
April 21, 2021

Advancement in Technology in Chiropractic with Dr David Fletcher DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 241

For over 25 years, Dr. Fletcher has owned and managed one of Canada’s leading practices. Based in Toronto, he is a compelling speaker who educates doctors on efficient and profitable practice models. He recently acquired a majority position in Chiropractic Leadership Alliance (CLA) and assumed the role of Chairman and Chief Clinical Officer. Dr. Fletcher is a high-profile speaker, author, and coach who has assisted hundreds of doctors around the globe to build stronger, more sustainable practices.

His vision is to enhance CLA’s position in the marketplace by expanding its breadth of solutions, educational services, and technology innovation.

“We will focus on the key areas every DC wants and needs, including innovative systems and an unwavering commitment to the patient. Consumers demand that their practitioners use the latest technologies, which in turn, enhances their experience and effectively educates them. Our ever-developing technologies will keep the chiropractor at the forefront of patient care and will create initiatives that position the DC for consistent growth”, continued Dr. Fletcher.

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