40 Years of Chiropractic Service and Stories with Dr Peter Kevorkian DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 537
Dr. Peter J. Kevorkian practices with his wife Dr. Patricia A. Giuliano in Westwood, MA. They have two children; Katie, age 35 and Christopher, age 33, both were born underwater at home. They have a very special home/office practice. Dr. Peter and Dr. Patti embody the heart and soul of family practice. Their practice is considered the “standard” in family chiropractic care.
Dr. Peter teaches internationally on Chiropractic Philosophy, Children and Chiropractic and Family Practice. He is president of the board of directors and instructor for the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). He is former Chairman of the Board of Sherman College of Chiropractic. He is on the board of the Massachusetts Chiropractic Society (MCS). He is a 1982 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic.
Dr. Peter has been honored as Fellow in the College of Straight Chiropractic and been named Chiropractor of the Year by the the Massachusetts Chiropractic Society in 2003. For over 25 years Dr. Peter and Dr, Patti have been hosts for the Massachusetts Alliance for Chiropractic Philosophy. Under their leadership, the MACP has been a strong support group for chiropractors. They sponsor monthly “Philosophy Nites” at their home/office. It is the longest continuous running chiropractic philosophy group in the world.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast.
Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.
This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, Align Life, Brain-based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let's hustle!
LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER): Hey guys, welcome to episode 537 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So today we had the opportunity of interviewing a good friend of mine Dr. Peter Kevorkian coming in from Massachusetts. Today we discuss his 40 years of service to the profession.
Hey, Peter. How are you doing?
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah, man. I'm really happy to have you here. You’re episode 537.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. You know, I say, can you believe that? I say, I can, because I've done all of them.
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): But it's a true testament, Jim, to your commitment to our profession.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Oh, thank you. I love it. Yeah. I stand in the gap for truth. I love it. When a lot of people get disillusioned or afraid, I double down. So I think we're going to have a really good conversation today about chiropractic. We're going to focus on getting out of your head and into your heart, telling the chiropractic story what that means, and getting outside of your office and becoming a servant for the profession, not just being a servant over the tables, which is important also. But before we jump into this powerful episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast, I want to let everyone know our big why. Why do we do what we do over here? And why do I stand in the gap for chiropractic? Well, first things first is freedom of speech. We stand for the First Amendment. If you guys need a refresh on that, go and search First Amendment. You're going to learn a whole lot more about why freedom of speech is important to all of us. And then we can go into the lateral move of medical freedom and family health freedom. They're not the same thing. But chiropractic has stood firmly for both of those stances within the free world that we live in. So God bless the chiropractic profession for staying for family health freedom and medical freedom. We always say, cradle to grave care, womb to tomb, first breath, the last breath, however you want to position it. But then we also support BJ Palmer Sacred Trust. If you don't know what that is, go to your favorite surgeon engine right now, pause this interview and go and find out what BJ Palmer's last words were or what BJ Palmer Sacred Trust is. And you're going to learn more about chiropractic than you ever knew previously. And then we do support public station based chiropractic. It is something that's inside of the lexicon and the language, you know, this profession. It may be a historical reference and context, but it's still true today. And then we go into any intelligence, universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. And with that being said, Dr. Peter, welcome to show. It's an honor to be here. Yeah. Awesome. So you've been in this profession 40 years. Yeah, I know.
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): Not an practicing 40 years. I've been in the profession longer than that. So 44 years, 45 years.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So 45 46 years ago, why did you say I'm going to go to become a chiropractor?
