Teach Them to Improve Their Life with Chiropractic – Dr Kyle Garbart DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 504
Kyle started his career as a Navy Corpsman during Desert Shield and he provided both medical and survival training for Navy pilots. Also, he supported several missions as a rescue diver/survival swimmer. After leaving the military he started receiving chiropractic care to help recover from a back injury that he received while in the military. He has worked in the medical field for over 20 years in Cardiac Cath Labs helping patients recover from heart attacks. Realizing that true healing comes from the body, he quit his job as an IT consultant in Manhattan to pursue his passion for helping people. That is why he wants to serve you by being your top notch chiropractor.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You made the Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's Number One Chiropractic Podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and to give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling. This episode is sponsored by Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, The Influencer Authority Podcast Training, Mango Voice, Life Chiropractic College West, and M-Sculpt. Let's Hustle!
LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER): Hey guys, welcome to Episode 504 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Kyle Garbart. And if you want to hear the story about teaching people how to improve their life with chiropractic, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. It's 504. Kyle Garbart coming in from, I think it's Spartanburg, right?
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): Yes, there is Spartanburg in South Carolina.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. Yeah, so really excited for this conversation. We met each other at Dean and Jen DePice's group TLC. And that group is on fire if you guys are looking for a great coaching group to be a part of and a great community to be a part of, reach out to Jen or Dean. Be a really good fit for most chiropractors. But yeah, I'm just really excited for this episode. I think we're going to have a fun conversation about chiropractic. But before we get into it, I'm just going to let people know the ethos and the why behind what we do over here at Chiro Hustle. First Amendment is important to us. So we definitely have protected freedom of speech with our show. And that's really important in the chiropractic profession across the board. We have to preserve the lexicon and we had to preserve the languaging of chiropractic from now until the end of the world. So, you know, I think some of these things that we talk about today have a fundamental within chiropractic. And one of my friends, Roberto Monaco, always tell me, Dr. Kyle, is if we don't tell people the truth about chiropractic, someone else will make up on about us. And not only that, they'll start taking parts of chiropractic and intruding to their practice of whatever they're doing. It doesn't matter if it's Pilates to medical doctors. They'll take the chiropractic philosophy and make it their own. So we have to own it. At that point, we do protect BJ Palmer Sacred Trust. We think that that's really vital to the future of chiropractic and that we have to continuously honor the chiropractic message. So if you guys don't know what that means, go to your favorite search engine and look for BJ Palmer's last words or BJ Palmer Sacred Trust. And you'll know more about chiropractic than you did before you listen to this interview. And we're wind back. We do believe in family health, freedom and medical freedom. That's a big part of why we support chiropractic because of what it offers to the chiropractic profession, what it offers to the people out there that are seeking answers for their health. So we do believe that chiropractors are the doctors of the future and the present. And there's a lot to be said, but we do support subluxation based chiropractic. Once again, if you don't know the terminology, there's a reason for it. Go and search for a subluxation based chiropractor in your area today. And then lastly, we believe in innate intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical get adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. And that's a lot of stuff there. But that's our intro. And I just want to welcome Dr. Kyle to the show. Thanks, Jim.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): I appreciate being here.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. I mean, the introduction kind of says it all about chiropractic, but there's a reason for you to be in the chiropractor. And this is a good chance for you to share your story with friends, family, colleagues, patients, anybody that might know Dr. Kyle. But they might not remember your story. You may have never told them your story, but how did you get into chiropractic?
