Your Health Is an Inside Job with Dr Calvin Ng DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 541
Dr. Ng is a Natural Health Care Practitioner who treats the body as a whole. He believes that all health dysfunctions have an underlying imbalance physically, biochemically, and emotionally and by treating the root cause, the body will heal itself. His comprehensive approach helps restore normal physiology, strengthens the body, and allows the systems of the body to function in harmony. His mission is to educate others about the endless possibilities of holistic healing and to inspire people to live life to their fullest potential.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.
This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, Align Life, Brain-based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. LET’S HUSTLE !!!
LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER): Hey guys, welcome to episode 541 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Calvin Ng. If you want to hear us discuss how your health is an inside job, stay tuned. Welcome back! This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. It's Calvin Ng. I just got the clarification on that before we start this episode. If you look at his last name, it's Ng, I-N-G, but it's N-G. But I'm really excited. I've been tracking this dude down for about two years to get on the show. He finally solidified a schedule with me. So here we are. He's episode 541. So this is a good chance for your friends and family and colleagues and patients or practice members, whatever we call them. Everybody has their own little terminology, what they call people, who shows up to their clinic and gets adjusted. So this is a good chance for people to get reintroduced to you and to hear all about your story of how you got into Chiro practice. But before we get there, I have a couple introduction pieces of our big Y. Why do we do what we do? Well, we protect freedom of speech. It's the First Amendment. If you're out there and listening to this, share the show. We've never censored anybody on this platform. And that's really important. We're about to have our birthday on July 4th, born on the 4th of July, Chiro Hustle. But we do protect freedom of speech. And I think that's really important in today's information economy. We should definitely share the show, share the show, share the show, share the show. And then we do support medical freedom and family health freedom. They're not the same thing. One is for the individual, one is for the family unit. And as we go down the line, we do protect BJ Palmer's Sacred Trust. It's BJ Palmer's last words. If you want to know more about Chiro practice, go right now to your favorite search engine and look for BJ Palmer's last words or put in the field, Sacred Trust of Chiro practice. You're going to learn so much more about Chiro practice, things you never knew before. Even if you're a chiropractor. And then we do support, subluxation based chiropractic. I know I shouldn't have to say that, but it's become a part of our mantra. They're taking it out of the schools. Let's not let that happen. Let's support subluxation based chiropractic. And then last, we do believe in an intelligence, a universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. And with that being said, Dr. Calvin, welcome to Chiro Hustle.
DR CALVIN NG DC (GUEST): Thanks buddy. Appreciate it. Yeah, long time coming. Absolutely. It's been a long time.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): But in the relativity of all this, it's all about relationships and it's all about staying consistent and building the brand. Now you're part of the Chiro Hustle family. So thank you.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Thank you. Yeah. So we were out there in Burbank and got a chance to meet you and was like, dang, this guy, I need to get him on a show. Now you're here. So your backstory pun intended. Tell us how you tell us how you got into this profession of chiropractic and maybe share with us your story.
