
November 12, 2023

High Volume to Functional Medicine Summits with Jay Davidson DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 508

Dr. Jay Davidson, D.C., PSc.D, CMO & Co-founder of CellCore Biosciences and Microbe Formulas

Dr. Jay Davidson is known as “The Lyme Guy” for his expertise in natural protocols for Lyme disease. His mission and passion for using foundational medicine to help the chronic illness community heal led him to co-found Microbe Formulas and CellCore Biosciences.

As a two-time #1 international best-selling author, Dr. Davidson is admired for his ability to bridge the gap between the scientific health community and the layperson. He even had his own health radio show for six years in Milwaukee. Dr. Davidson completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse and majored in biology with a biomedical concentration and chemistry minor. He received his Doctor of Chiropractic at the Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Minnesota.

He is a sought-after speaker on a wide range of health topics. He’s been featured on hundreds of docuseries and summits, along with hosting eight of his own that attracted over 360,000 participants. Previously, he supported patients through “Dr. Jay’s At-Home Program,” following the same protocols he used to help his wife overcome a near-death experience with Lyme disease.

Dr. Davidson is a husband and father to a high-energy, beautiful daughter. In his spare time, he loves hiking, longboarding, and snorkeling with his family. A veracious learner, he’s always looking ahead to what’s next and gets bored doing the same things. He believes in being intentionally disruptive by constantly innovating, creating, and leaning into the inner call to change the world.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You've made the Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one Chiropractic podcast.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes and to continue hustling.

This episode is sponsored by TransactCard, AlingLife, Neuroinfinity, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros and the IFCO. Well, let's hustle.

LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 508 of the Chiro Hustle podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Jay Davidson. If you want to hear the story of high volume to functional medicine summits, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle podcast. It's episode 508, 508. You got that right. And today we have Jay Davidson coming out today. Really excited to have this guy talk so much in the game with health and wellness. But as we develop this conversation today, we're going to talk about some marketing, his company, Cell Core Biosciences. This guy has really done a great job of marketing and getting people onto virtual summits. So if you guys stick around with us, we're going to talk about some really cool stuff about how he got to where he is today. But before we get into Dr. Jay's story, which I'm excited to share with everyone today, I'll tell you our big why, why do we do what we do over here at Chiro Hustle? Well, First Amendment is important to us. So freedom of speech, our show protects that. I've never censored anybody. And I think that that's really, that's integrity. I let people speak. And we have to remain, we have to keep those channels of communication open and alive. We also believe in family health freedom. We believe that people should have the choice of how they treat their families and what goes into their family's bodies. And medical freedom is so important too. That's why we do protect B.J. Palmer Sacred Trust. And if you guys don't know what B.J. Palmer Sacred Trust is, go do your favorite search engine and look for B.J. Palmer's last words. You're going to learn so much more about chiropractic than you previously did. We also believe in a subluxation based chiropractic. So we support subluxation based chiropractic. And we believe in in intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. And with that being said, Dr. J, welcome to the show.

DR JAY DAVIDSON DC (GUEST):  Good to be here, James. Pretty incredible. I have a 508 episodes. That's intense. Awesome.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, it comes back to like a standard. And I saw this guy named Joe Borrio at my first mile high chiropractic seminar out in out here in Colorado where I live. And he was on stage and I just heard him like it was like a broken record. He said, tell the story, tell the story, tell the story, tell the story. Like every third thing he said. And from that day, it like tattooed onto my brain. And I'm like, well, I guess we have to start telling the story better. And the rest is history, as they say. So jumping into you, the practitioner, Dr. J Davidson, what is your story? How did you get into chiropractic and just take us down the journey?

