
December 20, 2023

What To Do in a Chiropractic Crisis with Dr Eric Crane DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 519

Dr. Eric Crane, DC is a Chiropractor in Mustang, OK and has over 8 years of experience in the healthcare field. He graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic in 2014. Dr. Crane chose Mustang, Oklahoma to open a chiropractic clinic because it was a Christian community that is family-oriented and growing. Dr. Crane is from a farm and ranch in Kansas and Mustang felt like home.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You've made it to Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one Chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes and to continue hustling.

This episode is sponsored by: Transact Card, Align Life, NeuroInfinity, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, and the IFCO.

Let's hustle.

LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 519 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Mallett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we had the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Eric Crane. If you want to hear a story about what to do in a Chiropractic crisis, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today, we've got Eric Crane for the third time, back in the saddle again. Mustang, Mustang, it's Oklahoma, right?

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  That's right. Mustang, Chiropractic, Mustang, Oklahoma.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And before we jump into this episode and get on page talking about the third interview with you, I just want to let people know that they go, why? Why do we do what we do? First Amendment is very important to us, freedom of speech. We've never censored anyone. So I think that that's really important on these types of platforms is to support people with freedom of speech. Then we do support family health, freedom of medical freedom. We believe people should have the choice of what they do for them and their families' health and their future. And then we also protect BJ Palmer Sacred Trust. If you don't know what that means, go to your favorite search engine and look for BJ Palmer's last words or BJ Palmer Sacred Trust. You're going to learn so much more about Chiropractic than you previously did. We also support Subluxation-based Chiropractic. The Lexicon and the philosophy of Chiropractic is highly valuable to the people at large. They still don't know that Chiropractic is the answer for them. And then lastly, we believe in inate intelligence and universal intelligence. And we believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. And with that being said, Dr. Eric Crane, welcome.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  Just making a little note here of some stuff we're going to talk about. We were chatting earlier about what we're going to talk about today. And I think we came up with a pretty good plan. But I was talking to you about some of the things I've been going through and stuff like that. And you said I've seen a little more calm in my last two. And I told you this because I went through the five stages that are, you know, the five stages of grief, basically. And I'm at acceptance finally. So I've finally just kind of decided what's going to be is going to be, let's just make the most of it. You know, let's not worry about what people say. Let's worry about what we do. And I could tell people that it might be going through hard times right now, whether that's in their practice or financially or with their family at home, you know, you're not going to fix any problem by stuffing it in the closet. When I, for instance, sell a phone roller to someone, which I don't really do a lot of anymore, I just told them to buy it on Amazon. I tell them, put this where you'll see it every night where you sit down. Like, do you sit in front of your TV like most people do in your bed? Put that thing right there in your field of vision. So you'll get up and use it for a couple minutes a night to help maintain your adjustments between your visits to CME. And most of them really get it, you know, like when we put, when we put things out of sight, they are out of mind. So I've been bringing everything that's important to me and my practice and the girls that work for me and my pet and all this stuff, I bring it all out in front of me. I put everything on countertops. I don't put things in drawers. I want to see where things are at. Because I don't want to compartmentalize the important things in life. And I think all too often we get in the habit of doing that, you know?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, you know, one of the things I say to people is look in obvious places. And so many times people want to overthink things or they want too much information that they don't actually go through and utilize the thing that they're looking for in the first place. And they get stuck down some rabbit trail where they lose focus.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  Very easy to do, especially with all the information in the world at your fingertips. And we're stuck in the internet ghettos of Facebook and Instagram and Twitter when I can remember a time when the internet was a lot more expansive and there was a lot more sources of information. And, you know, the totalitarianism, the fascists out there would say, well, a lot of that was misinformation, no it wasn't. And who decides what's misinformation? You know, the AMA decided that chiropractic was misinformation a long time ago. That was a long and costly battle that we as chiropractors fought. And we don't. We take it for granted, frankly. And you know, show me a successful chiropractor and there's probably 25 to 100 in this wake that failed. And it's because they weren't prepared from the get go to accept the ups and the downs of practice and running your own business. They were just hitting the books and learning a bunch of information, balling it back out on a test and then smack. Okay, you're a chiropractor. Now you're in the real world. Go be somebody and they slam the door behind you and they're turning around and going back to all these students that are, you know, eight out of 10 trimesters in to go on through a very expensive program. So, you know, basically I'm agreeing with you in a long-winded way that you've got to have some mocks and you've got to have it in your gut.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST)  You've got to be a fighter and you've got to get up with a purpose every day to go help people because this is, I tell people, probably too often, this is not an easy job.