
October 8, 2023

Dream Big – Act Bigger – in Chiropractic with Dr Linn Erickson DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 498

Objective:            To educate, motivate and rehabilitate as many people as possible toward better health. To grow a healthy and health-centered business that impacts communities in a transforming way.


  • Erickson Advanced Chiropractic Center, P.C. dba Turning Pointe Chiropractic
  • President, Clinic Director, Treating Doctor, Preceptor for interns
    • Reviewed Research for the ICA Best Practices Guidelines
    • Started business and built it successfully
    • Established scientifically supported protocols to treat a wide variety of spinal abnormalities
    • Built referring relationships with local doctors in family medicine and orthopedics
    • Trained and mentored young chiropractic students and new graduate interns for periods of 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year both in the context of preceptor programs with Logan, Cleveland, and Palmer and in postgraduate training situations.
    • Certified Fellow in Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP)
    • Instructor in 2 levels of CBP


Lerner Family Chiropractic Centre       Kissimmee, FL

  • Director of Personal Injury
    • Trained staff and doctors in protocols for handling injury cases at all satellite offices
    • Managed all injury cases and documentation in an office seeing 1200 patient visits/week
    • Met with attorneys and built referral relationships with other providers in the community
    • Began building a family/wellness practice


Family Chiropractic         Seward, NE

  • Clinic Director
    • Ran a satellite office for Dr. David Kats
    • Gained experience with each aspect of running an office
    • Attended all of the Kats Management training


  • Palmer College of Chiropractic Davenport, IA
    • Doctor of Chiropractic
      • Graduated magna cum laude
      • Concurrently acquired a bachelor of science degree
      • Clinic Module Assistant (supervised patient care by students)


  • University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE
    • Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy Honors scholar


  • Cartooning, music, philosophy, theology, sports, lifelong learning


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made the Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's Number One Chiropractic Podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and to give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling. This episode is sponsored by Imaging Services. Chiro Health USA Chiro Moguls Pure Chiro Notes Titronics Sherman College of Chiropractic New Patients in a Box The Influencer Authority Podcast Training Mango Voice Life Chiropractic College West And M-Sculpt Let's Hustle!

LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to Episode 498 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Linn Erickson. If you want to hear a story about dreaming big, but acting bigger, stay tuned. Welcome back! This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today I have Linn Erickson coming on with me. Super pumped to do this episode. I've been interacting with Linn over the past couple of months. I met him at an event out in Philadelphia with Dean DePice and Jen DePice at TLC. Wonderful group. If you guys are looking for a great group to be a part of, check out TLC. But before we get into this episode, I'm going to let you guys know the big why. Why do we do what we do over here at Chiro Hustle? Freedom of speech, First Amendment. It's important to us. Family health freedom is important to us. Medical freedom is important to us. It should be important to you guys too. And then we'll go more philosophically for Chiropractic. We do protect BJ Palmer's Sacred Trust. If you don't know what that is, go to your favorite search engine immediately. Pause the show and go and check out BJ Palmer's Last Words. You're going to know more about Chiropractic than you ever did before that, and you'll have more of an understanding of Chiro Pride philosophy. Then we do support Subluxation-based Chiropractic. Sometimes people are like, why do you say that? Well, because a lot of the profession is losing its way and we have to at least let people know what Chiropractic is and the tenants of Chiropractic, the lexicon of Chiropractic. And then lastly, we believe in innate intelligence and universal intelligence that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. And with that being said, Dr. Linn Erickson, welcome.

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): Yeah, thank you so much, James, for having me on for this. I'm really looking forward to it. As we were talking about, I found out who you were through my wife first and then some other sources too. And as I've learned more about it, you're doing something very good and very unique here. And I'm privileged to be part of it. I am.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, it's a time capsule for the profession. And like you said, there's been some people that have come and gone that we didn't get their stories the right way and we didn't capture like their messages, and we didn't capture the big idea coming out of their mouth. And I think that that's a cool thing is we've woven this tapestry of Chiropractic together with the story of Chiropractic, the truth of Chiropractic. And we do that through amazing people that support. I always, you know, when I talk, I say, we stand on the shoulders of giants. And are you going to become the next giant for people to stand on your shoulders? Mm-hmm.

