Chiro Hustle Podcast 096 – Sean McCaffrey, DC
Dr. Sean McCaffrey is a leading authority on health and wellness and an advocate for changing people’s lives through common sense healthcare. His approach to staying healthy is to treat the stress that causes disease over time. We all have stress…it shows up in the body many ways and can rob you of a lifetime of good health.
He helps his patients restore normal body function through the McCaffrey Method, an integrated system of healthcare that reclaims lives through mechanical alignment, emotional balance and proper nutrition/digestion. For 20 years, he has helped thousands plagued with years of chronic, degenerative stress and transform them into reinvigorated, balanced and ecstatic individuals.
As a digestive health specialist with a post-doctoral license in internal health, Dr. McCaffrey was among the first physicians in the US to be certified as an Internal Health Specialist. He is also the founder and developer of the McCaffrey Method, which combines a unique mix of cutting-edge analytical and diagnostic technologies, classic chiropractic techniques and other little-known but highly proven treatment methods that have restored long-lasting health and wellness to thousands of patients over the past 18 years. This holistic approach to long-term, restorative health care comes as a result of having studied the best modern modalities, as well as seeking out the most highly-guarded treatment secrets learned from old masters and perfected over the centuries.
Having authored several works published in a variety of medical journals, demand for Dr. McCaffrey’s expertise is very strong. Over the past 18 years, he has been a guest speaker and lecturer at over 100 venues throughout the country, having been invited to share his expertise at such venues as:
ChiroNutriceutical Annual Conference
Senior Services of Central Illinois
National Arthritis Foundation
Enzyme Nutrition Conferences
Loomis Institute Clinics
Logan University Post-Graduate Internal Health Specialist Sessions