
August 11, 2024

3rd Generation Chiro Specializing in Opportunity – Dr Brant Hulsebus DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 586

As Dr Brant Hulsebus is a third generation Chiropractor and Palmer graduate Graduated in 2002 from Palmer College of Chiropractic with a BS and DC degree Dr Brant Hulsebus joined the practice in 2002 Member of International Chiropractor Association Fellow of the ICA, previously Legislative & Medicare Chairman and currently the Illinois delegate Member and serve on the Board of Directors of the Illinois Prairie State Chiropractic Associate Certified in the Webster Technique Team Chiropractor for the Rockford IceHogs since 2004 Member of the Professional Hockey Chiropractic Society 2021 winner of the Palmer College Bright Beacon Award 2022 winner of the ICA Legislative Leadership Award, proudly named the “Bob Hulsebus” award after his grandfather 2022 winner of the IPSCA Dr Norris Erickson Bright Beacon Award Previously Top 40 Leaders in Rockford under 40 Best Chiropractor in Rockford multiple years by RRStar 2023 Named a Fellow of Palmer College of Chiropractic 2023 Named Chiropractor of the Year by IPSCA Earned LCP Degree (Chiropractic Philosophy) Earned CCWP Degree (Certified in Wellness) Email: Locally founding member of Next Rockford, member Rockford Cosmopolitan Club, serve Rockford Academy Dr Hulsebus works with students, it is not uncommon to see students with him. He goes to the local high schools and teach neurology and health. Host interns both on the undergraduate level and the chiropractic Schools. Has been a speaker at various Illinois Prairie State Chiropractic, International Chiropractors and Pi house in Davenport Helped create a track to help Chiropractic students start at Rock Valley College, then enter Palmer College of Chiropractic. Dr Hulsebus became a Chiropractor to follow in in father's and grandfather's footsteps. Since growing up as the son and grandson of chiropractors, he heard many stories of success. It was these stories that inspired him to continue the legacy . Because of the success of the previous generations, today we run our practice with time proven methods. If you anything come on in, After over 70 years we have seen almost everything and are here to serve.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!

LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 586 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, today we had the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Brant Hulsebus. If you want to hear about his story as a third-generation chiropractor and specializing in opportunity, stay tuned for the full episode. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I have Brant Hulsebus with me coming from Rockford, Illinois, and just really excited. Before we jump in and talk about all things, he as the chiropractor, third generation chiropractor, seven of them, grandfather help pass Medicare inclusion for chiropractic. So, it proved to the world that chiropractors belong in the medical arena. We'll talk all about these things and why it's important to become member of your state association and an international group like the ICA. And then we'll talk about laws and why we got more organized. So, I'm going to share with them, Dr. Brant, the big why. Why do we do what we do over here at Chiro Hustle? Well, first things first is straight into speech. I know I shouldn't have to tell people these things, but they are important. And sometimes when I wake people up and realize how important the language that they use is. One of my mentors will always tell me that you are the house that you build are the words that you use. So, it's really important for you to have freedom of speech in order to do that. And by building that house, it's a chiropractic house that we have over here. And we also protect medical freedom and family health freedom. They're not the same thing, but chiropractic is an important component to people having medical freedom and family health freedoms. So, who does every chiropractor out there that does the right thing and protects his take or trust? And that's BJ Palmer's last words. If you want to know more about chiropractic research, BJ Palmer's last words, the Sacred Trust. And we do support subluxation-based chiropractic, which I know is a fundamental part of the ICA, the International Chiropractic Association. And we do believe in innate intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. Dr. Brant, welcome. You're episode 586 of the Chiro Hustle podcast.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  All right. Thanks for having me.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. Your story is really great. I got a chance to meet you in Las Vegas at an annual convention for the International Chiropractic Association. I interviewed you in person, which is really sweet. But your family is chiropractic.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Yeah. So, it all started in 1949 with my grandfather, Dr. Bob Hulsebus. And then all three of his sons became creators, including my father, Mike and then myself. And I've got quite a few cousins who also practice.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And you're joking around, but you said you've been practicing for 74 years.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Yeah. We're starting in 1949 next year. We celebrate 75 years. So, we're having all kinds of fun marketing and preparing to celebrate 75 years.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yes. So, when did you know that that was going to be your path to become a chiropractor?

