kids to get adjusted because it makes them stable.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. You know, from, from people that know better, that can give good advice. There's nothing for us except for having that kid have a better quality of life and a healthier upbringing. Um, but what, what's, let's transition a little bit. Let's talk about business. I know you, I know that you, you, you have alpha omega, um, consulting. You've been doing it for five years. When did you feel that shift happening? That you're like, Hey, I'm going to stop from full time practice to taking on clients and teaching them what I've been learning.

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  So it was probably like maybe even like eight years ago, 10 of my, my wife who used to work full time in my clinic as office manager and billing, she actually would like nudge me and elbow me. Like, Hey, I think she just started to get into some consulting cause, you know, I would already have other chiropractors asked to come shadow the office and you know, see how we operate or call me, call me for help questions. So you know, my, my wife's a great woman and, you know, she, she saw the abilities and skill in town that, that I, I guess you saw me and said, I think you should start to really explore this. And then it took me a while cause I always envisioned, I was going to do this when I was old and gray, you know, I would wait until I was like 55, 60 and not practicing as much. Then I'll start coaching people, right? But yeah, at about, yeah, around age 40, I'm 46 now, just opportunities just started to come across more. And I realized I think, I think I could do this. And I think I should do this. I think opportunity is knocking and I should strike a lot of the irons hot. And so that's how I start to fully get into consulting and building out a program and platform.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's, you know, it makes sense. It makes sense for people that figure out how to crack the code for success and, and, and knowing how to run a business to want to teach other people. So let's talk about best case scenarios, worst case scenarios. What, what, what have you seen when people are like, Hey, I want to work with you. What's the best case scenario that you've seen coming in? What's the worst case scenario that you've seen coming in?

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Best case scenario, there's been a few of them. But one is actually, actually a doctor, actually, Emma, who I just, I just actually officially brought on board to be one of her coaches. This was just last week actually. So congratulations again to you actually, if you're watching this, but we're really excited to have her on board, but she has probably one of the coolest stories. We started working together about two and a half years ago at the time, you know, average practice, you know, about 400,000 gross collections a year. And just in one year, I think she doubled to like in her 1000 gross collections. And then after two years, she hit that million dollar mark and she's still growing. So she's probably the fastest growth I've seen with one of my clients. And so that's best case scenario, right? But it does take a perfect combination. It takes obviously the advice and systems and training provided, but it also takes a very special person like a doctor actually with the intelligence and the work ethic. It really is the work ethic, to be honest, and the drive and motivation and to be able to implement things quickly that she's learning. So I'm not surprised that she's had huge fast success.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So let's table worst case because I have a more interesting question, I think. Sure. Is it location dependent for a chiropractor to use your systems? Like do they have to be in a big city? Does it work for somebody out in the middle of like nowhere? Like what type of avatar works best within your system?

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Honestly, it's been a big mix. So I've got the typical like big city like Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, but I've also had like right now currently a Hudson wife team up Montana, rural Montana, where there's a lot of hunting going on. And you know, nature outdoors. I've also got a duck in Canada, BC Canada, Terrace, BC Canada, which is a rural part of BC Canada. And he's absolutely just at max capacity right now. His issue is trying to find out associate that would come out to that rural area. But he absolutely dominates on the internet now with the marketing stuff that we talked about. So honestly, the stuff that I've learned, it can apply to just about any demographic of an area.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It's really, really powerful. So guys and gals watching this, like just know that it's what Dr. John's doing here is not location dependent upon a certain like population. It can happen in city and in the countryside. So it's really, that's awesome to know. I didn't know. So alpha omega alpha omega happened from influence from your wife said, Hey, you should go do this. And what have you seen in the development with you now being the coach? I know you said you come from different consultants and you learn from Chuck Gibson. What have you seen like for you being the coach now?

