
January 24, 2024

The Cafe of Life – Mastery of Love and Service with Dr Arno Burnier DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 529

1973 Sherman Pioneer Class Graduate, 40 years of Vitalistic Practice in Yardley, PA and Durango, CO, National and International public speaker, Founder of MLS seminars, Cafe of Life Practice model.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

This episode is sponsored by Transact Card, Align Life, Brain-based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s Hustle!

LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 529 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Arno Bernier. If you want to hear the story of the Cafe of Life and the mastery, love of service, stay tuned. Welcome back! This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today I have Arno Bernier, Arno with me. We're going to be discussing some principles of life chiropractic, but his new book, I just got done reading, the Cafe of Life and Mosquito Principle. We'll ask about that and talk about that in depth as we go through our flow. Today's episode we're going to really stick to present time now and present time consciousness to make sure that we just have the best conversation about chiropractic that we can bust. We put together on a vitalistic approach. But before we jump into this episode, which is episode 529, I just let everybody know our big why. Why do we do what we do over here at Chiro Hustle? Well, first things first is we protect freedom of speech. I think that as people have gone on the past couple of years, they've realized what a controversy it is when people get silenced or shadow banned or removed. We've never edited anyone's voice on our show and take anything out or censor them. So we really believe in holding up that value of freedom of speech. And I believe it's something very, very important that we have to anchor. And then we also promote that what we do is we allow people to understand that our show represents medical health freedom and family health freedom without telling people what to do. We just want everybody to have a domain of their body and their family's bodies to choose what they do with them. And I believe that over the past couple of years, we've seen where that's been infringed upon. And the lines are very blurry. So let's create some clarity. Then we get more philosophical about what we do over here, protecting the B.J. Palmer Sacred Trust. If people do not know what that is, go look for B.J. Palmer's last words. Do a search on your favorite search engine and find out what B.J. Palmer Sacred Trust is and what that man did for this profession and guard it well. And then we believe in the subluxation model with Enchiropathic. And we believe that should be taught in every chiropractic college, which never be removed. And then we get into innate intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman with the spiritual. And with that being said, Dr. Arno, welcome.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  Amazing introduction to the show. I mean, wow, powerful, powerful vision and mission that you have. Thank you for having me on the show.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, for me, I sometimes pre-frame that I want people to listen to the full episode. Actually out of all of our episodes, people listen to 75% of every episode. That's really, really strong within the media world. But I always say, if you don't listen to anything past the first two minutes, at least you know what we stand for as a show. And you're going to know more about chiropractic because of what I said at that intro than you would otherwise. So I think that if people just dabble and they touch and they listen for two minutes, they just got shocked and to chiropractic. So I read your book and I told you I would not do a segment with you until I actually read the book and featured the book because I don't ever want to give anybody any false credibility. And I think that by going through the book, it's almost 400 pages. And you know, the first couple pages really like stuck with me because you have this quote in there about this mosquito. And the, you know, the, the, the cafe of life and the mosquito principle. Talk about the mosquito principle and how that fits into the title.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  Okay. First of all, the title just came out spontaneously and I saw, well, this is pretty catchy. I wonder what it's going to capture the attention of the public. The mosquito principle came from a statement of the Dalai Lama that say, if you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito. And I always felt in my youth, I felt inside myself that I was destined for something being but I felt so small in the world. I felt like, how can I make a difference in the world? I'm just one person, I'm a tiny little being, you know, I'm a young kid. And then the weight of the responsibility when I thought of stepping up into leadership or making a difference in the world seems so overwhelming that as a young adult and as a teenager, I receded even though I was always somewhat on the forefront of something either visionary or radical. So when that title just came to me in a flash, I saw it, I'll keep it. And as it turned out, at first I had people say, oh, people don't like mosquitoes, they're not going to like the books, they're not going to read the book. But actually a lot of people are intrigued by the cafe of life. What is that? And the mosquito principle? That's interesting. So as you know, the book has done incredibly well and I have people that told me on the second or third read of the book, a lot of people told me they couldn't put it down. So there is areas of the books that are very controversial. I'm pushing the envelope, but I think it's necessary when we move human consciousness upwards and forwards, we have to push the envelope and we can't do it gently. It has to be done almost with a hammer to the head, to awaken people. So that's how the mosquito principle came to life.