
January 21, 2024

Focus on What Chiropractic IS not what it ISNT with Dr Philip Dieter DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 528

I have made it my life‘s work to elevate the chiropractic profession to its rightful position of prominence. I often wake in the middle of the night or get a thot flash about how to make a substantive change in how chiropractic is perceived.

I have two clinics in the Bay Area, and I have been an adjunct professor at LIFE West Chiropractic College for the last ten years. I’m the government affairs category expert for the California Chiropractic Association Board.

I developed the Blue Chip Chiropractic Network to bridge the gap between students not being ready to go into business and wanting a well-paid associate position. I connect them with the highest-performing clinics in the country. These clinics only want the best of the best, or the “Blue Chip prospects”.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You've made the Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one Chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes and continue hustling. This episode is sponsored by Transact Card, Align Life, NeuroInfinity, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros and the IFCO. Let’s Hustle !!!

LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 528 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity to interview Dr. Phil Dieter. If you want to hear a story about how focusing on everything that Chiropractic is, not everything that Chiropractic isn't, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today, I'm Phil Dieter on with me out of California. I've gotten to know this guy pretty well over the past couple months and looking to see what we can do to continuously support this beautiful profession of Chiropractic. This episode, we're going to talk about politics, animal chiropractic, and a lot of deep dive on issues that should matter to all of you. And it's a chiropractic conversation that we're going to have today. Dr. Phil is episode 528 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. And before we get into this powerful episode, I'm going to let everybody know our big why. Why do we do what we do over here at Chiro Hustle? Well, first things first is freedom of speech. I believe that that's so important to us as a nation, but as a world. If we lose that, then we lose everything. And after that, medical freedom and family health freedom, those things are like near and dear to my heart because I think that everybody should have a choice as to how they raise their families. And if they're a family one, how they raise themselves. And then as we go down the line, there are some more philosophical depths of why we do what we do. And that is protecting the sacred trust. That's B.J. First words, if you don't know what that means, I just ask you to go to your favorite search engine. Stop this episode right now and just go and find out what B.J. Palmer's last words were, find out what B.J. Palmer's sacred trust was, and you're going to learn so much more about chiropractic than you ever knew before. Even if you're a chiropractor, go do it. After that, we do support subluxation based chiropractic. We believe in inate intelligence and universal intelligence. Yes, over here at Chiro Hustle, we still believe in men and women. And we believe that when man or woman, the physical is adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. And with that being said, Dr. Phil, welcome.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  Thank you so much for having me. I love the idea of the sacred trust that you talk about. And it's something I hold near and dear to my heart because I feel like I have been given this opportunity to live this life that I have because I've been exposed to chiropractors that have done just that, in terms of guarding that sacred trust. And I want to do right by them. I mean, quite honestly, that's why I do everything I do because I'm so grateful to them.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, every time I met you, you've always seen like somebody that wanted to be a team player and you wanted to see your team win. And you would do anything that it took early mornings, late nights, weekend trips, whatever it would take to protect the sacred trust. And I think that that really resonated with me. And you could see me from the outside looking in. Well, wow, that guy's doing all this stuff to support this chiropractic profession. I want to join forces with him. I want to help him. And I thank you for supporting us too, man.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  Oh, absolutely. You know, I got a great compliment when I was a young kid about doing the work in the trenches or being a guy who would do the work in the trenches. And it's still something that resonates with me. And I'm grateful for and I'm proud of myself about being willing to do the work in the trenches.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, so let's talk about that. I love the stories that I get on the show from chiropractors and how they got into becoming a chiropractor. So I know you're a second generation chiropractor because we had a brief chat before this interview, but tell me how you got into chiropractic and that story.