Scoliosis is Shaping the Future of Chiropractic with Dr Marc Lamantia DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 535
Dr. Marc Lamantia is the founder of the Scoli-Fit Method and the first to identify and target Scoliosis as a primary movement disorder. His unique training as a Doctor of Chiropractic, and Fellow of the FR Carrick Institute(MS), enabled him to recognize scoliosis was much more than a curvature of the spine. Researchers have now shown scoliosis is indeed a brain-based disorder driven by Epigenetic’s. His company co-manages scoliosis cases with providers in all 50 states and are actively recruiting patients for a clinical trial aimed at identifying which treatments or methods change The DNA methylation status of patients with progressive Scoliosis. A simple blood test is all that is required and can serve as evidence chiropractic care extends longevity, reduces aging rate, and much much more.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.
This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, Align Life, Brain-based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. LET’S HUSTLE !!!
LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER): Hey guys, welcome to episode 535 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So today we had the opportunity to interview and doctor Mark Lemantia. If you want to hear the story about how scoliosis is shaping the future of chiropractic, stay tuned. Welcome back! This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today I have Mark Lemantia coming on with me. I'm really excited because this guy is going to talk all things scoliosis. We're going to talk about some epigenetics. That's a new study that people are including into the chiropractic conversation. And something newer that I am unaware of is DNA methylation. So I'm going to let Dr. Mark be the expert on that today. But before we get into this episode of 535, I'm going to let everybody know the big why. Why do we do what we do over here at Chiro Hustle? Well, first things first, as a journalist, I didn't tell you that either, but my background is in journalism. As a journalist, I believe I'm the First Amendment, which is freedom of speech. And I think it's important for people to speak their truth and not be censored. And over the past couple of years, we've seen that become a real concern for people being shadow banned and platform removed and things like that. So we believe in freedom of speech. We also believe in medical freedom of family health freedom. Those are not the same thing, but I think that they're both really important to everybody listens to our show. And if they took that away from you, it would be devastating. So we get a bit more philosophical with the messaging of what we do over here at Chiro Hustle, but we do protect BJ Palmer's Sacred Trust with our show. And that is his last words. If you want to know more about chiropractic, go and search for BJ Palmer's last words or BJ Palmer's Sacred Trust. And you're going to learn more about chiropractic than what you previously did, even if you're a chiropractor, I guarantee you. And then we also support Subluxation-based chiropractic. Don't remove it from our schools. Don't remove it from the lexicon of this profession. It belongs in the profession. And then last, we also believe in inate intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman to spiritual. And with that, Dr. Mark, welcome to the show.
DR MARC LAMANTIA DC (GUEST): Awesome, man. Thank you.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Happy to be here. Yeah. I mean, I had like the best conversation of the day listening to you explain to me some of the things that you do that include chiropractic into it with the process of scoliosis and you know, where we are, where we're going. And there's a lot that goes into it. So I'm going to save that for maybe take two of today's conversation. But I'm really curious, you know, you said you've been in the profession for 20 years?
DR MARC LAMANTIA DC (GUEST): Oh, boy. I graduated in 96.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So I guess we're going on 28 years, 28 years, so almost three decades of being a chiropractor.
