Learn More About Tonal Chiropractic with Dr Marvin Talsky DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 425

- 1963 graduate DC from Palmer College of Chiropractic
- 1965-present
- continuous 5-day/week practice
- 1995-1998
- -structured & co-founded “Torque Release Technique” (TRT), taught technique portion of first 51 seminars
- 1998-2001
- -designed and taught 19 advanced 2-day TRT seminars/workshops
- 2001
- restructured the teaching as Talsky Tonal Chiropractic
- 2001-2017
- developed and taught 43 evolving 2-day TalskyTonalChiropractic seminars/workshops.
- 2017-present
- added 3rd workshop day to Talsky Tonal Chiropractic seminar/workshops and has continued teaching an average of 6, 3-day seminars/workshops each year.
- Present
- -continues to be available to teach where someone else sets up and hosts
- -continues to offer mentor and coaching services.
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