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): So it was with me in the beginning, I was in the Navy for seven years. I was a Navy corpsman. So I was always based in traditional medicine. And I was also a rescue diver and a survival swimmer while I was there. While I was in the military, I did hurt my back. I took a bad fall and wanted to seek help. So the military was like, okay, you need to have some surgery on it. And I didn't want to have surgery because I've never heard of anybody just having one back surgery before. And so I was looking for other things to do. And so I came across chiropractic. And so I went to a chiropractor and he was like, yeah, I can help you. And so I went back to the military and said, hey, this is what I'm going to do. They said that you would not be able to walk within 10 to about five to 10 years. That was 22 years ago. I'm still walking. I run three miles every other day. I work out as much as I can. And so as you see, the chiropractic field helped me tremendously. And when the time was right in my life, I was like, hey, I want to do this. And unfortunately that time was when I was like in my 40s. And so that just shows you that chiropractic care and becoming a chiropractor is not just really young at heart is for anybody who has the desire and the passion to make people better.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, I think that that's a big takeaway there for people is chiropractic is a fit for people at any point in their careers. And it is cool to see some people that come into chiropractic as a non traditional plan. And they go into becoming a successful chiropractor and have lots of years of success. So that's really cool. And you're in year one, man. I think that makes you unique right now. So what are you doing? Like, you know, marketing stuff and what are you doing to like actually like get your business busy?
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): Well, it started out from, I mean, this was a plan that my wife and I had back going when I was a quarter 2 student intern. We knew we were going to open a business. We knew we were going to be based here in Spartanburg. And so we really started formulating a plan there. Then when I was in 14th quarter, or when I was in 10th quarter, let me just go back. We actually purchased our building. So we were already planning our business while I was a student. So we started getting all the nuts and bolts going for that. And then when I was in 14th quarter, getting ready to graduate, I mean, I was at home making flyers, making handouts, making, you know, invitations, I probably made about 750 invitations. And that whole two weeks before we opened our doors. So it'd been the beginning of last April before we opened the doors, I went around like the good old fashioned way. I put my book bag on my back full of flyers and I went and handed out every single one of those flyers to every single business that I was around my office. And everybody else all walking in the street, I handed them a flyer and introduced myself as Dr. Kyle. I was a new chiropractor in the area looking for the scene. Just read the information. If you're interested, come by and say hi. And that's all I would do. And I would drop off flyers, business cards. Every time I went and ate dinner somewhere or ate lunch somewhere, I left a business card with the check. So I did really opening. I did it the old fashioned way is, you know, basically, you know, boots on the ground. And then started getting into, we're big on social media. So we're on TikTok, we're on Instagram, we're on Facebook. So basically anything that we can do that we find interesting to promote chiropractic, we're out there trying to do it.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, I think it's really encouraging, you know, some of the things that you say there is like the old school strategies of door knocking and shaking hands. I think there's a lot to be said about that. And, you know, I think that the chiropractic profession specifically has to go do those grassroots style growth, you know, practice growth styles because, you know, you're not getting direct referrals, like a big box medicine store or big box medicine, you know, hospital or a big, a small box, you know, medical facility. But you know, I think it's really encouraging because you do have to go out there and let people know who you are and how you can help them and have to be enthusiastic about it. Because I think that that's a huge, that that's a huge part to building that no like and trust within the chiropractic practices. I changed it. That's Napoleon Hill, no like and trust. But I always say no love and trust. It's important to be known, loved and trusted. And I think that that people see that when you go out there and you do door knocking and you go out there and you go and you build your practice from the ground up.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): And the key to it that I really want everybody to know and I've learned this from you and I listen to you speak is like you said, you have the I can't remember exactly where you put it, but the no no gene. And so that's a point that is, you know, it doesn't matter if somebody tells you not. And when I first started, that was the biggest lesson that I had to learn was if someone tells you no, don't get your feelings hurt, but it's just an opportunity for somebody else to come in. Or when a patient doesn't come into the office or misses their appointment, it just leaves an opportunity for two more patients to come in. And that's one of the biggest lessons that I had to learn when I first opened. And here you say, when I listened to you talk that time, was like, wow, that's really cool. I need that gene.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, it's the no rejection gene.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): That's what it is.