DR JAY DAVIDSON DC (GUEST):  I was always interested in sports. Very heavily. And then just would be injured quite a bit, especially with a knee injury. And then I got so bad that between my junior and senior year in high school between baseball seasons, so it's a pretty good baseball player, I had knee surgery. And from that point, I went after the knee surgery right in a knee mobilizer. I chronically dislocate my kneecap is what I suffered with. And so they put me in a knee mobilizer, six, six and a half weeks out of that, took it off and basically saw that my left quad muscle was the same size as my right calf muscle. It was like, oh my gosh, like my muscle literally just disappeared right from immobilizing it for six weeks or six and a half weeks. And then it was sent to a PT to do rehab. And I was like, wow, this is awesome. I want to be a PT. And the PT actually told me, right, physical therapist, like you don't want to be a PT, be like a PA or do something else, but you definitely don't want to be a physical therapist. I'm like, OK, well, something in health. So I went to college UW lacrosse Wisconsin lacrosse and just did their survey. And basically it was chiropractor, massage therapist. I'm like, oh, chiropractor. And my mom said, why don't you come meet mine? And so I went talk to him, got an adjustment, talked about lifestyle things. And I was like, yeah, this is awesome. So that was my decision to go into chiropractic. And then along the way, met my wife before chiropractic school. She was supposed to go to Palmer, Iowa, dropped out the day before to come to Northwestern in Minnesota with me. So that obviously got pretty serious. So we went to school together, which was awesome. And graduated together, opened a practice. And pretty much hit the ground running. You know, did a cash base practice from the get go. Very small amount, you know, Medicare back in Wisconsin, the Milwaukee area. And you know, went from zero to 90 patients in, or what was it? Zero to 300 patients a week in 90 days once we opened. So yeah, went hit the ground running pretty fast. And then was up to about 670 visits a week. Primarily, you know, my wife was a Chiro, but she kind of ran the office, did exams and things. She'd adjust some of the little, little, you know, infants and tics and stuff like that. For the most part, I adjusted, you know, probably 98% of the people in the practice. And I just got tired. I was like, wow, you know, after, so we go to a conference and, you know, so we basically work double shifts on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday fly out. And it was like to take a few days off to go to a conference to then slam like, you know, 200 people in on a Monday. I was so tired. I got to the conference, I just remember just being like exhausted. And actually, I actually got burnt out. There was a time where I wanted to quit and it's like, maybe I should just day trade or like do something else. And then my wife got pregnant. She had our daughter. She's about, she's going to soon to be 11 years old. So I was his almost 11 years ago, had her and bottom fell out, crashed. I mean, she couldn't recover. Her body stopped breast, stopped producing breast milk after about two months. So she obviously stopped breastfeeding. We went to the whole western a price method. And at that time, I knew, I knew Jordan Rubin and he gave me the recipe. What he did, I think for a couple of his kids, adopted kids and things like that. And so we did the goat milk and whipped up, you know, basically milk from then on, you know, homemade milk, till she obviously grew up to be a little older. And, and at that point, we thought it was Lyme disease, because my wife was sick when she was seven years old Lyme disease. It was a coma for about six weeks. And so her health issues started from there. So of course, we thought flare up of Lyme. And one of the tests showed that. But obviously looking back now, I realized it was much more than that, which we can obviously dive into. But my whole existence, you know, from really being structural correction chiropractic, CBP trained and, you know, interest in clear institute and pedabon and, you know, just going to all kinds of seminars on chiropractic and really, you know, doing what I, what I considered structural correction. But it was, it was like I was hitting a wall. And obviously once my wife got really sick and nearly died, it was, it was actually really bad shift