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): It's awesome, James. I just had that principle reinforced to me from a CA actually, believe it or not, in the group with the devices, we have a bunch of ways to work on training for your team to receive people well when they come into your office and see that being done here, that being done and we just heard that one of the CA's who was recorded has passed on. She was battling cancer for almost four years. And when we heard that, there was certainly, you know, that sense of a moment of silence here for somebody who served the profession so well. And then to think that, you know, had somebody not pressed record and captured her doing that, we would have lost those words forever. But somebody took that time to press record or in some cases, pick up a pen and record something for posterity that's extremely important because this professional will only be one generation from extinction if we don't do stuff like that.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And, you know, I really believe that the heart comes out when we think about preserving the message and preserving somebody's likeness. And that's something that this has done really, really well over the past, you know, five and a half years. But I want to focus more today on you, Dr. Linn Erickson, the chiropractor. And I have a bunch of great questions I want to get to today if we don't get to them all no problem, but we'll decide on what's important as we go through the interview process. But your chiropractic story, I don't know it personally. You shared a little bit about your background with me as we've gotten to know each other. But what inspired you to get into chiropractic and maybe you could share that with our audience today because your friends, your family, your colleagues, students that have trained with you and new in your patients. They're all going to be curious as to hearing this episode once it comes out. So why don't you reintroduce yourself to everyone?