DR MARC LAMANTIA DC (GUEST): Yeah. Yeah. When you sign up, they don't tell you that there's no way out. All my friends that became policemen or union guys are all retiring, but chiropractic, you're in full life. And it's kind of like, you unspoken laws. So yeah, if my math is correct, going on 30 years in the profession. And the best part of this profession is you can renew and remake yourself every seven years. Every seven years, you can do something different in the profession and still be helping people and still be growing. And that's, I think, why chiropractors are so passionate about their profession. Number one, we're always pushed against the wall. So we're always in a corner and we're posturing to get out of that corner alive. But yeah, going on 30 years and I started out, you do know, but not everybody else. But now I started as an upper cervical provider, an upper cervical doctor. I did knee chest, upper cervical. And when I first started in practice, that was the offering that you got when you came into my office. And then as time went on, I was looking for more. And I don't know if you want me to go into my whole history of… Let's do it. Yeah. So I was a knee chest provider. I love the philosophy. I love the trilogy. You know, I love the science, the art and the philosophy, all three of them. And I was very, very passionate as a student and as a young doctor. And then I felt like I learned as much as I could from my mentors at that time. And Robert Kessinger was one of my mentors who's an upper cervical doctor. At that time he was in Cape Giraud, Missouri. Of course Dr. Kale is someone I learned under. And then I felt like I needed more. And then…
DR MARC LAMANTIA DC (GUEST): And… And I'm sure everybody who's a chiropractor. And I was a doctor and I was a doctor at the doctor's doctor. And he just blew me away with his knowledge and basically what he was teaching about. The neurology of scoliosis. Oh, excuse me. The neurology of chiropractic. I wasn't into scoliosis specifically at this point in my career. I always had an interest in it. But at this point I was doing upper cervical care. And then I met Murphy and I started to follow him. And he basically told me, look, if you really liked the neurology of what we're doing, you should go do the karic modulus and the karic institute. So then I got my diplomat in neurology through the karic institute. And I had an ability to take what I was learning and turn it into clinical practice and make it a profit center in my practice. And that really helped me build my business so that I can continue to provide care and do the things I wanted to do in practice. And so the neurology really helped me. And I really always looked at it from a chiropractic perspective. How is the chiropractic adjustment affecting neurology? How can we use different interventions, different, whether it was sensory activations from non-caropractic or from chiropractic adjustment? And then I met Dr. Gary Deutschman at that time. And he was treating scoliosis patients and doing it in what I considered a very archaic way. Basically doing all the things that were done by the orthopedists or the physical medicine providers or manual medicine providers over decades, which were to traction people or to put them in heart braces or to use electric stim. And basically from my neurology training, we decided that, look, if scoliosis is anything, it's a movement disorder. Because when you move, your posture is disorganized and your brain doesn't have a great perception of where you are in space. And so ultimately, once that curve happens, the curve happens for a different reason, let's say from neurological imbalance or DNA metabolic interaction imbalances that lead to asymmetric growth. But scoliosis is, when you look at it, and I lost my train of thought there, but it's, do you remember the exact thing I was just telling you about?
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Oh, you're talking about the advancement of you coming from an upper cervical doc and starting with the Carrick Institute.
DR MARC LAMANTIA DC (GUEST): Right. And then neurology and then the Carrick Institute. And then I met Dr. Deutschman who was treating people kind of our cake and we said, okay, let's put a neurology spin on this. Yes. And that's basically what we did. And from there, we started to really innovate and try to stop doing the same things that were done for 50 plus years, which were hard bracing, tractioning, electric stim and so forth. And that's really how we came to use flexible bracing, which is an advancement in the way we use bracing for scoliosis. I could talk a little bit about what flexible bracing is compared to the hard bracing. And then looking at neurological rehab as an approach to managing scoliosis, which clinically we were, in some regards, the only people doing that. Everyone else was treating it as an orthopedic problem, tractioning it, stretching it, trying to pull it or push it straight. And we decided to look at the nervous system and look at the postural reflexes as a primary target. And that was a big innovation. And I presented a paper in 2004 at the SO-SORT conference, which is an international consortium of non-surgical orthopedic providers. We were the only Americans there. We were the only chiropractors. They happened to mention chiropractic at this convention and say that it could cripple you and break your patients in half, and you should make sure you never send your orthopedic referrals to a chiropractor. And of course, I stood up and I said I have to respectfully disagree. As a chiropractor, I could tell you that we do not break patients in half. They walk out of the office just the way they walk in, and the things that you're saying are not accurate. But that was the beginning of the explosion of non-surgical scoliosis management. It's still growing in the United States today. We introduced the spine core brace back then to the chiropractic profession. That was in 2004, which is a flexible brace. It works on postural rehab as opposed to modulating growth, which is what the hard braces do. Then we started doing vestibular testing that came from my training in the CARIC program. The vestibular system is like the internal gyroscopes of our body. And when those gyroscopes are disturbed, your brain perceives your body is in a different place than it really is. And it starts to try to correct where your body is through postural reflex. This is how distortions, head tilts happen. Theracic, lumbar distortions, it's all driven by the brain. And so what we do in