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, you know, I started reading the book and I was mentioning to people that I would meet him public and they would ask me about the book. And I'd say, you have to see this first quote by the Dalai Lama that's included in this book and I think you'd really appreciate where we're going with this whole, the rest of the book. It's like, because it makes you think, and I think when you can elicit people to be curious, that's one of the greatest things that we can do with anything. And that's why I think chiropractic has gotten to where it is today because people are curious as to what this big idea is and how chiropractic can either help them or enhance them or somebody else in their life. Like chiropractic is a big time curious movement. And I think that that's been like the winning element for chiropractic for the past 127 years. People are curious.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  Correct. We're curious. And also, I believe that we have gone through an outside in model on all level education, religion, health, you name it, or everything was outside in. And then we went to this funnel and this contraction. And then we're now coming back out of the funnel on the other side into an inside out model. And chiropractic is very well positioned to lead humanity into an awareness, a consciousness, a body of knowledge, the wisdom attached to it, the laws of life attached to it, the universal law that belong to the human body and to all life. And I think we're very well positioned to lead the world into this new emerging consciousness of living all areas of life from the inside out.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So I love the philosophy of chiropractic. I love the art of chiropractic. And I think that those are the things that attract more people is they're really interested in what chiropractic stands for and how it differentiates from all the other medical professionals in the world. And chiropractic has always stood alone and never accepted those types of tenants into the profession. And it's been really powerful. And I think that that's something to be admired about the resiliency of this profession too, is the profession believes that we don't need to cut it out, burn it out, or drug it out. You know, there's no pill potion or lotion that's going to take place of the detection correction of vertebral salival excation. Like there's nothing going to, there's no supplement you can take other than getting adjusted. And I think that when we get that part to people, they're like, well, what do you mean by that? And I think, you know, we look back to Jay Comerrick's movie, Life Adjusted Even. And you know, horses don't talk, but you can see that that horse's vigilance changes. Correct. Babies don't talk, but you can see that their tortoque is correct. You know, and I think that that's the real, the proof in the whole model is you don't have to have a voice for chiropractic to work.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  You don't have to believe in chiropractic or into work. Some people say, I don't believe in chiropractic. Well, they don't have to. That's a great thing about it. Working dog in craft and horses in birds, you know, I tell the story of birds. We had a house in Pennsylvania that had 73 glass windows. And at a certain time of the year, when the sun, you know, merged with a horizon, there was a reflection in the window of the landscape. So the bird would hit the windows and I would find birds that were still alive, but the neck completely twisted, paralyzed on the floor and I would adjust them and they come back to life. And in all the time that I was in Pennsylvania, I haven't lost a bird unless it was dead on impact. I haven't lost a bird. So for those birds, the adjustment was a matter of life and death. And as you know, we have also many clinical history of people that were paralyzed from the waist down. Diego, for example, that was on a motorcycle ride, which I mentioned in the book, with Hernan Navarini on their way from Atlanta to Buenos Aires. They hit a pothole in Mexico and he fell back on a rock and broke his back and was paralyzed from the waist down. And they asked if a chiropractor could come down. Lucoleto came down, adjusted him around the clock in secrecy in the hospital. And the hospital team was so shocked at the outcome, they said something is happening that we don't understand. And finally, they said, well, we bought a specialist from America, a chiropractor, and they said, why do you not tell us? And then the neurological team and the orthopedic team said, please don't do this in secrecy anymore. You know, what you're doing is working. So we know that the outcome can be extraordinary, but I want to be cautious when we speak to a wide audience, not to convey that there is no time and place for medicine. There is always a time and place for medicine. And I believe very strongly that medicine today is abused, misused, and overused. And by the same token chiropractic is underused, misunderstood, and frequently misused. But