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  Well, you know, like I said, I didn't really go into chiropractic right away after I graduated from school. I thought I was going to be a lawyer to be honest with you, but you know, I've been around chiropractic my whole life. I really don't know a life outside of being in chiropractic to be honest with you. I've had the opportunity to, you know, sit in a room with Dr. Sid and Dr. Nell. And I got this vivid memory of being like in this hotel suite, sitting on Dr. Nell's knee and she's like, call me her boyfriend, you know, and I was only like three or four years old. And I was like, I'd hold their hand down the, at the, hold their hand down the seminar floor at like the meetings and things of that nature. And so I feel like, you know, to that, to some extent, prepare me to get into chiropractic and, you know, sometimes I have regret about not having gone into chiropractic right when I was 20 or 21 years old. But then I step back and I think myself, maybe I wouldn't have appreciated as much. You know, I've seen people who got into chiropractic or chiropractic kids like myself who got into chiropractic when they were real young, right out of college. And there's not, they're not practicing at this point. And so I don't see myself not practicing in the future. And so maybe that was just a path that I had to go through. But I got to the point where I was, you know, 25, 26 years old and I had had a career. I was making a living. And I kind of stepped back and asked myself, is this really what I wanted to do? And the answer was no. And I had started to think about like, what is it that I really wanted to do? And I'd always thought about being a chiropractor. I've worked in a car, you know, I was working with my dad's practice answering phones and stuff like that, making appointments when I was 12 and 13 years old. And so I just said, if I was ever going to go to chiropractic school, I better do it. You know, I'm getting to the point where I'm 26. I thought I was getting old at that point. So I said, okay, I'm going to do this. I had a great conversation with Jerry Klum, who I'm always grateful for, you know, in terms of propelling me forward in this regard. That I can remember that conversation in his office like it was yesterday. You know, I'd been out on a sales call. I was selling semiconductor equipment. This is right, right around the turn of the century. Everybody was making money in the semiconductor business at that point. Seemed like you couldn't miss. It just really wasn't fulfilling me, my mission, my purpose, what I considered, you know, my destiny, so to speak, went on a sales call right next to the college, which my dad had been, you know, the chairman of the board for 30 years. So I was real familiar with the college, had known Jerry for a long time, sat down with him just because I wanted to see what was happening with the college. And he was always so gracious with this time. He still is gracious with this time. And he welcomed me into his office. I didn't have an appointment, anything like that, sat me down. And you know, I just started telling him about how I was looking for something different in my life. And he said, well, you know, you could always come here and be a recruiter at the college. And I said, oh, that kind of intrigued me, you know, maybe build upon my sales background. And I said, okay, well, what's the salary like for being a recruiter at the college? And I won't tell you what the salary was. But it wasn't quite what I was making in the semiconductor business. And so I said, well, okay, what if I take tuition and lieu of compensation? And that's what I asked him. And he's like, well, if you think you want to go to chiropractic school, you better figure out if you know, this is something you're really committed to because I don't believe you're going to be able to do both things at once, you know? And I said, oh, okay, well, I took a step back and I started thinking about it. And I was like, I do really want to go to chiropractic college. And I figured, well, he won't give me the job now, but maybe I could prove him wrong. And I could actually do the recruiting job and I could go to school simultaneously. So that's really what I set out to do. And in the end, he was right that I couldn't really do both. And I got another story about how I sort of like just hit the gas in physiology class one day and decided to ultimately just put all my time effort and energy into learning about the human body, learning about innate intelligence and just embracing innate intelligence, I guess, more so than anything. But that's how we got here.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Love it. Love it. And you know, the second part of that question I like to ask is what makes you unique in this space and I think that we're going to talk about take a deep dive on politics. Sure. Chiropractic politics at that matter. So the mic's yours.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  Well, like you said, you know, I feel so indebted to the people that have got me to this point and I want to do right by them. That's the kind of guy that I am. And so I think that's how I've gotten into some of these chiropractic things, things is because ultimately I do have that sense of indebtedness to them. The ability to have this mindset, this chiropractic mindset is so unique. Ian Rassle once told me, you know, that I was the unicorn in the room because I've never lived that life without chiropractic. You know, and so in that sense, I have this deep sense of gratitude for having this mindset, having exposure to these concepts of innate intelligence of how the human body works and just all of the things that chiropractic embraces. And so I think that's really what's gotten me into this chiropractic politics thing. And every, you know, I sat in a classroom in Jim Severs class, I was like ethics or chiropractic philosophy three or something like that. And he had us do this exercise kind of like a mission vision, that kind of exercise that we went into. And I wrote down in that class, you know, this is almost 17 years ago now that, you know, I'm really dedicated to elevating the chiropractic profession to its rightful position of prominence. And that's something that I've let lead me and lead my life even to this day in practice. And so getting into the chiropractic politics space seemed like a natural progression of that because I'm all about creating chiropractic respect. Or I think it even goes back to my time like as a little kid on the playground, you know, and people trying to tell me that my dad wasn't a real doctor or that somehow people think we're inferiorly educated as chiropractors. And I'm just not going to accept that. I'm not going to accept that for myself. I'm not going to accept that for my colleagues. And so certainly that's not something, you know, that's what kids me fired up or that's what really gets me pissed off. And, you know, when I'm looking at somebody and they try to tell me what chiropract is good for, I'm like, you're not going to tell me what chiropract is good for. I'll tell you what chiropract is good for. And I think that's the important thing is either we're going to dictate the narrative of chiropractic or it's going to get dictated to us. And so I'm not about to stand by and let that happen. And I'm looking for other people who won't stand by and let that happen. I think that's why, you know, I've gravitated towards you and you we've resonated and our relationship has continued to build is because I don't get that sense from you either that you're going to sit back and let somebody else tell you what you're good for kind of thing, even those little kids on the playground, you know, that I used to get in dustups with or whatever you want to call them back in those days.