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. Yeah, because a lot of times when people tell you know, they're actually telling themselves no. And that's something that you just have to like nurture people through is until they know that you can help them, they're always going to tell themselves no, because it's this old like neighbors, cousins, brothers, uncles thing is like chiropractors can't help you, they actually do XYZ, you know, and nobody really knows until they go and like take that first step to go see if they can get help from the chiropractic clinic. So I think that you have to just understand the prospect and you have to put yourself in their shoes. And a lot of times when people are saying, Oh, I can't get healthy, they have this limiting belief system. And that's, that's where chiropractic like with you, surgical console, you know, and you're like, no, I'm not doing that. I'm going to go this other route. So a lot of people just don't know that chiropractic is chiropractic is the thing that can help them, you know, recover from whatever they're dealing with. And it's not treating anything. It just takes the pressure off of the nervous system, allowing the body to do it. It does naturally. And that's self regulate and self heal.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): Yeah, that's one of the key things I always tell my, tell my patients, there's like, Oh, am I going to be better now? And I'm like, I wish I had the answer for you. I said, all I know is that I put the nervous system back and I let the body do its thing is that what the body was created to do the bodies that a marvelous invention. And there's nothing that we can do to control it. We just help it to heal. And that's what I love about chiropractic.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. The old school philosophy is the body needs nothing extra in it simply needs no interference. The chiropractor checks into texts and corrects that vertebral subluxation, adjust it back in place and you never know what kind of miracles going to happen. Exactly. You know, I worked in the clinic for six years, Dr. Kyle. And a lot of times somebody would come in with like, radiculopathy. And it was like, visit seven or whatever. When we do a re exam, we'd ask him like, Hey, do you remember why you originally came in here? And sometimes we'd get these head scratches. Like people wouldn't even remember their initial complaint or their initial symptoms when they came in. And then they would say stuff like, and by the way, I'm sleeping better. By the way, whatever XYZ fill in the blank, it's improved. And I think that a lot of times it's the attitude of people. Oh, when you're not dealing with something that's constantly like a monkey on your back or a pain in the back, you're able to start concentrating on quality of life.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): And I had a guy come in, he came in with a walker and I knew the family because I used to work with his wife when I was an IT consultant. And she just didn't really believe in chiropractic, but he came and he was like, I just can't walk. I need some relief. So I work with him for probably about eight weeks or so. And now he still comes and sees me, but he's no longer in a walker. He went from a walker to a cane to where he's walking up right without a problem. And during that transition, his wife started seeing the changes and she started coming and being patient because she was like, you're doing this for my husband. What could you do for me? And I was like, it's not what I can do for you. It's what your body can do for you. I said, I'm just a vessel.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, it's just like back in the day, you know, they'd always say nine tenths of it's showing up. Exactly. Well, it's still true. Like nine tenths of you like getting an improvement with anything. You just got to show up. Exactly. And I think that that's a big takeaway for people that are listening is just keep showing up. And whether it's being a friend, whether it's being the chiropractor, whether it's being the patient, just keep showing up. And you know, I think that that's an encouraging part of all this is you can't make somebody do something like when I worked in the clinic just for instance, the doc would always say, we care more about these people's health than they do. One hundred percent. And we have to be an advocate for them every day that they show up. And when they don't show up, we have to be an advocate for them too.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): Yeah, that's and that's key what you said right there. And that's one of the premises that we had to learn in the clinic here that if if somebody doesn't show up, don't take it personally, but find out what's going on with that patient because there may be something going on that we don't realize. And so just saying, oh, well, they'll come back or they have another point. No, let's reach out to and let's show them that we care. Let's love on them as a patient and say, Hey, we love you in this clinic. What's going on? Why did you miss your equipment? And they're like, Oh, well, I may have had this, this. And then when they come back, they're like, you know, I really needed that message that you sent me because we'll send our patients text messages and say, Hey, thinking about you, I hope everything's going well. And they may not come right back, but they will come back. It all comes back full circle.