to the focus to figure out what, what we need to do to get her well. And obviously going back to BJ Palmer, you mentioned earlier, right, he always talked about thoughts, traumas and toxins, three T's. And I was like, damn, we're missing something, like totally missing something. And obviously fast forward, looking back now, I realized being in the town of Waukesha, near Milwaukee, they have some of the highest radium in the water supply. And radium is a radioactive element that basically when you drink it, it's like essentially drinking hot coals that have been on the fire. And it just absolutely destroys your mitochondria, which is really why I believe lime is rampant in that Midwest area is because of some of the toxins in that. I'd also throw glyphosate in that category too. But basically going down the route and figuring out what works my wife, she seemed to react everything. Right. So my told is, hey, do this. And it was like would cause the opposite reaction. Was a good learning experience. It was very stressful, very challenging, but pretty much put me into functional medicine. So we sold our chiropractic office, did functional medicine, launched some summits, and then just couldn't keep up with the people. So hired some practitioners to help. And then back in 2017, I was at a conference and my brother was with me because he helped do media and things like that. And he looked over at me and my friend, Dr. Todd Watts. And he's like, why don't you guys partner? Why don't you guys come out with some better parasite stuff? And I was like, oh, that's, you know, parasite formulas, antiparasitic type formulas, supplement wise. And I said, oh, that's a good idea. And Todd said, yeah, that's a good idea. And I was like, okay, I guess this is happening. So we started cell core biosciences. And what I thought just being like a hobby, you know, this will be fun, you know, clearing worms out, right? It's always fun when people poop worms out and he send you pictures and things like that, and basically turned into a whole different movement of foundational medicine and really getting deeper into the root cause, mitochondria, drainage, detoxification, parasite cleansing. I mean, all these different environmental toxin, toxicants, poisons that were being surrounded by, but yet on the media, all it's talked about is this, you know, imaginary virus. And it's like, wow, how, how we're just really being misled down the wrong path. And to see the amount of censorship, like you mentioned as well to James, it's just, it's incredible. Yeah, chiropractic is amazing. Saw lives change just for my own path with my wife crashing, you know, went down the detoxification route to get her life back. And now she's the healthiest she's ever been. And that's where cell core biosciences really birth from just bringing solutions that didn't exist, you know, into more of the, what I'd say, functional medicine, or almost probably a good way to say it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I think just listening to the story and the, the, the closer the closing there is a little bit about your wife. And I think, you know, it goes back to, I grew up in Iowa, not much different than from Wisconsin or from Minnesota except for, you know, region. It's the same region. But you probably know this just because of spending time there, like, it's a farming, farming nation, like we were the, the heartland. We're the people. Life is eight. Yes, yes, yes. Monsanto. And, and I think that, you know, back in the day, you know, somebody got injured or they weren't healthy or they couldn't, you know, farm anymore. People would actually sell the farm to save someone's life. And if that was the case, that's why they started health insurance actually was for the farming industry. Because if somebody went down, they would want to make sure that there was insurance for that family to, to carry on. So that's really how the health insurance happened with the farmers. So when I hear the story about your wife and you did everything you could, now she's like super healthy, that people all have that hope, you know, and I think that there's a lot of hope for people out there specifically with chiropractic. But I like how that you've tiered this up now and now you figure out how to like, it's actually bio hacking. You look into somebody, you find out what's going on and then you fill in the gap. So when did you realize that that was the missing link?