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  You know, chiropractic isn't just, oh, I'm just going to go mess around and work today. I work a couple, three hour shifts a day and I'm seeing about 40 to 50 people on average, sometimes up to 70, sometimes as well as 20 or 30, but pretty much about 40 or 50 people every time I go to work. So I mean, you can do the mouth on that. It's seeing about 150, 200 a week and, you know, you're so retired. You're out of it. You've had a couple of problem patients. People telling you what to do one day. One day that people can't get enough of you telling them what to do. So you get wore out and kind of sick of your own voice for a while. So it's nice when we can talk to people like you and other people in the chiropractic community that, you know, you don't have to live on an island. There are a lot of people out there that are doing the same things. You have the same challenges that you, and you should talk to them. I mean, I personally, I'm kind of notorious for not getting along with some other chiropractors, but that's really their issue in not mine because I'm one of the friendliest people in the world. You might be my friend, I'll be your friend. But if you're going to run me into the ground, I'm probably never going to be your friend. I'm not going to talk to you or address you, that's just how I am. So I think our whole profession could use a kumbai yaw moment, but I don't think it will ever happen. I've talked to the guys that run big practice management groups. One group's mad of another group in Oklahoma. One state group hates the other state group, and there's bad blood in there that goes back decades before I ever started. And I went to one of the guys, I won't say who it is. A lot of people know who it is. I went to him and I said, why don't we just get together with this other group and make one big power group so we can have a big lobby so we can do something and get something done instead of infighting. And he's like, oh no, we never do that. And this guy's message is all kumbai yaw, all of everybody, all everything. So some people will talk a really good game about truthier principles and all this stuff. And then when they, as soon as the doors closed, Brian, it's, oh, F that guy, I don't like that person, or we can never work with that guy. He's this and that and the other. So there's a real mixed message you go on in that aspect of our rule for sure.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So you're talking earlier about you've been going through stuff as professional and I know that one of the things we wanted to really key in on today was what to do if you do get faced with a crisis in your practice, like what have you done to, you know, I guess reestablish your positioning and to fight.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  Well, that's all that is the advice is to fight, not fight like be nasty and curse and screaming and go after people and whatever, but you have to fight. Everybody in the world will tell you, just leave it alone, leave it alone and go away. Just lay low for two weeks, not with somebody advice I got, just disappear for a while, go somewhere and get out, get away. Yeah, that might work for a weekend, but when you come back, that problem is still going to be there for you. And you know, all problems are different, of course, but let's just say, for instance, somebody leaves you a bad review and it's not just a bad review. It's something that's obviously not true, fraudulent, maybe nasty, accusing you of doing something you didn't do. That's definitely the time that I say, dull leave it alone. I mean, when I went viral in 2019 and got 250 Google reviews of two weeks and they weren't good, they were just people dog filing from all over the country that had never seen me, but I got exposed on the news and everything. And it was just like a bonfire, you know, it's like one thing goes up and another thing catches and now you got this huge fire going on. So this exec from that worked with Coca-Cola contacted me and he was saying, just leave it alone, don't do anything, no, no, no. It was the worst possible advice because this just kept filing up. So I was sitting at home one night and I was looking at this one particular review where this guy said I did something very uncouth to his grandmother in my office that was just, it was beyond ridiculous.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST)  So I just looked him up on Facebook.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  He had the same picture on Facebook that he had on Google. So I looked up the place on his Facebook page, I had where he worked too. So naturally I just left his work in one star review and I said, I don't care if this review stays here for the rest of my life because you're an employee named Javier that thinks it's funny to write XYZ on a chiropractor in Oklahoma's page. So it's Hammurabi's law, it's an eye for an eye and I'll delete mine when he deletes his. 10 to 15 minutes later, his review was gone. And that was like, being light bulb, I was like, oh my God. I started doing that more and more and I found several of them I could fix like that, most of them I couldn't. But there was a pattern, there was a pattern. I would call up some of these workplaces and go, hey, is such and such an employee there? Oh buddy, I wish I could help you. But I fired that bee a long time ago or whatever it was. And the one guy in particular stands out to me because he set up, she's probably sitting at home unemployed in her basement right now, taking it out on other people. So I'm sorry I can't help you, but if I could, I would. I think you just did help me. Then I start seeing projection everywhere. You see it everywhere after a while. Somebody's being mean to someone else or miserable or unhappy or hateful or cursing on whatever it is. The problem is with them and they are outwardly reflecting their own feelings of inadequacy or whatever onto you or your business or your family or they're spreading rumors about you. You do have to stand up for your core principles. You do have to do what's right because like Jim said in the beginning, we believe in freedom of choice with this stuff for health information for where do you go to get help when something is wrong. You don't want to go to your local urgent care and get a handful of pills. You need local chiropractors, physical therapists, natural health people, okay, we're some massage therapists, roll first, energy workers. If you're getting something out of it, it's working. Like I'm not having the discussion anymore about, oh, let's plaque her ear, witchcraft or whatever. The strongest drug one can take is the placebo that works. That's not doing anything negative to the person. A lot of that starts right here between the ears with most people. That's kind of the conclusion I've come to in the last year or so. More over than, oh my backwards, oh this, oh that. This one way the other day was going into. She's just bound up tight like this. I just told her, why are you so rigid? She's like, I don't know. I don't know this. I don't know if she's panicked so I'm kind of going to get her. Then she said something about her mother. I said, what's your mother got to do with this? She goes, I don't know. She just never liked me. She didn't do this. I said, you know what? I think your back pain is partially coming from these negative emotions you have towards your mother.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST)  She started just bawling, dude. Bawling.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  I'm like, shit, I shouldn't have said that. But I did mean it and I did say it and I sat there and I held her hand and told she quick crying and I said, I didn't mean to upset you with that. She goes, no, you're right. I don't know why I'm carrying this. And I said, you know, the hardest thing to deal with is when a family member is toxic and you have to remove it from your life or your own benefit and happiness. But it sounds like maybe you should give that a trial of separation to your mother, tell your body quits, retaliate, and you can get against you because all that energy that you're taking in of your bad feelings about yourself is bouncing around inside of you. It has nowhere to go. It's the paperclip analogy with chiropractic, how the energy goes in a circle.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST)  Then that paperclips out.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  There goes the energy. Now you're hurt. Now your subluxated.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Safety pin cycle.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  Your safe excuse me.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST)  Safety paperclip safety pin. Thank you.