there is a time and place for the two. And what I also want to convey is that medicine truly excel at the suppression of symptoms, sickness, and disease and pathology, and the war on sickness and disease. And that is a field of expertise. But all field of expertise in chiropractic is completely separated in distance. We focus on life, releasing life force in the body, which is basically the essence that powers the human body. And we focus on health, healing, and well-being. And when we say healing, not meaning suppression of symptoms, but facilitating the natural capacity of the body to heal. So that we are two separate and distinct professions. We're not in competition with one another. It's a matter of fact, just two days ago, I had sat down with an MD from the UK that just retired. And we had this wonderful compensation. I found out that he was using the chiropractor on a regular basis, but never knew really the depths of chiropractic until I stayed to him. You know, my practice saw a lot of babies in front of children. And when I said that, he said, what? What are you talking about, baby-infinite children? I said, of course, because many of them had silent damages, undetected damages, down during the first process. And when we clear it, the symptomatology that was treated as a symptom by the medical profession completely is removed because we clear the brain stem and also any pressure on the vagus nerve. So that was to him a great revelation. And he was not in conflict or in opposition because he already was going to a chiropractor, but he'd open for him a whole new world. I had no idea. And then he realized that obviously everything is connected to the brain and the brain speak to the body via the spinal cord and the nerve system. And the flow of messages and the flow of life force. So it was a wonderful interaction and communication. And it was an eye opener for him.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I think a lot of times when we talk to, like a chiropractor talks to other medical professionals, the other medical professionals don't know that this is a part of the toolkit. They're so misunderstood with what chiropractors have and their ability as what their toolkit possesses. And they've been told to not like chiropractors for, you know, have 50 years, maybe longer. And you know, I think what you're talking about a couple of things just to tie them together. When somebody gets adjusted in medical terms, they call that spontaneous remission. And the birds flying away, spontaneous remission. And you know, I've done hundreds upon hundreds of chiropractic marketing events where I go out to the public and find people and schedule them in for their new patient visits. I think we're up to like 7,000 new patients that I've scheduled as new starts. And I always tell people belief system, you know, I know you went to Sherman, but I pull out the old, the drop the keys from Sid Williams, and I say chiropractics like gravity, it works whether you believe it or not. And you don't have to believe in chiropractic because it's a healing art. It's not a belief system. I say, do you know what the healing, you know what the belief system is? The Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. And I go and you guys believe in that.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  A lot of belief system. As a matter of fact, I believe personally, I think that people that are believers can be dangerous people. If you look at the history of the world and the history of humanity, it is a firm firm believer, the crazy believer that are dangerous. Beyond belief is a state of knowing. And that state of knowing is when you tap into something within that tells you, hmm, I'm not learning anything here, I'm on learning something. And I'm tapping and just on learning, allowing me to tap into something that I already knew that was inborn and inner knowledge that we all possess. And I think it's very safe to say that every human being, whether they recognize it or not, know that the body is self-learning because they have had that experience at one point on another, people as a teenager, they've cut on a finger, a broken bone. Oh yeah, it may have been set, but it's still the body that heals because you can set the broken bone in the corpse and it won't heal. So the body is self-healing. And what's interesting really is that surgeons recognize that. We do the surgery, but it's a body that does the healing beyond the surgery because if you do the surgery on the corpse, there is going to be no healing whatsoever. So and also they know that the more depleted and devitalized and malfunctioning a human being is, the less likely they will heal from the surgery. So it's an inner knowing that the body is self-organized, that the body is intelligent, that the body is self-healing. So for me, it's not believing into anything, it's having the knowledge that belongs to every human being within themselves.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, and always, like you said, the far end of the spectrum are always the zealots. They're the ones that usually create trouble for any organization.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  Whether it's organization, religion, cooperation, whatever.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  The far end of the spectrum is always there. You know that's another point that you're talking earlier about suppression. And I've been curious to ask somebody like you this question for a long time. Is there no money in healthy people? Is there only money in sick?