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I think, you know, based on what you're sharing there, that even if people don't support it, they have to.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  You know, at least with some level of involvement, I know not everybody wants to be me, you know, I am, I like the chiropractic politics space. I like going to these events and building relationships with politicians and I'm good at it, quite frankly. And so I understand not everybody wants to be involved in politics in that manner, but there's got to be people that support those initiatives. There's got to be people who sign up as members who donate to political action committees who get, you know, just involved in committees and putting on events and doing things like you do and the things that you promote because otherwise there's no means for me to do that. I need that kind of firepower so that when I go into that room, I can tell me, look, we're going to either raise you money or we're going to get you votes or we're going to do whatever it takes to help promote, you know, your what's important to you because I know you also support what's important to me. And that's how it works. Even in practice, you know, that's when you're working with a patient and you know, you have that moment in a consultation or an interview or whatever you want to call it where you just try to identify what's important for them. And as soon as you can identify what's important for a patient and you can connect what you do as a chiropractor and through chiropractic and how that will help them ultimately achieve what's important for them. Now we have a mutually beneficial relationship. Now there's value for both people, right? And so it's the same thing that goes into that chiropractic politics space. And that's really what I'm trying to achieve when I go into those, into those worlds.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So you mentioned to me during our pre interview chat about this AB 765. Talk about that a little bit and then let's get to the point where we're discussing Medi-Cal and animal chiropractic.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  Absolutely. The AB 765 was something that just recently came up and you know, we don't always get a lot of wins in chiropractic politics. Everybody's looking for legislation to pass or like some big windfall type thing. I think it's important to remember these small little things that we're trying to defend against or these ways in which just there's trying to be inch by inch just progress against this kind of thing. And so the American Medical Association basically put out some documents that said every state should try to create legislation that basically limits the use of the term doctor regarding specialties and just the use of the term even more so than it's restricted now and that type of thing. In California, they tried to pass AB 765 and through a coalition of groups we were able to lobby against that and that bill has actually been defeated at this point. So it's hard to say if it will come back but you know, that's the kind of thing to me that smells eerily of like the containment eliminate 1981 Wilkes concepts that were being put out regarding antitrust things, you know, 30 years ago or even 40 years ago now. And so I think if we don't pay attention to those kind of things, they're going to continue to be put out there and there's going to be people that try to just move forward. It's always a game of chess or just gaining ground, right? And that's what politics is is if I can gain a little ground here, then my opponent loses the ground a little ground here. And so that's where it's important to understand that there's things going on behind the scenes that if you're not paying attention to, they're going to creep up on you. There's already places where people have lost the rights to do X-ray or see kids. And I know you've been involved in some of those things. So, you know, just sitting back and waiting for somebody else to do it to me just seems like I just questioned, you know, why don't people feel like having a political presence is necessary or do people feel like they're it's important to have a political presence? I know you do. And I know I do certainly. And so that's somewhere I feel like if we don't have that political presence, we're going to lose ground.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, one of my all time favorite quotes is by a guy named Bob Marley. Most people are familiar with Bob Marley, one love. And he had a quote that I absolutely fell in love with, which was, why would I take a day off because of bad guys don't? That's right. And, you know, that's the thing about politics and chiropractic. Why would we take a day off because the bad guys don't? The people that are writing these other things, trying to pass them through legislation, they're not taking days off. They're actually doubling down. They're tripling down. They're hiring more. They're deploying more efforts. So if chiropractors don't hold their line and like you said, the game of chess, actually look at chiropractic as the last piece on the chess board before medical tyranny takes over the world. Like chiropractors are the only people saying that we don't need more drugs. We don't need more surgery. We need the body to be able to heal itself. We need to remove the interference. It doesn't need another pill, potion or lotion. We don't need to cut it out, drug it out, burn it out. We need to correct the vertebral subluxation, let the bodies innate heal and let the body be the self-healing organism that it is. Let's not put nothing else into it. Let's just remove the interference. If it wasn't for that standardization of philosophy and that holding the line within the ethics of chiropractic, then we would be in a full blown. You have to do this this way and there's no one else holding that position anywhere. Absolutely.