All of Us are Better Than One of Us in Chiropractic with Kathy Weidner – Chiro Hustle Podcast 506

Kathy Weidner, better known professionally as Kathy Mills Chang, is a Colorado girl, residing there with her husband and two beloved basset hounds, Homer and Daisy Mae. Kathy started as a CA in 1983 and is celebrating her 40th anniversary of serving the chiropractic profession in 2023.
Kathy is known as one of Chiropractic’s premiere Medicare, compliance, billing, and documentation experts. Now a Certified Medical Compliance Specialist (MCS-P), a Certified Professional Chiropractic Coder (CCPC), and Certified Professional Compliance Officer (CPCO), Kathy’s super-power is that she makes these difficult subjects simple, easy to understand, and, most importantly, easy to implement.
In 2007, Kathy founded KMC University, the profession’s go-to for training and resources on Medicare, documentation & coding, practice finances, compliance, and business essentials. The KMC University Library houses the broadest and deepest compendium of training and tools available in one place, online for easy access. Her team of 21 includes the most certified specialists under one roof in the profession. You can find out more about KMC University at kmcuniversity {dot} com.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You've made the Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one Chiro Project podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes and to continue hustling.
This episode is sponsored by Transact Card, Align Life, NeuroInfinity, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, and the IFCO. Well, let's hustle.
LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER): Hey guys, welcome to episode 506 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Kathy Weidner. And if you want to hear a story about how all of us are better than one of us, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm really excited for this one. We have Kathy Weidner coming on today. Great, great resource for Chiropractic. We just had a chance to have a little off-camera conversation about her background. I know that this is going to be full of value. And aren't anybody watching this? You should probably take your pin out right now and sharpen it, your pencil or whatever you need to do. But take some notes today because this is going to be full of value and information. But before we get into episode 506 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast, I'm going to let you guys know the big why. Why do we do what we do over here? Well, first and foremost, First Amendment is important to us. And freedom of speech is absolutely important to us. So our show protects freedom of speech. Our show also believes in family health, freedom and medical freedom. So we host a great variety of people that are talking about things like this. And we also believe in protecting BJ Palmer Sacred Trust. If you guys don't know what that means, go to your favorite search engine right now and look for BJ Palmer's last words, BJ Palmer Sacred Trust. You're going to know a whole lot more about Chiro Practic than you did before you did that. And then we also believe in subluxation based Chiropractic. I know it's kind of crazy that we have to say that in today's era, but we do. And then we believe in inate intelligence and universal intelligence that when man or woman the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman the spiritual. And with that being said, Kathy, welcome to the show.
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): I am more than excited because you've been a part of this profession for 40 years.
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): Yes. Indeed. And some may know me rather than Kathy Weidner instead as Kathy Mills Chang, but same person, same person, same old bitty. That's right.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And 40 years of going through the Chiro Practic science philosophy and art. What are some of your takeaways?