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  Well, of course, there is tremendous money in sick because people respond to crisis. They will spend, you know, when somebody is faced with a diagnosis of cancer, terminal cancer, they'll spend any amount of money, they'll re-mortar their home, they'll do whatever it takes. If they can have a dreamer of hope to retrieve their health, right? But we can say there is no money in healthy people, but that's one way to look at it. However, healthy people can generate a lot of money for society. So actually, we're looking at it the wrong way. Oh, they're not going to spend that much money on treatment, on expensive surgery, on chemotherapy and all this because they just have a healthy lifestyle and there is not much money for somebody to come get adjusted, get a massage regularly, get acupuncture, you know, on a regular basis, hit great food exercise, whatever it takes to basically support the body into health. But healthy people have the potential financially to generate a lot more than sick people, obviously, that now are draining society of money. So there is a lot of money in healthy people, but we're looking at it the wrong way.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

This episode is sponsored by Transact Card, Align Life, Brain-based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s Hustle!

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, it's like the toolkit where we're using the wrong tools to promote health and this word wellness. I think that there's a lot of things that go into promoting the profession the right way. Well, before we go any further, because I do want to ask you where the profession is headed and get your snapshot on that, but before we go to that position, let's talk a little bit about you. Let's get a bit personal. How did you decide that Chiropractic was the right move for you? I know you talk about it in the book.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  I have shared that story over many years of the different platforms. What I would say is that the catalyst was really the amazing passion that my chiropractor had, the charisma, the aura of joy and service and giving himself that emanated out of him. I thought, whatever that man is doing, I want to do that in my life. On top of it, obviously, it dropped three amazing, amazing statement, phrases, sentences on my first visit that ignited my consciousness. So I had spoken to him about my symptom, about the fact that I was coming to him as a result of a motorcycle crash. And he listened intently to my symptomatology. And then after a long silence and having listened to me, he just stated, there is nothing that I can do about what's wrong with you. But what I can do, however, is address what is right in you. And then he said, you cannot fight darkness. You must turn on the light. You cannot fight disease. You must turn on life. And those three sentences that were so simple, spoken with so much conviction ignited my consciousness. And then I grew a relationship with him and he just completely transformed my mindset and view on my relationship to health, healing, well-being, sickness, disease, symptoms, birth, their ecologies, education, spirituality, you name it. I mean, it was an entire opening into a whole new world that I did not know existed because as most other people had been raised, educated, programmed, and ideas say, brainwash and duct-renaded into an outside-in mechanistic model of life, which was all about symptom suppression, war on disease, and disregarding the human body until you have something bad happening to it. Was it that being proactive about it? So that was the decision that I made at that point. I'm going to do this. This is my calling. This is my soul calling. This is my purpose in life.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So we have a huge amount of gratitude for chiropractor number one in your life.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  Jean-Bélabane, absolutely. And you know, I guess… Yes, and at the time he sent hundreds of students to schools. It's amazing. There is a lot of European chiropractors that come from Jean-Bélabane that went to Palmer College at the time when Palmer was a very strong school. And then when I decided to go to Carapony College, he said, you know, you want to go to the very best. And the very best is going to be Sherman College. So that's where I went.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, me being a non-carapractor, I've become a regent at Sherman. And I used to say that it was the only school that I would give money to, but I've since were giving money to life less than life also. I grew.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  I grew. I supported life less at times and now I'm back to supporting Sherman. You know, I move my financial support to where I see that chiropractic is at the strongest