DR CALVIN NG DC (GUEST): Yeah. Man, it's it's been a long time. My first time getting adjusted was I think I was in college and I was I wasn't really competing that hard, but I was getting serious. I was doing Olympic weightlifting. So that's like the snatch and clean and jerk, just two movements, but a hell of a lot of work. So I was doing that and I was I was at this gym and in San Jose, California and at that time I was going to San Jose State. And so I'm over there lifting, right? And these guys over there are all talking about their chiropractic adjustment, how great they feel, like all this stuff. My hips are all off. My squats all crooked. Like I need to get my get get my chiropractor to adjust me and fix this and do that and do some soft tissue work on me. I was like, what are you guys talking about? Like what what is all this? And so they're like, you got to go get yourself a chiropractic adjustment. I'm like, okay. So I went and I looked at a spot near my place. And I went in and I got adjusted for the first time and I was phenomenal. And and he adjusted me like one area. I forgot where I think it was my low back and like my lumbars. He adjusted me one area. I was like, okay, cool. I feel great. I feel loose. I felt lighter. Man, this is what it's all about. I went back that day into my training and everything felt different. I mean, everything. Everything felt so different from my warmup to my lifts, my squat, my squat. My hips were straight. I mean, I felt like everything was activated. So I was blown away. Okay. Now, it's not like I just automatically lifted like a thousand pounds more, but I felt the connection that I never felt before to my body. So you know, I was curious. I was like, Oh, what's more? Like, what are the other things that this, you know, this treatment, this therapy, like offers, right? And I got to learn about that. That doctor actually did a RT active release technique. And so I was like, Hey, you know what? This is what I do. You know, I do this Olympic weightlifting thing. Can you help me out? Sure. You know, he did some ART on me. I had some areas that were just crazy tender and painful and tight. He helped me out with that. So that was great. You know, and I didn't think about becoming chiropractor at all. I was in school and I was a personal trainer. That was my part time gig, wake up early, go to school and then like train people late at night. That was, that was like my hustle. I would just train people. I get them doing like burpees and get people thrown up and yelling at them. And like, you know, it was, it was, you know, being a personal trip. If you got some anger issues, like being a personal trainer, it's really good. Now, I mean, you just get the yellow people and tell them to do hard stuff. And they pay you for it. That's crazy. So I loved it for some reason. And, and then they, the company told me, Hey, like, you know, you're, you're studying this. You're doing kinesiology, like at the school, you're studying nutrition. Can you, can you do like some nutrition coaching for people? I'm like, sure, I guess let me go get a certification, got my, and I was super into nutrition. So started like doing some coaching for nutrition. And I really loved that. And then I worked at the school for a physical therapist, the school's physical therapist. And she trained me on all the things like injuries and, you know, movement and rehabilitation and sort of the therapeutic side of movement. And so I love that too, you know, but I always felt like something was missing. I didn't know whether I wanted to do physical therapy, personal training, strength and conditioning, train athletes. I didn't know what I was going to do. I just know I wasn't going to sit at a desk, you know, for most of my day. I wanted to, I wanted to be hands on. I wanted to be active. I wanted to live an active lifestyle. So you know, one of my professors was telling me, hey, you know, you should consider chiropractic. And I was like, oh, I mean, I never thought about that, but I guess I could, you know, I already, I already cracked my friends back. So yeah, how hard can this be? I can go do it for money, for sure. So I went to the local school. This was Palmer College of chiropractic West in San Jose, California. I went, that was the closest one. Literally same city. So I went there and I, and I went in for a, I don't know if you call it an interview, but I went to check it out. And I asked the president, I was like, so, you know, this is my situation. All right, PT, all this other stuff. And why should I choose chiropractic? What's so amazing about this profession? And he was like, well, you are essentially a primary care physician. You can run labs if you want. You can do nutrition if you want. And there's just a whole host of techniques and therapies that are open to you that, you know, that's not quite available to other types of professions, like, for instance, a physical therapist. And then also he talked to me about like how from the business perspective, right, most chiropractors are sort of on their own or they have, they're small business owners, right? There's an entrepreneurship component to it. So, you know, there's no cap on it's not like you just graduate and, you know, get hired at a hospital and then that's about it for the rest of your life. So I was like, oh, great. That sounds like a great culture, you know, like I can totally get behind that. You know, as long as I can combine like, you know, therapy and like treatments with like nutrition and lifestyle, like, and helping people live a better life, I'm all in. All right. And so I thought I was just going to go in, right, crack people's backs. And I know I say that right. I don't say that now, but I used to say this, I go in, crack people's backs and, you know, and just like rub under tissues. And I'm like, that's, that's the rest of my life. And I opened up a can of worms because on my first week there, I just, I came across there was it was club week, one of the clubs. Every there was, there's all these other clubs, right? There's all these clubs that are like in the hallway. There's your, you know, I remember it was like motion palpation club. There's rehab club. There's this adjusting ninjas club. There's