
January 28, 2019

Chiro Hustle Podcast 083 – Edgar Everett, DC

Like many of you, Dr. Edgar Everett III is driven to bring to his practice members a caring, inspiring and solution-based style of health care. Since being in practice he has seen the Chiropractic landscape shift dramatically. People need us more and more. What has changed so much? Is it that the old healthcare model is broken?

Dr. Everett attended Illinois State University before Logan College of Chiropractic. Over the past decade of serving his practice members, volunteering at community clinics, mentoring Chiropractic students, and public speaking, his views on the solutions have been molded. Edgar has come to understand that having an impact on your community comes from compassion, hard work, and intelligent decision making. Chiropractic is a way of life. He is a member of the ABCA, IFCO, and the ICA.

Though sometimes his views can be a bit disruptive, Dr. Everett’s goal is to challenge the status quo and stretch your consciousness. He believes that being challenged filters out those who want more and those who are complacent.

Edgar currently resides in St Louis, MO with his beautiful family. He is a partner at Proficient Chiropractic in the metro area, created a program for the children of St. Louis to be introduced to Chiropractic in conjunction with Logan College of Chiropractic, and founding partner of Evoke Chiropractic Coaching.

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