
April 24, 2023

Create Your Ideal Client and Put Family First with Dr Liz Morin DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 450

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I love people. They fascinate and inspire me. I’m from northern Connecticut and love nature. I moved to Florida to attend Palmer Florida. I never went back to the snow. Been practicing in key west Florida off and on since 2012. I love the ocean and coconut palms. I can stare at the trees all day. Nothing I have has ever come easily. My chiro story is in college around age 19 I was very sick and had no idea why. Doctors wanted to throw more drugs at me and by the grace of God, I met a chiropractor at a college career fair. He educated me about why my being a c-section birth put me at risk for subluxations, I had my first adjustment and have never had a migraine again. My immune system became strong, and I changed my major during junior year to get my prerequisites to get into chiro school! I had two majors in college so I could pursue Palmer Florida.

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