Upstart Chiropractic College in Washington with Dr Sarah Kotlerman DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 555
Current Role: Dr. Kotlerman is the clinical director at Averio Health Institute, an innovative, concentrated chiropractic facility located in Mt. Vernon, WA, USA. Averio Health Institute is a concentrated chiropractic care facility that specialized in 5-day programs for chronic and complex cases. The goal of AHI is to remove the underlying interferences that are keeping the person from being healthy. Our objective testing department specializes in anaylzed digital spinal radiographs, heavy metal & environmental toxicity testing, intracellular micronutrient panels, and functional brain & functional neurological testing. At AHI a patient can get a lot of gentle and specific regenerative care in a very short amount of time; allowing for a different response and more significant response from the patient’s central nervous system.
Dr. Kotlerman has ten case studies accepted for international publication through the Australian Spinal Research Foundation. Dr. Kotlerman published a clinical results book, Exceptional Health: You Can Have It in 2021 which ranked at the top of Amazon charts for ‘neuron-anatomy’ for several weeks. Dr. Kotlerman graduated from Life West Chiropractic College in Hayward, California in 2017 with emerald clinical honors. Dr. Kotlerman became the Averio Health Institute Clinical Director in 2020.
Dr. Kotlerman is a speaker and author and has recently been interviewed on national TV through the Children’s Health Defense TV and An Informed Life Radio on the topic of chiropractic care, as well as, being a keynote speaker at the largest chiropractic conference in the PNW, ChiroFest on the topic of concentrated chiropractic care. Dr. Kotlerman and her team has a great passion in pursuing the opportunity for the patient’s response when given the opportunity of more chiropractic care.
Clinical Highlights:
-Led the 2018 Chiropractic Mission Uganda in 2018 – collected observational data on over 2000 patients receiving their first visit and are currently collaborating the data.
-Co-lead of the chiropractic division of the Seattle King County Clinic – largest free clinic in Washington State in 2019 and 2020
-Exceptional Health: You Can Have It 2021 – published clinical research book
-10 case studies that have been accepted for publication through the Australian Spinal Research Foundation and Pan-Asian Chiropractic Journal
-Health For Our Future – 2022 – full length documentary on six families with severely challenges children who have their lives changed through concentrated chiropractic care. This program was accomplished with the help of private foundational support.
-Averio CEO, Anna Martin received the Tom Campbell award from the Washington State Chiropractic Associate for her efforts in helping achieve this financial support for the documentary project.
-Current Washington State Chiropractic Association board member
-Current Washington Chiropractic College team member
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.
This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, AlignLife, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let's hustle!
LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER): Hey guys, welcome to episode 555 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Sarah Kotlerman. If you want to hear the upstart of a chiropractic college in Washington, this is the story. Stay tuned! Welcome back! This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today I have Dr. Sarah Kotlerman on with me. We have some really cool stuff to talk about, a new college model out in Washington that we're going to get on. We're going to talk about concentrated chiropractic care and why. I know it's a big thing most people have never heard about. And we'll talk about service and how to give back to the profession. We'll round it out with some things about the future chiropractics and miracle stories and some of her mentors that helped her become who she is today. Before we jump in this episode, I'm going to let you guys know our big why, why do we do it? We do over here. We'll first things first as a Second Amendment, which is freedom of speech. We've never censored anyone, and we don't like it when we get censored either, so Chiro Hustle stands for that. We also stand for medical freedom and family health freedom. They're not the same thing, but we believe that Chiro Project delivers both of those to the people that need it the most. We also believe and support BJ Palmer's last words. It's called the Sacred Trusts. Protect the Sacred Trusts if you guys don't know what that is. Go into your favorite search engine right now. Stop this interview and find out what BJ Palmer's last words were. You're going to know more about chiropractic than you previously did. I guarantee you. And then we do support subluxation based chiropractic and innate intelligence. We believe that when the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman's spiritual. With that being said, welcome to episode 555.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, so chiropractic, it's the major premise of our show. And one of the things I'm really excited about is telling your story and getting you to speak about things that you're enthusiastic about within this profession. So why don't we just roll in to talk about how you got into chiropractic?