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  at the time. Of course, of course. You know, you share this amazing story. And so many times I ask people if they could spend time with anybody in chiropractic, who would it be? Most people say, BJ Palmer, and I go back in time. And I think that it would be just so, so, so, so powerful to meet chiropractor number one. The granddad is Dee Dee Palmer. I think that there was so much to learn. That guy was a rebel. You know, that guy stood like in the face of everything that opposed, you know, the decision making to bring chiropractic public.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  Well, it was a white brother of chiropractic. Anything heavier than air cannot fly, right? It was a white brother of chiropractic, you know, he turned the world upside down completely.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, that was our initial conversation. You were thanking me for the work that we do here. And I was thanking you for the work that you do. And, you know, there's a mutual admiration for each other. And then we got to the point where I was like, but it's like, you know, the airline industry, you have to have the people that fly the plane. You have to have the people that check us on. You have to have the people that do the service on the, on the airline. You have to have the runway people. You have to have the people that do air traffic control. And that's the beautiful thing about chiropractic is everybody can find a position within the chiropractic team. And if we look at it more like that, it would be such a greater adventure for all of us.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  Absolutely. We all play a role. And sometimes people, you know, I know Jim's and they look at a speaker on stage and they say, Oh, I like to be like him. But no, you can only have so many speakers. If everybody is a speaker, there's there is no people doing the work or doing the promotion or whatever are the parts they play. So we all play a part in the puzzle. And that is very important to recognize. But that being said, it is important to know what is my place in the mosaic of life. What is my place in the puzzle? Because if you are lost and you don't know, then you're not leaving your purpose.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I love that. So your purpose was to come to Sherman College of Chiropractic without being speaking English. Was there even a school?

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  At the time there was no school. There was a vision and the idea of a school, but no school, which obviously to me, when I arrived in Spadenberg, South Carolina, was a shock. I saw it. Oh my God. You know, from France, from Europe, the first time, especially in 1973, America was still like the most prominent flagship of the world. The streets have been gold. You know, it's incredible. And I arrived in Spadenberg, South Carolina. And it was a shock. It was the deep south still in the 1973. And yes, there was no school. There was an idea on the school.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  How did you go about learning English and dealing with the shock of the culture having such a thick French accent?

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  Yes, still have one, right? I blocked myself in front of the TV. That was myself prescribed English course. And I had a revelation watching TV for so many hours every day, infusing myself with a language. The revelation was that there was a brainwashing, a constant brainwashing taking place, a drug, pharmaceutical, medical brainwashing. All of the shows at the time were medical shows, not ER show like now or like not like EMT show like right now, but they were medical show. And the commercial were constant, constant bombardment of drug commercial, pharmaceutical commercial. So coming from a culture where that didn't exist, it was such a shock. And I'm sure for Americans that were raised in front of the TV, they thought nothing of it. No, this is what it is. It's normal. Well, it's not normal. So that was my induction into the English language. Yeah, it's cultural grooming. And then I met the future, the future of the school, the future faculty of the school, the president, the vice president, other student, and the passion, the dedication, the vision, the energy, the heart that was there was absolutely amazing. So I was blessed with a phenomenal, fantastic practic education 24, 7, 365 or 4 years extraordinary. And I know there's still some great school and Germany is a great school, life university, life where there is many of the great school for the world New Zealand, BCC, MacTimone, and so on. However, this timeframe that took place in 1973 was absolutely unique. And the gratitude, the recognition is to be given to Tom and Jeladi, the president, the first president and founder and visionary of Sherman College because he created a bedrock in touchstone for a profession to always come back to anybody that has lost their way that need to refine their understanding, their knowledge, can go back to Sherman and touch that stone and be infused with the purity of the principle and the philosophy and the laws that govern life. So I think that's an amazing thing.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, I got a chance to actually get a photo. You took it of Tom and Betty Jeladi when we were just at the 50th Lyceum for Sherman College. But I want to talk about a couple more things and there are things I think that are like really like dear to your heart, and that's the cafe of lifestyle of practice. Have us the impetus of the cafe of life and how that developed over the years.