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  I've been in scenarios with high-level legislators and they asked me, what's with you chiropractors? I've been able to give a coherent response that was educated and well thought out and it put the whole room in silence. I was in a Giants game, in a luxury box, in a Giants game when this came up and I got put so on the spot. It took me off guard but I took a moment and I gathered myself and I just said, look, here's what we're about from a chiropractic perspective. I just went back to the philosophy almost like you're talking about because that was my grounded, that was the place that I was grounded in and that gave me the strength to answer the question to some extent. I will never forget that moment because I answered the question well and there's another chiropractor with me in that scenario because man, you handled that good and I was like, well, I hope so. I was on the spot but I just did the best I could.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  When chiropractic has deep roots of philosophy, it doesn't matter what storm comes at it, it will not blow over. That's why you were able to stand as strong as you did in that conviction because when you have deep roots, it doesn't matter if it's a level five hurricane, the tree doesn't get uprooted and chiropractors or organic matter. If you guys have deep root of philosophy, it doesn't matter what the medical mafia does or what the big box medical stores do. It doesn't matter. Chiropractic's conviction is so deep with the philosophy, you cannot blow it over, you can't knock it over. It will be chiropractic philosophy's timeless.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  I think that's ultimately what motivates me to do what I do is because I don't need breaks when I'm on fire like that. I don't look at this as something that I just, B.G.O. has said early to bed, early to rise. I think about the stories where he was going to see patients and then he'd go teach a class and then he'd go promote chiropractic on his radio show and that kind of thing. I'm like, well, if he could do that, why can't we do that? That's what it took to get us here. That's the level of commitment and enthusiasm and just fight to get to this point. Unfortunately, we've lost a little bit of that at this point, but I'm not going to lose it. I'm looking for other people who don't want to lose it and want to double down like that because that's how I do things.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I love it. I love it. Let's topically switch over to the next thing and that's Medi-Cal. I know that's something you wanted to touch on. Like you said, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to accept Medi-Cal as a practitioner but we have to have the position to be able to say yes or no to it, right?

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  Absolutely because in the political space, that's the important thing. I know there's not going to be a lot of chiropractors that want to take Medi-Cal. I know they're concerned about the reimbursement, all the other things. But for me, it's a matter of respect. If we don't establish chiropractors as category of providers in these spaces, they're going to continue to think that we're inferiorly educated and that we don't know what we're talking about and we don't deserve a seat at the table kind of thing. That's one of the things that frustrates me so much. You have to walk that line and you were talking about the line in our pre-interview type of thing console but you have to walk that line between understanding the innate potential of the body, understanding the concept of the subluxation, the philosophy of chiropractic like you were talking about and then working within those worlds. Maybe that's where I'm unique is because I've been exposed to those things from a young age and so those are just part of me. Those are things that I need to look for inside of myself at this point. I'm always trying to be humble. I'm always trying to work on self-discovery. But with regards to Medi-Cal, chiropractic hasn't been in the Medi-Cal space now since 2008, roughly. At this point, it's high time. We've been able to secure sponsorship from the Speaker of the House, the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker of the Senate. We made it all the way to the Governor's desk last year but he removed it from the budget because he didn't want to sign any recurring benefits into play. That's frustrating from a political perspective but it also reminded me, don't quit. We doubled down on it again and we're going back at it. This time, I want to continue to rally people even that are part of this podcast. If you can just do the minimum of writing a letter to the Governor telling them that you think chiropractors should be part of the Medi-Cal environment, that would be the minimum most helpful thing you could do. Maybe you can't be a member at this point. Maybe you can't afford to be a PAC contributor. I understand that everybody is at a different place in their practice. I always think about what can you do? What can you offer? That would be almost the minimum thing that you could do. If that's something that somebody is willing to do, just reach out to me. Message me on Facebook. I'll get you set up. You don't have to pressure you for anything else in that cutting.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You've made the Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one Chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes and continue hustling. This episode is sponsored by Transact Card, Align Life, NeuroInfinity, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros and the IFCO. Let’s Hustle !!!