the chiropractic management of scoliosis, if it's specific for scoliosis, we just let that happen and then we treat the physical deformity. Just like the orthopedist do, just like the manual medicine crowd does. Parapractic is not meant to be manual medicine. It is not a physical pushing and pulling to restore angles of joints. It's designed to improve nervous system function. I mean, that's the purpose of parapractic. So anything else that we use could be useful outside of, let's say, the adjustment, but using the adjustment to try to straighten the spine in scoliosis is a bit of a clinical trap because it's not that those vertebrae are misaligned because they're subluxated. They're misaligned because they grew asymmetrically. So there's deformity there. So you can't just push and pull it. It's like a tree, that or a tomato plant that grows outside of the bounds where you want it to. You can't force it back. It'll just crack the stem. But you could encourage it to grow back using the innate intelligence of that plant by realigning it to grow differently. And that's what a hard brace is meant to do. So again, I'm always interested in the progress of how we can do things better. The biggest thing that I think that my company has brought to not only the profession, but ultimately the world is to look at scoliosis more as a brain-based problem, more as a movement disorder that needs to be treated at the root problem, which is really starting with the nervous system and really backpedaling all the way back to how the DNA interacts. And of course, the nervous system influences how our DNA is expressed. And of course, you mentioned the epigenetics and DNA methylation as a way to actually measure if your DNA is being activated or suppressed. And I don't know how familiar you are with scoliosis, but scoliosis was always thought of as a genetic disorder. And so they said, well, if you've got the genes for it, you're going to develop it and there's nothing you can do to change that. But we know now that from looking at studies between identical twins that there are other reasons why curvatures progress other than genetics. And so we call that discordant responses between identical twins. If one identical twin has a small curvature and the other one develops a very large curvature, it tells you that the progression is not genetic because the genes are exactly the same in these identical twins. So we already know that the progression is not genetically driven. But we still talk as if it is. We still treat people as if it's genetic and you can't change it. But epigenetics is really the key to understand why one twin would develop a larger curvature and why another twin wouldn't. And that has to do with the methylation status of their DNA. It's basically how well their DNA is covered by these methyl groups. That suppresses the DNA from expressing diseased genes. And so those suppressor sites on the DNA, they could be methylated by good nutrition, good sleep, chiropractic care, proper movement, stress reduction. Anything that improves the metabolic health of a patient should improve their methylation status, which shouldn't prove the expression of their DNA. So we have to change, in my opinion, change gears to not just push and pull the curve so it looks straight in the short term. But we need to make sure we're stabilizing the DNA and improving the methylation status of the patient. So I would say to the manual therapists that are treating scoliosis, whether you're a chiropractor or not, by pushing and pulling the spine straight and then x-raying and saying, well, look, it's straighter. I would challenge you to look at the methylation status of that patient before and after treatment. If you're improving the methylation status, then I 100% believe you are improving the longevity of that patient and most likely the stability of their curvature. If you're decreasing their methylation status, you might be setting them up for further progression in the future, even though it might look straighter in the short term. It's like dieting. You could lose weight by starvation, but that's not going to stimulate healthy gene responses in your body. It's going to actually lead to disease processes to start, even though you look healthier, you look skinnier, those types of things. So I don't know if that's too rudimentary, but these are exciting times to be a chiropractor because we have at our fingertips all of this other knowledge and all this other technology. We're doing DNA methylation testing in our practice with our patients. When I first learned about this, this was something you can only get done through a research grant and it wasn't really available to us. Now, we have a click of a button. I use a company called True Diagnostics. I don't make any money to tell you about it, but I think they're awesome. It's a fingerprint test and you could test your patients and check their methylation status, their rate of aging. You could test to see if they have genes that are being expressed for diabetes, obesity, lots of different stuff. And then if you're a chiropractor and you're in a VIN and you care for that patient and you retest them at some point in the future and you show that you've improved their methylation status, slowed their aging process, whatever you want to look at, that's going to vet what we do as clinicians, far greater than anything that I, you know, far greater than looking at an X-ray and saying, look, I took an X-ray and now they're spined straighter. There's ways to do that which are not meaningful. And there's ways when that happens that it's only transient and it doesn't last. So it doesn't impress anyone when you show an X-ray to a clinician who knows, well, that could have looked like that that day, but how about six weeks later or a month later or three months later? So we need to create a stability that's long lasting for these patients. And that's why I think looking at some of these advances in technology for us as chiropractors will empower us to protect our profession because most people who are on this podcast would know our profession is under attack and they do not want us to take the lead on any of this, this changing of the guard that's occurring with health care. And they've basically, they've fast tracked the natural paths, right past us. So now natural paths have a, you know, they have a greater status in the medical field than the chiropractors do. And of course, we've been creating this field for the past hundred years, in my opinion.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.
