Chiro Hustle Podcast 017 – Chris Burfield

Chris Burfield is and CEO and Founder of VanBurf Media, a Facebook Ad Agency that helps small business owners and entrepreneurs generate more leads and sell more products and services through social media and other online platforms.
Chris is also the Producer and Host of VanBurf Media's weekly show, Propaganda Marketing Machine! The show is hosted on Facebook and YouTube at and airs every Friday at 12 Noon (EST) The show is designed to help you spread your unique message into the world, manufacture desire and trust in your marketplace for the products and services you offer and help you create an insanely loyal tribe of followers!
Chris is not a Chiropractor but has dedicated the last 20 years of his life to the chiropractic profession. First as a Chiropractic Assistant, then as a Practice Owner and now as a Strategic Marketer.
His Mission is life is to make sure every person on the planet has the opportunity to hear the Chiropractic Story and learn where true health and healing come from…above-down-inside-out.