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  I've seen that chiropractors come in all shapes and sizes and situations and skill levels and work ethics. Kind of like chiropractic patients, new patients, right? You know, when you're, especially if you're high volume practice and you're sitting like 30 to 70 new patients a month, they come in all shapes and sizes, right? And as their doctor of chiropractic, you really have to handle everyone, you know, the same with love and respect and listening to them and figuring out the problems and find solutions and just taking one off of care of them. And I've realized that chiropractors that are in business for themselves are similar. They come in varieties and they're human beings. And so I have to now be very versatile, right? And very patient like I am with my chiropractic patients, I get to be very patient with these chiropractors. And some are very easy and fast, like boom, boom, boom, let's get it done. Okay, what's next? Others have a very, very slow pace and I can't push them too hard because they get overwhelmed the freshmen and somewhere in between. And so that's what I've seen that, you know, I can't go into a thinking, I'm only going to have this avatar or these types of clients, right? Because no, they come in all shapes. You can have someone who's barely collecting 100,000 a year and then you help. Then you've got someone who's collecting 900,000 a year. They need all kinds of different help, different levels of help, right? So it's fun. It's fun though.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So what do you do? Like an audit process, you're like, hey, submit to me like these types of things and I'm going to like look at them and then we'll tell you like what we need to do, like kind of like concierge style.

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Yeah. So, you know, they feel like a new client application questionnaire in form. So then I ask specific questions and what their, you know, current needs are with what their biggest needs, what their strengths or their weaknesses are, what they're looking for in a consultant and I get their stats and numbers, you know, what kind of practice they have. And then it's like being a detective in solving mystery. I know. So I get to figure out is it their systems, right? Is it their team? Is it their training? Is it the leadership? Is it the marketing? Is it, is it the handling of accounting and finances? So, so yeah, it is pretty custom.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And once I, I love this so much.

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Yeah. Once I can figure it out, then we just basically get to work and then, and then it really is up to the doctor, right? It's like being in Chiro school. Chiro school, you got to study and memorize, take tests. So what I found is, is the docs who really succeed like they, they put in the work and I have a term for it. I call it business day of time, which is business development time. I tell new clients, say, if you expect to make a difference in your practice, you got to put in at least about three to six hours a week outside of practice. Like this means in the evenings and the mornings and weekends. And you can put it more if you want. And this is really going to determine if you're going to have success.

This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  We're going to talk about the like patients you're saying, like they parallel each other. You'll have rescheduleers. You'll have no showers. You'll have people that drift and just go away. And then you'll have the reactivations. Like it's they parallel each other quite similar, I'm sure. And you know, once you start to understand the behavior of your clients, then you can like, great, this is how we correct this and just now be accountable for this one thing. And then we'll get to the next step. So really cool stuff. And I think, you know, we were going to discuss like asking for help. Like it's okay for chiropractors to admit that you don't have it all figured out, right?

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Absolutely. Yeah. And the ones that are quick to be humble and put themselves to be vulnerable and ask for help, even if it means just asking your chiral friend, like, Hey, can I get some advice, some free advice? Just doing that is going to help you build your practice and make some positive changes. But you know, I've had probably a good five, six consultants and coaches that I've hired throughout the years with, you know, I taught to you, you know, before we want to, but you know, Charles Gibson was my first and most influential mentor and really, really just put me on the right trajectory. And then even after that, hired several others, which I all of them I learned something, right? But whenever I knew I didn't have this skill, I said, you know what, let me just go find the expert, pay them some money and learn. And it is absolutely what helped me build my practice to what it is now.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, anybody that I've met that's done well, they invest in other people for advice, whether it's for health, whether it's for business, whether it's for finances, whether it's for relationships, they are personal development, because the personal development angle usually has an attribute to each one of those other connectors. So family health wealth, you know, what do we need to focus on? When a lot of times it's the you have to hire somebody or mentor with somebody that has done this stuff before you. And you know, there's lots of people out there, but it's I think one of the hardest things is for people to find that match, like, hey, who do I like to work with? Who do I want to be in like a community with? Who do I want to find as my like mentor? Who do I, what kind of management group or coaching group or, you know, closing group do I want to be a part of? Because they're all out there. Right. So let's talk granular a little bit about like systems. What kind of marketing do you like your clients to do?

