SUCCESS Happens When You Go ALL IN with Dr Chris Zaino DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 007

Dr. Chris Zaino is a world-renowned speaker, author, entrepreneur, and HERO .
Wining Mr. America in 1998, and being a leader in the fitness industry, he found himself defying a deadly disease in his late 20's. Dr. Zaino leveraged his experience to establish one of the largest health and wellness clinics in the world, seeing thousands weekly
Core Premise
“Everybody is born with seeds of greatness and capable of doing heroic things. A hero is defined as a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. The majority of people have had this silently hidden ,beaten down, and imprisoned in them.
Hero Purpose
We live in a broken society that teaches, encourages, and rewards mediocrity. People are silently grieving their potential. Therefore, I exist to wake up the hero that we know resides in everyone.
Clear Goal
For people who are sleepwalking through life… living their secret identity, we wake them up and connect them to their greatness, genius, and buried hero. And for those who are already awake, we provide a powerful and motivating experience to help them further develop their super powers and encourage them to contribute by joining our mission in helping us wake up others.
Dr. Zaino's Facebook and YouTube vlog style series, “We Are Heroes”, follows him as he readies himself to tell the world that embracing the Hero within is the full expression of who you were created to be and guides you in fulfilling your purpose in life.
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