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): I got into chiropractic because I hiked the El Camino de Santiago, which is a 500, 550 mile trail, depending on a little bit where you start, where you end that goes from the south part of France to the western edge of Spain. I had no intentions of pursuing chiropractic, even though I have many chiropractors in my family, my father's. Every famous chiropractor, Dr. Avery Martin, who's a legacy in Washington state, he's founded a ton of very successful clinics. And he actually founded a Vera Health Institute, which is the concentrated chiropractic facility that we'll talk about here in a few minutes. But I didn't have any intentions of going the same direction. I was actually thinking about maybe potentially pursuing four services or law. So when I hiked that trail, and if you know anything about the Camino, you know it has about a 1200 year history of being a very spiritual, very like real get to the soul of things kind of experience, when I hiked that trail, I realized in the by the time I hit the last 100 miles that I needed to help people figure out how to be sustainably and exceptionally healthy, that people had lost touch with how their bodies worked, how their brains worked, and that there was no other profession to work in except in the profession that removes central nervous system interference.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, I think that that's pretty cool. The Camino, how long did it take you?
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): I did it in 34 days, which I don't recommend going that fast. There were a couple of days we hiked. I went with a girlfriend of mine, and there was a couple of days we hiked over 30 miles. Our feet were very sore.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, that's that's pretty exceptional. I was just talking to a guy yesterday about walking across America. He's helped over 2000 people walk across the United States, and he said that the average about 20 miles a day.
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): Which is a lot. It's really a lot, especially on trails that become really hard packed and clay and concrete. Your body feels it.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, yeah. I mean, I think that there's a lot of great stories to tell and share, but I'm most interested in your story today. Let's talk about this Washington chiropractic college that you guys are spearheading and looking at developing and getting funding for. Let's talk a little bit about the history, the why around it, and how people can get involved with it.
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): Sounds great. So the goal of the Washington Chiropractic College is to bring a boutique chiropractic educational model to the United States. This is a model that's been extremely successful in other places like New Zealand, Australia, Spain, but currently does not exist inside of the United States and could be a model that is a game changer for chiropractic. I understand that this podcast is going out nationwide, so I don't can't speak for other parts of the country, but at least in Washington State, I can speak for the fact that we have a hiring crisis. We don't have enough DCs to meet the demand. We have whole areas that are underserved, offices that have six, nine month waiting lists to get in for care, because there aren't enough doctors of chiropractic to address the demand. And this is the demand on what patients know as of now. If patients knew what chiropractors knew, we couldn't even be a drop in the bucket of demand from all the sick people in the United States who would finally realize that there was an option for them that wasn't ineffective drugs and surgery. So we're looking to kind of meet the hiring demand, and we're also looking to meet the philosophical demand. We need great chiropractors. We don't need people with chiropractic licenses who are unwilling to step up and do the work. We need great chiropractors. So the model is a boutique model. It's designed to be small. It's designed to fit a niche, and it's designed to not compete with any of the existing chiropractic colleges. It shouldn't compete with or be negative in any way to our existing great schools. This is just to increase the options for people who want to become chiropractors. It's actually been over 80 years since we've had a chiropractic college in Washington State, which I found surprising considering how great a state, Washington State is to be a chiropractor. We've got great laws here. We've got great opportunities like Chirophes just last weekend with Paul Reed. I mean, what a great opportunity for chiropractors in Washington State. So the model of Washington Chiropractic College is going to be 75 students, one class a year. So 75 students in, four years later, 75 doctors of chiropractic out is the goal. I'm not going to go past 75. And James, one of the weird things that I was not expecting when we started this journey was how many DCs would actually have critiques for us on the 75 model. And I think the reason why that is there is a little bit to keep the focus on the educational opportunity instead of the financial opportunity of education. If we cap it at 75 and we have a waiting list of 200 students trying to get into the college, that allows us to pick the top 75 people that we think are going to make the world's best chiropractors make the biggest impact, participate in leadership, hold strong for the profession. It doesn't mean that the other people who aren't accepted can't go somewhere else, but the goal is for us to find those top 75. And when we've hit our 75, then the only goal is let's give them the best education possible.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You know, that's a really interesting model. I think that if you think about how many graduates are coming out yearly from chiropractic schools, this is a good contribution to set. And you can keep the overhead low too, right?