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  What do you like coach them to do? Sure. So I use what I call the marketing faucets philosophy, which is basically marketing sources or marketing pillars, just a different word, but I like to use the word faucets because I like to think that you should become an expert at marketing chiropractor to the point where you could turn off a facet of new patients from a certain stream or source and you can turn it off or you can turn it up, speed them up or turn it down, slow them down. And I teach my clients that you want to diversify just like financial investing four to five different faucets. If you're in growth mode, like if you're trying to build your practice, you need to at least about four to five different marketing faucets that you set up and develop and nurture and build. And then once you get to a very good level and you're doing practice, you can sustain it typically with about two faucets or three faucets. Right. And then amongst that, you want to have what I call premium faucets of new patients and average faucets. Premium being obviously your patient referrals, they're coming and already knowing about you what it typically takes and costs and they're ready to go. Google searches, people who are in pain, actively looking for a chiropractor, they need someone and they find you on your website and they pick you. They're ready to go. They're going to close or convert at a high percentage. Yelp is very similar in my area and not in all states, but Yelp and sometimes is as powerful as Google. Those are your premium. Then your average faucets are going to be your screenings and your talks, which obviously were luring them in. And you've told me that you're very experienced with that. And it was a big part of my practice for most of my practice career. But your screenings, your talks, you're going to get them in a little bit more challenging to close them, a little percentage. But it all is important to build and grow your practice.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I love that so much. Tears of marketing. And there's either a higher quality or lesser quality, but you have to do all of them. Yeah, that's awesome, man. I think people are going to get some good takeaways on today's interview with you about business. So, plugging into the community. How do you like to stay connected to the community? I know that you said screenings are one thing, but what else have you done previously? What else do you coach your clients to do?

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  So, with my practice, we like to do twice a month in-house chiropractic orientation. And truthfully, in my early years, I was super resistant to doing that. I didn't want to do it. Most of my clients now majority are resistant. They don't want to do it. I've only got a handful that have actually done the work and have done it now. But in doing it for so many years, what I found, this is one of the best ways to really teach the message of chiropractic to your new patients community, because let's face it, the vast majority don't understand chiropractic. They don't understand the vitalistic part of chiropractic and how the nervous system subluxation is for your whole health. So, we invite our new patients to sit in with us for four or five minutes. We feed them lunch or dinner, and we teach them chiropractic philosophy, subluxations, the dangers, the benefits of lifelong care. And what we find is that when we actually take the time to sit, and not everyone comes, maybe about half the patients come, but those who come, what we see as two benefits. One is they get the message, they understand chiropractic life both goes off in their head. And they're the ones that are transitioning from corrective care to maintenance care, well, we care very easily. And they're the ones that are typically thinking this is a lifelong thing. I got to do this for the rest of my life. Second benefit is they get their family in, right? So now they think, oh, I'm not going to just be selfish and keep carpet for myself. I'm going to get my kids and my spouse and my mom and dad in to care, and at least check for subluxations. So I think that's probably one of the best ways we actually stay pretty connected with our community that we don't want patients just to come for three months of corrective care and just be gone. We want them to know that you really should be you should people think you should have a family doctor, right, a family physician, a family dentist, you should have a family chiropractor. So we like to really give that message and teach them. So yeah, I'd say that's probably one of the best ways that we stick connected or teach our community. And little batches at a time, we're talking about age of time.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I think it's so valuable for people to hear this, because Reggie Gold used to give lay lectures. And if anybody really wants to know how to do that, YouTube Reggie Gold lay lecture, and you're going to be like blowing away with like how he would just like explain chiropractic. There's a video that early on I watched called Chemistry of Life that he did. And I started to understand way more about when you correct a subluxation that what it has a downstream like connection to. And here's the faucet, you know, like what does the subluxation faucet down? Like what flows from it? What does it have a correlation and connection to like there's so much. So if you get that education moment with a group of people that are already in your system, now you're basically educating them in a way that is fun for the doc. I mean, if you get out of your fear of like doing it, it can be fun. And you can really like inspire people. And maybe that's the next generation of chiropractors, you know, your patients are so like inspired by your message. And you're, you know, your quality of a presentation that they're like, you know what, John, you're not going to pharmacy school. You're going to go be a chiropractor. Right. Right. You know, so that's also a lot of people I've met over time that are were like, you know, they have done new patient orientations, like consistently. Those are the people that create the most chiropractors too.