This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, Align Life, Brain-based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. LET’S HUSTLE !!!
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, you know, I, that's a lot of specific conversation on how we've got to where we are within the chiropractic methods. And I believe that there's a lot of validation there when it comes to like the individual person. I'm just really curious. These aren't like scripted questions, but I, I, I'm just going to open up the conversation with you because schooliosis is the conversation. And you know, when we were kids, I'm sure you've heard this time after time again, the, the nurse at schools had us bend over and touch our toes to see if we had any like curbing or spine, right, right.
DR MARC LAMANTIA DC (GUEST): Still doing it. And I think 28 states.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. So I mean, we're still doing conveyor belt, like technology when it comes to like the medical model. Yeah. And we're still doing like outdated stuff. So you're talking still about a lot of advanced things, like shooting next rays and pulling the spine and, you know, trying to get it back as straight as possible. Like, but if that's still not the path that we should be on, I'm still curious. Like the next topic is the Harrington rods. Like if we can't do it the way that, you know, you know, through a brace system, then damn it, we're going to cut you open and we're going to play or another. Absolutely. We're going to bolt this thing together and make it go straight, whether you want it to or not, or if it's supposed to stay that way.
DR MARC LAMANTIA DC (GUEST): Right. So I'm not going in the chiropractic profession, but try to emulate that by putting people in traction machines and forcing them straight over hours and attraction chair. There's an autonomic price to pay when you put somebody in traction, even when you, you know, like the kombali chairs from years ago, you know, what we really should do when, and I use those in my practice, but I would put a heart rate monitor on the patient to see what it was doing to the nervous system. Because there's, you know, just stretching the ligaments and the, and the, and the discs that you look at on the X-ray, but you're stretching blood vessels.
DR MARC LAMANTIA DC (GUEST): You're searching the physiology of the person. Yeah. You're pushing on kidneys if you're pushing in the low side of the low back with one of these roles or something and you leave it there for hours or days or being able to sleep on it. You know, there's, there's risk when you intervene with a patient and in chiropractic week, we don't always look at, you know, we don't follow the scientific method always to, to vet a intervention. We come up with a theory, we try it, we kind of are unregulated in that regard and practice. I mean, I could do whatever I want tomorrow with a patient and try to see if it makes a change or where the patient feels better. But that anecdotal evidence, it's low level evidence, but we tend to sometimes operate off of that. And I think that's what happened with scoliosis and chiropractic is we will like, hey, let's save kids from the rods in their back. So we'll just stretch them in traction and save them the rod and we'll do the same thing as the rod would do or what the heart brace would do. You know, I said earlier, you know, where's the innovation? For me, the stagnation of innovation is, is, is a, you know, it's the, the death card for our profession. Even though historically we was, you know, we would talk, we have to preserve the sacred trust from BJ and we have to, you know, not sully and, and, and defame the profession by doing things that are, you know, watering down the message of the philosophy and so forth. But we also need to innovate and come up with what's next because let's face it, if chiropractic was everything BJ Palmer had told us, it was, it was touted as one, one cause, one cure. We, you know, chiropractic would be living forever or would be living without disease. And this is, you know, when I became a chiropractor, this is what I thought like, wow, all this stuff I'm learning. So this means I'm not going to die of a heart attack. Like the other men in my family is just mean I'm