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  So the Cafe of Life is a title of the book, but I don't talk about it in the book. I don't talk about the Cafe of Life model at all. So Cafe of Life came about when I stepped into practice, I decided, you know, chiropractic is really all about life. It's defined as a philosophy of life and health and things natural. It's about life, it's about releasing life in the body. So I thought I'm the person that release the nectar of life. But also part of practicing chiropractic is to teach the philosophy and the science or to share the philosophy and the science of chiropractic. So for me, when I was giving talks every two weeks in my office and I share the building blocks of understanding of our principle of our philosophy, I thought, I'm releasing or dispensing the nectar of life. So I saw this is interesting. It's like I'm a bartender at the Cafe of Life and I'm serving life, I'm releasing life and I'm dispensing life. So that's how the model came about. And the essence of the model is to break what I saw was a generic way of practicing, where many chiropractors had practices which one day could be an optometrist, the next day could be a kannicologist, the next day could be a chiropractor without just changing the sign, the framework of the office was very generic, it was clinical, it was sterile with the big counter with the glass windows that opened. And I thought this is not what we are about. We are not part of the medical profession, we're not part of the therapeutic model of life, we're into life. So I created this model where the environment was eclectic but very professional and a reflection and expression of the chiropractor in practice so that when people came in, it was immediately oh oh, this is very different. It has nothing to do with the doctor's office but I like the vibes, I love the music, I love the decor, I love the lights, I love the plants. I love the artwork and the energy in the lunch or the waiting room is full of life, there is baby running around, people are interacting, people are talking with one another, it's a great vibe. So immediately it's a shock to the system and it already opened up to the consciousness that hmm, something different is happening here. So part of the cafe of life was not only the outer model, the physical structure but then what I taught for over 10 years at the camp, Masterpiece 20 camp was the depth upon the understanding of the philosophy and the principle, the depth of the understanding of the science and having exceptional skills and being able to communicate and do public speaking. So I felt that when you provide all of that to a practitioner and they are providing that to the public, you have truly what we call the cafe of life. And as you know the model spread quickly through the profession, I had no financial interest, it was not a franchise. However, it broke the mold that had been there for so many years of this very clinical, sterile, functional, institutional environment into something that wow, when you came in, you were alive. This is beautiful, I feel good already being in here. So we played in my office, I played beautiful music, not the radio, but beautiful music that I really resonated with. Everything was doubting to have an impact on the senses and to be a heaven, a noisis of peace and beauty and aesthetics. So that was the model. And the takeaway for me as you built a community, we built a community and we shifted something big in the profession. We allow people to become more self expressive. And I also created a new linguistic because the linguistic and still this is an uphill battle. The linguistic that we use in chiropractic is still the medical linguistic in most offices. For me, there is no such thing as a patient. It's a new person. I saw a man this afternoon, I saw a baby early on. So how many people did we see today? How many new people did we have? There are people because a patient in the mind of the public automatically implies somebody with a symptom sickness or a disease. And one need not to be sick to receive chiropractic care. So I wanted to eliminate that barrier already of the linguistic. The next thing that I removed, Jim, was a title doctor. I would introduce myself by, hi, my name is Arno Bionier and I'm a doctor of chiropractic. And if you don't mind, I'm asking you to call me by my first name so that we have an even relationship, not a doctor patient relationship. So I brought that more because again, if I say to my neighbor and say that I'm a client of a chiropractor and I go to my neighbor and play card on a regular basis, and every Friday I'm late because I've been at my chiropractor. And if I say I've been to Dr. Jim Chester before I get there and I'm late, they all go like, man, this guy is crazy. He got to be paranoid and he goes to the chiropractor all the time, he's a sit-up because they do not understand that some chiropractic can be used proactively to distress the nervous system to freeze your nervous system. So I removed the title doctor. So if people say, oh, I was at Arno, I was late, I was at Arno. Oh, there's a million you send to them, right? It's not like I'm a crazy dude that goes to the doctor every couple of weeks or every week. He named three times a week, whatever. So I changed the entire linguistic. It's not a treatment, it's an adjustment. It's not a reporter finding. It's just an assessment of what is there in the present moment because Jim today is a different person, Jim next Friday. So there is nothing really to report when the body has to be seen and view every moment and every time. So Michelle on Monday is a different Michelle on Friday, the next week. So I have to look at that person fresh and not give a repeated treatment but have an assessment of what needs to be done or clear or adjusted that visit or not adjusted that visit. So we created an entire new linguistic and I have a whole spreadsheet of the entire linguistic.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I'm learning as I go with you. I have a couple more questions before we close out today but why Pennsylvania? How did you end up in Pennsylvania and why? I mean out of all the places in America, Pennsylvania became the place for you.