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): Well I started in 1983 with a chiropractor that was a Sherman grad. And actually didn't graduate from Sherman because that was back when there was a challenge. You had to go somewhere else to graduate or something. But I learned about Chiro Practic from some of the most basic tenets. Every new patient had to attend what they called the lecture at that time. And the room would be just stoked full of people. Often I had to babysit because they would bring their kids and we'd go in the other room and do that in those old days. And took me to Parker, I'm looking at my plaque from Parker right now above my head, January of 1984. So within my first year I was at Parker learning basic principles. And from that time I became a devotee and interested in everything Jim P. Sigafus had to say. And he at those days would teach how many days it took for skin cells to regenerate and heart cells and all of these things. And as a young CA I could literally quote every one of those things as I helped to educate my patients and my doctor's patients. And what's interesting to me is now all these years later and sort of the winding road that I've taken through the business side of Chiroractic so much away from the clinical side. The changes that have happened to us are in most everybody's opinion, we'll see, either just really, really good or really, really bad. And I find myself a centrist, very much a centrist. I think that the biggest changes I've seen around regulations and the things that apply. I love working with the most philosophically based chiropractors because what that does for me is it reminds me of my roots and it tells me that if you can be that congruent in your philosophy and your clinical practice, you have the ability to be that congruent in your business. And so there's some of my favorite people to work with.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well I love the conversation because, you know, philosophy is something that carries on this profession and it's the thing that makes it so unique. You know, I studied on how to become patented like 20 years ago. Yeah. And you had to be unique, non-obvious and novel. And I believe that chiropractic embodies a lot of that because of the philosophy, because of the techniques, because of the history. And not only that, the future also. Like I, I, common times, say over the past couple of years that like, if it wasn't for chiropractic in the health world of freedom of health, we would be checkmate. It'd be medical tyranny. But it's because of the chiropractic profession that the walls haven't fallen in on the medical freedoms of our country. And I believe that the chiropractic profession has been the one thing that stood up the longest for, you know, medical freedom and freedom of choice when it comes to our health. And you know, I was actually on a walk this morning and I don't mean to bring government up very frequently and the things I do, but I wrote this while I was walking. And it says, when will the government admit that chiropractic has been the answer all along? And I think that it's really honest. And I think that that's what we need to do is turn back to an honest approach of taking care of families, of the individual taking care of themselves, of, you know, these tenants like you talked about, these early tenants that you learned going to Parker, when will it become en vogue and popularized for people to actually understand the chiropractic philosophy and understand the chiropractic lifestyle and that the adjustment isn't about chasing pain.
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): Yeah, it's up to our doctors, isn't it, to help educate them and people like you. I think that the experience of patient education has gone by the wayside very much. And part of it does bleed over into my world a little bit because the doctors that are still so incredibly connected to third party reimbursement versus more cash based practice or don't have a good blend of the two are the ones that feel like they have to hustle and hustle and see as many people as they can to collect their $23, which has affected their ability to properly educate. Bill Esteb is one of my best friends and mentors and has been for years where mastermind partners, we don't live far from one another. And I think that he is, I'm sure he's been someone that you've paid attention to as well. He has the clearest message, I think, in the things that he does and talks about, about how important that patient education is. Because long ago I heard John D. Martini speak, also amazing speaker, who said, you know, we don't do our patient education or the lecture, whatever you may do in your practice, so much for the person listening to it to really get it as much as we're teaching them how to tell others about chiropractic. And I think that we've kind of lost that art a little bit.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You know, I love Bill, I actually spoke with him, my first big gig I ever did was over in Europe. And they had me there in 2016 to speak at this event called the Chiropractic Matters Conference. And we were the only two non-chiropractors that were invited to speak there. And I mean, it changed my trajectory of where I am today, because I had a chance to speak over at the McTimity School, I had a chance to speak at the Engel European Chiropractic College down in Burnmouth. And it really solidified some ideas to me about how global this profession is too, and how vast this profession is and how we all need to protect the sacred trust, how we all need to do those talks. You know, when I worked in a clinic, a lot of people listen to our show, they know that I worked in a clinic for almost six years as a CBP traction tech. And the doc that I worked with, if nobody signed up for our patient education talk, the staff had to sit through it.
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): That's great.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So we are incentivized to like actually sign up people to come to that class. Yeah. Otherwise, I mean, we had to come anyways. But we like the doc would still give the talk to the staff. Good for them. Yeah. So I think that what you're saying is really important when it comes to like the messaging behind chiropractic and Demartini taught me one thing. He told me this one quote that I'll never forget, but it's maximum evolution happens at the borders of chaos and order.
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): Oh, that's a great quote.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And I think about that a lot. And I think about why chiropractic is where it is today is because that is maximum evolution. And chiropractic has mass maximally evolved into what it is today. And that's give love serve, but it's also business. And I think that that's where you've come in to play a lot with the profession is understanding the business fundamentals of the profession.
