Chiro Hustle Podcast 149 – Don Rocklage, DC
Let’s meet Dr. Don Rocklage … At the age of 24, fresh out of college and he started having elbow pain from working out. He consulted orthopedic doctors who, of course, recommended surgery. This didn’t sound like an available option to our Dr. Don, so he consulted a chiropractor (at his mom’s recommendation) and had very good results. Within 3 or 4 weeks the pain was gone, and he could again work out …and the rest is history!! He enrolled in Parker college, graduated in Dec 2005, and began a new phase of his life!
After graduation, Dr. Don started practicing in Port Douglas, Australia for a year then moved back home to the Philadelphia area. Over the next 4 years, Dr. Don took over and grew 2 separate practices before moving to Old City Philadelphia where he opened Philadelphia Chiropractic in October 2011. He’s a talented practitioner and an avid proponent of chiropractic. Dr. Don is an international speaker on health and wellness, volunteers his skills at various charitable organizations, as well as helping staff Arno Burnier’s MLS seminars. In 2012 Dr. Don did a mission trip to the Dominican Republic.
Along with Hank and Bella, you will frequently find chiro students hanging out in the office.