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And that's an important thing too, is the rapport. And I think so many times we don't understand, like they always said, you don't judge somebody today because you don't know what they're going through. And I think that that goes true for growing a business and a practice too, is do what's in front of you and do the best with it, but also be consider of the people that have trusted you as their provider. And a lot of people are just looking to be acknowledged. They're looking to be seen and they're looking to be heard. And if a chiropractor can nail those three things, acknowledge people, see them, hear them, like the business will grow. But that's why I feel like the tide is turning and more people are coming into the chiropractic world and the chiropractic profession. And they're starting to like discover chiropractic because they see the other medical model that the house of cards is falling and they don't get acknowledged. They're just another chart number. They don't get heard. They're just being prescribed stuff that, you know, they don't have a relationship. There's no hands on. So chiropractic, I believe, is getting more and more visible, more and more utilized and more people are starting to see like, wow, these chiropractors really care. They have ethos. They have a heart. They want to serve their community. Like I want to go there. I want to be a part of that community.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): Right? Well, actually, they actually are seeing results and, you know, and I don't talk about it about any medical profession, but the United States, we have the best crisis care in the world. So like if I break my arm, you know, don't go to the chiropractor. Go to the EO. But if you want a general preventive medicine, if you want to generally heal your body from the inside out, chiropractic is the best way to get it. It's a matter of the only way to go.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): One of my favorite interviews I've ever done, we've done almost 1200 interviews on your episode, 502 of the actual show, but I've done a ton of interviews. And one of my favorite interviews I've ever done was Les Brown. And he's a motivational speaker, big name on the circuit of like changing people's lives. And the thing I took away from him is why he told me he loved chiropractic was they don't cut it out. They don't drug it out and they don't burn it out. And I'll never forget that that's emblazoned like tattooed on my brain. Like I'll never forget that. And that's why, you know, when I go out and do marketing events for chiropractors, there's so much conviction there that I say, look, come in for these first two visits and see if we're a good fit for you. I call the relationship builder. If you like us, you think we're a good fit, then now you have a great provider. If you come in for these first two visits, you realize it's not the right place for you. There's no strings attached for further care. But I always tell them, I guarantee you one thing, you're going to like us. And I think that when people start to understand that, that it's a loving, giving, caring, serving profession, they're going to refer the whole family. They're going to refer the whole office in. They're going to refer everybody. And once they realize that chiropractic was the answer for them too.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): Yeah, there's a couple of patients that I've had that came in who they've they've they've come in as a trial run. They wanted to check out the office before they left their family come in. I have one lady come in and she came in. She was very stern and she was like, this is what I want this, this and this. And so I explained everything that we do. And with us here at Tri-Dent, we're all about the patient experience. We want you to enjoy the chiropractic experience. We don't want you just to come in and get wrapped and cracked. We want you to enjoy the experience. And by the time she left her, she looked at me and she goes, I just want to let you know that I came in from my family to see if you were the right fit for us. And then she brought eight other people with her for the next time she came in. So we were taking care of her, her kids and her grandkids.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, I mean that that just goes to show that if you provide a good service and you render a good quality adjustment and you take care of that person and they start to feel like this is home to them. He's looking for a sense of community right now. Everybody's looking for where do I belong and who can help me? And it's not just the pain, man. It's not just the pain of like the misalignment of the spine and the pressure on the nerve. It's the emotional subluxation that people are dealing with more than ever right now. They just feel crummy. They don't feel connected. They feel like there's division within them and everyone around them. So if they have like for lack of a better work usage, a safe place, like chiropractic is a safe place, man. And it's a safe place for people to land that want to build a community within the medical world. And I know that chiropractic is a standalone profession within the medical arena, but people are looking for a safe place to land. Oh yeah.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): And that's what we try to offer here. I know you've never been here to our office and you know, you're always more than anytime you're in Spartan Works. Stop by, come in, check us out. We try to make our office different than other offices. We try to make it more relaxing, kind of like a spa feeling more than just a medical office. And we try to, you know, to greet everybody. Hey, we've been expecting you. We greet them by their name. We make them feel like they're actually part of our family because that's what we call them. We're a big family here at Trident. We're not just a, hey, come in. You're seeing racetrack go. Yeah.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. I think that that's important too is, you know, a lot of times people will come up when I'm out doing a marketing event and they'll say something like, you know, I've heard if I come once, I have to come to rest of my life. And I'm like, gosh, another one of these. And I'm like, well, how frequently do you, you stick to your dental appointments? Did you just go the one time when you never win again? And you want to keep those teeth, right? I'm like, yeah. So yeah, it would make sense, wouldn't it? If you came to the chiropractor, you would want to come for the rest of your life. Like I don't see why that would be any type, anybody would plant a seed of negativity in you about that.