DR JAY DAVIDSON DC (GUEST):  Um, well, so my, my daughter was born in 2012, um, July 4th, baby. And two years leading up to that, my wife would not fly on an airplane. So she stopped coming to conferences with me because of the anxiety of just thinking about getting on a flight. And this was somebody that grew up traveling to Florida, you know, for her annual family outing and just never an issue. So it was like, where'd this come from? So we definitely had, um, we have warning signs, but we didn't listen to them. And I really believe that, um, if you're having health symptoms, those are your warning signs. And if you're not figuring it out, those warning signs are just going to keep getting louder and so it got really loud. I mean, there was a time where, you know, I remember, um, actually don't even like talking about this cause I get so emotional, but I remember laying next to my wife when we're in Wisconsin and not wanting to go to bed because I didn't know if she'd be alive when I woke up cause it was so, it was so bad. And to know that there really, there wasn't anyone that we seem to rely on that could understand this, you know, sensitive kind of strange case and what to do. And I knew from my chiropractic training that pharmaceuticals are just masking the symptom. But when you really look at modern functional medicine, what you realize is a lot of it's the same stuff. You're still taking instead of a petroleum based pharmaceutical, you're now switching it to a supplement to now go after a symptom rather than get deeper. And that, that was kind of the big aha with myself and how I would, I would even say biohacking. I obviously understand people's, um, you know, thought process on biohacking, but it's like unless you're getting to the root cause, like you could never stop biohacking. And it's like, I don't believe that you should be forced into doing anything forever. Right. If I'm taking in a adrenal supplement just to have some energy or wake up in the morning and I stop it and now my energy crashes again, it's like, well, you're not getting to the source. And so I'm all about getting right to the cause right to the source. And I really believe at least what I understand in 2023 here right now is it really seems like chemicals are such an overarching cause of people's health issues. I mean, in the EPA environmental protection agency has a registry and they updated it. The most recent one they updated was in February of this year, 2023 with over 86,000 chemicals. Right. So these are synthetic manmade things that are registered to the EPA just in the United States. The thing is, is we share one atmosphere, one globe. So we're all over the, you know, what, what happens around the world. Unfortunately, it's going to affect us in this country, if you're in the United States. And to think like nothing, very few of anything that's ever mentioned is on chemicals, poisons, toxicants. And it's all about these invisible bugs that are supposed to kill us, even though that we're made up of them. I'm like, it just, it drives me, it drives me bonkers. So I really believe if we can understand the true human physiology, because a lot of what we're taught, I believe is not necessarily accurate. And I wouldn't say I know everything because I don't think anybody does, but I definitely know there's certain things that have been proven wrong. 30 years ago, yet we still run with it, the sodium potassium pump that Gilbert Ling showed, like it can't function that way. And yet we still have that in biology books. So my passion is let's get to the truth and let's figure out what's not accurate, throw that out. And that hopefully will allow us to look at what maybe is true biology of the human being. And I know chiropractic plays a massive role. I mean, I remember early on in my practice, a guy, so I had a radio show and I did every week, one of the top three radio stations in Milwaukee area, I'd highly recommend like have a show, right? Have a podcast, have a radio show, like get outreach. Because if you've got something to offer the world, how dare you not tell the world of that? And obviously I think radio, podcast, videos, social media now, I mean, depending on the censorship side, it's just a great way to outreach. And so I had a guy come in, he was actually neighbors of the guy that worked at the radio station I recorded with every week. His name was Bob and he came in and he talks so loud because he was basically 85% deaf and in ear. After the third adjustment, he could hear and he stopped yelling and I was like, oh my God, this is like the BJ Palmer story, right? Or you can actually hear. But what I noticed is I wasn't getting that consistently, which obviously is stressful as a practitioner. Often times you take on like, oh, I need to help this person heal when really, right? We're the conduit. We're not the people that are doing the healing. So obviously we let our egos get in the way. And I remember a patient walking in basically with one of those push carts, you know, MS and took a picture of her neck reverse cervical curve, right? Saw in the literature the reverse cervical curve causes demyelination and neuronal sheath, right? Which is another way to say basically MS. And there's other things in the literature. Lyme disease has been linked. Mercury toxicity has been linked with demyelination of the neural she so it's not an only thing. But I remember literally restoring her cervical curve and seeing that from a symptomatology standpoint and a moveability standpoint wasn't getting any better. And this was a patient I had for a couple of years and I was like, damn, what am I missing? Like what else is there? And now I've said, I look back and I realize that there's so many pieces to health and I truly believe the best and people can disagree with me, which I'm totally cool with. But I truly believe the best practitioner is the one that can put the pieces together for each individual patient or each individual client. And some of them amazing structural damage, fix the structural life changes. But it's like the person that's drinking tap water where there's 130 chemicals inside their tap water because everybody's tap water is a little different depending on the city. They filter it, but they're still getting five chemicals in the water because the filter doesn't get rid of them all. And it's like to keep doing whatever you do in your practice and not address, define the source that they're literally drinking poison every day and that they need, you know, a different type of filtration or distillation type unit. It's like, I think that's why we're here as practitioners is to help guide those that are lost. And that's why they call it practice because we don't know everything. What I understand and comprehend today is way different than what I comprehended 10 years ago, you know, when my wife nearly died.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You've made the Chiro hustle, sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast.