all these different clubs, right? Pediatric clubs and whatnot. And then so this one club around the corner, right? You can't even see it. It's around the corner, right? At the very end, and it was applied kinesiology. And I go, kinesiology, hey, that's my major. Like I'm just, I'm naturally born for this. Super good, you know, and I do Olympic weightlifting. What's up? So I go over there and the, and the guy, and he's my friend now, but he, he goes. So I ask him, I'm like, Hey, you know, like, you know, I graduated. I have a degree in this. So, you know, I think I'll be pretty good at it. And he's like, he put his hand on my shoulder. He's like, you have no idea what you're about to get into. I was like, what are you talking about? He was like, just show up next week during the club meeting show up. This guy did a, a plank and easy ologies all about muscle testing. He tested one of my hip flexors, the so as muscle, right? And it was, it was weak as hell. I mean, I could not hold it up. And I'm this guy who squats like for breakfast, right? Like twice my body weight type of thing, right? And more. And I'm just like, what the hell is going on? Like what, what the hell is going on? And he did this thing. And then like he adjusted me, adjusted my, adjusted my atlas and my ox put and turned the thing back on. And then, and then, and it went back to that feeling of my first adjustment, right? Where I just felt so connected, right? But it wasn't that it wasn't only that. And I've been adjusted before, but it was the, it was the connection. It was the, it was the realization of like, wow, there was something wrong on my body that you were able to show me. And I felt it. And it was something that was lacking, like in my, in what I typically do. And there was a change, right? We did something and then there was a change right away. And I felt it. And I, and I've always felt it after, after that. So it was that that got me so hooked into what I do now, which is applied kinesiology. Anyways, so, you know, long story short, that's, that's my chiropractic story. It was really just pure out of purely out of curiosity, really, I think.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So form follows function. And when you got adjusted, you realize that something changed. And I think that that's a part where most people when they're, they'll listen to this show, I end up like here, this conversation that we're having about chiropractic and how you got into chiropractic is so many times people come in because they're in pain, right? And they come in, they look at the chiropractor as their last ditch effort, their savior, like, what are you going to do? I've tried everything else. And you came into because you're a curiosity and it actually made your functionality better. And that's the thing I love about chiropractic is it doesn't add anything extra to the body. It simply removes the interference and the body adapts. And then what you experienced was a high level of adaptation through muscle testing. And then you're like, wow, that was pretty cool. How can I help more people with this, which I think is where we're going next? So then you finish up at school, you get this applied kinesiology background on top of your kinesiology sports training. And then you said, okay, what am I going to do with my career? So you've been out of school. How long now?
DR CALVIN NG DC (GUEST): I graduated in 2019. So for four years, four years.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, I met you two years out. And four years later, tell me about your practice.
DR CALVIN NG DC (GUEST): So my practice is pretty much 100% a muscle testing practice or kinesiology based practice. We treat the entire body. And I always like to say that because this was what we're really resonant. And I didn't learn this in school, by the way, my school Palmer West, right, at Palmer. And you said it earlier, which is like, subluxation based, right? We were not like the principal, the philosophy there, there was lack of philosophy, number one. And so we did not get to learn much about that. In fact, it was the culture there, the temperature there was sort of like you just, you bastardize it, that you made fun of it a little bit. You kind of like, you laughed at it and then you're like, ah, that's just some like old outdated stuff that people didn't know what they were talking about. You know, we have MRI machines and next rays and all this other stuff. And then we referred to medical doctors. You know, that was like the climate there. I always kind of go, you know, I came from a family of my family. There's medical doctors in my family. There's my sisters, a PhD, psychologist, smart as hell. So you know, there's some really smart people in my family. And but allopathic smart, you know, like mainstream medicine smart, like mainstream narrative and everything. So, you know, when I saw that, I was just like, yeah, that's something doesn't feel right. And so I talked to other students from other other places. I met some people from my life west, which is like the closest Chiro College to us, some people from life university in Atlanta, some people from Logan Sherman. And I just kind of go, wow, like you guys, like talk about philosophy, you know, like it is a thing. Yeah. And like this, there's something cool about that. And then when I came out of school and then started actually like, you know, being part of the chiropractic community, who's who's passionate about the philosophy part. I was like, this is amazing. Like, why, why are we holding this back? Why are we going away from our roots? Which is D.D. Palmer, right? Who developed chiropractic? You know, he said that, you know, subluxations and, you know, cause of like dysfunction comes from trauma, toxins, auto suggestion. And in AK apply kinesiology, we say who was developed by AK was developed by George Goodhart. And he said everything basically comes down to physical, chemical and emotional. So for me, like in my practice, that's what I treat the physical structure, right? The adjusting part, the, the getting, getting their nervous system tuned in the biochemical, which is going to be toxins, deficiencies, you know, that's all part of the game too. And then we