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): Yes, sure. So, Dr. Linn Erickson, I'm a chiropractor of now 31 years, I believe. And yeah, still doing it. It's still fun. It's still exciting every day to come into the office. And I always think when I do my gratitude card to start the day, I think about that I have this day to make a difference for every person that I get a chance to do. My vision statement is that I live in love to bring hope and healing to every person that I teach and touch. So, it comes down to us. I want to instill the hope that life can be better on all different levels through the chiropractic model and principles. And so that was something I grew up with though. So, I grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska, Midwestern town and had two great parents and a younger sister. My mom and I would say to some of you, my dad both had a pretty natural view of life. My dad had grown up on a farm and he, you know, saw the cycle of life, and did things to cooperate with nature and so forth. And my mom grew up in a family that I think had those kinds of views too. And so I just remember that, you know, caring for our health was kind of part of our life in terms of just trying to eat as healthy as possible. My mom subscribed to at least two or three different magazines regarding natural health and so forth. But chiropractic wasn't part of that. We had lots of nutritional stuff. In fact, if we actually started getting sick in some way, the first thought was what can we do for this naturally? So, vitamin C, zinc, rest, you know, things like that. And the only time that I really set foot in my pediatrician's office was by annual physical. And then, you know, if we actually really had it going bad and, but I just think the mindset of hey, trust the body, do that first made a lot of sense to me. And so, when I was about, I have to say about seven years old, I'm almost diagnosed with breast cancer. And so, I saw the medical model kind of being superimposed into her life now and lots of things that were being done that were pretty harmful in some ways. They definitely were doing their best to save her life. But, you know, we've come a long way in that regard. And even now, you know, I think medicine is doing a better job in some ways than not creating all the collateral damage from things. But I saw this her health going down the chemo, rounds of chemo, the surgeries and so forth. And so, a very pivotal year for me was age 16. There was a sophomore in high school. And so, I had sustained a pretty significant low back progressive injury playing basketball. Quite a story, how that happened and things that I just remember from that whole experiment, well, in the middle of it, I was hardly able to bend over the time I was used in the morning. I feel like I'm moving around like I'm, you know, 85 years old. And practice was out of the question. And I was like, man, what do I do here? And you know, all things that you typically think like old, medicated, you know, rested, and I was sitting to those things where, you know, I did a little bit of that stuff, but I was like, this is not getting anywhere. And so, I was very blessed to actually have Rick Roars, who I will give tribute to for getting me into the profession on the human level. He, you came to Lincoln, Nebraska and he's had been open for that very long and said, I'm willing to take care of the athletes from your high school at my expense so I can see what different sports tend to have different types of injuries and so on like that. And so I went to a chiropractor, I had some rough idea of what they did. I'm like, man, I just know I can't go on like this. There's no way I would be able to even finish this season. And lo and behold, I went there, and he took, comes to my spine, and showed me he says, you have these subluxations and so forth. And the thing I kind of remember sticking with me, James, was just that regarding a blockage that there's interference in the normal expression of health or life kind of things. I don't know if he used the light switch analogy or with me or what, but something stuck. And I guess you could say I got chiropractic intellectually and maybe philosophically in my heart before I even got my first adjustment. It was like, that just makes sense. All I knew was I went to see him pretty regularly and intensely and within a month's time I was back playing basketball, pain free. In fact, I probably had my best improvement as an athlete between that year and my next year just because things were working so much better. There's a lot of stuff we have now in terms of data and hard science that shows why that is. But back then, I just knew it was me and I'm doing better. I'm quicker, I'm faster and I'm not in pain anymore. This is fantastic. Well, that same year I lost my mom to cancer, her nine-year battle of breast cancer. And so, when that does kind of settle from that, I'm into my next year in school, healthcare was still kind of, it was a possible career there for me. But I just remember thinking like, you know, I wouldn't want to do what happened to my mom's body to patients. And I just like that just seemed like, you know, I know they're doing their best what they're trained to do, but I wouldn't be able to do that sort of thing. It just didn't seem congruent with me. And things I looked at like dentistry and so forth, we wouldn't have a lot of appeals. So, I said, well, chiropractic, this seems to be the one thing left standing. So, I hear a lot of doctors talk about how they didn't choose chiropractic, chiropractic chose them. That was kind of like that moment for me, I guess you could say. And so, when I went into undergrad, I started taking classes towards that. There were some struggles, and they didn't see you, but got through it all and what have you. And then, yeah, Lo and Hoda, I was going to Palmer College from 1988 to 1992. Had I would say by experience there was with some of the last great dinosaurs that you've heard to refer to James, you know, the people that actually wrote books and, you know, good heavens people like Fred Barge and Vern Pierce and the head for philosophy had Virgil Strang. These people, if they weren't jailed for practicing with chiropractic, yeah, practicing this with a license is chiropractic in different states. They knew the people who were and probably went and visited them and supported them. And so, they'd been through it and their conviction was like through the roof. I mean, as solid as you could be, they knew that chiropractic was the gift to this, to the human population, the human to the world, to the poor national healthcare and God's healthcare profession. And so, to hear them speak was incredible. They would come in and talk to us once a trimester and you could not help the, I guess you could say, short up, when you kind of get mired in all those, you know, basic sciences in the first couple years of school, like, yeah, that's what we're working towards. And so, I was very blessed to have those folks and then graduated in 92 and have been practicing ever since.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, you said a lot of stuff there. And I love that you're so honest about, you know, how you got into the profession. I got into the profession similar. I was 16 years old, got an injury playing high school football. My athletic trainer said, Hey, you should go get some x-rays of your shoulder over at Palmer College. I went over to Palmer and my, I was 16. So my mom had to go with me. And my mom went in and they said, Hey, can we take x-rays of his spine too? We need to check and see if he's got any subluxations and the true story. And at that point, I always knew that I played better as an athlete when, when I was getting adjusted. And I didn't come from an affluent background. Like my mom like worked for every dollar like really hard that she made, but she always set money aside to make sure that she had money to send me to the chiropractor either before or after a game. Like every game I played going forward. And it was pretty amazing because my performance improved too. And I think if anybody's out there listening to this episode and they're like, well, what's the power of chiropractic? And I started working in an office when I was 30. So that was what 16 years later. And the doc asked me if I'd come help him work in his office. And I said, bro, I don't know anything about chiropractic, but when I get adjusted, I feel better. He said, that's good enough. And that's how this whole thing with me started 15 years ago working in chiropractic. And I think that we can all look back on those early stage stories of how we became influenced and what it did to us. And a lot of times when people come to your office, they don't need to know what a submarine is or a subluxation. That's right. You know, they need to know that the doctor cares, that they acknowledge what's going on, that they ask them good questions and that they want to help that person, you know, improve their activities of daily living and have a better quality of life quotient. And I think that that's what made me fall loved so much with chiropractic. And then, you know, getting a chance to actually meet the profession, like actually like sit knee to knee with chiropractors. That's what really like made me so inspired to do the work that I do. So listen to your story. There's a lot of connection with both of us of how we stepped into chiropractic. But you know, the second part of that first question is what makes you unique in the space? And I see you're sitting in an x-ray room. And I know you've done some studies with chiropractic biophysics. So maybe we can talk a little bit about chiropractic biophysics and why x-rays important in chiropractic.