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): Extremely low. That's one of our goal sets and we're a little bit early on to give any kind of hard numbers. But one of our goal sets as the team is to look and see if we cannot make the educational experience of becoming a chiropractor less expensive. We will be fully accredited when we start. So federal loans will be an option. But isn't there, you know, we're kind of exploring with all the new technology and education. I mean, the COVID era didn't bring a lot of good stuff. But one of the things it did bring that's been beneficial is it brought a lot of flexibility to education with different kinds of technological advances. And there's a question on the table of whether or not we could use some of those technological advances to make that education keep the quality really high, but reduce the financial burdens on the students.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, I mean, I'm not a chiropractor. A lot of people watch our show, they are like, well, you know, he knows a lot about this profession. And I've always thought like, why wouldn't we send students down to Mexico, get them degrees and get them to be proficient chiropractors with no debt? Yeah. And then be able to matriculate back up to the States and be chiropractors instead of the glut that we're involved in where people come out of school and it's almost kind of like, pass say, like, we talk about it like, oh, a quarter of a million dollars, $350,000 and like student debt. Like, I can't even imagine trying to enjoy practice with that type of like debt load. Like, I don't know, maybe some people are really good at like paying down debt, but like, that's a huge monstrosity just to go out there and to go in and get the, you know, as we get the pursuit of, you know, being a chiropractor, like that doesn't even like determine if you'll be successful or not.
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): It's a huge problem. And the quarter of a million to 350 estimate, that isn't even scratching the surface of some of the debt people are coming out with. I know lots of people who are coming out closer to half a million, $600,000 in debt because it's not just the cost of the school. It's the cost of living. Chiropractic school is intense. I have three degree programs behind my name. Chiropractic school was intense even after going through different high quality degree programs. It is very hard to run a business. It's very hard to have a job around the type of attention you have to give to just getting through Chiropractic school. So people are dependent on federal loans. You can't go bankrupt on federal loans that you take out for an upper graduate degree, the tier one degree. You're stuck with that. My loans that I came out with were between 7 and 9%. It was very hard to get debt free from that burden. And it's like a system that eats its own because we get people so excited about being a Chiropractor and it is a wonderful career. I would never, never negate somebody from going into being a Chiropractor. It's been a wonderful career for me, for many of my family members, for many of my colleagues. But it's tricky to navigate how to not get stuck in the mud going through this four to five year degree program that's going to put you in a ton of debt that you can't bankrupt on, that you can't get rid of, that's at a high interest rate that you can't control. And it does seem like it would be a much healthier thing if we could figure out how to reduce the stress and the financial burden on these students.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I think about that all the time. I think about how to make a healthier profession and a lot of its financial freedom. And a lot of the people that come on our show, they've been out of Chiropract school for many years. And when they graduated, there wasn't the same amount of interest, there wasn't the same amount of per credit hour. A lot changed. And these have become like institutions of like basically being attached to the banking system rather than the education system. They're more interested in the banking process of pushing somebody through a Chiropractic degree than they are the education process and teaching them proper adjusting techniques and making sure that they are qualified with their philosophy and their knowledge base of to go out there and be a Chiropractor and not to be some confused debt ridden person that's out there trying to be a Chiropractor where they didn't get that education basis. So I think there's a lot. Let's talk about the involvement. People wanted to get involved with the Washington Chiropractic school. What does that look like?