You've made it to Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. This episode is sponsored by Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, The Influencer Authority Podcast Training, Mango Voice, Life Chiropractic College West, and M-Sculpt. Let's Hustle!
Like, that's probably the greatest gift that you would ever get is being able to have a relationship with the chiropractor for the rest of your life.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): Oh, yeah, and that's one thing I tell my patients is, hey, listen, not only am I a chiropractor, but I'm also a chiropractic patient. I mean, and I tell them, listen, I've been getting in the chiropractor for 22 years. Do I still have back pain? Yes, 100% because I'm rough on my body. But at the same time, I also take care of my body by getting adjusted. So I know that it heals properly after what I did.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. And that goes back to what I was saying earlier. The three components of a subluxation, thoughts, traumas, toxins. So sometimes the trauma is enough to be lasting life effect that we need to have consistent care. Sometimes it's the headspace that will twist up our spine, man. There's a lot of thoughts that will create poor posture. There's a lot of thoughts that we had that will create, you know, just lack of flow going to the nervous system. And then we have the toxins. I think people are sicker today than they've ever been. And they need the community's need chiropractic based on those three things. And it's the physical, the chemical, the emotional. It's whatever, however we want to package it. But people are sicker than ever before. And they're all looking for a solution out of what mess that they're in right now, whether it's the way that they think, the way that they feel, or what they're feeding themselves.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): Yeah. And to piggyback off of that, it's just like what you said, just thoughts alone. I mean, how many times have we turned the news on and when do you ever see anything positive in the news nowadays? And no matter where it is, be it across the world or in in our backyard, those thoughts just build up and build up and build up. And we've got to have a way to release them and that just it just crushes our nervous system.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. And a lot of people don't know how to actually communicate out of that stuff. It's just like a layer and another layer and another layer and another layer. And over time, it just becomes exhausting. And people really don't know where to go. So their nervous system starts to take the brunt of it. And they don't know that chiropractic can help release that tension that they build up that they don't even know is there until that little twig pops. And it's like, oh, gosh, I can't walk now. Yeah.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): And so that's a great point because so many times people come, hey, I went over and I bent over and picked this pencil up and that pencil threw my back out. And pencils not what threw your back out, it's those 10 years of abuse before that threw your back out. And they're like, oh, it will get me fixed. But it's not that simple. We have to, it's going to take time. It's going to take time and repetition is what heals that body. And so that's the key thing that we have to educate the patients with and not just say, okay, when I'm done, that's not the way it works. It takes time to build it up. It's that health cycle that we have to work them through and to get these nerves and these tendons and these muscles retrained so that they can hold that spine back in the proper position again.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, it takes me back to this. This one of my favorite episodes is a guy named Bob Brooks. He's not with us anymore. He's out of Oklahoma. He had a program called Taking Care of People. He's a chiropractor, a preservical guy. And he would always tell me the issues are on the tissues. And a lot of times it's not just the spinal column. It's not the ausius parts of the spine. It's a soft tissue that is around and holding, not just the disc, but it's the ligaments. It's the tendons. It's the muscles. And if there's too much tension going on into those soft tissues, heck yeah, it's going to torque the spine and pull things out of alignment and make a pattern of pain and discomfort. Yeah.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): And that's one thing here in the office that we try to focus on. You know, we're a subluxation based practice, but there's also other things, like you said, the soft tissue that we have to deal with. You know, so there's other forms and therapies that we involve with our patients. So it's not just a, oh, let me figure this out. And let's just adjust, adjust, adjust. Well, if the judge isn't not working, let's move on to something else that works. I mean, there's other therapies out there like ultrasound, like cupping, dry kneeling, stuff that we do here in the office. And we even take it one step further and we've gone with how the body is hydrated. So we also do IV hydration here. My wife takes care of it. She handles all that side of the business. And as long as the body is properly hydrated, the muscles are functioning properly. So then everything can work hand in hand. So it's like a big closed loop that we do here to get the body treated as a whole.