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): Yeah, sure. I know you had one of me to do this interview at home James. I just couldn't work that out there. But this is the quietest place I have in my office though. I'm in here door closed and nobody's going to barge in here. So I don't think. So yeah, so in chiropractic college James, I was very fortunate to, I guess you had that instill me that it's a philosophy assigned to an art, right? And so those three things are like a triangle, make for a very stable tripod if you want to call it that and you want to make sure that you keep those things all strong and don't err on the side of getting too strong and one without forgetting the other. Because certainly some aspects of our profession have done that. And the sad thing I see so often is they want to leave the philosophy behind because I think that's old, that's done with what I like this, what actually that's how the profession started. And you know, it's really made for what it is. It's getting a stem from that. It was observational first. Like I see things going on, then DD has his experience effort, magnetic healing to take care of Harvey Lillard and realizes, wow, I've worked in this guy's spine and he got his hearing back. And of course he thinks he found a cure for deafness. There's lots of causes for it. But he found definitely one there. And so from that empirical side came this and so the philosophy was there and then of course the art of how to do it better. So when I was about halfway through my education, I just remember thinking to myself, like I'm learning a lot of great different techniques in chiropractic college and they're really good. And I just wish I could find some sort of unifying principle that would put them all together in one. When would you use this technique or when would you use that one? And a lot of times it comes down to doctor preference, what they've had good results with in their own personal health care and so forth. It all times has to do with the patient. But I just remember at one point, I was invited to a talk on posture. And I thought this sounds pretty good to me. I'd like to go see this because somebody actually has this model for the spine that seems to be important. Like if the industry stands for one thing nowadays, we know it stands for dental hygiene. Yes, they still feel cavities. Yes, they still do root canals. Yes, they still do partials and then the shares and what have you. But they're really known for being the people I see who are concerned with dental hygiene and health. And so I thought, well, the chiropractors would probably be interested in postural. It sounds pretty good to me. And then I started going to the club, the chiropractic biophysics club, which was a very open format like what you have here, James. And I just remember them going over these papers and I was like, wow, that makes just make sense to me. Like you can't get around the fact that we live in a physical world and we need to have something that helps us resist this gravitational load and protect our nervous system. And if there's ideals for things like vision 2020 and ideal for blood pressure, no 120 or 80 or somewhere like that, there's probably some sort of ideal for the human spine to be. So very early on, James, I mean, I wasn't even quite in the clinic yet. I heard Don Harrison come to school. He gave a talk and it was very funny because if you'd ever knew the man, he didn't have the best salary, politically savvy delivered. He just told it like it was and very breastily. And at one point, we saw the room getting thinner in terms of attendance. But when he got to the best stuff, he said, hey, look, here's the thing. This postural model, I may not be perfect, but it's a nice start because we do live in this physical world and it has, you know, your spine has to resist gravity and protect your nervous system. And in this position, it gives a very good chance not to happen. And we just look at how it's designed from front to back. There's a column that's for rigid strength from the side view. It has these curves that allows the bend and move and absorb shock to some degree. And so it's this engineering marvel. So he just said, basically, I don't care what technique you do. You can use a drop table. You can use an instrument. You can use your hands. These may not be terms that a patient might know. But it's what you see care providers do when they adjust patients. It's all it care is that you just, when the person's done, what you did, is that you'd move their posture closer to normal. And then for those things that support the spine, like ligaments, which don't have the ability to be actively moved, let's do some stretching for those things that come from the call attraction. And to do some exercises that are geared towards what is called the mirror image. So if you actually have a head shift to one side, you're going to move it to the opposite way. And it's the exact opposite. And not just a tilt when you have a shift or whatever, you have to do the exact mirror image. I just thought, man, this makes sense. So that kind of became my model. And as I looked at my different techniques under the school with that, I can actually use all of these, you know, regardless of what the person presents with, as long as they tolerate it well, and number two, I'm really cracking their posture if that's the type of care that they want. And so like United James said, you know, our experience with care was we went in for symptomatic relief of something and then we discovered this whole world of chiropractic same things, true of our patients today. They perceive often because traditional medicine has failed them or they're just naturally wired. This is a place I need to go for some type of relief from the symptom and when they come in, if we teach it right over the course of one, two, three days initially, and then we'll just kind of drip education throughout their experience in our office, they realize there's all this stuff that chiropractic can actually influence. It doesn't mean that we're treating any of those things, but when you're talking about the central nervous system, you're talking about the entire body being influenced by care from the root or to the to order from head to toe, however you want to call it. And so it doesn't mean that we're treating asthma or treating anything like that, but we are definitely influencing the nerves that control those functions directly and directly. And that's why we see these amazing stories commonly called miracles by people. We just simply say it's the body learning how to work better by retraining the nervous system to work better. And so that for me is so everything that we do James here, for those patients that choose this type of care is to make sure we assess them initially to see how their posture looks from the outside and then on the inside, because now when I have an x-ray, I can actually can measure and quantify how far from normal you are. And then for those who want to, they always have that option to do something to relief care, but the vast majority of our patients will choose. Doc, I don't want to feel better. I don't want this coming back. I want to make sure my body is going to last for as many years as God gives me. If I'm going to be on the floor at 80 sitting across the leg of my grandkids reading books, I have to have my body with me. Let's correct this problem. And it's so rewarding James to be able to show them pre and post, you know, I've saved to people it's very much like when a person steps on a scale and they've been losing weight and they hit their goal weight or they just see they drop their first 50 pounds. When a person sees their post x-ray and says, holy cow, look how hard I work and look at that, they know that they know that I'm feeling better and I'm functioning better. And it's just, it's so rewarding.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You've made the Chiro hustle. Get back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. This episode is sponsored by imaging services, Chiro health USA, Chiro mobiles, pure Chiro notes, titronics, Sherman College of chiropractic, new patients in a box, the influencer authority podcast training, mango voice, life chiropractic college West, and M-Sculpt. Let's hustle.

