
May 13, 2019

Chiro Hustle Podcast 098 – Adam Del Torto, DC

Dr. Adam Del Torto graduated from New York Chiropractic College in 1984 and started his professional practice as an associate with Dr. Robert Romanelli in Oyster Bay, NY, in 1985. During that time Dr. Adam was selected as one of the few chiropractors to organize and conduct scoliosis examinations on grade school children in the state of New York – this was a pioneer event, being the first time a chiropractic doctor was allowed to participate in scoliosis screenings in the New York public school system. Dr. Adam worked as an associate doctor for a period of one year while he went back to undergraduate school to complete his Bachelor's Degree. He received a BS in Life Science from New York Institute of Technology in 1985, graduating Cum Laude.

While in school, Dr. Adam participated in biofeedback research under Dr. Bertram Spector, Ph.D. in clinical research. He was also actively involved in developing the Collegiate Interprofessional Committee – an organization designed to enhance inter-professional relationships between health professions through communication and education, for the common good of the patient. Dr. Del Torto moved back to his home town of Lompoc, CA, in 1986, where he developed a very successful practice with two associate doctors. While in Lompoc, he was active in various community projects, including the “Leadership Lompoc Valley” program – a select group of individuals who elicited leadership qualities, and took part in an extensive 12-month program which concentrated on community development, local issues, and concerns.

Dr. Adam was also an active member of several international organizations, including the Rotary Club where he was responsible for organizing and hosting the annual district convention for the high school Interact Club, a major project involving over 200 students from 13 different high schools. For his efforts, Dr. Adam was awarded the Lions Award, a prestigious honor given to an esteemed few individuals for their contribution to the community.

Dr. Del Torto left Lompoc in 1994 and started a company called DC Products which markets chiropractic products nationally and internationally, and features unique educational and promotional products designed by Dr. Adam. He has authored a chiropractic educational coloring book for children, which is now in its second edition and is distributed nationwide. Dr. Del Torto has also been published in several major chiropractic journals with articles he has written on chiropractic.

Dr. Adam traveled to Sydney, Australia in 1988 where he attended the International Chiropractic Research Symposium, which featured the latest advances in chiropractic education and research. He also traveled to New Zealand that same year and lectured to the International Cultural Exchange Wrestling Team on the prevention and treatment of wrestling injuries. Being a former wrestler himself, Dr. Adam is well versed on this subject.

Dr. Del Torto underwent months of additional educational training to gain status as an Industrial Disability Evaluator (IDE) and a Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) for the state of California. This established him as an expert physician in evaluating patients for the California Workers Compensation system. He was also present for the first ever ACA/ICA Joint Chiropractic Convention which was a milestone event in the chiropractic profession. This was the first time the two principal associations in chiropractic came together to discuss and debate issues.

Dr. Adam regularly attends continuing education seminars and has participated in cadaver cranial dissection seminars under Dr. Marc Pick at Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles. He divides his time between his two practices in Catalina Island and Burbank where he offers specialized treatment including Chiropractic, CFR treatment, Cold Laser therapy and Acuscope / Myopulse therapy for optimal results with his patients.

Dr. Adam is the originator of Cranial Facial Release Technique (CFR), a specialized endonasal “balloon-assisted” cranial technique that very few doctors are qualified to perform. Recently, Dr. Adam has combined efforts with SOTO-USA to teach seminars on CFR methods. For more info., visit:

Dr. Del Torto’s professional goals include furthering his education and credentials. He is focusing his efforts on developing a reproducible integrative cranial technique focusing on endo-nasal therapy (CFR). With his efforts, research, and accomplishments, he hopes to be able to contribute back to the chiropractic profession.

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