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  So that's an important initiative for us right now at Cal Chiro. I know we can get this done. We just got to push this across the line and it's that level of commitment and stick to it in this that thankfully I've had for a long time that I'm just going to keep cultivating in this regard.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Let's talk numbers. Like how many people would realistically make an impact if we have people writing these letters?

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  Well, let's roughly say how well we've had on the rolls 13,000 chiropractors over the last few years in California. I would say we're down closer to like 11,500. But if we could get just a third of that, I mean, right now we only have, you know, about 13 to 1500 people in the state association, that's minuscule compared to what we're dealing with on the medical association level. When it comes to pack dollars, it's even worse, you know, type of thing. And so it's harder to promote the profession. It's hard to defend the profession when you have that few, that level of interest basically. But if we could get a third, if we get 3000 people basically, three to 4,000 people basically writing letters, just showing their concern. And it doesn't even have to always be chiropractors. It could be individuals, right? How many people have gone on to Medi-Cal recently? Think about that. People who've lost their insurance for some reason, you know, different people for different reasons and things of that nature. And so even getting patients or individuals to write Medi-Cal letters would be helpful. I have sat in the classroom and I've listened to students tell me how much they want to take care of people who otherwise can't take care of themselves. That's something that I'm grateful at the college at Life West that we continue to give, love, and serve, you know, out of our abundance from. So I know that there's people that want to be able to care for those individuals. Maybe not in their own private practice. Maybe there's going to be some ways that they could serve in a federally qualified health center or something along those lines that could take them on and become a Medi-Cal practitioner. They could get loan forgiveness. They could get a base salary. They could work in an environment that allows them to build up their business skills and ultimately become a better practitioner and a better adjuster and all of the things that are involved with that.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I think, you know, having resources and people willing to step up and say, yes, I'll do that. That's a huge step in a forward momentum position. I think that if everybody just said, yeah, I'll take five minutes to talk into my phone and say, this is the reason that we need to support chiropractic in the state of California and just say that and edit it and then email it in or write it out by hand, whatever it takes. It's easier than that.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  It's easier than that. You know, if you message me, I can get you on the list and it's a point and click. All you got to do is put your name and address in. It'll tell you who your legislators are. You can push the button. It'll send the letters out automatically because let's be honest. These legislators aren't sitting down and like reading every letter from every constituent. It's a matter of volume. It's a matter of saying, okay, I've got this many letters. I got this many emails on this topic. Oh, I better pay attention to this because there's a lot of constituents that are concerned about this. Now, who would I talk to that knows something about this? Oh, there's that Dr. Phil guy out there who keeps coming around to these events and he keeps coming up to the Capitol and he keeps trying to talk to us about chiropractors and how educated they are. Maybe I should reach out to Dr. Phil. Oh, okay. Dr. Phil, can I talk to you about what's going on here with this Medi-Cal thing a little bit deeper? I've had a lot of constituents raising this issue to me. That's how it works. It's that simple. It's a numbers game. It's all about the volume.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And that was like one of our big talking points a week ago when we connected was how can we get more people to join the state association and become members of the Cal Chi-ROS state association. And there's a couple ways just from my standpoint is people can support the organization for their time, their talent, or their treasure. Those are a couple of easy things for me to remember on always to make note of. But it's not just like a fun thing for me to say. I do think that people should join and if they can't participate, then they should fund. And if they can't fund, then they should participate. And I think that those are the best ways to support anything in Chiropractic is if you don't want to give your money, give your time. If you don't want to give your time, give your money.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  And it's also a matter of the association needs to provide value. So we need you to tell us how can we help you? What can we do to provide you more support in the field or whatever it is? It can't be just a one-way street. It has to be a two-way street. These are the things that are important to me. But those aren't necessarily the things that are always important to everybody in private practice, even like new practitioners. How can we give new practitioners support? Those kind of things are important as well. And so looking to create that two-way relationship.