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Yeah. I used to, so, Grandpa was in a small town called Byron, Illinois. And I used to walk around with my maternal grandparents, my mother's side. And everywhere we went, I heard a story about how my grandpa helped them. My grandpa helped them with asthma. My grandpa helped them with having a child. My grandpa helped them with headaches. And I thought those stories were cool. And the older I got, I started hearing the same stories about my father doing the same thing. And I always said, I never wanted those stories to end. So, I figured I'd better pick up the torch and carry on the tradition. Wow.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I mean, I'm about to cry over here. Like, you know, to walk in the shadows of grandfather, father, and now you. Yeah. That's really special, man.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  It's been a lot of work, but it's been a lot of rewards.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, and as we were talking before we got going, like I grew up in Davenport, Iowa and home of the first chiropractic adjustment. So, you know, I grew up one mile away from Palmer College, where there's like the legacy of this beautiful profession that you're a part of. I'm a part of and, you know, what this podcast does is per promotes and supports chiropractic, you know, really, really powerful stuff, man. And, you know, I think of the lifeblood of chiropractic, really. It's not just the practitioner science philosophy and art. It's actually the people, the people you take care of, like the stories, the stories you're sharing with me about people, you know, thanking the thankfulness of chiropractic. Let's talk a little bit about how you have grown your practice within the practice that's been passed down.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Sure, absolutely. So, I always took these and I talked to prospective students or other chiropractic students that my clinic specializes in opportunity. Now, I say you pediatrics, are you family? I see you take care of a hockey team. What is your what is your specialty? I just say opportunity. I was going to be looking for it. So, we've had the unique opportunity to be the team chiropractors for the HL ice hogs here in Rockford and the Black Hawks affiliate. I'm in my 20th season doing that. And that's been a lot of fun rewarding and made a lot of connections in town for because the whole medical network includes orthopedic doctors, internists, emergency actors. So, it's been kind of fun to work side by side. And, you know, everyone stays in their lane. I do my thing, they do their thing. Typically, I spend most of my time before the game because the guys know if they get their chiropractic adjustment, they're going to skate faster than a perform better and they're going to prevent more injuries. So, we keep it very self-excited base and a lot of people don't understand how you could be a sports chiropractor and be self-excited base. But that's how we do it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, I love that so, much. Like this interview really inspires me, you know, like your episode 586. And the story is just always curate, like amazing, like this is just energy for people to understand. Like you can do this in your community. Like any chiropractor listening to our show, like you can go get these opportunities for yourself. You just got to specialize in that, right?

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Yeah, it's going to be looking for me. Never know they're going to show up.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, tracking off of that, working with the Icehogs, were there any really cool players that you got a chance to work with that went on to become pros and when the Stanley Cup?

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Yeah, I've got a hot group of pucks in my office. I have everyone that ended up running a Stanley Cup. Unfortunately, when they're at this level, you don't know how they're going to make it or not. We get a bigger box full of hockey pucks. Yeah, we didn't make it, but they're on other teams. And so, it's always exciting. I pretty much every time we go to an NHL game now, I know somebody playing in the game, which is always kind of fun.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's so, cool. That's so, cool. So, I know you said that you do some other really great stuff with your community. You started working with a trucking company. Tell us that story about how that started and how others can maybe find that type of opportunity for themselves for their practice.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  So, I mean, if you can help a hockey team stay healthy and strong and prevent injuries, why can't we help other companies? so, I reached out to a trucking company, I know, and we sort of adjusted all of their drivers. So, if you come to my office on a Saturday, it's not weird to see a whole bunch of big trucks up and down the street because they're in town, but we take care of their drivers and they started noticing they're having less time off. I think the owner told me after the first year of doing a full time that there was 63% less time off of work because their drivers are just not missing work anymore. And you started noticing the only time they miss work is when they had to stay home because either a child was sick or their spouse was sick. So, he said, you know, forget this. Let's get all the families under care too. I want all the spouses and all the children. So, it came to me, we renegotiated the contract. And now we take care of the drivers, we take care of the people at this at the mechanics. We take care of all the justice people, we put a table inside their company. And on Thursdays, we go over there and we just, we just, I mean, we go in there. It's real powerful, just they all get in line and we just get them on the high level, you know, I'm all adjusted and it's, you know, it's not, we're not treating the truck drivers for neck pain or lower back pain. We're trying to get them adjusted. So, they'd never have to deal with that. They don't have to miss work. Like I said, the families have been healthier and the trucking companies have been able to grow because now they have the people that drive the trucks, they don't have dry racialized business. So, they had said it's one of the best investments they've ever made.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Talk about an insurance policy, hey?