You've made it to Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one Chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes and to continue hustling.

This episode is sponsored by: Transact Card, Align Life, NeuroInfinity, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, and the IFCO.

Let's hustle.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  At that moment, like I said, I felt a little bit ashamed that I made her cry, but then after that she's hugging me and thanking me on the way out and making a month's worth of appointments.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, the thing is, Dr. Eric, is people don't really understand that chiropractic helps with thoughts, traumas, and toxins. Most of the time people come into a chiropractic clinic because they've had some type of a trauma with the physical part of their body. They don't realize that when they start getting adjusted and they start getting a principal chiropractic hair that moves the bone, takes pressure off of a nerve, their body starts to chill out. Not only chill out with the physical problems, but when they come in and meet a chiropractor like you that's bold enough to tell them the truth, then they start correcting the mental subluxation, and then when you start on two levels of physical and mental, and then you can come into their spiritual, now the person starts to evolve and they start to adapt. And really, that's the thing you said before is as above, so below. And when you start giving somebody an adjustment to their upper cervical area, now they don't have radiculopathy in their arms and hands. And when you start adjusting somebody in their lumbar spine, now they don't have sciatica. But also what happens is it clears up their crummy state of mind where they're bogged down with more stress and more necessity to perform and they don't feel good. So what happens now is you turn the lights on and now the same thought processes get a chance to adapt. So now they're adapting to a new reality and they can't go back to the old person. The old person's gone. They don't go back to that person. They can just go forward and that's why some of these people that come in and you have this impact on them, they become your number one referral sources. I tell people it's all time. Like I actually pre-framed them. I said, great. I'm glad you're going to come in and we're going to be able to help you out. And guess what? You're probably going to become one of our number one referral sources for the whole time that you're with us because we're going to show you how good we are and you're going to go tell all your friends and family that whatever you're telling me that's going on with you today is going to improve and then you're just going to, you won't be able to stop telling people about us.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  Yeah, that's a great way to do it, man. That's the pre-framing. That's perfect what you're telling them. You're also setting up an expectation that they are going to heal. Some people have had back of neck pain or whatever it may be for so long. I'll just live with it. I just live with it. You hear that a lot from the chronic patients. I just live with it. I had a guy come in the other day. He goes, I met my deductible because I threw up my stomach when I was puking buckets of blood. I go, what? He goes, yeah, I lived on a leaf for 10 years. He rode his stomach lining with a leaf and he was having a radiculopathy in his forearm and he was having a pec atrophy. So he had something along with the nerve root in between three and six, somewhere in there or both. I told him, I said, this is going to be a tough case because you might have something along here at your shoulder. You might have something more on here at the clada pull and you might have something more on your neck. So I x-ray him. He's got this disease at every level, right? I adjusted my work on him last Thursday and I had him set up for MRIs and all this stuff. He came in yesterday and goes, my nose and tingling just barely started coming back this morning. So he lived Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, all pain free, all radiculopathy free for one adjustment. The bad thing about that is then they kind of expect that every time. So I always tell patients like him, I'm like, look, I can get you from an eight to a two pretty readily. It takes you a lot longer and get you from a two to a zero or one to a zero because it just does. That's just the way it goes.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, go ahead. I worked in a clinic and I would always kind of joke around with people. I'm like, all right, you're 40 years old. You come in here and you're put together duct tape and bailing wire and paper clips. And I look at your film. I see what you look like. And we do a great job of restoring people's cervical curve and lumbar curve and taking kyphosis out of the curves or, you know, adding a proper curve to the spine. But I was like, you waited till you're 40 years old to come in and see if we could help you out. And now what we can do is best is rehab what you've come in with, which is we call limitations of matter. Like we'll do our best to get you to a way back to what's best to normal for you. But we should have started you at care when you're a baby. Yeah.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  And then I kind of follow along with the Joe Borio's way of thinking about when that patient's asking you questions, you don't just answer them, you ask them a question that's going to lead them to the answer you want them to say. That's real doctoring, you know, like, how long do I got to be seen, Doc? Well, how long do you think you need to be seen? It's been a minute. You're 40 years old. You said you're next been hurting for three and a half years since you fell off the four wheeler or bucked off the horse, whatever it may be. How long do you think James? How long is it going to take you to get well? Well, I'm tired. Yeah, probably well. You know, that does do more pre-framing and set up their expectations for care and you're not being dishonest with them. I'm not saying I'll see you three times a week for eight weeks. Then we get a divorce and I'll never see you again. You know, that's why I don't go along with that practice management strategy. Sure, you're going to have some people go out there and pay you in full, but you sacrifice your integrity. Not every person needs three months of care, three times a week for eight weeks. You know, I mean, they just don't. Like, I'm more confident in my skills than that. You know, I'm not God. I'm not the best chiropractor in the world by any means. But if I've seen you four to six times and I haven't gotten your pain 80% gone, I feel

JAMES CHESTER (HOST)  inadequate. I feel bad. I feel like I'm ripping you off.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  So that's just where I'm different. And all people say, I really like that about you, that's refreshing. And I said, well, just don't treat me like you treat your dentist and see him once every

JAMES CHESTER (HOST)  three years. You know what I mean?

