Chiro Hustle Podcast 088 – Arno Burnier, DC

Graduated in 1973 from Renee Descartes Medical University, and in 1977 from Sherman College of Chiropractic – the first class.
Since 1998 to present Public Speaker, Teacher, Mentor, Seminar Facilitator, Consulting & Coaching.
International guest lecturer on Chiropractic, Life, Health, Healing, and Well-being at Chiropractic conventions, seminars, colleges, organizations and lay groups. Guest speaker to Obstetrics and midwife groups.
Graduation speaker at N.Y.C.C., Logan Chiropractic College, Life West Chiropractic College and Sherman College of Chiropractic.
Team speaker at Living Principles, Parker Seminar, New Beginning, Sherman Lyceum, PA College of Chiropractic Lyceum, ICA & ICPA Conventions, EPOC.
Regular assembly speaker at Life University, Life West, Sherman College, Palmer College. Guest speaker at CMCC, Parker U, Trois Rivieres University, Cleveland, Palmer West.
Career Guidance Counselor for Chiropractic colleges.
Founder & Conductor of Spinal Motion Palpation Seminars & MLS Adjusting Seminars.
Creator & author of the ABC Conference ( An expose demonstrating the connection between modern obstetrical procedures and neurospinal damages. An investigation of subluxations at birth and the Chiropractic philosophy of birth as a body function.)
1983 Outstanding Young Man of America.
Continuing Education faculty member for Life West Chiropractic College and Sherman College of Chiropractic.
Author and producer of “Children & Chiropractic’ video.
Author of numerous articles on Chiropractic, Health, Healing and Wellness.
Guest on numerous Radio and Television Talk Shows.
Co-Author of Chiropractic Revealed by David Scheiner, D.C.
Faculty & Board of Trustees Member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association.
Board member of Adjustworld.
Founder and director of Master-Piece Training Camp. A six days intensive Training Camp in the Philosophy, Science and Art of Chiropractic which includes Personal Growth and the Zen of office procedures along with adjusting training. Ran from 1998 to 2008.
Founder and facilitator of CCA Training. A 2 1/2 days Training that empowers participants to manifest their understanding and vision of Vitalistic Chiropractic into a successful reality in practice. It provides practical, applicable tools that are in integrity and congruent with Chiropractic Philosophy, Science and Art and the Café of Life model.
Founder of The Café of Life Vitalistic Practice Model.
Chosen as one of America’s 27 best Doctor of Chiropractic out of a pool of 65000 by Self Magazine in August 1993.
Co-facilitator of THRIVE a 2 1/2 day inside-out seminar, where nothing is taught and all is elicited out of participants by clearing layers to the inner truth that resides in all human being