You know, I'm going to step in and say a couple of big words for people out there is pro perception. And when you give somebody their posture back, it builds their balance back, which builds their confidence back, which has a long-term effect on people. And then chiropractors that do chiropractic biophysics, it does neuromuscular reeducation and it reeducates the body on how to function properly with its motor skills and all the good stuff that makes people have longevity and vitality. And those are a lot of the things that people really don't understand. But the part that I think hits home is when we talk about vital lung capacity and what a curve in the spine does for vital lung capacity. So anybody out meet and they have something to say about chiropractic. I just want to ask them always like, hey, put your head out and take a deep breath, breathe in as hard as you can and like hold that breath in and how does it feel. Now take your head back, put it over your shoulders, take the same deep breath. And how did that one feel? And I say, well, that's what the power of chiropractic is. It supports that vital effect of how you breathe and how you function. That's just one of the things, but it's pretty important, right? And that's huge. And that goes back to BJ Palmer's big idea. And one small thing for one person can be a big effect on a family, a community. And I really believe that that's why chiropractic is so important. And everybody under the sun, it doesn't matter what their acronym is after their name. If it's an MD, if it's an osteopath, they're going to get adjusted man. And they all want to have that vitality too. They all want to have that better quality of life. So I think that that's and the dentist, those people get adjusted too. And I think that that's just it as anybody that wants to have a better quality of life, long term, they see a chiropractor.

