
September 6, 2023

Love What You Do So You Will Never Have To Work with David Serio DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 489

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Dr. David Serio – chiropractic doctor – Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic – December 1999 – Graduated with honors

Chiropractic practice full time, since 2000 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he had one of the highest volume practices in South and Latin America.

Founder of Vida Chiropractic International since 2015 and as of 2020 we have 48 team members in 5 countries and with 18 different cultures.

Author of “33” one of the best-selling chiropractic books.

Mentor available at any time to over 35 chiropractors and entrepreneurs per month, on an individual basis.

NLP Teacher and Practitioner and Life Coach and active member of the most prestigious NLP organization in the world, the International NLP Association.

He is a speaker at international chiropractic conferences and is highly sought after for his chiropractic knowledge and personal growth mentorship.

He is currently working on his next 2 books.

He is married to Gabriela Cvetko and has 1 daughter named Dominique.

His mentors are Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Dr. Joe Donofrio, Roberto Monaco (the world's best communication coach), Thom Gelardi (founder of Sherman College of Chiropractic), Dr. Gonstead with the Gonstead system, Andreas Soderstrom, Dr. Reggie Gold, Dr. Joseph Strauss, Dr. Irene Gold, Dr. Arno Burnier, Dr. Donald Epstien, Dr. Perry Rush (Blair technique).

He is an excellent skier and loves music, photography, food, learning, investing, and personal growth.

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