
September 16, 2019

Chiro Hustle Podcast 116 – Nemani Delaibtiki, DC

Hello, I am Dr. Nemani Delaibatiki. I came to the USA from New Zealand to play some club rugby, and after a few seasons of going back and forth between New Zealand and the USA I ended up in the Midwest where I first got really introduced to Chiropractic at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport Iowa. I started my undergraduate again there again after already going to school for a Bachelor of Tourism, major in Marketing in New Zealand. I played rugby there at Palmer and coached more than I really did play, and was privileged enough to become part of the Palmer Rugby family, a unique family made of past men’s and women’s rugby alumni dedicated about chiropractic and passionate about spreading the message of chiropractic through athletic excellence with a sport called rugby. I coached Rugby at Palmer and other places around the USA before going back to Chiropractic school at Life West due to the influence of two people – Dr. Fred Schofield, and Dr. Brian Kelly – who really got the fire back into me about chiropractic and my purpose, and why I should be in it.

I got married to my beautiful wife Tonya, a Midwest girl, and have 4 lovely kids, with the 5th one due in November 2019.

I am also the President and Founder of the South Pacific Chiropractic Health and Wellness Group (SPCHW) which is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization focused on serving humanity, sharing chiropractic, and being an ambassador for chiropractic through volunteer mission trips to the south pacific. We are also about promoting cultural interactions between Chiropractors, Chiropractic graduate students, and the people of the South Pacific who don't often get exposed to chiropractic care due to a limited presence of chiropractors in the region. We want to help change that one island at a time, with the goal of getting to all 22 countries in the region.

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