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): You bet. James, it's interesting. You mentioned proprioception that for those who are listening, there's patients out there, it's a big word, but it basically just means body awareness. You have positional sense about where you're at in space. In school, we all learned the five senses, right? You can see I can see, smell, hear, touch and taste. Your nervous system is a lot more than that. Those are the five special senses. But proprioception is really to know, like for example, my hands above my head, even in my eyes are closed because these things are firing off and all my joints and my skin and so forth. When you are subluxated, those things don't work as well. Your body awareness isn't as good. And so they've actually shown that when you have distorted posture, you're more likely to fall. James, one study, I think you're familiar with where they showed that people who are walking around their head more than two inches in front of their hips, especially as seniors, they're way more likely to fall, they're way more likely to break a hip and they're way more likely to die in the next 10 years or five years, whatever it was, just because their body position is off. And there's an article from over 60 years ago that JAMA, I think it put out where the doctors were observing that. It's so interesting. We find these people actually have these really like hunched backs, mid backs that we call them called thoracic hypercigaphosis or how you typically think of as a grandma aging right, that sort of dowager's hump. You observe these people tend to have reduced lung capacity, their heart struggle. They often have digestive issues because of the pressure of the rib cage on their internal organs. Women tend to have their uterus prolapse. And if they give an infection, they're 44% more likely, like a lung infection, like say bronchitis or pneumonia, they're almost 3% more likely to die just because they can't get stuff out and in, right? I mean, that's just body position that does that stuff. Nothing to do with back pain. Nothing to do with headaches or neck pain. Those are things that was like life quality and life longevity.



JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I like this conversation today. And nowadays, everybody's into biohacking. And I go to biohacking conferences and I've interviewed a lot of people that are out there doing different stuff. And I go, do you guys know what the original biohack was? It was chiropractic. And chiropractic was the original part that people were looking for, that edge of betterment of life. And you talk about posture and what it does to internal organs and posture of what it does to breathing and posture, how it makes people less capable, less vital as they age. They're more susceptible to slips and falls. And the other part of that is grip strength. If you have strong grip and strong grip strength long term, your capacity to take one of those slip and falls and not to crumble and break is a lot better off too. So anybody that's listening, I would recommend everybody get stronger with your grip as you age because you can tell vitality in somebody by how well they shake your hand. The grip strength is somebody, if they fall, they'll roll through a fall rather than collapsing and breaking. And that could be a wrist, an arm, a shoulder, a hip, whatever it might be. But your ability to like sustain something, if you have a chiropractic lifestyle long term and you're stronger, you're just harder to kill.

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): Yeah. And I think as James is great, you go to those conferences because every would like to have that sort of that advantage, right? And I think you'll continue to see as scientific progress goes, people do research, there are certain nutrients or ways we take them or ways of exercising that give you an advantage over just doing certainly none of those things or old ways of doing them, if you will. But man, those things are just this specific area. When you talk about influencing the nervous system, it's the entire body because that because Grey's Anatomy says it, right? First few pages. It is the system which controls and coordinates and harmonizes every other system in the body either directly or indirectly. There's nothing else that can do that to my knowledge. I mean, if they describe something, there it is, but it's what God put in place to run the whole thing. And so if that's working well, and then you add to it these lifestyle factors, like how you exercise well and how you eat well and how you manage your stress well and rest well and all those things like that. Man, you have the perfect one, two punch. Talk about grip strength, one, two punch to stay healthy. I don't know if you're familiar, James. Did you see Curtis Fedor check's article on the telomeres aging?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I am familiar with Curtis, I saw him speak at that conference we're at and he's a great guy.