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. I mean, there's an old, I've done sales for a long time now, but there's a saying in sales is given what they want, sell them what they need. And people want the consult. They want the evaluation. They want the exam. They want the health history. They want the x-ray. They want the time with the doctor. They want to get the report of findings. They want to know what's going on. They want to know how much concern there's. They want to know how they can be helped. But they also want to understand like once they trust you, how can you provide services to them and how can you help them with the other concerns that they're dealing with without the drugs, the pills, the surgery.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, man. Looks like we got another cool comment over here from Dr. Jeff. You guys are heading the nail on the head. Toxic news is all people want to talk about after a vacation with no TV. I felt cleansed people watching the news with no balance are just constantly dipping in a set of IT. Then they share input equals output.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): That's a great point. The input equals output. And that's like you said, you keep putting garbage in. We keep putting toxins in. The body's just going to absorb those toxins and they have to get them out. If you don't get it out, then it just affects the body and everything that we do. And we see it a lot. All you have to do is just walk down the street. You can see people's postures and it's just like, you know, my wife will look at me. She's like, what are you doing? I'm like, I can fix that.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. You know, I found when I first started, I worked, I started my, my clinical chiropractic career back 14 years ago working in an office in Chicago. And I was a CBP traction tech. And I was, I would walk around man and I would see partial deviations. I'd see foot flares. I would see high left shoulders. I would see, you know, twists and people's thoracic spines. And I'd be like, always like, how can we help these people? And if they just knew, if they just knew there'd be lines around every chiropractic clinic in the country around the world, man, there'd be like waiting list practice everywhere. We'd, we'd have to have like more chiropractors if people just knew because then they would see that in each other. And they'd be like, you need to go get adjusted. And it wouldn't, and it wouldn't be like, how are you going to afford that? And it'd be like, how could you not make, you know, a savings fund for that? Or how could you not work harder to afford that? Not like least common denominator type behavior. That's what we get dealt with, man. We get dealt with least common denominator behavior. Like, oh, if it's not broken, let's not do that.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): Well, that's one of the things that we deal with is like people come to chiropractors when it's their last hope. They're like, I've done everything else. Well, why didn't you do us first? And nine times out of 10, like I have one lady, she had debilitating migraines two to three a week and they started affecting her job. And she came in there, she came in here and she's like, I don't know what else to do. I'm like, well, chiropractic works, this works, we can get you. And now she's at the pack where she's had two headaches since I've been treating her. And I promise you this and we can talk offline about it, but she is going back to school, finishing her degree so she can go become a chiropractor. That's how strongly she's felt because it's just because of those adjustments.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And that's just it is like, we never know how far reaching something we do or say today will have the impact on millions of lives tomorrow. And just by being of service to her, now she's seeing that there is a way out. But there's philosophy there too is the way through it is the way to get to something. And sometimes we have to go through it in order to get to it. And I think that that's the reality for a lot of your patients is they have to go through it in order to get to what they want. And being consistent is one of the hallmarks of people actually believing in themselves enough to make a change. So let's go lightning round. I know we have a handful of minutes left, but I just want to go through some things with you. And you seem like a pretty fit guy. You've seen pretty healthy. What are you doing for you and your family to stay on the up and up?