This episode is sponsored by TransactCard, AlingLife, Neuroinfinity, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros and the IFCO. Well, let's hustle.

Well, I think it's really, it's important for people to understand what you said earlier, that chiropractic addresses thoughts, traumas and toxins, physical, chemical, emotional. And I do, you know, our pre chat, I was like, dude, I just think that people just have so much like going on with their bodies that chiropractic does a great job structurally and neurologically, but people are just on toxic overload. And I was like, if you lined up 20 people and you're said, Hey, do those people work out? You wouldn't even know. But I think it's because they're feeding themselves sick. And like you just said, they're drinking water, which is making them sick. So the things that we're telling them to do go home and drink half your body weight nounces every day. Well, what type of sludge are they ingesting? But what if they tested that source and they like knew what was actually in that they'd run people, people would run, they would dehydrate and die. So I guess my question for you is like, what are your solutions to people that want to clear up their water? Like do you have like ideas that that people could take action with?

DR JAY DAVIDSON DC (GUEST):  Yeah. And again, a lot of my thoughts are probably disruptive, which I'm fine. Right. And if you're on the right show. Yeah, if you're if you're listening though, and I say something and you're like, Oh, that's way wrong. It's like just check that energy, right? Because it actually might be a door you haven't opened up yet. You know what I mean? So water distillation, I got we moved to Puerto Rico about five years ago. And within a couple months, my wife's ears clogged up and it sounded like she was underwater. We thought it was an ear infection, all kinds of natural stuff, all kinds of herbs, all that. Nothing is helping. One of my best friends there was an emergency medical room doctor. And he's like, Oh, you need this such and such prescription because it's, you know, it's middle ear blah, blah, blah. I'm like, okay. And it just cringe because like, Oh, I just I just dislike the medical system. And she took it didn't change. Same. It's like, okay, lots of natural stuff, pharmaceutical option. Nothing's changing it. What's going on? And my friend, Dr. Todd Watts that we, you know, made a cell core with was testing my wife. And he's like, I'm testing toxins. And it's something in her water supply. He's resonating, resonating, which we teach at seminars to. It's like a form of muscle testing, essentially. And I'm like, yeah, yeah, we use Berkey with the white filters, you know, on we go eight months later, I'm back in Boise, we're visiting his tests. And I'm like, can you check her ears? Still, you know, I still haven't figured out. He's like, Oh, it's toxin. And I think it's, she's drinking it. And then he's paused. He's like, didn't I tell you this already? And I'm like, yeah, you did. And I got, I just, I literally got pissed, pissed off. And I'm like, fine, I'm getting a water distillator. Cause our scientists at the time said there's no perfect water filtration system. But what seems to remove the most amount of chemicals is water distillation, which is really natural when the, when water evaporates from a lake or an ocean condensates into a cloud, precipitates back down. And that's literally how a distillation unit works. You're actually changing the phase of the water, which then it leaves the chemicals behind. So the only chemicals that comes up are what's called VOCs or volatile organic compounds. And then if you, if it just like goes through a carbon filter after, it gets all those. And it's like, okay, so switch that within the first week of our family drinking distilled water, right? That we make ourselves, cause if you buy it in the store, I mean, it's in plastic jugs. I think it's a temporary solution, but I don't think it's a long term one. Cause you're going to get the stuff that reaches from the, from the plastic within the first week, my daughters tell me, it's disappeared. I was like, Oh my God, I totally thought this was an emotional thing. And you're telling me and drinking poisons within a month, my wife's ears started crackling and started, she started sounding like less like she was underwater. It's like, Oh my gosh, we're literally been drinking poison this whole time. And all I was told by real estate people is, Oh, Puerto Rico's water is the best. It comes from the rainforest and it's like, then you start learning that 13 landfills are in Puerto Rico, only two of them are properly lined. And really, cause I lived in Puerto Rico about five years. There's really no rules. So whatever they spray, whatever they dump, like it gets into the water supply. And obviously we were drinking it. And I just noticed a huge shift. So I'm a huge fan of water distillation. The other source too, obviously food gets mentioned a lot, right? Eat organic and things like that gets thrown out there, which I do agree. Know where your food comes from, try to eat as clean as possible, less processed, the better. A lot of people have different opinions on diet. I do as well too, but the cleaner, the better, the less toxins you input, the better. But the other thing to look at is we're getting sprayed. We're living in sprayed like bugs with what's called stratospheric aerosol