have mental emotional, right? So I tell people like, how can you be healthy if you, you work out and you eat clean, but you have terrible relationships with yourself, with others, with your coworkers, et cetera. How can you be healthy if you are as happy as you can be? You have your life purpose, right? You have your, you're working on your mission and life, but you devote all your time to other people and you don't take care of yourself. You don't work out, you don't eat clean, et cetera. And vice versa. And then, or you're somebody who, you know, runs marathons every single day, super fit, right? And you know, you're also kind of happy and have relationship. And but you eat terribly, not only do you do you terribly, you are, and then you get, you drink tap water, right? And you get exposed to toxins, right? And so it's the whole picture. It's not just like one little thing. So that's what I tell people. That's my practice is that, you know, I don't, I don't specialize in anything. I don't like the word specialty because a specialist knows a lot about very little, you know, and the human body, you can't do that. Because it's like, how well are you going to function without, you know, without your heart? Well, you can't, you're going to be dead. How well can you function without, you know, your eyes? Well, you can't, you know, you can't. It's just going to be more difficult. How well can you function without like a kidney or two? You know, so everything is related in the body. Yet we in, in allopathic medicine, we just, you know, we get so tunnel vision into one thing, right? I'm the specialist. Look at me. I'm the expert in this. So I tell people I'm like, look, it's all great. You know, I respect people for putting their time into a certain, certain thing, but we need to also go to go, we need to seek wisdom from people who can see the entire picture. And that's what I always strive to be is to, is to see the entire picture. You know, I always want to have, you know, as many tools in my arsenal as, as much as possible.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.
This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, Align Life, Brain-based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. LET’S HUSTLE !!!
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You know, listening to your mission and message and how you run your practice was really cool. You know, I like a Sid Williams quote. And he dropped his keys at the assemblies at Life University of Marietta. And anybody that knows who Sid Williams is, if you don't go Google search, drop the keys from Sid Williams, but he would always say, you don't have to believe in chiropractic. Chiropractic is like gravity. It works for you, believe in it or not. And I think that that's really like the impetus of a practice like yours is you don't have to believe in muscle testing. You don't have to believe in eating clean. You don't have to believe in any of the chiropractic lifestyle principles. But I've never met anybody that practiced poor thoughts, had more toxins or had more traumas that had a better quality of life. So if we really want to see people have full body wellness, we want to see people have full competency of emotional stability, vocational stability, relational stability. If we want people to have like a baseline stability for life, then chiropractic is the answer. And you know, it's funny, like I've done hundreds of hundreds of screenings. If people are watching this, you've never heard of what a chiropractic screen is. It's where you go out to the community, put it 10 by 10, 10 up and you go out and ask people if they're looking for a great chiropractor, if they are rescheduled, I'm in. Well, I have so many people come up to me and be like, I don't believe in chiropractic. And I have to explain to them that chiropractic is in a belief system. It's a healing art. And then I joke with them. I'm like, do you guys know, really want to know what a belief system is? And those are like, sure. So I'll be like, well, a belief system is the Easter Bunny. That's a belief system. And it's kind of like goofy, but it is. And you know, I say, you know what else is Santa Claus. That's a belief system. And I say chiropractic is a healing art. And you don't have to believe in it. You just have to come see us. So if you want to see the things that you checked on this little survey here to get better, then you have to come in and let us be your trusted resource and let us do the exam, the consultation, the health history, the x-ray and see what's going on. And we'll check you out. We'll do the orthopedic tests with you. And you'll get a chance to actually build a relationship with an office that's going to care about the things that you're concerned about. Because that's something you would like to do. And you know, I think that that's where we change the quantum of the conversation is it's not so much of people know that they need something. They need to know where to go and who to trust. So if you can build that rapport with people and you can say, look, this is why I do this thing. And I love it because this is the outcomes that I get. Then people are going to say, I want that too. But if we try to ever like point fingers and say the allopatics are wrong or chiropractic colleges without philosophy are wrong, like it's not that. We just have to lead by example. And when you lead by the example, there's a quote that I wrote down earlier, leading by example isn't the best way. It's the only way. And it's the only way to win. And I think that that's what a chiropractor does is their community. And one of the things that you were talking about is when people have like an imbalance in their relationship with how they take care of their body, whether it's physical thought or trauma is if you look more physically fit, people will take you more serious. And I think that if people just understood that, like if you took care of your posture better, people take you more serious. If you ate real food, people take you more serious. If you took care of your nervous system and made it a priority, people would take you more serious. And then you wouldn't look for somebody to have to save you because you had already saved yourself.