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): Well, usually every time with my family, we keep them well adjusted. So not only do I get adjusted by my family, it's adjusted as much as possible. My wife and I, every day when we leave the office, we go to the gym, we do a minimum of 30 to 45 minutes of workout. We started implementing that so both of us can start being healthy. And then I stay adjusted.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, man, I think that that's important. There's a guy named James chess, not not to be confused with the master, but he started a revolution, I don't know, 20 years ago. Maybe maybe not that long ago, but it was the eat right, think right, move right, or eat well, think well, move well. And I think if most people just thought on those simple premises, and then they added getting adjusted to that, we'd have a revolution in this country, a health revolution. So yeah, thanks for sharing about what you're doing to stay healthy. I think it's pretty cool. And then let's future pace, where do you see the profession going? Let's just talk in the next five years. Where do you seek chiropractic moving towards?
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): I actually got a practice moving into a huge, huge change. It's going to be a big shift. I think a medical paradigm shift, I believe, because I think as more chiropractors get out there, the more the message is out, people are going to start seeking us first as a first line treatment instead of a last line treatment. I do believe that because unfortunately, I think that there's a lot of people and what I hear from some of my patients is they're not that they're losing trust in the medical system, it's just one, getting too expensive, and two, they like, we talk earlier, they need to be needed. And that's what they're getting out of chiropractors. And I believe the chiropractor is working. We have, this is our time to move from the bottom to the top. We have to take the bull by the horns, and we have to be in control of our own future. And so that's why I believe that we are going to start doing that because we're getting more bold in our profession. And we're not taking no for an answer. We're saying, hey, this works. This is where health comes from. Let's do this.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, I mean, I don't know what you guys charge for care at your clinic, but I just know that across the board, a lot of chiropractors do care plans, and they do like a system of like spinal rehab or spinal recovery plans to make sure that people are actually getting to the point of stability. And then when you produce that to a prospective new patient, eventually they're going to be like, wow, that's so affordable rather than that's expensive. Because I think the paradigm has been this confusion in the medical model as to people thought for a long time that $3,000 to $5,000 was an expensive investment for medical services provided to them. But they don't realize that they're getting 24 adjustments in 90 days. And that's a really good opportunity for them to like start kickstarting the future of their health. And I think back in, you know, even 10 years ago, people look at that as like an expensive thing. But now when they look at like the equivalency of like, you know, urgent care visit or going to like the ER for something or a hospital, you know, like anything that do with the medical world, like you said, they're finding things to be so expensive. Yeah, it's no joke, man. Chiropractic is a bargain.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): Oh, yeah, especially with what you get, the people got to understand. And this is what I tell my patients is it's an adjustment, but it's life changing. We're changing those settles. We're changing the way the body actually functions. We're healing it. And we're not just saying, take this or do this. We're saying this is changing your life. And you feel it right away, which is awesome.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. And, you know, anybody out there that will ever watch this, I just want people to know that you don't have to be afraid of the adjustment. Chiropractor has a technique that they can use to help you. I think that so many times when people think about chiropractors, like, ooh, I don't want you touching my neck or ooh, I don't want to hear it crack. But like people don't understand like that's the point where the healing starts is getting over the fear. And there's nothing to be feared about chiropractic. Even this past week, and I was at a seminar with a bunch of MDs at it. And they were like, congratulate us for what we do with the podcast. And they were saying to me, like, how important it is for people to have education on Lisa and Vaseff first. And how they refer a bunch of people to chiropractors. Because they know that they don't have to put them on this lifestyle care of medicine. They can give them the option to go try a chiropractic and see if we can save people from long term effects of who knows what the side effect as I call them direct effects. The medical world, you know, somehow subvertedly called them side effects. Well, they're not side effects, man. They're direct effects from using something that's foreign to your body. So yeah, I think that there's a lot to be said about the future of the profession. Let's move two more things, maybe three more things. Who are some of your heroes who's helped to inspire you to become the practitioner that you are today?
