
July 8, 2019

Chiro Hustle Podcast 106 – Jeremy Brook, DC

Dr. Jeremy Brook is a Los Angeles Chiropractor, yogi, and movement specialist, whose mission is to create excellence in human performance and elevate consciousness in how we approach life from the way we breathe, move, feed our body and mind, and rest, to the way we connect to others.

In 2001, Dr. Brook founded The Life Center Chiropractic, a unique healing oasis that incorporates the disciplines of chiropractic, spinal corrective protocols, yoga, and other movement art forms to make sure the spine, body, and mind are aligned.

Since 2005, Dr. Brook has been teaching an anthropological, evolutionary and energetic approach to Yoga Anatomy at several of America’s premier yoga studios.

Dr. Brook is also the California MLS 1 Adjusting Seminar Leader. MLS or Mastery Love Service was created by Master Chiropractor Dr. Arno Burnier whose has trained many of THE top chiros in the profession.

Dr. Brook is also an author. His book THE SPINECHECKER’S MANIFESTO is an integrative approach to healing and healthier living that incorporates vitalistic philosophy, metaphysics, epigenetics and simple step-by-step yogic sequences that will teach you how to align, move, stretch, strengthen, energize, and access the sacred geometry of your body and mind. Recently he released a new online Dynamic Movement Program called THE WISE PROGRESSIONS which is a designed to LUBRICATE your spine IN A SCIENTIFICALLY CHOREOGRAPHED MANNER from the OCCIPUT to the SACRUM, as well as the GATEWAYs TO THE SPINE…. The SHOULDERS AND HIPS

When he’s not “spinechecking” and adjusting, he can be found on his yoga mat, lifting weights at Deuce Gym, and slacklining between palm trees on Venice Beach.

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