DR CALVIN NG DC (GUEST): Amen. Amen. It's really. I love what you said there. I tell people that look, what I do chiropractic, all encompassing of chiropractic at this core philosophy is a lifestyle. It's not a treatment. And that's one thing that would frustrate it the hell out of me in school was because it was like treatment, right? It's like, hey, okay, you came in. You got low back pain. You know, your distance busted and everything. It's going to take, you know, like 20 visits. And I'm like, I don't like that. I don't like that model because it just, it's not that chiropractic. Like what you said there, taking taking care of your body is a lifestyle. It's not, you don't go to the gym and go, hey, you know what, I got to this place. I guess I'm just going to go back to, you know, what I was doing before and hope that everything stays the same. No, you don't. It's like it's a process and you continue continually do it in your life. And that's what chiropractic is. It should not be, I really feel like it should not be talked about as a treatment anymore. I think people really need to focus on, hey, this is the lifestyle of chiropractic chiropractic is so much more. Yes, you have the adjustment and the manipulation and all that. I get it. But all the philosophy part is lifestyle, you know, so I love what you said there.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, thank you. And you know, I've been communicating this at a high level for a long time. You know, it's going into the 15th year of working in this profession from working in the office to speaking on stages now to like really like nurturing chiropractic offices with marketing. And I think when you, when you have to take the prospect, which is the person that doesn't know where to go or who to trust. They need somebody that believes in their potential more than they do. Yeah. Like you're talking about being a personal trainer, you had to believe in that person's potential more than they believed in their own for them to continue to show up. And you know, when I worked in a clinic for six years, the doc, when I first started out, he's like, you know what, we're going to care more about these people's health than they do. I'm like back then, I'm like, that's stupid. For real. That doesn't make any sense and that still is true today is we care more about people's health than they do themselves. But we have to be effective communicators to why people should start taking care of themselves and not belittle them, not talk down to them, but just give them an opportunity to understand that their body's a self healing organism. And once again, it doesn't need anything extra in it. It simply needs no interference. So in a chiropractor clears that retrieval, civilization, and allows the body to go back to what the medical world calls homeostasis, which is the balance of health. And that's the beautiful thing about chiropractic is it allows people to have the adaptability back to your original way that you got into chiropractic was you adapted to the point that you're like, wow, that was a freaking shift in my physiology. I want more of that. Amen. So moving into the last bit of this, this interview, let's go on a little lightning round.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Who are some of your mentors who helped you become the doctor that you are today?