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): So he's a catpereter in practice to say his article real quick. His first guy to show that chiropractic has an anti-aging effect at a cellular level. They had a patient they were taking care of who had quite a few health issues. She had been in an accident, things like this, and she actually had that classic hunched posture. She had a forward head shift. So these are two whammies and a loss of pervenor neck. They took care of her through a typical chiropractic biophysic program and made some amazing changes with her regards to her posture, her pain levels. She did amazingly well. What they did in this study is they took a measurement of her, there's a way to actually see how your telomeres, which is the things that are at the end of your DNA that actually help repair your DNA as it gets injured from just the stress of life, oxidative stress and things like that too. What we know is those telomeres start to go away, the more stressors you have in your life, you're actually aging. You'll see it, of course, externally in people's faces and stuff, aging very fast, things like that. But in this case, they took the measurement of what those were and what was amazing was, oh, by the way, the faster they go away, you're aging faster, the slower they go away through lifestyle, that means you're aging very well. In this case, I read that if I think I'm recording this study right, when she was finished with her first remence of care, her telomeres were actually approximately 8% longer. In other words, they were starting to grow back because she wasn't depleting those things because of her stress on her nervous system and everything still. No other changes in her life, no changes in diet, no changes in exercise. So that to me is like, okay, we are talking about anti-aging medicine now. Care practicists are just about feeling better and getting range of motion. They can do that. That was our first experience. They can actually help people with these very sort of organic and systemic complaints, absolutely. But if you want to be around for a nice long time and actually know who you are and be able to do things in your world, you would do well to take care of your nervous system in your entire life.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I think as we go on, Dr. Lin, as people are going to find out that their spine is more important than they ever gave it credit for. But before I get on to a couple more things, I know we're almost at the end of our interview today, but I just wanted to make a quick statement that you gave me an epiphany moment. And I do believe, and maybe some people might fight me on this or they could if they want to, but I think that Don Harrison was a Steve Jobs-O-Chire practic. And I think that he pushed the agenda so hard for people to understand this model that DEDA is carrying on and the family in chiropractic biophysics is carrying on at I think there's been a lot that he has birthed because of his unwillingness to become what the popular demand wanted. Like you said, he was a straight to the point guy. He showed up. He told people he wasn't always popular, but we can't always look for the applause. We have to sometimes go and do the work whether anybody's clapping for us or not. And I think that that's one of the most important things I look back on, the ideal spine model that he designed was something that is pushing chiropractic not only fundamentally to a better position, but structurally to a better position. And I think that if everybody got out and they discovered what the chiropractic biophysics team was doing, based on their research that supports every aspect of chiropractic, they would find a whole different purpose than what they were doing when they checked detecting correct vertebral subluxation. And they'd have a whole lot more ability to show up and say, this is why I support Curtis for George X. Paper. This is why I support DEDH Harrison's paper. This is why I support Evan Katz's paper. And they would have a whole lot more purpose as to why they were doing what they were doing for the clinics that they were running.

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): Amen. You know, I think we've realized probably, I don't know, 10 or 20 years ago that our profession on a shoestring budget, in most cases, has turned out a ton of good research. And we know that for virtually any complaint that people might think of practicing a chiropractor force, we kind of started there like, you know, the musculoskeletal things and stuff like that, that chiropractic gets people better faster with no side effects and cheaper than virtually anything that's on the other side. Now we're getting into things where we're seeing like, are we changing physiology? Yes. And now some of the most recent research that DEDH has done has been on asymptomatic people. And they're showing, look, we can measure real time what happens when people get their posture back. And the one that to me is most encouraging is that a person who actually has worked really hard to get their posture taken care of and corrected as best they can and is tested at the beginning of care within a year's time will typically find that the messages that they get from their brain to their body and body back to their brain are traveling between 20 to 25% stronger and faster than they were a year ago. And again, that's anti-aging medicine. What do most people say about so and so having team in years? How's he doing? I'm always slowing down. You know, he's not doing as much. The people I hang around the chiropractors, I know they're doing amazing stuff. No matter what ages they are. And so what's cool is sort of their patience. And so it's really exciting to me.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It's vitality. Chiropractic is vitality to people. So when there was a big fight years ago about mechanistic versus vitalistic camps, vitalistic always wins because all we want to do is have a better quality of life. And I think that that's a part where an argument just gets shut down immediately. If you want a better quality of life, you go see the chiropractor. If you want a better quality of life, you have a better function nervous system. And I think that that's a part where we have to go back to like what you just said and what I just said. I just spoke to a group out in South Carolina, the Palmetto State Association. And they asked me what a national ad campaign should be. And I said, well, get better faster. And they said, well, that's too symptomatic. I go, well, if we don't start speaking a similar language across the board, then it's not going to work guys. So we needed to decide something. And they're like, well, why would you say that? I go, well, the best national ad campaign I ever heard was by Phil Knight of Nike, and it was just do it and get better faster resonates with people. Everybody wants to get better faster. And that's where we're at today in 2023. We're at an age where people just want to get better faster. And I know we're at the edge of our time together today, but I want to ask you one closing question. Sure. If you could go back to what year was it, 1992, and talk to yourself back then, that would have changed the trajectory of the future of your career. What would you have told yourself?