injections, geoengineering basically. You'll see there's 600 studies and different things about the stuff and why they want to do it and all that. But I'm just going to, I'm going to present on this in about a month at our conference for practitioners and show, but basically the state of Spain in Europe posted in their newsletter in April 17th of 2020 that they are adding that they got authorized by the Ministry of Health to add biosides to the stratospheric aerosol injections that they already do regularly in their, this is a state newsletter bulletin. And basically what a biocide is, it's a pesticide or an herbicide. And I was like, man, they're literally not only spraying different types of metals in the air, the barium, strontium, aluminum, but they're also spraying poisons on us. It's like we're breathing it in, we're drinking it and we're eating it. And I really believe that if we can get to the core and obviously if they stop doing that, that's ultimate goal. But if we get to the core of detoxification and minimizing exposure, I really believe our health is going to absolutely change. Adjustments are going to hold so much longer. People are going to feel better. People are going to function better. That's just what I've noticed in the last few years with this whole, you know, pandemic that's happened.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I think it's really sobering for anybody that listens to what we're talking about today. And I'm really, I actually lucky to have you on our show because I've never really had this type of conversation about, you know, what's going on with the health and how macro is it and where are the sources? And I think that, you know, talking about chiropractic, we understand that when somebody gets adjusted, their body just has a better chance of performing better neurologically, functionally, and the insurance world activities of daily living, you know, we improve people's life and give life to the years and years to their life. We could say all the fun things that we say about chiropractic. But I think when you remove interference from anything, whether it's your daughter and her tummy ache or your wife and her ears, when you're moving interference, you know, you know, the perception of reality is clear. And I think that when you understand like where the stimulus is coming from, where the stress is coming from, you remove that. Now the person goes back to like actually enjoying their life and the people around them have a better quality life too. And that's really like the major premise of chiropractic, like when somebody starts care, they're like, you know, you ask them after like five or seven visit, like, how's your life now? What was your life like before? You know, and you get these like, you know, these responses from people are like, yeah, you know, the cliche one, yeah, I can play with my kids again. You know, I can lift up my grandchildren, you know, those types of things. But when you like take somebody's toxic level away from them or their parasite and you help like cleanse their organs, like a lot of times I tell people that your body's like a sponge or like an air filter. And if you don't ever ring that sponge out or clean that sponge out, it's going to like eventually smell bad. And it's it's it's not going to perform the right way. So if you just look, looked at your air filter and you never change your air filter on your car and like all of a sudden your performance is like dropping on your car and you're like, well, change the oil, got new fluids in it, you know, put gas in it. But if the filters damaged, you know, even something as small as a gallbladder, even something as small as like the veins, even something as small as like the arteries. If somebody's system is gunked up and clogged, how do you expect them to have performance? And I think that what you're doing is really integral for people to actually clean up their filters if you will or ring out the sponge and, you know, give themselves a chance to breathe again. And I think that the body needs to have a chance to oscillate and breathe and function. And I do think, you know, as I was saying earlier, when we were having our pre chat, people come in with like deeper cases. They come in not just like a physical trauma or not just like poor posture. They come in and their filters are are full of garbage, man. Like how would you expect somebody to have good thoughts when they don't feel good or not performing good? And it's it's a downward like tier, you know, we need to ascend people. We need to get them healthier. We need to focus on those things. We need to discuss those things openly. And I think that that's the real platform of what we've done here in Chiro hustle. There's so many things I'd like to get to with you today. I didn't even like really touch my normal question set. But I am curious, like, I think this would add a lot of value to our listeners to towards the end. Summits, you know, I think it's a big part of your, your position right now in the world and how you've gotten to where you are from being the practice owner, adjusting six 70 a week to the point where you created a protocol to help people with their microbiomes. And now you're actually teaching that and holding some it's and teaching people in person too. So if a chiropractor was just like, how do I get outside my four walls of my office and impact more people, what would your suggestion be to them?