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  And that usually gets up pretty good lap. But yeah, you talk about restoring the curves. It makes a good segue. So I want to share this with some other people. I make nothing from this. They can give me a free pillow. I mean, I'll be fine with that. But this is what I use for restoring a cervical curve. It does it on x-ray. You just got to get the patient to use it. I have these on all my IST tables. This is an adjustable pillow that can help take your neck from military neck to more normal looking. And it's pretty simple. It's got a little mechanism in it that the arch goes up. So this is a really release lever, some thumb buttons. You can raise that up. It's got about 12 or 13 notches in it. I count them one day. And that's the trick. Click, click, click. So every month they can click that up. And you can take multiple degrees off a curve in just six months. If you just religiously use it. It's kind of like the foam roller example we're talking about. If you don't use it and throw it in the closet, you're not going to get any relief. You're not going to get some cavitation in your back. You're not going to extend the life of your adjustments, right? So these little things that other chiropractors might say, ah, I don't deal with products or nobody's going to buy anything. This, they will. They need it. And they sell those online for almost 100 bucks. It can be a hero and sell it to your patient for 50, 60 bucks.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST)  And they think that you're just the best thing ever because you saved them.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  What's something they're going to buy on anyways, you know, go ahead.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So the name of the product that actor crangers showed is called the servipetic pillow.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  There is. Servipetic.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  I know the people pretty well talk to them several times at different events and they've always been good, give me a case of pillows as soon as they can get them to me. Sometimes we've been manufacturing issues because they've sold out of them, but they're the only pillow that I've seen that actually can do some physical changes to people. So I keep a few of them around and they get to try them out when they're on the IST tables. A lot of times people go, I love that pillow.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST)  Can I get one?

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  Not sure. There you go. You know, it's, it's, you got to have something. I also carry things like multivitamins. I use mother earth labs for multivitamins. I don't know if you can see this, but my eyesight's gone to crap lately, but look at all these vitamins in here. These are all organic, all natural stuff, loaded multivitamin. I sell less of those. I've been carrying the stop pain for a few months. I've been selling the crap out of the stuff. People love it. It does work quite well. It's like Bio3s. But what I really like to sell is a simple cheap little calm for sleep. So many people can't sleep. So many people have muscle pain. So many people have anxiety. My knees give the cure for all of that. It takes a while. This will help get your problem patients to sleep. I sell that for 20 bucks. I think I buy it for eight or $10. It's not a crazy markup and it's cheap really well marked to buy it from me. So I recommend somebody get hooked up with calm. I also found mother earth labs, magnesium extended release. This has seven kinds of magnesium in it. You can kind of see them there. So if one thing doesn't work on somebody like this has Vysimate, Malate, it has magnesium, Orylate, Torate, Ionic magnesium, magnesium citrate. So you think maybe this thing will make you go with Bathroom for about three weeks straight when it does. Phobic acid, a little bit of zinc, all that stuff that you need for healthy skin, bones, teeth, all that stuff. It's all over there. And then finally I got, I sell these calm gummies too for people that don't like to take pills. Kids can eat these. Kids need magnesium. It helps them go to sleep. It helps calm them down. Get them off the ADHD drugs because magnesium is probably the most important advice I give to my patients just blanket advice.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, here we go. We're helping people with physical, chemical and emotional stresses. And a lot of times people are dealing with a, I was just on my last interview and I said, most of the time when people become diabetic, it's through their eyes, or they become obese, it's through their eyes because they see it first. And that's how they start to build the conditioning that that's comfortable to them. And then they eat too much of it. And it's not a good source of protein. It's not a good source of, you know, healthy diet stuff. And people are eating stuff first through their eyes. So if we can teach them to supplement healthy stuff to help it if they're not sleeping because really you know this doc, the only time that people are getting actual cellular repair is when they're sleeping. So if people aren't sleeping, their bodies aren't recovering. And really, I think chiropractic, I always tell people this, it's one of the