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): Yes, that's really where our sweet spot is.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yes. So marketing business. There are some advice strategies, ideas that you would give to somebody that's fresh out, been in practice three to five years. People that really need something to put into their toolkit.
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): Well, it's interesting. You know, during this 40th year journey, there have been a number of interviews and different things magazine articles. And I find myself very much gravitating toward this topic because if my passion is the colleges, and trying to make sure that we can fix the subluxation that is that, because what's happening is they're not out properly prepared. And you know, we are not, you know, the medical profession where they're going to go straight into a hospital or they're going to do something like that. And either they're cannibalized by a doctor that's already doing everything wrong and then they think that's right, or they don't know what to do. And so the pieces of advice that I like to do when I speak at the colleges is to talk about, you know, it's unreasonable to think that you could ask another friend how to do something that is that complicated. You would never do that with your taxes or with your license or anything like that. Don't do it with your business. And understand when the right time is to hire a professional for whatever that is for a 30 minute consultation or for actually helping you. And that's a very strong message because right now on the average, two people a week call us and say, you know, literally, I can't make this up this morning. I had a consultation with the doctor telling me he's been in practice 26 years and did not know it was that he couldn't opt out of Medicare as a chiropractor. And I'm dumbfounded when I hear these things either you haven't been to any seminar where you've paid attention, you haven't been to the right seminars, some things going on that you didn't know that when you came out of school, you go, well, it's different back then that wasn't the rule. It was the rule. It's just that they care about it more now. And so that's probably the number one thing that I would tell a student is get the right information from the right people. It's unreasonable to call around and ask three people until you get the answer you're looking for it. You're messing with all of that energy and effort you've put into your education and the money that you've spent. It's not hard. It is not hard to be in business today. You just have a few things you have to deal with and deal with them properly.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, I think that those are some really important things to discuss. So I'm just going to ask you, where do we need to send these people to, like, resources? And I was once told that some of the things you just said there is to pay the most one time and cry once rather than always trying to get a deal or taking cheap advice or not doing it the right way because it's going to cost you more the second, third, fourth time. So if you do anything out of sequence, for my coach, he says if you do anything out of sequence, you have to go back and do it over anyways. So I think that there's a lot to say about what I'm going to ask you next is what are the resources? Where do we send people for this type of help?
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): Well, let me say this by saying a story. So I spoke last weekend in Mississippi to 130 some folks in the room and somebody came up to me on the break and said, I think you're great and I finally understand this thing, but I have to tell you, I called Medicare and they told me the opposite of what you're just told me. And that kind of thing frosted me to no end because they probably sat in on a Medicare webinar who chiropractic is the square peg certainly in their world. And unfortunately, it is the worst place to go to get information about what you should be doing in chiropractic. And I'm not here to promote myself, but I need to tell you, we are the largest company in the profession with 350 years experience in the profession. We have the largest team of certified specialists doing what we do in compliance, Medicare billing, coding, documentation, we do audit defense. We really are the people. We are a team. We're not a one man show. We're not a one woman show. And when we don't know an answer, we know how to find the answer. And if there isn't an answer, our certifications allow you to give, allow us to give you the best information that we can. There are a lot of good people out there. And unfortunately, there are a lot of people that have no idea what they're doing who try to advise in this space. I think you have to be willing to make an investment to your point, pay once and get it right. I mean, our library is $99 a month. It's the largest compendium of training anywhere in the profession. The colleges use it because there's nothing like it. And it's training that's available anytime. There's one on one. There's consultations. We can do whatever. So get a professional. If it's us, great. We'd love to help you. But if it's us, if it's not us, get somebody, ask their credentials. And when somebody tells you something, ask for their reference.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. You know, that's a big part of our show is we are a depository, a resource. People listen to our show a lot. And I constantly get messages from people asking me like, how do I do this? How do I do that? Or do I go for this? Can you help me find an associate? Can you help me sell my practice? Yes. I'm barrage of contact. What do I do for this type of marketing? What if I want to do screening? What if I want to do ads? Like who do I trust in this marketplace? And I got so frustrated at the end of it. I'm like, I'm just going to start my own.