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And I know one of the things that you've been working with recently is the animal chiropractic in California. Tell us a little bit about what's going on on that topic.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  Yeah, I mean, if you are into the animal chiropractic world, I have horses back in Tennessee. I love riding up in Rinds and says a little kid. I get my horses adjusted, their performance horses, and in the performance horse world or in the thoroughbred racing world, getting animals adjusted to optimize performance. That's a big time thing that's going on. And so here in California, there's a lot of that that goes on down south and even up in the north here a little bit as well. But there's literally animal chiropractors that are getting cease and desist letters because we have not established a regulation under the board of chiropractic examiners. We don't have legislation to particularly regulate animal chiropractic. And so there's this gray area that's been going on for quite some time now. And again, this is one of, you know, I love chiropractic history. I love how you talk about the chiropractic philosophy. That's something Dr. Sean Dill used to always teach us when we're in school is there is the chiropractic philosophy. But this animal chiropractic thing to me, this reminds me of like 1920s type of chiropractic and what was going on when people were getting jailed for chiropractic. Now, a cease and desist letter is a lot different than going to jail. Jail is a lot different now than it was, you know, 100 years ago too. And so I think that this is something also that goes back to creating a level of respect and creating just a category of provider, a specialty in which animal chiropractors can be able to function and operate without the fear of getting cease and desist letters. Because quite honestly, it's the same thing that's going on in the physical therapy world where people are trying to do manipulation or adjustments or whatever they want to call it where they've gone to a weekend seminar and tried to learn, you know, some sort of process or technique or adjustment and then applying it to their physical therapy practice. Well, that's what's happening in the veterinary medicine world. All of a sudden now that there's people making money on it, there's people that are paying attention to like, hey, this is what the population wants. This is what the consumer wants. Now they want to be the ones who provide it and they want to take the chiropractors who have put all their time and energy into learning what chiropractic is, how the human body works and then taking another step in terms of learning about the individual animals, what the anatomy entails there, what the physiology entails there and then applying the chiropractic principles to the care of animals and they want to take that from them. And so to me, that just doesn't seem right. So we need to make some progress in that regard. So if there are animal chiropractors that are listening to the show, that's something that I'm really trying to rally behind. We're going to have to either pass legislation or file a lawsuit or do something along those lines to really help defend animal chiropractors in the state of California. But there's other states that have done it. And so it's not unprecedented. It's just going to be a matter of effort and enthusiasm and people getting concerned or finding people that are concerned to act on their own behalf. And it's the same with the chiropractic profession, unfortunately, is that we got to get people that are willing to act on their own behalf in all regards, you know, in terms of finding patients, you know, and finding people to serve and serving them, you know, and I know that's what you do so well.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, you know, as with this conversation kind of wraps up today, one of my favorite bands of all time is called Rage Against the Machine. And they had a line in one of their songs. It said, if we don't take action now, we'll settle for nothing later.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And I think that that hits right to the heart of our conversation today. If people don't take action now and become involved and support the people supporting them on a political level and join their state associations, even if it's not for them, you're $50 a month. It matters. You're $100 a month. It matters. Your name on the list, it matters. And one day they might send you a letter of cease and desist as being a chiropractor. And we don't ever want to see a dark age like that come into this world that we both support and we perpetuate this greatness within the profession of having freedom to practice with the license of chiropractic in all 50 states. That wasn't always the case. You know, you're going back in time where you're talking about chiropractors going to jail for practicing medicine without a license. And chiropractors always said, Hey, we don't practice medicine. We practice chiropractic. So we need to make sure we draw the hard line there too and let the world know that look, we support the future of chiropractic. I know one of the questions I ask is where do you see the profession going in the next 20 years? I know that you gave me kind of your take on that before we did this interview. But why don't you just share with people where you see it going?