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): So the main person that I got to give thanks to would be Dr. Jim Minnekko. He was actually my chiropractor. He's the one I remember sitting in his office and doing a spinal workshop. And he was teaching me about innate intelligence. And I wish just all in. And I was just like, this is what I want to do. And so from that moment on, that's when I started changing my life to figure out that's how I want to be a chiropractor. And so he was the main one that molded me into getting into this position. And he's been keeping in contact with me every so often all the way out through this career. And matter of fact, one time when I was a student at Sherman, he came up there and it was like, you know, hey, you finally made it. And it was like, yeah, it took me some time, but I finally made it. So he's probably one of my biggest chiropractic heroes that molded me to get to where I am.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. I have chiropractor number one, two man. It's pretty cool that you can go back and trace back time and show appreciation for the people that, you know, planted that seed into us. And then it just takes us to water the seed. Oh, yeah.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): And the key thing about it is it doesn't matter when that takes part in your life. You're never too old to chase a dream that you want to do.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Mm hmm. Yeah, I love this conversation. I got two more things for you. You got any miracle stories that you've seen so far when you're in practice?
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): I've got a ton. And I've only been open for April will be our year. So there's miracles happening all the time, but I had one lady. She was actually going to a friend of mine who was a chiropractor in town. And she wasn't getting any relief. So the other chiropractor called me up and said, Hey, I know you're adjusting styles a little different than mine. Is there something you can do for this lady? And so she sent me the x-rays. We looked at the x-rays together. I told her to come on over here and long story short, the lady she fell, she broke her hip. She was rehabbing from her hip, doing water aerobics and then hurt her lower back. And so we got her into the clinic. We did some segmental traction on her. We did some adjusting on her. And she after the first couple of visits, we were sitting in the hallway talking and she told me she's at her with Zen. She goes, if this pain doesn't go away, she goes, I'm done with life. And I told her, I said, never give up hope. I said, as long as the body is functioning, there's always hope because the body is always working. The body's always healing. And she is now walking without a king. She is loving life. She's walking her dog again. She's hiking. She looked at me the other day, gave me a big hug and was like, I was ready to give up life, but you came in and made it better. And I told her, I said, I didn't make it better. I said, you made it better. I said, you just allowed me to help.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, it's to me, it's very encouraging to hear those stories because people have no idea how much pain that's stored up inside of each person's body. And if they don't have somebody that can facilitate with helping them retrain the body to go back to functionality and health, it's a pretty dark place out there, man. So last question, if you're the last chiropractor on planet Earth where the profession survived.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): It would be a strong hell yeah. Well, I can say that on the podcast, but I would say yes, because I believe I tell everybody about it. I want to do everybody. I try to stay involved with some more students at school. I work with them as much as I can. I'm out telling people about it. We're active in our community. We're always over on social media, but it's a message that can't be put out.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. Dr. Kyle, I really appreciate you being on episode 502 of the Chiro House of podcast. Is there anything I didn't ask you that you would like to share with our audience today?
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): One thing I would like to share with the audience and I don't know if they know it or not, but this should light a fire under them is that Jim is not even a chiropractor and he is pushing his profession harder than other chiropractors that are out there. And I personally want to thank you for that.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Hey, Dr. Kyle, I appreciate it, man. There's been a lot of purpose behind what we do and that's my big why. A lot of people don't know this, but my why is become the most powerful man in chiropractic and you do that through the media. So each one of these interviews that we do creates a threat in the tapestry of the future of this profession and it documents it and it keeps this protected and it keeps it live and vibrant. And a lot of people just don't know that the more that you tell the story, the more that it gets relevancy. So when you guys listen to this, please share it, comment on this, become whatever, follow us on social media, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, whatever your favorite social is, jump on a Chiro hustle and support us. And if you guys want to do a show with us, send me a message and we'll get you guys on for a Chiro Hustle podcast interview. And the cool thing is I just found out that 20% of the chiropractic profession listens to our show. That's awesome. So we are making a change, man. And it is for the betterment of the future of chiropractic. So I appreciate the sentiment and the acknowledgement and really appreciate you being our guests today.
DR KYLE GARBART DC (GUEST): Oh, I think you appreciate you having me. It's great to be in. So new and being on the show.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Look at this. Yeah. So I'm going to close out then by telling everyone you're just one story way. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys on the next episode. Thanks for being with us. Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.
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