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): That's a great way to do it. And screenings are such a red flag in most cases because things are given away free when they can't be or shouldn't be or all of these things. And you know, that falls under the umbrella of compliance. Compliant marketing is a big piece of our library because there are options of things that you can certainly do that make you not on the radar. And depending on whether somebody is participating in any type of insurance, personal injury, whatever, the rules are different. Whether you're literally all cash based turning away Medicare, you can do this set of things. If you're in this category, you can't do this set of things. And so it really is a topic that we're always sad when we see somebody who's done something and then they've gotten in trouble and come to us.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You've made it to Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast.
This episode is sponsored by Transact Card, Align Life, NeuroInfinity, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, and the IFCO. Well, let's hustle.
Yeah, that's honestly, I've been supporting the state associations big time. The past couple of months this new year started, I had a campaign to help as many state associations as I can. Great. And a big part of that is because most of the time when people come into the state association need and become a member, it's when they're actually done something that they need help with and they're not a member already. So I always urge people to support their state associations because those dollars and your connection with that group are the reason why you can still practice if there's an infraction that happens because they're the ones that are going to support you in your license to make sure that you can be a solvent practitioner and that you're not going to have a big issue. So I think that if anybody does watch this and they do watch this, they will get a chance to understand that you should become a member of your state association for the reasons that Kathy just said.
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): But I think I do have to push back a little bit on that and nobody is a bigger supporter of the Chiro Congress and state associations than I am. But the states are not able to have the quality of people, they can't afford that because the doctors don't join. So they are so valuable for looking out for global things in your state, your licensure, when the sunset comes up, all of those kinds of things. But I mean, there's a reason why many states use us because they don't have the person on staff who can answer it. And so I'm a thousand percent in agreement. You should, your first adjustment of the month, that fee should go towards your state association membership. Pick a national association or somebody doing something big that's important to the profession. Do your other donations. By the time you're done with your first hour, the first day of the month, you have now paid your insurance that you need to pay and then the rest of that money is yours. But you've got to pay your dues first. You have to.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And here's the best thing. I'd recommend everybody put this on auto debit and just have it to where you don't have to go and do it. Just have it set up on auto pilots where it just like pulls and then you just know that you're taking care of all the business.
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): And can put your head on the pillow. We literally just in this, we just did a whole review, had a person come in and do a deep dive on our company. And part of it was from a strategic point of view, they talked to a bunch of our clients. And one of the things that she told me as the doctor said, I am a member of KMC University because I want to be able to put my head on my pillow at night and sleep soundly. And I think that whoever you find, that's what everyone of you deserve.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So I know that we have a deeper question set today, but I would like to have you back on some time to talk just specifically about compliancy with marketing. Love to. And compliancy within new patients. Yes. And strategic like truth for people to follow to where they they can put their head on their pillow at night.
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): Yeah, that's a good feeling.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): It is. So global community. I know we talked earlier. I'm hyper focused on chiropractors and their local communities and what they're doing to stay connected. But you have a global brand and it's it doesn't have like a hyper focus to a local like market. So what are you doing to stay connected and to add value to the chiropractor profession globally?