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  Well, you touched on some great things there. You know, this chiropractic lifestyle, this chiropractic mindset that we've been given. It's such a unique view on life. It's such a unique worldview. And that's something that I think is the world is going to see more of. I think the world is going to see more of that in the chiropractic profession specifically. I think we're going to see more infrastructure be built out. You know, we've seen the rise of chiropractic franchises and to some extent, you know, people have their opinions about chiropractic franchises one way or another. But I think there's a place for it because I see how the graduates, they need a soft landing spot space, they need a place to go to learn and hone their adjusting skills, to learn business skills, all those kinds of things. So in some senses, those franchise models provide a level of infrastructure that we've never had in the chiropractic profession. You know, we lack for residencies. And that's where I think the associate model and working with chiropractic graduates like I've been doing recently has been. It's something that needs to continue and continue to help create that infrastructure because there's not a lot of institutional job shown up. There's not a lot of hospital job shown up, not that we would really want that. But those are the kind of things that, you know, provide that level of infrastructure. And I think when we can get more involved in the infrastructure and create better market share for chiropractic, then people can see that this chiropractic lifestyle, this chiropractic mindset, there's something to it. You know, there's, there's when you're on fire about this stuff, when you have that energy enthusiasm, it permits everything you do, every interaction you go into when I'm at my kids' PTA meetings, when I'm doing, you know, things in the community, people are like, man, what's up with this Dr. Phil guy? He's like, he's like on fire, you know, kind of thing. And it sounds cliche and I don't even like that, you know, kind of, I've heard that on chiropractic seminar circuits for years. It's just like, I don't know, it's one of those things that gets me, but I always, I just am fired up, you know, I am a fired up guy, am enthusiastic about what I do. And I'm not going to sit back and take, you know, tell, let somebody tell me what I'm good for kind of thing. And so if I can get more people like that, if we can get more people like that, I mean, I think the chiropractic future is bright, you know, there's more females entering in in the chiropractic profession than ever before. And I think that's a great thing. I think there's so many opportunities inside of, inside the United States to expand chiropractic to people who speak different languages. You know, I've really worked hard at building my ability to speak Spanish just so I could take care of the Spanish speaking population. I think there's opportunities outside of the United States, even more so to build chiropractic. I love what's going on at the college in terms of developing mission trips and developing programs that in through India and things of that nature and setting up college in India to establish chiropractic as a really a healthcare service kind of thing. And so that's where I look to that's where I think the future is awesome is because there's so many opportunities outside of the United States for chiropractic to grow. And even within chiropractic in the United States, there's so many patient populations who have never had exposure to chiropractic. We need to continue to recruit and cultivate chiropract people to enter into the chiropractic profession because when you have that familiarity with a patient population, it just expands the opportunity for people to get in under care. And once you're under care and you start to feel how these people like myself and like you are just enthusiastic about what we do, it is contagious. And there's no way to set that apart.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I'm making fast notes over here. And I really believe that of chiropractic as profession focused on everything that is chiropractic. And everything that isn't the conversation changes. And knowing that we know what we have, the conversation changes. So if we could be more on the consistent offense, full court press type strategy, then we don't have to go on the defense. And we don't have to like fight so hard. And I think that if we continuously set up strategy to be on offense, then our best offense is our best defense. And then we don't fall into the trap of having to defend ourselves or come up with letters and rally the troops because the troops are already marching. And I think that if we take that method within chiropractic and we apply it to how do chiropractors come out of college, well, they go out and become successful. Well, how do we create successful chiropractors? Well, we follow these systems. Well, if we follow these systems, what's the outcome? Well, we have a successful future for chiropractic. We have strong philosophy. Everybody knows how to adjust well and they know how to run businesses the best that they know how to and it's great. So that's really where I think that we're going to head together.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  So we're on the head, man. I mean, and we've touched on it. To me, the philosophy of chiropractic is so important because the most successful chiropractors I've seen and I've seen a lot of them, they were all rooted in the chiropractic philosophy. They were something that motivated them to be more, to do more, to find more people. I've worked and the more student, if there's some of my students on here, if there's new graduates, new practitioners, I highly encourage you, go back to the philosophy of chiropractic, get into the green books or whatever, go to the 33 principles or something that's digestible for you and find that foundation for yourself because, like I said, the most successful people I've seen in chiropractic, not just from a volume perspective or an income perspective, but just people who love, my dad's been out at 47 years. He's still practicing. He just had shoulder surgery from adjusting people for, you know, been over the table for so many years. And he's already like, oh, I'm ready to get back in the office. He's telling me, I'm like, dude, you're 72 years old. You've been doing, give yourself a minute, you know, kind of thing. He's like, no, no, I need to, I need to get in there and take care of people and that kind of thing. And that's what I think will give you the kind of life that you're looking for is when you could have that foundation in the philosophy and the, and that's what I'll ultimately make this profession and your life as a professional in the chiropractic profession. So worthy or so, so gratifying.