DR JAY DAVIDSON DC (GUEST):  Well, think about where you're where you're unique. And what when you're having a conversation with somebody, what interests them and go deeper in that category. A lot of times our own story becomes our specialty, right? Our mess becomes our message. So things that I went through in my own life are going to be unique to your, your life. And obviously my own interests and what I spend time researching are going to be probably unique to me and not necessarily to you. So find what resonates with you. Because we all have these purpose driven systems inside of us. And if we're not on the purpose driven system, then we feel anxiety. We feel frustration. We feel anger. We don't feel well. And that's just telling you to get back on the right path, right, your higher self God, what, you know, whatever words that you want to use in your belief system is just being there to coach you. And I mentioned earlier, you know, wanting to quit chiropractic, just not being happy. A lot of that came from the belief that unless I was seeing a thousand people a week, I was not successful. So I was using somebody else's definition of success for my own, which is where frustration anger, you know, not being filled came from. So you have to define your own version of what successes to you. And you can take other people's stuff. It feels good for you, but make sure it's yours. And it's not something that comes from some unconscious belief of something a parent drilled in or a teacher or something like that, especially, especially chiropractic school, et cetera, right in the power that it has. So I started Summits in 2016. I started, I woke up one morning. I was actually teaching in a seminar. I woke up one morning in the hotel, it was 4 a.m. Dead sleep, sat up. I was like chronic Lyme disease summit. I'm like, where the heck did that come from? And I decided at that moment, I'm going to take action. So I reached out to a company at the time. It was a health talks online and reached out and I said, I want to do a Lyme summit. They're like, you know, why do you think you'd be a good summit? Oh, some talk to them and like, yeah, okay, let's do it. So I set it up, did it? Had 32,500 people participate right online. It was the very first one and it was off to the races. And so that was an online event. I stopped doing those back in probably 20, maybe 2019. So I haven't done those for a few years. I pretty much went off the map publicly, just behind the scenes with Cell Core and our own teachings, if you will. So we run a practitioner conference called Eco, Exponential Clinical Outcomes. It's an annual conference that we do. So that's different than the summit world. If somebody's in the car, car office, it's like, what message do you have that's unique? What resonates and what do you need to dive deeper into to find more solutions? You're like, you know what, my wife still got this thyroid thing. It's like, well, then figure it out, right? And I would say one of the best starting places is a chemical, a toxin and how to detoxify. So if you just figure out what resonates with you, what you have to offer the world and let the, I don't want to say let the world guide you, but it'll, it'll, it'll let you know like as doors open up, that's probably the way you're supposed to go. If you're like, keep hitting a wall, you're like, this isn't working. This isn't working. It's like, then maybe that's not the route route for you and take action, right? You can do online webinars. You can do online summits. You don't have to go, you know, you know, try to bust through the wall in the very first one. But one of the things that is, if you are a host, just like you are James, obviously the host of this podcast for so many episodes, being, being a host means that you perfect your skills, that you don't necessarily always have to agree with somebody that you're interviewing, but your job is to extract the information that they've had. So the last five or 10 years, right? If I haven't followed James, if I was the host interviewing him, I'd want to know like, hey, James, if, if somebody doesn't know what you do, your specialty or what you went through, like what are the impactful things that you've discovered in the last five or 10 years that you can catch the world up on in the next 10 minutes, right? So it's about building your, honing your skills. And if you're going to do video, there's an art form to it. If you're going to communicate, there's an art form to it. If you're going to, you know, treat a patient or see a client, there's an art form to it and realize what you're really good at and what you need to get better at. And that's, that's where I would start. So again, it's what's unique and what does the world need?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So say somebody finds out and they're actually like saying, all right, I'm going to charge in, I'm going to start doing what Dr. J and James just said, what if they do it and they feel discouraged because nobody's showing up. No one's listening and it feels like they're just talking to the screen.