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  The Pennsylvania was a place to me. I had a classic classmate of mine named Michael Frigiola that I still had connection with from when I graduated. And after a journey that took me to different places throughout France and Monaco and Monte Carlo and very hard time that I went through, I finally was able to come back up to the surface and that was my connection into Langer and Pennsylvania which is in Parkes County, Pennsylvania. And when I start traveling to Parkes County, I realize this is amazing. It's like being in Normandy but you see it's in America. It's like small stone villages with, you know, cute little cobblestone street and along the river with beautiful countryside, gorgeous homes here and there. So to me, I felt I'm at home. I'm in Europe. Yeah, I'm in my environment, not in suburbia America. I'm in my environment and actually I found out that Parkes County was settled by relatives of Napoleon. So indeed, there is a very strong French influence, Carver'sville, Lambeville, many other little town, I can remember the name, end up in V-I-L-L-E which is town, right, in French. So I felt home and then I connected with the next classmate of mine, a schoolmate of mine that was few years behind me and we joined practice together that was Claude Lesaire and then eventually we parted and then I had the practice there but it was a beautiful environment.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  What a great journey. And then it takes us to the final part of today's interview and that's MLS. You train people and teach people how to become better adjusters. Tell us a little bit about the why behind MLS and where you guys are today.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  Okay, so MLS originally was labeled making love to the spine which I got a lot of pushback from the profession about that. This is crazy, this is perverted, this is erotic, this is sexual, this is unprofessional you name it. I understand from their perspective but from my perspective the way that people were taught to adjust structurally or serious adjustment and the way it was done in most offices was a rape to the system and a rape to the spine. So I wanted to shock the profession and teach a way that was honoring where we don't bring the system to tension, we bring the system to ease. We float the spinal cord, we float the mangees, we make sure that there is no tension in the system and then with heightened visualization knowing the specific art for each specific listing, having trained the body with muscle memory to have extreme speed, we can deliver phenomenal structural adjustment that are absolutely perfect and totally honoring to the system to the degree that for parents no problem, here is my two hour baby, check my baby, he is my three year old son, check my son because they know what they have experience. So it's a wide departure through like lock in the neck bringing it to a crank and then pushing on it. On top of it, when you adjust that way and you introduce a force into the system that way, it traveled through the entire neural spinal system. So the force traveled back and forth in the neural canal and through the meningal system and through the spinal, the, into the neural canal spine. So that's the approach and it came about by the fact that my body is sensitive, I'm perceptive and I didn't like the way I was being adjusted, nor the way that I was taught. So I thought they got to be a better way. And we started MLS making love to the spine. Then when I felt that we had broken through the field, we had broken the ice and the word was out. It was relabeled mastery, love and service. It is truly the root and the hub of the present and current professional adjusting training movement in the profession. You look at any other seminars that I've spun out, they all came out of MLS. They all came out of senior staff, people that have taken 17, 20 seminars with me that were on staff that decided, oh, now I'm branching off, I'm doing my own thing. So they all stem from MLS and we brought back the intense training that you see on the video tape from Palmer College where BJ Palmer was teaching toggle repo, where it was truly professional training. And what I want to bring to the listener is that if you're a professional musician, if you're a professional football player, basketball player, tennis player, how often do you train? How hard have you trained to even enter the game at a professional level? So we brought that mentality that mindset. So the people that I've trained seriously with MLS are very high level professional skillful adjusters. And that is a wide departure. And I can guarantee you the most frequent common that we have is people that are adjusted by someone that was trained by MLS and they go, especially if it's another character, they go, what do you learn to adjust that way? What did you learn to adjust that way? Wow, that was amazing. So there is a way of addressing the system when the entire beam and system is at ease where there is total connection. For example, consciousness, your heart is open and your deliverance is beautiful thing called an adjustment. So that's a story of your hair, Melissa.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I love it. Mastery, love and service. That was my takeaway from today's interview. At this junctures or anything I didn't ask you that you'd like to talk about today?