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Yeah. Well, they were able to save money too, because they cut their insurance for chiropractic and they just added us instead. So, they're saving money. They're having more workers. This is a win, win, win.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, let's say that we got ourselves a new grad and they're like, darn, what do I do? I know how to adjust and I know how to like get a loan to open up my office. Like, what advice would you give to somebody that's like ready to jump out of school next quarter?

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  We got to get connected first. They got to have your trust and respect you. I always teach that. We all know it's a good used car sales in the town. Just tell me, tell me who they are. And so, me, I, I, one of my passions is politics. So, I go to tons and tons of these political, you know, chicken lunches, where you throw a couple bucks their way, you get to buy this thing. But you're said the table of decision makers, you say the table to people, home companies, and the more they see you, the more they want to be curious. Now, who is that guy? Why is there a chiropractor here? And you just keep going and keep going and networking. And eventually they, they, you're in your trust and you don't have to earn the trust of the whole company. But once the guy, the person who runs the company has your trust, the next thing you know, you're going to start seeing all of them. And that's been really, really exciting.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's a really good strategic map. And I think that anybody that takes that advice and they start to go to a community, like it's really what it is lobbying. You, you, you local lobby with the decision makers and your local community. And then you befriend them. And the next thing, you know, they're saying, Hey, let's go golf or, Hey, we got a fishing trip or, Hey, we have a cocktail hour. And then you start to get those people's buy in for chiropractic. And now you're taking care of their wives and their kids, sports teams and them. And you know, a lot of that. I've noticed also, like a lot of the times, like some of the best referral sources, they don't even come see the chiropractor. Like there is your buddy and they, it doesn't get through to this part of their head that they need to become your patient. But they'll tell everybody else about you.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  We had a patient here. I'll just call Scott Smith, what's it going to refer to people here for 10 years? We had no idea who he was. We just wanted them to talk to him. He liked us. He told everyone to come see us. He finally came in and boy, he rolled the red carpet out for him.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  But it's so, true. Like a lot of the advocates for a good practitioner, they might not even be your number one patient. And like when you join into a group like that, the person you think would be your ideal like referral source never is. No, somebody else, like the guy that sells the cars would be, you know, you're like, I would never think that the guy that worked at a car dealership would be my number one referral source. But there he is.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  You see some climbing in other cars, he knows I need us.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, there's a lot that goes into it. Um, and then let's talk a little bit more inclusion for not just showing up to build the reputation and the brand of your practice. But how about showing up and building the reputation of the brand of chiropractic and working with the state associations and working with the internationals, uh, groups.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  And my grandfather gave me advice. Don't ever be a politician, but make sure all of them know you by first name. So, I go to these dinners and I'm going to our communities. We've split it. Um, I go to all the blue, red ones and my other friend goes to all the red ones because they won't talk to us if they find out you're going to one party and not the other party. So, we just, we divide the conquer and, um, grabbing you, so, I always say, I'll support you because you support freedom of health care choice. However, uh, Colphie kind of grabbed that one from us and took it to mean other stuff more than we thought it was, but I just tell the look at officials, Hey, you know, you have to be responsible for everything in the state, everything in the nation, every bill that comes across is no way you can know everything about every industry. If you ever get a bill or something that comes across about chiropractic, you can go ahead and call me and I'd be happy to explain the background and the history of it. And then