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): We would love people to get involved. But this is something you are hearing about, even if this is the first time you're hearing about it and you go, man, that's just a team I want to join. I want to be part of that. Even if you're in another state, reach out, let us know, get in contact with us. We have a great group of people on the team here at WCC. It's a pleasure to work with all of them. A couple of things that we have going. I have a few spots left in our initial fundraising platform, which is called the Founders Club. The Founders Club is a group of 33 D.C.'s. Only D.C.'s at this level of participation. What we're going to do with each D.C. who is a founder is we're going to bronze their hand. So your hand is molded. You get a 3D recycled marine bronze hand that's made by a Seattle artist. And those hands, each one's representing one of our Chiropractic principles. This is another foundation of the WCC is we're going to be a principal Chiropractic college. So much so that our initial fundraising is to create a piece of art that is going to have 33 Chiropractor hands that's going to stand right in the atrium of our school. And the donation to be part of the Founders Club is a one-time donation tax deductible of $33,000. So we're hitting the 33s from a couple of different angles. That's our initial fundraising platform. If you are in a position where you could be a founder where you would like that to be part of this once in a lifetime opportunity group, we have a couple of spots left and that is a high priority for us to fail because you have no idea how much money it takes to get a new school off the ground and especially to get a new school off the ground and hold the type of high level principles that we are are are holding. So if you're Chiropractor and Chiropractic's been good to you and you've been successful and you want to leave a legacy for the next generation, please get in touch with us as being a founder. I'd love to finish out that group. So the art piece was done before the first class comes through. We also have pioneer level donations. If you go, I'd love to send some money to this project, but I can't do $33,000 right now. Any donation between 500 up to the 33 that is given between now and the start of the first class is going to be recognized with on a plaque as part of our pioneers group. There's an opportunity to do recurring donations. All that's on our website, washington If you are interested and if you are looking at finding a teaching position or a leadership position, we're putting lists together. Obviously, we are way too early in the process to be doing any kind of hiring. But if this is something that you're passionate about and you feel like this would be your right team, let us know. Give us your contact information. Go on the website, fill out the contact form. There's different buttons you can push for different levels of involvement. And lastly, if you're a prospective student, if you are somebody who would like to be a Chiropractor who's trying to figure out where you want to go to school, hit us up. We're doing prospective student opportunities. We actually just finished a huge event in July where we worked with the Arlington Runners Club and we built the world's largest cardboard spine. It was over 100 feet in length and got on the front page of the newspaper, got a little blurb on national TV. It was really fun. We had 24 DC's each wearing a full body cardboard vertebrae costume. And on the Arlington airport field, we all lined them up and took pictures from the sky and all over the place and then we all ran a 5K. So that was really fun. We had a lot of prospective students involved in that event. We just had some prospective students at Chirophes last weekend. So if you're thinking, if you're curious or you're feeling called to be in a Chiropractor, now is an open opportunity for you to get involved with our current prospective group that is looking to be the Pioneer class at WCC. So this is your sign to get involved.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.
This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, AlignLife, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let's hustle!
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well guys, let's make history. Go to, become a Founders Club member. It's principal based Chiropractic school. Just give what you can. I know there's a lot of people out there that want to see more principled educated Chiropractors out there. And it's a really, like the ethos behind the project matters because we do need more diversity within the education of the Chiropractic profession. So I think it's really cool what you guys are doing and that you guys have a lot of enthusiasm behind it. So we're going to switch gears a little bit. We're going to talk about something that you do at a Vero Health Institute. I've never really heard of this mentioned before but it's called concentrated chiropractic. Tell us what concentrated chiropractic is and why it works.