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): Well, in in fairness, my market is not much past the US because we do really focus very heavily on the regulatory side of things, the third party world, state regulations, things of that nature. I think that we have the largest compendium of CA training anywhere. So we have Canadian people and other people that come in and partake of some of that, especially our clinical training. Our our triple CA certification is second to none. And what I find for me is that I was taught very early on by a chiropractor I worked for that if you give with your left hand, your right hand will never be left wanting. And so I always strive and one of our core values of our business is to give more than we get. So we do a tremendous amount of education on Facebook in our Facebook group. We do a tremendous amount of education that is provided to through a chronicles that we do once a quarter, all new payer updates and things like that to really for the whole United States and anything that we have on our radar, we try to help as well. So I think from that aspect, we are serving spoken in all 50 states. We have clients in all 50 states. So we really are able to know the rules and the laws of all of those states and any doctor from any of those states could work with us. We do support their state associations. We do a lot of free training for them. They can charge. We provide a speaker. We have a whole HIPAA training that we do for one state that send their people to our website and the state receives the financing for that. So that's really the way that we stay connected. There was a time when I was teaching 40 seminars a year because so many people were asking me to come and speak and speak at their conventions and things. So I feel really connected and in a lot of ways to those states.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, it's an honor to get to know you on this format and for you to come on and be a guest with us on Chiro Hustle. I think that you have a powerhouse full of knowledge over there and we're in the same state. I'll likely be over in the Denver market from time to time. So I'll shoot you a message and see if we can get a little one-on-one time together.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): But let's talk about some of the people that have helped transition you in becoming who you are today. Who are some of your heroes and mentors that have helped form you into who you are?
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): Well I think profession wise I certainly would speak to what I learned from Jim Sigafus early on. And what I learned in those early days, the first chiropractor I ever worked for was named John Connors and he owned natural life centers in Arizona where I started my career. Arlen Forr, the inventor of the activator, saw me early on speaking in those days in Arizona and brought me on to teach his national CA seminar. He saw something in me that nobody else did and I don't know that I'd be where I am today without that. Dr. Ed Weathersby in Arizona, another big hero of mine who we adopted our son and I didn't know what I was going to do and he needed somebody to come work whatever hours I needed to but please just fix my situation and that provided a space for me to be able to be a mom and a worker which was amazing. You know I had an opportunity to work at the ACA and there were some amazing leaders there that do things behind the scenes that chiropractors have no idea. Even if they're not a member of the ACA they're protecting things that they do. I know there's a political conversation around that but the non-political pieces of things that those leaders do, the profession will never even know about. And then I'd say Mark Santa who hired me with Breakthrough Coaching when I moved back to Colorado and again I was the first non-chiropractor to be a coach in his program and then he gave me wings when I needed them to form my own company. We are still very close friends today and no animosity, the fact that we have some sort of competition really, not really because we don't do what they do but these are people that I was able to sort of use as stair steps as I proceeded through my career and on the career side it's absolutely been that. No question.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Well there's a famously said quote from chiropractic as we stand on the shoulders of giants. And I think that everything you said there couldn't be more true as we do stand on the shoulders of giants. And it takes me back to this thing I wrote while I was walking this afternoon is when will the government admit that chiropractic has been the answer all along? And I think that it goes back to you know you said I don't want to politicize this but there's some truth in what you said is we're all in this to help the chiropractic profession move along. And one of the things you said earlier was all of us are better than one of us. And I really believe that I think that all of us are better than one of us and there's no competition. It's a blue ocean out there. And marketing for people that don't know this terminology is a blue ocean is there's almost no competition out there. And a red ocean means that the water is bloody and it's competitive. So a blue ocean means that we have like forever in a day that we can like make initiative with chiropractic and make a change for the better of the future of the profession. So I'm all for unity through diversity and that we all do something a little bit different but it doesn't mean that it's not chiropractic.