not going to end up with arthritis. I mean, it's, you know, it's chiropractic going to save me from all those things. And then of course, as I aged in the profession and I saw other like my mentors aging and they were having similar afflictions to everybody else on the planet. I then thought to myself, well, it's not a cure all. It's not going to stop you from getting cancer or heart disease or any of those things in and of itself. Now it might be part of a healthy lifestyle. It might be a way to better methylate your DNA, which of course we never thought of that before. But so, so I think chiropractors got, in my opinion, they got sidetracked when it came to scoliosis because they started to treat it as, as manual medicine practitioners and not chiropractors. And I'm not saying that I'm better than anyone and I don't treat it as a chiropractor. I don't treat scoliosis with chiropractic. I recommend that my patients see a chiropractor or if I'm doing the chiropractic side of it, then they can see me as well. But a lot of the stuff I do is non chiropractic. So by no means do I mean that, well, if you don't do chiropractic, you're wrong or if you use chiropractic to treat it, but chiropractic has a specific value to mankind. It restores something in the nervous system or within the physical body that restores the communication systems within that body. It's not meant to be a treatment to straighten spines when really we're talking about an organism where not only the bones are misshapen, but the brain is misshapen. So if you take a scoliosis patient and you force their spine straight and they have a curved brain for lack of better terms, asymmetric growth in the brain, asymmetric communication hubs. And shown in the science, that's what's happening in scoliosis. The manifestation is in the spine. So then we're like, well, chiropractic, we must fix that because we're spine doctors. Worth a penis says, oh, I'm going to fix that because I could put a rod in there. But down to the DNA of that patient, there is a twist that is manifesting not only in the spine, but also in all of the nervous system and also all of the DNA of the patient, even the platelets in scoliosis patients don't work the same because they're misshapen. I don't know how much you know about platelets, but platelets are proteins in the blood that contract to help clotting. They're a contractile protein. Well, they're misshapen in scoliosis. So right there, we have to just stop what we're doing because trying to force a spine straight in a person that has a curved brain, curved bones of their skulls, so they're the little gyroscopes in their ear are not lined up properly. Their blood is abnormal. And then we're coming in and we're just going to force the spine straight like manual medicine doctors. And that works sometimes to stop the curvature of the progression. And never really, when we treat the physical curve, it's rare that we improve function doing that. So again, our approach is always to try to improve function over form and then hope the form follows to stay stable. You could do anything to a spine the straight and like traction somebody for, let's say, six hours and then x-ray them and it'll look straighter. But over time as gravity and movement set in, you lose that benefit. And so then what is the value of making it straight for that short period of time, unless you're going to always do that, always do that, always do that, which is another approach of some clinicians. But better if we could stabilize the DNA, stabilize the nervous system and then allow the patient to live well with the curvature instead of trying to cure it, but because we can't, we can't cure it. We just have to teach patients and give them the tools to live well with it. So that's what I've been trying to do for the past 20 years.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, you know, a lot of these things that you're saying, I hope it challenges the profession that listens to our show a little bit to become innovators within the next chapter of chiropractic. And I really hope that we write a better next chapter when it comes to where this profession is heading and what we have in our hands today, which is a really, it's a powerful profession, in my opinion, that actually cares for people.