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): So concentrate chiropractic care, James, is the idea of more than one adjustment in a day. And it's not a particularly new idea. There, I mean, Clarence Gonsstead, Spears Chiropractic Hospital, there have been opportunities throughout history where chiropractors would create facilities where patients could get more than one adjustment in a day. The reason for this is that your central nervous system sends signals extremely quickly. So you can provide an adjustment, especially like in the case of our Vero doctors, we're using a sustained contact type of adjusting. So there is no gasses release. There is no popping that comes from the adjustment but does still stimulate the central nervous system and remove neurological interference from the spinal system. So there's no limit. There's no restriction to how quickly the body can take that adjustment, make the changes and be ready for the next adjustment. And this becomes such a game changer specifically in chronic and complex cases. These people, they need more chiropractic care to allow their body to respond. So what we're doing at the Institute is we're having patients who are on site for five days at a time. They check in Monday morning, they check out Friday afternoon. And every day we are pushing somewhere around six hours of what we call concentrated care. During this time, we're doing multiple low level force chiropractic adjustments. We're using complimentary modalities to support the adjusting and we're doing educational processes with the patients. Teaching them how chiropractic works, teaching them why chiropractic is the missing link to why they haven't been able to respond. Some of these people are doing incredibly smart things and have been for a long time. But they don't understand how their central nervous system functions. They don't understand how important the spinal system is and how spinal health will interfere with neurological function. They don't understand those pieces. And one of the most interesting things that we're seeing that we're starting to publish literature on is actually some of these chronic cases who they have long term chronic spinal health challenges and how that's actually leading to heavy metal and environmental toxicity getting into their systems. And how that's actually something we have to address to help them get to normal. The goal is normal spines. Does not matter how degenerative, how ugly it looks when a person starts. We've seen completely bone on bone, fused spinal vertebrae, redevelop a disc. We have seen severe ligament instability far past what would typically be considered a fusion surgery as the only option. We've seen that reverse. We've seen calcium and arteries reverse that the body wants to be healthy.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, I think that it's really like it's nothing new like you said, but it is very unique model practice. How do you get people and educate them that they're going to come in for five days?
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): Actually, we have no problem with that. I've already got I've got at any one in time I've got a three to four month waiting list for services here. Part of its word of mouth, we're very small. We have done nothing in the way of marketing at this point in time. Everything that the institute has done has been examining this type of care, running a lot of testing and finding out in a complex and chronic demographic, what does it take from a chiropractic perspective to get these people back to the place where their brains and their spines are working normally. So a lot of our last decade of work has been examining this model of care and perfecting this model of care. We haven't done any marketing, but because our patients get such a high level of results and they get results quickly, we see incredible change at the end of five days because most of our patients at the end of five days have been exposed to more chiropractic adjustments than they will get in a year in most offices. So their body is having a chance to change and respond and adapt to that input and it's anti-aging. It's causing a reversal of degeneration and symptomology in the body. So we stay very busy just off the word of mouth, but my vision is bigger than just running a successful institute and providing some interesting anecdotal research. My vision is what if a percentage of the chiropractic profession started doing concentrated care. We would reach a demographic of patients that we cannot reach right now and not just chronic and complex patients. But think about all the people who work in industries that do not allow them the opportunity to go see chiropractors because they're on the road nine, ten months a year. Their commercial flight attendants and jet pilots, they're in the military, they travel a lot, they are in the transportation and tourism industries. These are millions and millions and millions of people that struggle to get chiropractic care because of the traditional model that we have. And this won't replace the traditional model of chiropractic, but it could be an amazing addition to it.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So I'm at the position where I like this plan. What does it look like when somebody goes through their five days, do you just say, hey, bye, I'll never see you again. No, no. What is the relationship look like moving forward?