I become the expert at chiropractic in my community because I'm going to be with them. And I do search, I go in our, our sites, our state sites tonight. There's a spot we type in keyword type in chiropractic. And I look at the bills that come up and I shoot all the emails, Hey, on this bill, this is how else chiropractors think. And this is how we think. And another side part about this, I've gotten to know the Illinois Medical Society very well. And when we had a group in our state that tried to bring drugs on the chiropractic, I was quick to partner up with the Illinois Medical Society first, our Prairie State Chiropractic Association and said, Hey, we have a whole other group of those chiropractors. I don't want this. This is a small faction. And we were able to squash their bill really fast. But again, it's going to those events and even going to Illinois Medical Society volunteering to go to their meetings and answer questions about Chiropractic to establish yourself as the expert.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I don't think we could talk about that enough, to be honest. And I don't think we could talk about becoming members of associations. Like I was saying, like becoming a member of like the Illinois Chiropractic group, whatever we want, Association, Council, whatever these states call themselves, treat it like Netflix, treat it like a gym membership, you know, just pay it. And even if you don't participate, like just sign up, become a member and put it on auto pay and just set it and forget it. I was saying that, you know, chiropractors should really consider about setting up like a budget for memberships that they just hit it, put it on auto pay. And they never look at it again unless they want to participate at a higher level, you know, and I think that that's the way it should always be. Because guys like you now will go out there and meet with special interest groups and protect the sacred trust and protect chiropractic and keep chiropractic front and center. And if something comes in that tries to, you know, backdoor what chiropractic actually is founded upon, then we had to stop that. But I think people have to like really be responsible with their, it's marketing dollars. Like you got to put money into these organizations, like you're saying, maybe 10% across the nation or members of their state associations, we have to do better than that.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  And just be a member. I mean, if you see, if you ever went to a state meeting and you watch how based, I'm going to assume Illinois is like every other state, you got about dozen to 20 chiropractors breaking it, bending over backwards, working around the clock, watching for everybody. And just be a member, just pay your dues. And that's all we ask. And, you know, be there if they call on you to go to us, dinner and your community, just be that person for us to open that door for us. That's all we need.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, let's transition into why it's important to be involved with the international, the ICA, because I know that you've been a part of that for a long time too. And that's why I first met you. Yeah.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  So, I've been involved with that. And, you know, my grandfather was at the table, and they wrote the Medicare bill. They wrote the Medicare bill because not because we thought we could, you know, go buy new boats and do the summer houses of the Medicare to pay for adjustments. It's because they wanted to show that chiropractic was real. Chiropractic was established just in back when, you know, my grandfather worked 13 years illegally in the state of Illinois as a palmer graduate. But he wanted to validate chiropractic was a real thing. That's he also fought for student loans, not because he wanted to see tuition quadruple, but because he wanted to show that, hey, of course, we have real colleges, the federal government pays for it. Why would you think they're not real colleges? So, it was about validation. And then in, you know, in the 1990s, they came in here and told my daddy was committing Medicare fraud. And the other way to Washington, you see testified on Capitol Hill and gave every chiropractor a leg to stand on any time you're evolving audit. Because what the problem was, there was no definition of how to prove medical necessity for chiropractic care. And we have the constitutional right to a fair trial. And being that it wasn't defined, he refused to give up any of his information or records. He said it was unconstitutional. So, now we're at this point with Medicare again, where now we, the IC is when we're working on a bill for a long time and our bill is really simple. You know, Medicare requires x-rays or exams, and we just want it covered. That's it.

