
August 7, 2017

Make a Difference in how Kids Eat with Dr Bad Ellisor DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 006

Wellness expert and sought-after speaker. Dr. Brad will inform, awaken, empower and entertain. His deep passion for health and full human potential is palpable every time he lectures.

Dr. Brad Ellisor DC graduated from Life West Chiropractic College in 2004 and has practiced in the Pacific Northwest ever since. He has dedicated his practice to working with families and people of all ages to live a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life.

Dr. Brad is an expert in the field of natural health and wellness. While his oldest daughter grew and experienced the world, he noticed an alarming trend of allergies, asthma, ADD, and other chronic illness like obesity, type 2 diabetes, etc… among even youngest children. This caused for a transformation in his thinking and focus to making a difference in the lives and health of the next generation. After extensively studying nutrition and the leaders in the pediatric natural health world he launched his podcast “Kids Eating Broccoli” to share the strategies, techniques, tips and tricks to support other parents and families to have a happier and healthier family life and the best chance for a great life for their children.


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