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. I think we touched on a lot of things. I appreciate you for standing in the gap with your political advocacy for chiropractic and talking about some of these topics that a lot of people aren't discussing and rallying the troops because it's necessary. And you know, caro hustle, we have caro hustle, Spanish. I knew that the market was moving towards Spanish. So we're one of the only dual lingual podcasts in the world. We're talking about, we're talking about chiropractic. And you know, and five years from now, people are going to look back on this catalog and this remarkable effort that we put into creating this podcast, that there's going to be a depository of documentation of chiropractic stories that is so robust and it could go miles around the globe with these stories. That was the whole impetus of creating a caro hustle podcast is I wanted to create a depository of information that documented this profession from voices of this profession that would stand the test of time that no matter if anybody ever tried to come and manipulate the messaging of chiropractic, we always had a foundation of truth within chiropractic that no one ever could change or manipulate or take out. So I created this because I wanted this to get into chiropractic colleges. I wanted this to infiltrate the chiropractic state associations. I wanted this to get to every corner of chiropractic. And now we have 20% of the chiropractic profession listening to this show. I think we can do better. And I think that politically, this show means something on a large scale to chiropractic as a whole because there's evidence that's published twice a week that chiropractic philosophy is alive, that the profession is strong, and that we have a front of people willing to speak loud and proud about what this profession means to them, why they became chiropractors and the whole philosophy that entails it. So anytime somebody goes and searches for an intelligence, they're going to find chiropractic hustle. And somebody's looking for a B.J. Palmer Sacred Trust, they're going to find chiropractic hustle. So I strategically did all this to SEO, the professional resonance back to these stories and these messages because it's irrefutable when people find what they're looking for, that they're always going to come back to the philosophy. And that's why we support the way we do. And that's why we continuously bang the drum and bring out great guests like yourself, because each person has something that they're really proud of. And if they're not proud about chiropractic, I don't know what the hell they're proud of.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  Well, I appreciate it, man. You're doing a good job. And thank you so much.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. So if people want to work with you, I know you said you have a great job. You have a program called Blue Chip. Yep. Where do we send them to?

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  Oh, I haven't really talked about Blue Chip yet, but you can always reach out to me. But yeah, I mean, that's what I'm trying to do is help graduates and new practitioners find a good job opportunities. I've been an adjunct professor at Life West now for 10 years. I have a private practice in San Jose. I just opened up a second office in Morgan Hill, California. I'm on Facebook, Instagram, Dr. Phil. My Facebook group, Dr. Phil and Morgan Hill. You can always just email me. I'm happy to give out my phone number, 408-666-9004. Feel free to text me. I'll get back to you or call, leave a message. I'll get back to you. It's just all about being accessible to people for me. So I just try to make that the standard by which I live because other people have done that for me and I want to return that.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And if people wanted to get on with Cal Chiro and become members of the association, where do we send them for that?

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  Say that again, I'm sorry.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I said if people wanted to get on with Cal Chiro and become members and become members of the association, where do we send them for that?

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  Absolutely. That's Cal That's how we've branded ourselves over the last few years. C-A-L-C-H-I-R-O. Hope everybody could join us like at our fall conference in November in Napa. I know we're trying to get you out there and do some things for us as well because that's really going to be a great event. A lot of neurology content, even Simon Sensen's going to be the keynote speaker talking about subluxation and the history of subluxation. So I'm really looking forward to that this year as well because I think it's going to be a great opportunity for people to come together and we can talk more about some of these political things that we've been discussing. Napa's a great location, the meritage, if you haven't been there, phenomenal. Can I have a bowling competition I think there? So that should be some fun too.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  All right, Dr. Phil, well, your episode 528 of the Kyro Hustle podcast, I really appreciate you being our guest today.

DR PHILIP DIETER DC (GUEST):  All right, man. Thanks so much.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Appreciate it. And I'll see you in the fall out at the event in Napa. Cool. All right. Well, I'm glad everybody knows where to find you. Go over to and become a member and support the future of chiropractic because if you guys didn't know, California is the fifth largest economy in the world. And we need to protect the sacred trust out there for sure because if chiropractic goes in Cali, then chiropractic starts to domino everywhere else. So that's why I'm so supportive of what Dr. Phil is doing out there at Calciro. So if you're a chiropractor in the state of California, chiropractic student in the state of California, go out there and support and rally around this event out in Napa. So Dr. Phil, episode 528. Thank you so much. Thank you. I'll close out by telling everyone you're just one story way. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys on the next episode. Thanks for now. See you later. Thanks for listening to Kyro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.


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