This episode is brought to you by…

ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified.

EVO Creative Media – A boutique, high quality video content co-op.

The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, EVO Creative Media, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, New Patients in a Box, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.

Now, if you're looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.

Now let’s hustle!

 JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, I think a lot of times when we get into the insurance modeling, chiropractic needs to be for everyone. And I think that once people get in the politics world and the insurance world understand how much money and how much we could make people feel better, perform better, have better quality of lives, like the things that they really try to portray. Like we want people to have activities that have been daily living better. We want outcomes to be improved. Like that's chiropractic, bro. Yeah. Like they're just trying to go a different route that doesn't take them. It's this type of route that goes all around like this when you can just make a straight line. Go to the chiropractor.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  And Medicare clearly states you have to demonstrate so, much station. I love the word. You know, that's great. Word is my book. Yeah. I had to do that and a whole bunch of orthopedic tests. I'd rather demonstrate so, much station. You know, for me, when I'm 65 and I get Medicare, I want to be able to go to a chiropractor. I don't want to have to go to an internist if I don't want to. I want to be able to go where I want to go. Again, freedom of health care choice. Yeah.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, important, you know, there's times where I've opened up and I would tell people like chiropractic in the medical world, there's like chest being played and like chiropractic is the only thing that separates medical tyranny from like freedom of health care choice in America. Like, I don't know. Optometers aren't going to stand and say, Hey, we're for this. The dentist aren't going to stand and say, Hey, we're for this. Obviously, the osteopaths and the orthopedics aren't going to stand and say, Hey, we're only for this. Like chiropractic is the only standalone profession that says, you know what? You drugs and surgery dudes, like stay in your lane. We'll stay in our lane. Don't change our profession. We won't change yours. And if you come into chiropractic and you want to go that route, hey, go do that. But don't call chiropractic. All right. Cool. Hey, we just sorted out a hundred twenty seven years of problems right there.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  We have my friends at the ice office, other physicians, they know never to answer a question about chiropractic. I do my little podcast, or I asked the chiropractor and they actually email me questions they get from their patients about chiropractic care. Let me answer because they know if I find out they answered it, I'm a true.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  But it's an honest approach and it's professionalism. And you know, if there's a case where you need co management, I'm sure you're like, Hey, and turn us dude. Can you help me out or hey, orthopedic dude, can you help me out? And I think that that's really important that you do have those like clinical relationships and those like professional relationships. Like you said, your grandpa went to battle for the inclusion to say, Hey, we're doctors too.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  And I send them questions too. The patient says, you know, I had this going on. I spine how much you treated. I showed the exam findings and I showed them the films. I'm able to answer my patients with what they would do. So, I don't know what they do. I never studied it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, let's go to the podcasting. I didn't know you had a podcast. What is how fun has that been for you?

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Oh, it's been a lot of fun. I it's a quick 10, 15 minute podcast I do every week is called ask the chiropractor. Some people ask me a question during the week, I'll write it down. And then I'll do a quick 10, 15 minutes or how chiropractor would answer your question. And it's whatever you can think of. I get asked everything. Can I have chiropractor care after surgery? Can I prepare to do this? Can I prepare to do that? Do people see a chiropractor for this or that? And I just try to answer it as a chiropractor and do it once a week. It's it takes me, you know, I got the system down now. As I'm sure you do too. It's just you whip them out and it took me a long time to get going. They could go back and look at anyone's early podcast, get rid of their current podcast. It looks completely different, but it's just putting good content out there too. Right. I mean, Google search chiropractic, you don't always find the good stuff. You need to put more of our own content out there. We need to saturate the market by us putting stuff out there.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, that's why I go hard in the paint, bro. That's why I'm putting out, you know, five interviews every week, if I can, and I interview and I we release two of them every week, you know, like the importance for us to saturate the market with like real communication. That's another thing is like, even if somebody wanted to come in and change chiropractic, they can't because we've created almost 1300 interviews in the past six and a half years that have documented the profession from the voice of the chiropractor, telling the truth that we were transcribing all of them to, to where they'll be indexed and people can go and then like hot keyword search and they'll know based on Chiro hustle, guest, like this is the truth of chiropractic. It doesn't matter. It's documented. Like we have proof of 1300 testimonials saying what chiropractic is and what chiropractic isn't. I think it's pretty cool.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Yep. Awesome. We all need to be doing a little share of that too.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And that's what I think is really cool about what you're doing. Um, yeah, send me those links. I'll start sharing them. All right. And I honestly, I tell people, all chiropractors that you should start your own show and whatever city you're in, I call it spotlight and spotlight Rockford and create one where you're interviewing other movers and shakers in your community. I tell them to look for companies that have the highest Google reviews, ask them to come on as a guest, talk to them about their local business and what they're doing to support the community and how they're giving back and how they started their business. And, you know, just the cool stuff that they'd like to share, like an interview type basis, but do one of those a week for the next 52 weeks, you're going to become the most well-known chiropractor like in that community because now when people search you, they're going to find your podcast and search people search chiropractor Rockford. They're going to find your podcast. If somebody is in Grand Junction where I live and they search chiropractor, Grand Junction, they're going to find my podcast. Like it's, I think it's like probably one of the most genius ways to market, um, for a chiropractor that they don't have to do TikTok videos. They don't have to do, you know, all the things that, I mean, I'll go to some people's Instagram pages and I'm like, are you an actor? Like, come on. Like, let's just adjust some spines. Can we? But I do like ask the chiropractor segments. I think it's brilliant.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  You get it full circle. I've established myself as the community expert on chiropractic again by doing it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I think it's really important. Ask the chiropractor. Start your podcast guys. Ask people to submit questions to you and do it. I mean, what they run for like 10 minutes.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Yeah, 10 to 15 minutes, the longest one I've ever done. I just do one once a week and there's ways to get the blog to go with it. It does a website called JET GPT we all know of now. Type it in there. Tweak a little bit and you're done. I mean, I have a little, I schedule an hour a week on Tuesday mornings to work on the stuff and I do an hour on Mondays and I do it Friday or Tuesday mornings. I publish it all. Work on Fridays and Mondays as I'm trying to say.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Um, have you noticed that it's been a marketing tool for you? Have you gotten like new patients and traffic from it?