DR CALVIN NG DC (GUEST): Wow. You know, my first mentor has to be my mom. She's not a, she's not a chiropractor. But she was the first person in my life who cared about health beyond herself. Right. She showed care, right? How to care for others. And she was, you know, people will call her like, you know, a health, not health freak, you know, she always got, you know, some sort of potion or something that's for this or that type of thing. And it was great. You know, when you're get sick, it's like, you know, you go find mom and then she takes care of it and she gives you something like nasty to drink or something to put on your, put on your body and you soak it up overnight or something like that. Right. So she knew, you know, the power of how the body can self heal from the, probably she doesn't even realize it on her own because, you know, now some of my other family members would go like, oh, you know, oh, you're coughing. Oh, you need to go get cough syrup. Oh, you're, you've got a headache. You got to get painkillers. And I just go, well, you know, let's, let's figure out how we can, what's causing this, how we can heal from this and not just like take the symptom away. Right. Because that's not really doing anything. So she was the one who first showed me like, you want to eat well, preserve your health. That's how you're going to feel better. You want, if you are sick, this is how you, you know, you do necessary things to take care of it. And just being intentional, you know, that's what I really learned from my mom. And I didn't really learn about this until, or I didn't realize all of this until I was, you know, probably in chiropractic college or maybe even, and I continue to have epiphanies like every time, every time I talk to my mom. And when I was younger, I didn't, I just thought she was annoying. I just thought, I'm like, okay, you're crazy. It's like, okay, there's this thing. All right, fine. You know, I'll entertain it. But now I really appreciate it, you know, a lot more. So you know, she, she was my first mentor. You know, I always thought it was my dad, but you know, what I learned from my dad is just grit and hustle. And like, you know, the power of like human resistance and like, you know, how resilient the human body is. I think like when we met, I kind of shared with you, you know, my dad went through his health journey. He had like liver cirrhosis and multiple organ failure sepsis and went through this whole thing, you know, and, you know, by the grace of God, you know, he came around and had a liver transplant, you know, and by the way, you know, as I say this, I tell people, I'm like, I'm not anti medicine at all, you know, like that saved my dad's life. And I'm highly grateful that we have that, right? But it's just a different way of thinking about it. So anyways, he turned his, his turn this whole, you know, the health around, you know, somehow, I don't know. And I just got to, and, and it was like, you know, and he was like, he was retired and everything. And, and, but throughout his whole life, I got to see just how hard the man worked and how resilient one story about him was, you know, occasionally somebody will come in and be like, I want to quit smoking, you know, can you help me out? And it reminds me of my dad because he was a smoker. And when my, when my mom was pregnant with my sister, my grandmother told my dad, hey, if you like, you, you got to stop, you know, basically yelled at him, right? You got to stop. And, and so he, he was like, all right, fine. And he just stopped. He literally just stopped. Cold turkey and like I've never heard of anybody stopping smoking cigarettes, cold turkey. And I asked him about it as when I was older and then I was like, well, how hard was it? And he was like, dude, two years couldn't stop thinking about it every single day, but I, I couldn't touch it. I didn't touch it. I chose not to touch it. I was like, wow, that's amazing. That's like, you know, and here I am sometimes going like, man, I just want a little, want some chips after I eat. You know, like, I just want a little bit of something that, you know, you're addicted to. And he's just like, you know, two years every single day thought about it, wanted it, you know, he was around people, you know, all the time who, who smoked. So that's what I learned from, you know, my mom and my dad, you know, and, and another hero in my life is, is my grandma, my mom's mom. I mean, I didn't get as she's somebody who I wish I had more time in my adult years. She passed away many years ago, but I wish I really have time today to talk to her because she is like number one, she went through communism in China. She was, her family had money, went through communism like 1950. I went to communist party, took over, basically stripped all the people who had something in the middle class, you know, and basically they lost everything, right? And they were not only that, they were punished, they were punished because they had stuff. So she went through all that hardship, came to America, right? Rebuilt everything, owned a jewelry business, hustled her way, right? So she's the definition of like entrepreneurship, right? Grit. Go get her bravery. I remember how brave she was. You know, she back in like 2013, me and my buddies would like, you know, we would gather up like our little small savings and we would like buy Bitcoin with it with when it was like 300 bucks, you know, and Ethereum was $144. I remember and we would buy it and we thought it was so funny, you know, and things like that. And I told her about it. I'm like, Hey, you know what? Like, I doubled my money. And