
June 30, 2021

Relationship Adjusting from 2 to 200 with Dr Nathan Browne DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 261

-Grew up in the suburbs of Chicago
-decided to become a chiro in 2004 while living in Seattle, quit my job in sales, and went back to school
-Graduated Life University in Atlanta, GA in 2008
-Stayed in Atlanta and started practicing immediately after school finished.
-Have been practicing for the last 13 years in Buckhead with longtime friend Dr. Tim Dembowski, started out as a Spinal Aid Decompression franchise, later transitioned to a Medical Clinic with a holistic approach.
-Main practice for the last 6 years is in Dunwoody, GA
-Share space with long-time friend and mentor Dr. Larry Reuter
-I’ve been using Zone Technique for the last 2.5 years and am all about results
-I work alongside Dr. Pete Goldman for Zone Technique helping to educate and recruit other doctors/healers, help develop programs and act as a professional liaison for the school
-I love chiropractic, I love helping patients, I love educating doctors/healers on how to become better, more efficient, and consistent in practice.
-have a vitamin company, Six Systems Vitamins, that pairs with Zone Technique which is very popular with Zone School students

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