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Google. I had people search for chiropractor near me and Google. It's how the current generation is doing everything. And if you're not up there at the top and I don't pay for Google ads, I don't pay for any of that. I just, I put so, much content out there. I'm automatically popping up.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, that's really good advice to people. Start your podcast. You know, they always, you know, the time was joke is one's the best time in playing a tree. 20 years ago or today. One's the best time to start a podcast. Five years ago. Yeah. Yeah. Or today. Yeah. And, and you know, spoken word is only going to increase. Um, and people's passive like connection to people are over distracted, I believe. So, if they can listen to something while they're texting and while they're riding their bike or while they're driving somewhere, like they're going to do that. Like half the time, I mean, I see somebody with an earpod and I'm trying to talk to them and they're not paying attention. So, people are passively listening to stuff constantly.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Plus you can turn with your teenagers and I listen to podcasts and you can have it on town.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, let's talk a little bit about the future. If I had a Chris LeBall here and I was saying, hey, Dr. Brant, where do you see the profession going towards in the next 20 years? What would your answer be?

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  So, we should do an experiment here. We have a very large clinic. My grandpa was competing with a guy in Boyu, Wisconsin and Mount Horeb, Wisconsin named Clarence Gonstead. So, when he built this office, he built a big office. He wanted to try to shake them a little bit. They were competing for the same patient population. But I see that today, if I want to order myself lunch, I hit a button on my phone. It comes to me. Everything comes to you now. It's, it's instant to you. So, we just rented a room and set up a new pickleball courts about 20 minutes away from our office. And we're going there once a week just to take care of patients who live on that side of town. And I could see ourselves having little offices here and there just to go closer to our patients, because I feel like going to companies like we're going, I just feel like it's going to be more of us going to them than them coming to us. And how do we prepare for that? And maybe I'm wrong. But again, it's an opportunity. So, we specialize in that. So, we take a risk on it. I see the demand for the holistic chiropractic to something different choice, especially since this last 2020, just getting more and more people are questioning more and more than ever before what they've always been told to do with the doctor's office. Patients come in to me, hey, my doctor told me I have a torn rotator cuff. I got three things completely torn. He wants to do surgery. Do you think that's a good idea? Making sure they get my blessing and stuff as you know, the trust is on what they used to be. So, I see great opportunities for us. But I think we have to go meet them at their level. The next generation coming up, we can't just, you know, the worst thing is a doing business. Is right. That's how we've always done it, right?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I think back to what you said about not paying for Google ads or any of that stuff. When you have good reviews and you have indexing with audio files, like a podcast, people are searching now for anything and everything on Google Maps. Like that's the first thing that starts to populate for people. So, my other advice to people that have a Google Places is to put testimonial videos on those 20 pictures or 20 videos, things that you can log into there. And you can actually like some restaurants will put menu items there or customers will put pictures of the menus or but have like pictures of your clinic on that Google Places, have videos of people giving you video testimonials, have like information on that to make it an entertaining index item to where people actually index higher that have a better Google Places on that map. Because more people are going to start searching for things on Google Maps.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  We put our podcast on there every week too.


DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  There's a link to it, but it's an every week it's staying active.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And just to let everybody know we didn't rehearse any of this stuff. Like it's just, it's just, you know, the power of communication and sharing this message and, you know, having a love for chiropractic and telling people what they can do to actually like get results. And I think that that's really something that would be a huge takeaway for people is, how can you get better results in your community? Well, digital space, like the digital frontier, the real estate on Google, the real estate on these. See, I think even I used to tell people to be social and social. Now that's kind of a wash. Like it's not the same as it used to be. Like you have to go where consumers are wanting to be more social. Like you have to bring social to consumer and not go for people that are scrolling to always be your customers because the people that want you are going to be searching for you. And I think that if you do a little bit of both, but definitely have your fundamentals established with your Google places, your indexing and making sure that you're able to be found, I think it's really important. That's where people are going to be going.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  You're from now to I'll be different again.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I mean, it's the bane. It's the bane of advancement. We see something like even an interface on social media. We see something that makes sense to us. And then like the interface changes in two weeks or changes in like 90 days or changes in six months. And they're always continuously updating the algorithms and the software's behind it. So, yeah, I mean, it's constantly evolving.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  I have a community here of a board on loss of eight different business owners. And we know that nobody else is in the healthcare. They mean we all get together once a month and we just compare notes on each other's businesses and ideas kind of a lot of work directors below each other accountable. And I recommend if you're going to start your own practice to definitely have a board like that in your community.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  See, I do something like that virtually every Wednesday there's four of us that show up to a call. And we do a happy, a crappy, an accountability and a praise. And we go around and we just talk to each other. They're all three chiropractors. They're all loving like life. And anyways, I meet with them and I'm the only non chiropractor. So, yeah, you're right. Like find a group of people, have meetings in person or through Zoom and start your little networking groups. I know we're coming up on the edge of our time. I really appreciate you being out with me today. Let's close people out and share a miracle story.

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Sure. Well, I don't personally like those because I spent too much time with Dan Murphy learning about the science of chiropractic. And so, I always say the biggest miracle is that they found us. Because if you ask everybody else, like I said, everyone's an expert on chiropractic, but the chiropractor and the default answer is no, I want to try that. Always to me, the ones that I get the most excited about is that one that's been suffering for four or five years and been told not to come see us. And then all that frustration they finally give up and say, I don't care what says I'm going to come now. And we've all had them. You just them two or three times and whether it's their sinuses, whether it's their headaches, whether it's their menstrual cycle, whether it's asthma, whatever it is, and you start giving those adjustments and you get the hope back. And we always talk a story in our staff meetings about a patient who got their hope back and how their hope's been restored. So, you know, a little bit for 74 years, we've seen everything as far as miracle stories. I was sitting at a bar one night with a couple of friends and a guy across the bar kept buying me drinks. I had no idea who he was. I went over to find the estimate and he said that his wife had brought their colicky baby in the CV and I adjusted the baby and the baby got better. He's never met me, but he knew who I was from my videos and he just wanted to take me for doing that. I guess it was kind of odd to have a guy with a bigger burlier beard than mine buying drinks from across the bar and it was a compliment. But again, I think it's just them finding us, getting our message out there who we really are, what we really do and not what we, but then not what they see. TikTok, I even do a TikTok page where I make one of those TikTok people call it, is it really Chiropractical? And just them finding us, I think, is it real big as miracle? I know that's a good enough answer, but that's…

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I love that answer and I think it's very well developed and it's a good closer for this episode of 586. Is there anything I didn't ask you that you'd like to share in closing?

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  No, I'll just head back again. Just join the ICA, join your state association, one or the other, both. They need your support. You just be dumbfounded if you saw how much work happens behind the scenes. It's very dedicated people. When you meet those people, Dr. Chester used to always tell me, every once in a while, this male letter to thank you to the late Dr. Klump. And I used to do that because he had no idea the stuff he was doing for you. You don't have to know. You just have to know that there's people like that out there doing it and kind of show them appreciation once and a while.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yep, open up your wallets. A little wallet therapy for chiropractic. Well, Dr. Brent, thanks for being on with us today. If people wanted to connect with you or reach out to you or learn more about you, where can we send them to? Where are some resources?

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Let's give you my main website, And there you can find the links to all my social media. And if you want to copy me, you want to rip me off and redo things, I already do go for it. And if I can help you.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, go to Check them out. Check out his podcast. What's the name of the podcast again?

DR BRANT HULSEBUS DC (GUEST):  Ask the chiropractor. It's on how to be where you listen to a podcast or watch a podcast.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  All right. I'm going to be your number one fan. Ask the chiropractor podcast. Have a great rest of your day out there. I appreciate you being out with us. And I'll close up by telling everybody like I always do. You're just one story away. Keep hustling.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.

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