
July 17, 2017

QSM3 Excellence and ChiroDex with Dr Tim McFadden DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 003

Dr. Tim McFadden earned his degree in Chiropractic at the prestigious Fountainhead of Chiropractic, Palmer College, in Davenport, Iowa. Dr. Tim received an MBA education from University of Phoenix after graduating from Brigham Young University with a degree in English.
After his studies at Palmer, Dr. Tim had the opportunity to train with one of the leaders in the NUCCA technique in Coupeville, Washington before branching out and establishing two successful upper-cervical clinics in the Pacific Northwest.

Dr. Tim devotes much of his time to achieving excellence in QSM3 through study and by attending conferences to improve his understanding and skills. He is amazed by the body’s ability to adapt and heal, and dedicated to the advancement of the spinal correction. He loves educating others about the importance of spinal care.

Prior to becoming a Chiropractor, Dr. Tim spent 15 years in the high-tech industry. A high-stress job helped introduce Dr. Tim to chiropractic.

After receiving great results through chiropractic care and learning more about this amazing healing art, Dr. Tim was convinced that this was his true path in life. He moved his family to Iowa and completed his schooling at Palmer.

He loves sports, great books, good music and the many opportunities to serve his family and his church.


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