
October 28, 2019

Chiro Hustle Podcast 122 – Jeffrey Cronk, DC


  • Licensed Doctor of Chiropractic for over 30 years
  • Law Degree in 2013
  • Treating Doctor of Chiropractic for over 17 years (Over 5000 New Patients, 175,000 Office Visits, One Million Spinal Adjustments)
  • Developed two national spinal ligament testing companies
  • Current Chief Operations Officer for Spinal Kinetics LLC a Medical Spinal Ligament Testing Company
  • Developer, Chief Designer of CRMA® Spinal Ligament Testing System for Board Certified Radiologists
  • Published researcher in peer reviewed literature on Spinal Ligament Injuries
  • Developed the first online training program to educate lawyers on spinal soft tissue injuries called the SmartInjuryLawyers® program.
  • Developed the first online training program to educate lawyers on spinal soft tissue injuries called the SmartInjuryDoctors® program.

I have been in the spinal injury market as an expert for the last 20 plus years.

In this program I will be speaking on the most logical way to work up a spinal ligament injury in any market, personal injury, work comp, sports related etc.

The process that I will show is not being done standardly in the market today and it should be, as it is painfully simple, research and guideline driven and will allow doctors to fully understanding their patients’ injuries.  It will also allow the insurers and attorneys to have a much easier time in the benefits determination process.  Most lawyers I have worked with really like that!

In this program I will share with you the worse problem that attorneys and doctors have with these injuries.  I will also show you how ligament laxity itself is a non-factor unless it is set up correctly.

Spinal ligament injuries are the 1st, 4th and the 6th leading cause of chronic pain and disability.  Research says the following “While the figures vary depending on the cohort studied, current data indicate that up to 50% of people who experience a whiplash injury will never fully recover and up to 30% will remain moderately to severely disabled by their condition.”  There is a reason why these statistics are so poor.  Join me on this program and I will show you.

For those of you who are in the personal injury space you are not going to want to miss the gems that I will share in this program.

For more information see the following websites:

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