original biohacks, you know, it was breathing feet on the ground, sunshine, then chiropractic. So when we think about like the evolution of biohacking, adjusting the spine and taking pressure off the nervous system helps restore functionality. And I think when you talk about today, people come in with more, you know, troubles with sleeping, more troubles with diets. Like you said, your patient was throwing up his stomach because he is supplementing himself with drugs. And you know, we interviewed last Brown, I probably told you about this, but my favorite part was he said, I love chiropractic because it doesn't cut it out, drug it out or burn it out. And I think that when you think about giving supplements to somebody, their body just craves something that's going to help them adapt to a better homeostasis.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  And they don't even know and their doctor is not going to tell. You know, I thought you were going a different direction when you first started talking about the, you know, getting a diabetic through your eye, I was thinking it's like the seafood diet, right? I see food I eat it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's true.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  Yeah, we see a donut commercial in the next thing, you know, they're pulling into donut.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, but it's like if we give them healthy choices now and we reintroduce them to good solutions, that's when we start to see people's lives change. And that's when we start to see the impact of chiropractic services become, as you were just talking about earlier, we'll get better reviews. When people think about like the review currency or the review marketplace, like if you see somebody has multiple five star views, you're going to go shop there. You know, and if people have like a tendency to base their decision making, whether they're buying a car or they're working with a marketing company or they're going to a chiropractor, there is a review style culture out there that, you know, people believe in the entourage effect. They believe in third party validation. And when people have, you know, positive things to say, that's why it's important to settle the score and to actually do what you did is go out there and reestablish credibility.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  You got to ask for reviews too from those people and, you know, to build on what you said. Have you ever just read a review and went somewhere or nine times out of 10? Was it, you know, when your friends was, hey, I went eight, it's a really great restaurant. You should go. It's always that. You know, you're much like more like it spurred into actions from a referral from someone you know and trust rather than just something BS you read. As everybody knows, you can fake reviews if you really wanted to get in there and do it, you know. I had people tell me they thought my reviews were fake a couple of years ago. I'm like, no, there's a bunch of bad ones. And I wouldn't fake a bunch of bad reviews from strangers. I don't know. So unfortunately they're all real. But yeah, I mean, you get, you get zero percent of the things that you don't ask for, you know. So whether that be asking your friends and family, if there's anybody that, you know, they know that you could help or asking your current patients for reviews and referrals, asking your employees to make sure they tell their friends and family about it. I mean, sometimes we overlook the most obvious things we see it every day, you know. Sometimes like that thing in the corner of the room, you never use. Eventually you forgot where you got or why you have it, you know. But it's always been there. So it's just something to think about for other people that might be kind of struggling right now or looking for different ways to get people in the door. Because sometimes you've got to just go pound the pavement and go start knocking on doors. And nobody wants to do that anymore. You know, we're above all that. There's too much pride in the world. And the ego and the pride and everything that Facebook and all these things are feeding. And hell, those companies are getting rid of people too. And Amazon just laid off a bunch of people, like 1200 people here in Oklahoma City area, just the other day. So I think there's a looming kind of darkness on the economic horizon coming that everybody needs to get prepared for and realize like, the more you preach your message and don't worry about all that stuff, you will get more people coming through the door. It's pretty cyclical. But I think some people are going to be really in for it because we went through it with COVID and I saw in my patient population all the anxiety issues, the people having shallow breathing problems, things like that. And you know, you just feel it. You feel them all bound up like, you know, and you want to help them. But the only way you can help them is just walk them out of the forest, you know, literally you've got to take their hand and walk them out because they're not going to do it on the road or they would have already done it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, Dr. Eric, we're at the end of our time together today. Is there anything I didn't touch on that you wanted to share with our audience today?