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): Sure. So we do not do any maintenance care. So when a patient gets within 90% of normal or if they get all the way to normal with their spinal system, we are looking to refer them out. And this has been a game changer for a lot of our local offices that have become referring docs for us because we send them back somebody who has so much education and chiropractic that they're chiropractic patient for life. And so is their spouse, their kids, their grandparents, everyone, because now they really understand the why behind chiropractic and what it does. And if you are curious, it's not just getting somebody out of pain, that's not the why. So we're referring out, we're always referring back to our local chiropractors. A lot of our patients are more than one week cases. We're taking care of people with a lot of chronic inflammatory conditions. In fact, it was an interesting question with the grant proposal that we're doing right now as we are putting exclusion criteria together. The doctor team that I'm working with was like, well, what about two? If we go, the patients in will be have at least two, would that be reasonable? And I had to go, I don't think I've ever seen somebody who only had two chronic inflammatory conditions. I mean, we typically see five to 25. So yeah, we can do two, two would be easy. And we just, people are so darn sick and their bodies are falling apart on multiple fronts. So we're typically seeing patients over a period of time, maybe five to six week long programs. And how quickly we see you for your second week long program depends a little bit on what the underlying damage is. Are, is your underlying damage more ligament instability or trauma to the ligaments? Is your underlying damage alignment and toxicology based? Is it generative base? Is it arterial blood flow based? It depends, we're looking at the underlying cause and those regeneration cycles of tissue and when it would be most clinically appropriate for the next push towards getting the body to get back to normal limits.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, I am definitely interested in what you're up to. It's really cool to hear you so enthusiastic about this concentrated chiropractic. And I think that what you're getting is great outcomes. Because you have 10 case studies and that they've been published. So that's really cool that you guys are tracking and getting results. And it's, it's, I love it. Let's turn the gear to, I know we're coming up on the edge of our time together. I want to go quick hit with you and cover a couple of last topics. One is service mission trips. Yeah. It's like you do one in Washington and it looks like you are doing one in Uganda. So let's briefly touch on both of them. And then we'll get into a couple more ideas towards the end of the episode.
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): Sounds good. So in 2018, a Vera Health Institute took a group to Mambali, Uganda and did the first chiropractic mission trip in that area that had ever happened. It was really amazing experience. It's hard to put these types of experiences into words. We went in blind. We did not know really anything about the people we were working with. We had some rotary connections, but the program wasn't going through rotary. We had teamed up with this young man through a program called Global Leadership Initiatives in 2016. He wanted to be a participant. It didn't work out. But we stayed in touch. And as he was trying to get through his clinical officer ship, his name was Julius, and as he was trying to get through this, he ended up hitting me up in later 2016 and going, can I get some money? And I went, oh, yeah, I don't know if I want to be the United States based ATM. I said, Julius, let's see if there's another way we can figure out how to get you through your program without me just sending you money. Because that wasn't going to be a sustainable model for either Julius or myself. And so I started doing some research on Uganda, found out that they had a pretty advanced cell phone network. And I said, hey, why don't I send you some donated cell phones and see if you can fix them up and sell them and see if that doesn't work towards providing you with the funds that you need. Turned out that that idea actually worked brilliantly. Julius got the money to get himself through his medical degree, got his sister through a law degree, got a bunch of other kids in their cohort through their educational degrees. And they ended up putting up a foundation in the Nakakama slums with that money as well. And that foundation is still running from the work that we did in 2018 where they teach kids how to be hairdressers, typists. If you're not familiar with Uganda, you would not know this, but the Nakakama slums are one of the roughest districts where there's a lot of drug and alcohol abuse use. We walked it when we were there in 2018 and you saw the large six, seven, eight foot in diameter flat pans where they were cooking the grains that they were going to turn into hard alcohol. People passed out all over the place. And there's kids everywhere. There's children everywhere running around. And the reason this foundation was put up was to help these kids get out of that cycle. Money from the cell phones also went to putting up a clinic. And that's how we got there in 2018 with a mission trip was to help get the clinic off the ground. We took over 900 pounds worth of medical equipment, supplements, textbooks, a full skeleton. I will never do that again. What we did transport a full skeleton from Seattle, Washington to Dubai to Intebbe, Uganda, some experiences you only need to do once. And had a great trip. Gave over 2,000 people. Their first chiropractic adjustment saw huge changes in blood pressure, saw people go from not walking to walking, not talking to talking. All the wonderful things you see on a chiropractic mission trip have continued to do work in that area in helping them with organic farming, agriculture, socioeconomic development. Some friends of mine went over in 2020 and did some amazing work there. And we're hoping to go back next December, December 2024 and do the second round of the chiropractic mission trip side of it and check in and see where this community needs support and continue to provide that support.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Really powerful, really, really powerful. And then you're doing Seattle King County Clinic. I know that you said that you're seeing 6,000 people in four days. There's a domestic mission style trip.