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): Oh, man. One is dream big and then act big. That for me would be it. I got to say, James, despite having that great experience in education, people I learned, I think my vision for what could happen in the chiropractic office was shaped largely by the people that I had known and seen as well as that too. And they were doing great stuff like that. I just remember when it my first experience when I went in to practice at a satellite office for a group that I didn't have that kind of coaching and vision building. I learned a lot of training and they've had to run an office pretty well. But as far as like, how do we serve the masses in a good way? That wasn't necessarily part of that. And so I got that experience by somebody else you've interviewed, a bit of a learner. And a bunch of great docs that were in that group, I'll shout out to them. I just was thinking about them. Dan Yachter, Paul Soreci, Eric Lerner, Tony Nolte. These are some amazing people. They were doing a group with five offices in Central Florida. And I got the vision there. We were doing it at one point where I think we were the second busiest family practice in the country and probably as a group serve more people than anybody did. And just all in that philosophy of, you know, do you send us the people that we can help take care of and we'll do the best we can for them? And this entire family is getting better. That was incredible. And so I would want to have that vision. I would want to have every person who wants that for their own life. Have that coming out of school and get that experience and just see what's possible. And then if you choose to stay there, fantastic, you can choose to go on and do your own thing. Hopefully you'll never shrink back down to the size that is comfortable. You know, what we thought Capra to could be.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well Dr. Linn Erickson, I appreciate you being on today with me at episode 4.98. Is there anything I didn't ask you that you were itching to discuss with our audience today before we call it a day?

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): Well, I just wrote down some names. James, I just wanted to say this because all of the stand on the shoulders that people came before or we were currently working with working side by side. So again, Dr. Rick Roar is my initial chiropractor, Victor Strang, who I got my first green book with his and just really taught me the philosophy of chiropractic. My clinician Gary Craco has taught me to think laterally, like just thinking always about what we do for people. Donna Deade Harrison, for sure. Some of the folks that are currently doing CBP so well. Joe Farontelli, Don Meyer, Jason Yeager, Sean Lasko. These are incredible people. And then from a mentoring standpoint, Dr. Dean and Jen DePice had an instrumental in that. And then, yeah, some of my colleagues like Paul Fern Harbor and Steve Newver and these are people I go to with great stuff. And I just know so many docs, I'm so blessed. I bet I just checked, I think I have about 2,000 people on my phone. James, my Rodex there and I bet half or more of them actually have D.C. behind their name. And so I'm very blessed to know that. So, Donna, we're D.C. I'm talking to you right now.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  The most important person is your wife for putting us in touch with each other. So I want to thank her and I want to thank her for having the belief and what I'm doing to introduce us to each other. So big, big.

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): My wife, Brenda, my daughter, Caris, my son, Ezra, I have to come home from work every day and make sure that I'm living what I say is important to me in front of them. They know Dad tries to do that. It's not perfect. I'm big on integrity.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, Dr. Linn, I appreciate you being on our show today. And if people want to reach out to you or learn more about you, where can we send them to?

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): Yeah. So our website is And point has an E after it. Hi, Ro at And that usually gets us to anywhere. First ones to go. We're also on Facebook too. We haven't quite modernized to some of the other social media platforms, but we hope to you this year.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, great. Thank you so much for sharing the message of dream big and act big with chiropractic. And just look forward to the next time we get a chance to connect. And once you have a great day out there in Nebraska.

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): Yes, I hope it's here later, James. Thanks so much.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  All right, we'll see you next time.

LINN ERICKSON, DC (GUEST): Thanks, brother.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  All right. Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.


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