
September 11, 2023

How to Heal with Chiropractic and BioHacking Strategies with Gabriel Masi – Chiro Hustle Podcast 490

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Gabriel Masi is a mission-driven intra•preneur, CrossFit athlete, and bio-hacker.

Gabriel is currently a territory manager for BTL Industries, representing industry-leading aesthetic and physiotherapy devices. Combining a unique background in business management and applied neuroscience, he seeks to accelerate innovative biotechnology's value creation and awareness within the integrative medicine model.

At the core of Gabriel’s ethos lies a purpose to serve others in the most significant capacity that God grants him. His fuel to impact has been molded by his life experiences of overcoming adversity and transcending the limitations of Western medicine through various healing modalities.

As a student of the mind-body connection, he shares with us an unwavering belief in innovative medical equipment that sits in a class of its own; in what he calls “bio-harmonizing” technology.

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