DR MARC LAMANTIA DC (GUEST): And we're in a great position. We've given up a lot of our positioning over the years, I think. And it's been filled by other professions. Like I said earlier, the naturopaths, they're booming, they're doing amazing. And yeah, I think one of your questions you want us to prepare for was like, you know, where do you see the profession in the future or something like that? It really just depends on what road we take. Our schools are changing their names from chiropractic schools to physical medicine schools or health sciences schools. So we're definitely losing our identity. We're under attack in the media and by mainstream medicine. And then of course, within our own profession, we've got a dichotomy or a split that weakens us. And yeah, so I think that technology is one of the things that can save us to help vet the effects of what we do. And of course, the world's changing so much, it may go back to a touchy-feely world at some point here because technology may be so dangerous as AI emerges and UAP and NHI and all the things that are happening in the world right now. Who knows? Maybe, you know, low-tech, high touch is going to be what saves us. But for me, in my practice, what's made my business viable and what's made me really passionate about doing what I do is the ability to incorporate all this different technology, whether it's the braces or exercise methods from Germany, like the Schrothe method. That was one of the first chiropractors, maybe the first chiropractor that would be trained in the Schrothe method, which is a German method for managing scoliosis using manual therapy and exercise. But all of these advances and the epigenetic testing, I think, is fantastic. I do a lot of functional nutrition in my practice now as well. So these are advances that all chiropractors could be implemented. If they felt it didn't sully or water down what they're doing as a professional, and for me, they don't. I know some of my colleagues do. Some of my fraternity brothers don't really talk to me from when I was in the chiropractic school because they think that I've strayed from what the Sacred Trust has asked us to do. I don't believe I have. I think I'm innovating for a specific condition as a chiropractor. And I never have never changed what I believe chiropractic is. As an upper cervical doctor, I feel I have a strong sense of what it is that a chiropractor is doing with a patient. And yeah, I'm not against you doing something different. But I just, I think in scoliosis, we've fallen into this trap to try to reproduce what the orthopedists are doing. And using, you know, even like something like the clear method, which I have a lot of respect for the doctors that do this technique in chiropractic. But they've advanced to the point now where they're now using hard braces. Hard bracing is a technology from 1940. So we're just starting to use that now. The clear method was a technique where they use traction and these orthopedic non-braced methods to try to manage the physical curvature. And again, they were successful doing that. They could make your curve look less. But in the name of progress, they added hard bracing to their treatment. And to me, that's going in reverse. That's like not what we want to do. We want to try to get away from treating the physical if there is a way to do that. But at the very least, I think we've got to include all of this other technology to help patients the best we can.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, Dr. Mark, we had quite the… The message there on the house, Goliosus, is on the next chapter of chiropractic and how we can get more people understanding the epigenetic the way that that deals with the individual and not the way people are born into something. When I was working on a clinic all the time, people would like to say, oh, it just runs in the family. And I'd be like, no, it doesn't. The first way to get diabetes is through your eyes. It's because you don't control what you eat. And if you want to reverse type 2 diabetes, stop eating that crap. And start 30 minutes of walking every day, drink half your body weight, and ounces of water every day, sleep, and take care of your mental attitude. And I think a lot of times when we think about chiropractic, a lot of times people want to overthink it. They want to overcomplicate things. There's always a burden of proof. Like you're messed up. You came to here with pain. Now it's my burden of proof to solve that for you. Otherwise, you're not going to believe in chiropractic. I close up by telling people chiropractic is not a belief system. It's a healing art. And if people want a belief system, that's the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. And chiropractic is a healing art that checks, detects, and correct for tubal subluxation. And I don't know anybody that walks around and plan on earth that's better off with subluxations and they're spine. I think that when people are actually like aligned neurologically, as you're saying, they have a better chance at having epigenetic shift and having a quality of life quotient, which all these insurance companies want anyways. They want activities of daily living to improve in order to show that chiropractic actually worked. Well, what actually works is people getting care from somebody that actually does a proper exam on them that actually listens to what's going on with them, acknowledges them for what's going on with them, and then puts their hands on them and adjusts them. That's the quotient of how people start to feel better because we live in this touchless society where people don't have anybody listening to them, acknowledging them, caring for them, and doctors of chiropractic are touch healers. They touch people. They make them actually feel like something's happening. And then the shift is in them. So I really believe that if chiropractors are going to steer the ship from crashing to the rocks, it's going to be about the patient. And it's going to be about the care that's delivered and the people that are trying to land base chiropractic, whether it's inside the profession or outside the profession, they like to get adjusted too, just letting everybody know.