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  Nope. Nope. I think we covered the gamut of stuff while being economical with it and not over killing some points or anything like that. And I hope I brought some value to anybody that wants to watch this as far as maybe a few ideas, something you can do in your clinic to make some money that's not going to take a lot of time and energy, but will be something that's repeatable and proud before you on a regular basis.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, if we don't tell them to come by it from us, they'll buy it from somewhere else. And if we don't tell them the truth about chiropractic, someone else will necessarily lead them with drugs or surgery. So we just got to keep on saving lives with chiropractic and the game is one spine at a time. But sometimes it's one mind at a time. You can't get to the spine until you get to the six inches up here. So we got to just be consistent and determined to keep on spreading the truth about chiropractic. And with that being said, if people wanted to reach out to you or learn more about you, where should we send them to?

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  I just Google it. Just Google Mustang chiropractic. I took my website down because I didn't want to pay $300 a month for it anymore. I'm just going to build a little simple one, but they can find me on Google. They can find us on Facebook to slash Mustang Chiro. They want to get on there and see some memes and some stuff that I posted lately. Feel free to take whatever you want. I use Keith Lawson stuff. So just know if you steal my pictures off there, my address is on.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So be careful. Well, Dr. Eric, I look forward to connecting with you as we build our futures together. And I thank you for being episode 519 of the Chiro Hustle podcast.

DR ERIC CRANE DC (GUEST):  Hey, I'm very happy to do so. You're doing a great job, Jim. And thanks for everything you do for chiropractic.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I appreciate it, man. I'm going to close out by telling everyone you're just one story way. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys in the next episode. Thanks a lot. All right. Bye for now. Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.


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