DR JAY DAVIDSON DC (GUEST):  You got to start somewhere and maybe you're not, maybe you started, but you're not actually ready and you have to get better at what you do to get an audience. The best way to practice is to do it as if you're doing it, right? When I started, when I started my very first radio show back in 2009 on a tiny AM Christian radio station, I wasn't that great at it. Then six or eight months later, an opportunity arose on, you know, one of the top three radio stations in Milwaukee and I took it and I was on there for about five years. And I even jumped on even bigger radio station for a live show every Saturday, which was not the most convenient favorite thing my wife says that I chose to do for family, but one o'clock every Saturday, I did a live Q&A for an hour on health and we took live calls, right? But where I started to where I quote unquote finished in my radio career was just practice, right? We want to wait until, oh, I want to wait until I've perfected it. It's like, first of all, why is perfection your goal? Once you quote unquote hit perfection, where's what's the only direction you can move from there? Down. And then perfection, even a goal to attain. But if you did want to get perfect, perfect, you get that by taking action and practicing and acting as if, which means do the talk, do the interview, do the event. And yeah, some of them might bomb. That's fine. That's feedback. Maybe it's maybe you got to work on something. Maybe you need to work on your chosen media. Maybe it's the people you're interviewing, right? If I'm a host, I'm looking at people that first of all can bring amazing content. I'm also looking at people who can help spread the message. And some people that some of the all because I've done quite a few interviews, some at wise, you know, and a couple of hundreds and podcasts and all this stuff. What I realized is some of the most famous people were some of what I would in this just my personal opinion, some of the least intelligent people. And I was like, oh my gosh, right? Like I would have thought to be as popular as, you know, this person is like, you must be the smartest. It's like, that's not the case. It's literally oftentimes action and just being a good marketer. So if you stink at marketing, like get good at marketing because the only way that you can change the world and change somebody's life is to let them know that this exists. And if you have something good to tell or have something good to help somebody with, how dare you not share that message?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It brings me back to this little one liner or two liner. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. And showing up's nine tons of it. And I think that that's a big encouraging thing if people make it this far to the episode and they just heard what you said previous and what I just closed with. They would probably go start something that mattered. Actually, I read that book when I probably like 15 years ago as the guy that started Tom shoes is called start something that matters guy named Blake Mikoski. It changed my trajectory. I'm being a creator. I just wanted to start something that mattered continuously. And I think that that's why we got to where we are today. And I can see that that's why you've gotten to where you are today also. So that's why thank you so much for being our guest today on the Chiro hustle podcast episode five hundred and eight. If people want to learn more about you or work with you or come to your event, where do we send them to?

DR JAY DAVIDSON DC (GUEST):  Yes. So I don't really work with clients or patients. I just do research and education for practitioners of cell core. So just cell C E L L C O R E dot com is the best place for your practitioner. You can get a free account. We have a plethora of education behind the scenes, you know, a login that you can access to for free. So that's where that's where I would start and just focus on what's impactful. Too many people are busy all the time rather than picking what's impactful. If you just focus on impactful things, then when you look back in a year or five years, 10 years, your, your life's going to be different and you're going to have impacted more people's lives because of it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, Dr. J, that's a close man. I appreciate you being our guest. And I'll just tell everyone like I always do. You're just one story away. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys on the next episode. Appreciate you. Bye for now, Jay. See you.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.


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