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Right. Correct. Sure. And I would say the few clients of mine that actually end up doing it, not a single one has told me they regret it. Every single one is that, you know, you're absolutely right. I see the value in bed. I got to keep doing this.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, those offices also have CAs that become chiropractors, because they're a part of that culture now where they're sitting in and watching the doc like keep on telling these stories. And I do think it's a really great way to bridge into the community and get involvement. And, you know, really honestly have more fun with telling the chiropractic story. And yeah, the conversions happen. And like you took most of the words out of my mouth, like somebody will come in and they're like, Oh gosh, let's get the whole family in. And I think that that happens a lot with those. So it doubles as a marketing faucet too. Yeah, yeah, really cool stuff. I know that we're coming up on edge of our time with each other. We can extend a little bit if you have time. But I have a couple more questions. I just want to maybe go speed around with you. Sure. Um, where do you see the path of chiropractic going as a profession? You don't have to tell me like maybe just in five years where you see us going and chiropractic. I see positivity to be honest.

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  You know, just in my 21 years of practice, I know I felt like the chiropractor profession has gotten better and stronger. Um, you know, I think, um, I know a lot of doctors have different opinions about places like the joint, but honestly, it's good for chiropractic because it gets more exposure for people to get under chiropractic. Um, even these YouTube, you know, cracking videos that there's, you know, controversy or there's a good or bad for the, you know, it's getting attention on a chiropractic. So I see that because of all that, right? I see that the popular chiropractic is just going to grow and get better.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And the people watching those, the Tik-Tokers and the YouTubers, um, those are the people with the crappiest posture. And I'm like, my neck hurts, bro. I just watch a chiropractic video. Maybe they can help me or my posture stinks, bro. Like, I need to go see the chiropractor because all I do is watch chiropractic adjusting videos.

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Yeah. You know, I've met those people. And it's true. Like they, they are so influenced by watching the, the, the art. And they're like, Oh, yeah. My back kind of hurts from watching so much YouTube. I should go see the chiropractor. So yeah, I mean, and then, you know, for us, a subluxation based, correction based chiropractor, then we can educate the ones that come in, right? If they have this perception of, I just think that crack and I'm good. We could then educate them once you're in your patient. Yeah. I mean, I, I just get so inspired talking to people about like how to make chiropractic better. And you know, what people's perception is in 2023. Like what are people seeing, you know, how is it trending? And you're right. Like, you know, controversial, the joint, I'll tell people a really solid marketing strategy. If you guys want, and you guys do x-ray and corrective care, and you guys are like a higher, like tier type practice that has different types of services involved with it, including adjusting, like go build a relationship with that joint. Right. So hey, man, I shoot x-rays. If you have hot disks come in, and you got like ridiculous apathy coming in, I got decompression. I'm a pro at helping people with disc issues. I have state of the art 2020 imaging, you know, digital imaging at my office. I'll bring them. I'll get them better. Send your hard cases to me. I want them. Yeah. And I think that really a lot of these people are really receptive to referring over to people that have a stronger chiropractic facility. And the other part, I say go build relationships with these urgent cares. Like, make a list of all the urgent cares in your local community and go door knock, show up, and say, Hey, I'm doctor so-and-so. I want to meet the clinic director. What's up? Hey, let's go grab a drink or lunch sometime. I want to see how I can help your people that come in here, like not take so many pills, potions, and lotions. Like, would you, would you think that would be cool? And they'll be like, yeah, we want to stay these people's money and we don't want to put them on more prescriptions. And they're like, great, send them to the chiropractor. So two giveaways, guys, go check out the joint and don't shut them. And go check out your urgent cares and build some relationships. It's easy. You befriend them. You just go introduce, say hello, and you bring in, bring them some treats, to be honest. That's it. Or call ahead of time and say, Hey, what are you guys? What are your favorite coffee drinks? Right. I'm going to bring coffee. Let's have a quick 30 minute pow wow. We have a joint across the street and they refer to us because of that, because we went to go befriend them. And that's the thing is like, one of my early mentors would always say, we're more like than we are different. And everybody likes a little snack or everybody likes a nice gesture. Everybody likes a gift. And it's a lot of reciprocity. Once you give something, even the smallest thing in the world, people want to give back to you. It's like, even if I sold you something for a dollar, now you're a customer, now I can say the next thing. Right. So once people get used to whipping their card out and paying for something with you, they'll do it again and again and again. So get in to stay paying refer.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Good marketing stuff. Good business strategy. I love your vision of chiropractic is better than ever. Some of your heroes, man, who's inspired you to be the practitioner you are today?