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): Well and you know what everybody isn't everyone's cup of tea like I can tell you that I can be someone that people don't necessarily resonate with and maybe some people resonate more with a man. I know that I went through a period of time the last few years being open and honest with you where I was ready to throw in the towel because I was just sick to death of and I was a crab ass at certain ones of these meetings I can promise you there were people that were like well you were snippy and the reason why I think like this was the crux for me is I had a person calling right into our help desk. They said I've got about $3,500 in claims with this payer they're not paying them and they're telling me it's because I'm not using the right modifier what's the right modifier. Well our help desk includes you know email and phone help but if we have to look at something there's a very small nominal $39 charge we get with the specialist they get 20 minutes with the specialist we help solve the problem. And the girl went call this back we said this is what you'd need to do because we need to see it she called back and said I'm so sorry my doctor won't pay the $39 but can I pay you directly because I really need to get this solved. Literally $3,500 waiting to be paid that we did solve in probably two minutes and you've heard that joke before about the plumber that you know charge so much for the ranch and so much for his time because you have to know which button to push and we know what button to push but when I that doctor who wouldn't spend $39 to get the help they started coming in droves for some reason and I became very jaded and very frustrated and you know I'm sure that I wasn't pleasant sometimes and so I think I've referred to other colleagues of mine who do what we do because it might be a better fit and I would hope that they would do the same thing because we're not always everybody's cup of tea.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah you know the big takeaway there is it takes it reminds me of the old shoemaker parable where there's the shoemakers kids don't or they have holes in their shoes and it kind of reminds me of the same way that some offices or some practitioners go about making sure that their eyes are dotted and their tees are crossed is some two years ago I called it the pay to play here like you have to pay to play doesn't matter what it is and I think that the more that you you pay for the resources and for the connections and it just speeds
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): up your career especially when it's not that expensive and you know there is an entitlement I think that has been pervasive in the profession of a long long long time not recently and that we deserve to you know we were put upon with our reimbursement so we should just band together and help each other which is fine except if you give each other the wrong answer then you're all going to go down the tubes together so don't do that don't do that so
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): I think you teed it up for a closing question is 20 years from now you've been here 40 where
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): do you see the profession headed well I was interviewed for an article for my 40th anniversary and I closed it in a way that I think probably some in the profession won't appreciate but I feel very strongly that the biggest affront to the profession right now is the requirement that chiropractors can't opt out of Medicare and so consequently a very large percentage are doing it wrong and illegally and it's a matter of time before something's going to happen so I think the thing that we could push toward right now as a profession that would make the biggest difference down the road is the realization that people will pay for what they value but you still have to play by the rules so do the minimal things you have to do to be enrolled in Medicare 10,000 people a day are aging into Medicare and eventually that means your patient base is going to age into Medicare and if you're not enrolled in part B you just can't take care of them anymore and that's ridiculous so we have to put our effort and energy into getting something done about that clean it up behave properly and then I think in 20 years we're going to see ourselves the doctors that really want to be metapractors and doing more things that are more medical related we'll get a chance to do that and I think the profession will come back to very much cash based chiropractic I worked in a practice where there was a box on the wall and I still can't believe they did that but they did and people put money in there and the doctors did very well I'm not advocating for that but there is a way to make it affordable and to get chiropractic to as many people as they can and if we do what we need to do the next five to ten years in 20 years I think every chiropractor will not have to take a second job stocking shelves at night because that breaks my friggin heart.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah there's a lot to be said there and a lot of unpacking to do but the passion is true and it's been a great conversation with you today. At this juncture is there anything I didn't ask you that you like to share with your audience?
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): I don't think so. I'm delighted to have the opportunity to talk to you. I think being non chiropractors we come at this profession a little differently but I can tell you that chiropractic saved my life I used to take hands full of pills for my asthma and when I became a chiropractic patient the same day I became a chiropractic CA my life changed forever and part of what I do I do because I feel like that's my debt to the profession.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Wow well Kathy it's a true honor to have you on here I look forward to our friendship with you all for the last meeting in 2023 and into the future together. Your gem I really appreciate the integrity and the work that you do and the messages that you shared with your audience today and your episode 506.
KATHY WEIDNER (GUEST): Awesome that's a great number.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Congratulations. Thank you. Well I'm going to close out by telling everyone you're just one story away. Keep hustling I'll see you guys on the next episode. Thanks Kathy. Thank you so much.
Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.
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