DR MARC LAMANTIA DC (GUEST): Yeah. Listen, the adjustment is amazing. Of course, there's the old saying, you know, the shoemakers, kids have no shoes type of things. So sometimes as a clinician, we don't get as much or as good of care as we should. But every time I get adjusted, I say, man, could you imagine if you never got adjusted, you just lived with that discomfort, that pain or that abnormality. And it's so simple and it is extremely powerful. And that's why I loved upper cervical because, man, this, I don't know if you ever been adjusted knee chest, but that is one of the most powerful feeling adjustments you're ever going to get. And we used to use a thermographic scanner back in the day. And then we'd look to see if there was like nervous system change. And that's really one of the reasons I felt I moved on from upper cervical. I wanted to see more of that nervous system change. I wanted to see brainstem reflexes change. I wanted to see cortical activation change. I wanted to see somatosensory evoked potentials change. So I said, well, let's, yeah, we could use the scanner, but let's correlate to all this other cool stuff that we could measure. Now the DNA, looking at the methylation status, to me, that's the ultimate. I don't think there's anything that's going to tell us more about how we're influencing the longevity of a patient than that. So I'm excited for that. And we're actually trying to raise money. We have a GoFundMe page. I don't know if you would post that, but I sent that to you because we want to do a study that shows that when we intervene, we're going to do a study that shows that when we intervene, we change the methylation status of the patient. This is something that the chiropractic schools should pick up on. Any chiropractic researchers, it's a really easy thing to do. It's using blood analysis technology, which is the standard of assessing someone's metabolic health. And of course, now we're looking directly at that DNA. There's nothing going to be more powerful that we can use as a vetting measure to show that what we're doing is really changing the expression of someone's DNA.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well I will definitely email that out to our email list for you. And if people wanted to support you in that measure or connect with you further about the Scolie Fit method, where can we send them to?
DR MARC LAMANTIA DC (GUEST): You can always go to the website, which is That's scolie with a hyphen sign, You can find me on Google by searching either that or my name. And GoFundMe is under the Scolie-O-Says Care Foundation. So you can go to and look up the Scolie-O-Says Care Foundation. We're a 501c3 nonprofit organization. So we fund that and have for years out of our own pockets. Everything we've done over the years, we've done basically funding in ourselves. The epigenetic study will cost us about $30,000 to do enough patience so there's some power. And ultimately, we want to create a risk progression score for patients. So we can identify when someone is at risk for progression versus when they aren't. Just treating their curve doesn't necessarily mean they're at decreased risk. So we have to figure out what treatments for what patients really reduce their risk. We could do that through that testing. So I'm trying to organize that. I have a Facebook group called Adult Scoliosis Learners. We have a couple of thousand members there. I post a lot of the technology there, a lot of the evidence from the literature which really supports what we're doing treating Scoliosis as a non-orthopedic problem or as a neurologic problem.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well, Dr. Mark, thank you so much for being on the show. Thank you for giving it all. Thank you for leaving no stones unturned.
DR MARC LAMANTIA DC (GUEST): I'm going to outpass you in the competition. I'll tell you that. Yeah. I'm going to know about it. I'm going to outpass you in the future.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. Well, I love the message. I love your consistency. I love the drive. And like BJ Palmer would always say, I love you because you love the things I love. Awesome. So we'll have a set 535 with the Chiro Hustle podcast. Go check it out, sc dear That's your treasure to this one, and we can also use people to support chiropractic with their time and talents. But this one needs your treasure and go to his Facebook group, Adult Scoliosis Learners and support this man, support his mission, support the future of chiropractic. And with that, let's just keep on doing the right things for each other and support in this beautiful profession of chiropractic. And I'm going to close up by telling everyone, like I always do. You guys are just one story way. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys on the next episode. Dr. Mark, have a good night now, okay?
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Thank you. Yep, thanks for being our guest.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, good talking with you. Yep, appreciate it.
Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.
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This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, Align Life, Brain-based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. LET’S HUSTLE !!!
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