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): It's super fun. So if you are local to the Pacific Northwest and you have not participated in the Seattle King County Clinic, I highly recommend that you get connected and you come participate. You've covered just a day. It's a four day event. It is a free clinic in central Seattle, the whole clinic usually sees around 6,000 patients. Chiropractors have a big wing. There's usually 15 to 30 chiropractors adjusting at any one time. I was the co-lead for 2020. The Seattle King County Clinic opportunity was actually kind of led up by my father, Dr. Avery Martin, back in 2015 as the wheels were turning towards this event becoming a reality. My father stood up and said, hey, Chiropractic needs to be part of this. And we've had a great working relationship with the rest of the medical team the entire time. And it's been wonderful. It's been a wonderful experience. It's great to give back. In fact, I would highly recommend that if you are a DC and you have not yet done something where you don't get paid and you just get the opportunity to lay hands on people who need you, that you hurry up and get your butt signed up for one of these opportunities. Whether it's in the United States or whether it's internationally, whether it's a mission trip, it doesn't matter. But do something with your skill set where you get to help people and you're not getting financially compensated. It's a game changer. It's a game changer for your mind, your mental state, your understanding of where people are at with their understanding of Chiropractic and their body, your soul. It is positive on all levels. Yeah.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): I think it's really important for people to give at their time, their talent and their treasure. Forage people go to, support Dr. Sarah and the group out there that is launching the Washington Chiropractic College. I think it's really important for everybody to know where to go to do that. Become a founding club member or a pioneer member of that group. There's a lot that you guys can do, a lot that we can do to participate and to make this Chiropractic profession stronger. Last question, where, it kind of full circles, Washington Chiropractic College and the future Chiropractic, how do they live together?
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): They link together very, very much in a straight line A to B. Chiropractic will only be as strong as the people who are Chiropractors. We see this on a small surface level all over the place. You get new leadership, you get a couple of new people at a state association level or at a quality assurance board and suddenly the whole tone and culture of Chiropractic changes. We get to determine the culture of Chiropractic. The Chiropractors get to determine the culture of Chiropractic and it depends on how we educate the next generation of Chiropractors. It depends on how we choose to treat each other. I am so tired of hearing about any Chiropractors who are doing cool and exciting stuff, getting nonsense board complaints from other Chiropractors. That is part of our culture that we could drop. We could become supportive, we could lift each other up. One of our favorite sayings here at a very health institute is that a high tide raises all boats and we try to only participate in projects where we can say that we're being part of the high tide. It is not about lifting our boat up. It's not about that. It's about creating an environment that all the surrounding boats get lifted up. We lift together and Chiropractic is a small and intimate profession. We're either going to rise up together or we're going to fall fat on our faces together based on how we choose to allow culture to happen in each state and in the United States together.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, I love this conversation. We're at the edge of our time together. I know that there was a lot of more stuff that we could have talked about today and I really appreciate you making time in your busy day to be episode 555 of the Kyra Hustle podcast. Let's plant this college in Washington and let's plant one of these colleges in every state moving forward. I'm going to get you making that time and to talk about this concentrated chiropractic style of care. I do think it's important for people to understand that the more that they give, the more that they get. You can't out give the giver and givers gain. Really good fundamental philosophy there. Is there anything I didn't ask you about that you'd like to close out with today?
DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST): No. If you're listening to this and you haven't been involved and you'd like to get involved somewhere, you have important talents to give. Thank you so much, James, for having me on here. I know we just met last weekend at Kyra Fest and I really appreciate you giving us the opportunity to give a little shout out to some of these projects. I believe that if we help each other out in whatever capacity that we can, it's that high tide steel. It's high tides raise all boats. Thank you for being part of the high tide.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Absolutely. I'm going to close off then like I always do. I'm going to tell everybody you're just one story away. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys on the next episode. Thank you so much, Dr. Sarah. Thanks. All right.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You made it to the end of another Chiro Hustle Podcast! Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.
This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, AlignLife, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let's hustle!
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