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  You know, you had a question that we didn't address any of the questions that you had that I think you sent to most of the people that you interview. And one was, where do you seek out a practice, the profession in 20 years? And my answer is very clear. Unless and until we go back to a foundation, we just supported the emerging understanding that we have of neurology and science and the art to where we have taken the art now. We have climbed back up in the expression of the art of chiropractic, the art of adjusting, the art of detecting stabilization. Unless we go back there, we would be pretty much a name but an extinct profession. I fly quite a lot and I flew quite a lot for nearly 25 years all around the country, all around the world, giving seminar, teaching on different platforms. And when I opened the airline magazine, I see the best doctors in America. And I flip through and I see D.O. Dr. Osterbati, what is the practice of thalmology? D.O. What is the practice? Plastic surgery. D.O. What is the practice? Gastroenterstorin, etiology. So the profession of doctor of osteoporosis, D.H.E. has disappeared. It's just a name now. They are basically medical doctors. That is a direction that some people politically want to take a profession. We don't need to duplicate what already exists. It already has been done with your sympathetic profession. We need to keep chiropractic for what it is, a separate and distinct profession that deals with life, that is proactive about life, about health, about healing, about wellbeing, about wellness, and recognize that where humanity needs to go today is not to be reactive to a symptom, not to be reactive to a neonatal disease, but to be from the onset of life proactive about health, healing, wellness, and wellbeing. My vision and my hope is that in 50 years and 100 years, we will have in every country of the world a department of life, happiness, health, wellbeing, that will be your home world for humanity. That's where we need to go because the existing approach is focusing all of our energy, all of our technology, all of our finance on fighting something, being against something, whether it be for something. And I'm all about being full life, for health, for healing, for wellbeing. So that's my message.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I know I'm for you, and thank you for being episode 529 of the Chiro Hustle podcast. If people want to get on with your book, read the book, participate with the book, live the book, where do they find the book, and how can they connect with you?

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  I'm Azon. And then on Facebook, under my name, Dr. Anubioni, Dr. Anubioni, on Facebook and also Anubioni. So yeah, it's an amazing thing. And all easy to find.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Great read. Thank you for doing the heavy lifting to educate more people on this beautiful profession of Chiropractic. Thank you for being our guest today. And I just want to wish you a great rest of your afternoon down in Durango.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  James, the same to you in conjunction and really thank you for everything you do and for inviting me on the show.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Amazing. It's been a highlight of my career, actually, is to be able to have these conversations and to talk about something and do meaningful work. So I appreciate you for helping me weave the tapestry together for this message of Chiropractic and helping document it for future generations.

DR ARNO BURNIER DC (GUEST):  Did you a great job, Eddy?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thank you. Thank you so much. And with that, I just want everybody to know that watches our show and promotes our show and supports our show that the way that you can help us pay the fee is to share the show. And that's the best thing I could ever ask anybody to do is just share this message, friends, family, colleagues, practice members, new people, share this message of Chiropractic with them. And I'm closing out by telling you all your one story way. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys on the next episode. Thank you so much, Arno. Thank you. All right. Bye for now.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.


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