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Sure. So I would say definitely in Dr. Charles, Chuck Gibson. You know, we used to like occasionally meet up for lunch, owe him a lot of gratitude and just thanks. He really, really mentored me well. And very, you know, you met him. He's very genuine authentic. He's a real deal. My father, to be honest, you know, just watching how he connected his business, even though he was in chiropractic, just seeing how he managed his team. You know, he had a big factory in South Korea for a long time before he came back to America. And I saw how he managed his team with just composure and calm and just non emotional, but very professional. I adopted a lot of that to my practice. I love it, man.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Pay tribute to those that helped you become the man you are today. It's beautiful, man. Like, thank you. And it's really important for us to go back and reminisce sometimes and like really anchor into like, who the hell are we? And then we can pay it forward. At least at this juncture, I've been lately telling the docs like, Hey, write some letters and send them out to people that matter to you. And say thanks. I know that like if you had a teacher out there that you had an impact on you, write that teacher letter and send it back to them and say, Hey, thanks for helping me become the doctor I am today. People love that stuff. I love that stuff. You know, random people send me letters and say, Hey, thanks for doing your show. You really help chiropractic. And I'm just always like, gosh, that's awesome. Right. So let's close out with a miracle story. I know that chiropractic helps with subluxation, but it also helps with physical, chemical, and emotional stress. Right. And so a quality of life is something that chiropractors really focus on.

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  So yeah, probably like seven, eight years into practice. There was one specific year that we definitely had three clear cases of ladies who were having fertility issues. And while under care of our clinic, they got pregnant. They have they conceived. And one lady had been trying literally for 10 years with multiple IVF treatments and nothing was working. And she finally got pregnant. And so we tell that story at our car orientation. And you know, for me, it was pretty obvious, right? They had nervous system interference somewhere in that pelvic sacral lumber area. We just kind of did our normal thing. We x-rayed examined found the subluxation started correcting them with adjustments. And nervous system wasn't interfered, you know, brain to ovaries brain to uterus was now talking. And we had three miracles that happened that year.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, that's just it is, you know, it's kind of cliche, but chiropractic gives you years to life. And actually brings life out. And it gives you life to your years. So like, there's like a lot that happens with that. The once the body starts flowing the way it's supposed to, lots of babies happen because of good chiropractic guys. Absolutely. And yeah, like, it makes all organs function better. And when you take the pressure off the nervous system, allow the body to flow the way it's supposed to, it does heal naturally. And sometimes that's having babies. One of my favorite chiropractors of all time is Patrick Smith in Denver, Colorado. And he would always tell people in his new patient orientation. I'm going to I'm Dr. Patrick, you're the patient. And I'm going to be your chiropractor. You're going to be my patient until one of us blows up. So I love his certainty. And I loved our conversation today about chiropractic. Is there anything I didn't ask you today that you're hoping to share with our audience?

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  I think we covered just to bear with you. But yeah, I guess the main message is, you know, for any chiropractors who are out there, kind of maybe struggling, kind of on an island by yourself, not knowing what to do or who to ask. It doesn't have to be me. Just find out who you need to get mentorship from, whether it's paid or non-paid. And there's plenty of chiropractors who have done things ahead of you and have that experience. And most chiropractors are loving and willing to share with you. So I just urge for any chiropractors who are kind of challenging projects right now, be humble, you know, put the pride away, just class for help. That's what I'd

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  say. Thank you, Dr. John. If people want to work with you or find out more about you, where can we

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  send them to? You can go to our website, alpha omega And there's plenty information there

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  and you can reach out and contact me. Go check them out guys, alpha omega Yeah, your episode 584 of the Chiro Hustle podcast. Thanks for being our guest today.

DR JOHN LEE DC (GUEST):  Thank you so much, James. This was actually very, very refreshing. And I like how you do things.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, thank you. I had a lot of fun and it's important to collaborate and to share the secret and to share the Master Chiropractic. So I'm going to close up by telling everybody like I always do. You're just one story away. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys on the next episode. Bye for now, Dr. John. See you. Thank you. Bye.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.

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