she's like, I'm gonna give you five grand right now. Can you go buy me some? I was like, you have no idea like what this is. I didn't tell you what this whole thing is. And you're just willing to do it. And I was like, no, grandma, I can't, you know, this is your money. I feel bad. I'm just playing around. You know, I just, you know, I bought one, you know, I thought I was smart. You know, it's like, so she was like, she's that. She's just like does not hold back. She's like, if it's there, I'm willing to go get it. I'm not going to be afraid. I'm going to, you know, I'm going to take it, you know, how I see it. And so, you know, I really admire that from her. So sometimes like when I'm like struggling in life, when I feel a lot, and when I hesitate, you know, when I just feel a lot of apprehension, when I get in my own way, you know, I think about that. I think about that moment where she's just like, boom, you know what? I made the decision. I'm willing to do it. If I make mistakes, I'm going to make mistakes, but I'm willing to do it. I'm committed. I'm ready to jump in. Or maybe it just says that, you know, she's a she's a hardcore gambler.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, I know that, you know, as you've matured since chiropractic school, being a young man, knowledge and wisdom comes with maturity. So we don't know how great the people are in our life until we get a little bit older. And we realize like how much like the character traits, whether the good or the bad we picked up on. And then through epigenetics, which is our environmental decision making, and where we live and how we behave and what we think and what all the things we become who are supposed to based on our own capacity. So it's really cool that you pay reverence to mom and dad and grandma. And you said something earlier about your dad with this crisis care. And I do think that there's a time and place for medical intervention, but it should also have chiropractic care included. Absolutely. So anytime somebody's going through like a severe medical transition, where crisis care is necessary, still get adjusted. And don't rely on lifestyle meds for long term. Use them to get through something. And lastly, do not treat chiropractic as an expensive Advil. It's not, it's something that's going to reestablish a nervous system that you can be really proud of. And I always tell people if you had to wear your spine on your face, you'd take better care of it. So Dr. Calvin, is there anything that we didn't discuss today that you'd like to touch on before we call today?
DR CALVIN NG DC (GUEST): And I think, yeah, I think number one thing that anybody can do really is get adjusted at least, you know, at least on the monthly basis. But I like to get adjusted every week. And the reason why is you really want, especially today, is that we really need connection. I think we started off, we're talking about like, you know, I like being connected with people and communicating with people. And, you know, this is what really fuels me. And I really appreciate that. Because I think when people think about connection, they think about just interaction with people. But I think we need to really be connected with our own self. In today's world, we are just way more disconnected. I mean, if you think about people's problems that's beyond just our health, it's really a lack of connection. It's a disconnect, right? With themselves, with other people, with just, you know, the world, with the earth. So get connected, get adjusted so that you're connected. Put your feet on the ground so that you can get connected with Mother Nature, right? And be connected with people who have, who are level-headed and have, and believe what you believe. And people who are willing to, you know, speak out, you know, for the truth to help other people improve their health, wealth, vitality, and freedom, you know. So that's what we really need.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Amen. And with Chiro Hustle, we've created a depository of interviews over the past six years. If you go to our YouTube channel, we have about 1,200 and change interviews that we've done over there. We've created a tapestry of chiropractic and the largest database of chiropractic interviews that's ever been made. So just really appreciate you sharing today and being a part of the Chiro Hustle family. If people want to connect with you or learn more about you, where can we send them to?
DR CALVIN NG DC (GUEST): People can find me on Instagram at Dr. Calvin Ng. They can find me on my website, DrCalvin Yeah, those are the main places where people can find me.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Awesome. Well, your episode 541 of the Chiro Hustle podcast. Thanks for being our guest today.
DR CALVIN NG DC (GUEST): Awesome. Thank you so much, Mr. Shaster. I just, and I always enjoy talking about what I'm passionate in. And so I just appreciate that you're giving people the place and the platform and time for them to just get this stuff out to the world so that we're all just improving each other's lives.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): I'll close up by telling everybody to share the show. And you're just one story way. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys on the next episode. Appreciate your doc. Thanks. All right, talk soon. Talk soon.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.
This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, Align Life, Brain-based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. LET’S HUSTLE !!!
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