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): So I was in undergraduate school, I was actually a freshman in college in engineering school. And that's when I started chiropractic care. And I was under care maybe six, nine months or so. And it was at a time it was about halfway through my first semester. No, it had to have been a fall of my freshman year. No, that's when I started care. So it had to do later in my freshman year, but before the end of my freshman year, I was seriously considering other professions. As much as I loved engineering, I loved math, I loved science. I was doing great in school, but as I looked at engineers, I said, I don't know if I want to be sitting behind a desk all day long. And so I started to consider other things, everything from education to healthcare to healthcare was none of the job list at the time, business. And one day I was on the chiropractic table getting adjusted and I asked my chiropractor, who was Dr. Cordima, I said, it seems so haphazard, what do you do? Because the old time chiropractor moved them balls. I'd be lying placed down at the table, he'd walk into the room and you do his analysis of poom, poom, poom. I mean, he like moved those bones, old time chiropractors. And one time I asked him, I said, do you know what you're doing? He goes, no, poom, poom, poom, poom, brings the table up and says, do you know what you doing? He says, what I do know is that when I give you an adjustment, it lets your body work better. It lets the in-board intelligence of your body better connect with the physiology and let your body do better. So what I don't know is what's going to happen when I do that. I don't know if your back pain is going to get better, the headache is going to go away, the headache, if you're going to breathe better, if your sex life is going to change, I don't know what's going to happen, I just know that it's going to be better. So I don't know what I'm doing, but I do know what an adjustment does. He walks out of the room. And that was, he was at a point that I was really looking at what career I wanted to say. He's intriguing. So the next time I go to get checked and get adjusted, he adjusts me, poom, poom, I turn out, I said, I didn't want to do this. And brings the table up. As the longest time, I don't think he ever spent with me, starts telling me what it takes to go to chiropractic school. And then I started my pursuit of trying to understand and learn about the profession, read as much as I could. In fact, then it was very, very little. By the end of my freshman year, I did decide that this is what I wanted to do as a career. So the remainder of my time in undergraduate school, I did my prerequisites. So I graduated chiropractic school and then about six months later, nine months later, I started Palmer College in 1979. Davenport, Iowa. Davenport, Iowa.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. Well, not to let the cat out of the bag, but I was one. So I was in Davenport at the same time you were there. Because I grew up in Davenport, Iowa. I don't know if you knew that. I know that. Yeah. That's my hometown. Wow. I'm a BJ Palmer's water. Yeah.
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): Well, you know, it was a huge transition. I think you sacrificed a lot to go to chiropractic school, everything from parental expectations, friendships, relationships, money, money, you know, to go to school. And the best decision I ever made.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Amen. Well, a lot of people that watch our show know that I went out and I did 600 chiropractic screenings in 36 months. When I met people out there, I would tell people similar to what the doc told you. I'd say, I don't know what's going on in your body because I don't live in your body, but I know one thing. If you get under chiropractic care and you stick with it, we can help you. And it gives people that quotient of trust and hope. And it lets them believe in themselves again. 100%. And I think a lot of times when people get mixed up in like the mainstream systems, that they don't really understand the potential of their body to heal itself. They think that there has to be a pill, a potion or a lotion that they're going to be able to use that's going to make them healthier because that's what's been perpetuated to them through all commercial outlets. And you know, I think that that's what the general population thinks. So when we go get to grain and we talk about innate intelligence, like that doesn't mean anything to anybody. And I know that one of the major premises of today's interview is to tell the story. So I'm curious, what does telling the story mean to you and how can other people learn how to tell the story?
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): Great. That's a great question. We can spend hours on that one. The story is basically that the body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism that has within it this amazing life force that not only knows how to keep you free of symptoms and disease, but allows your body to express itself to its fullest potential. And that there's wisdom that runs the body that lives in every cell, utilizes the brain and the nervous system as its primary control system. And that system can become injured or damaged through this phenomenon that we refer to as a self-luxation. Interrupting its own self-regulating mechanisms, interrupting the brain's ability to perceive the body or the brain's ability to control the body, bodily function, and it's less than optimal. And what a chiropractor does is an analysis of the spine to provide a spinal adjustment that allows the body to become free of nerve interference and allows the nervous system to fully control and coordinate the function of the body. So that in one intelligible body can fully express itself and allows us to be totally healthy and well in expressing our fullest potential. That's the story. Yet you don't tell the story that way. If you walk up to somebody on the street and you tell the story that way after about 15 seconds, maybe 10, maybe 5, the brain will shut down. So telling the story has many facets to it. And how and where and when you tell the story, depending on where you are, is going to change how much of the story that you're going to tell, if you will. My usual means, if I'm in some place that is not where I'm going looking for patients if you will, I'm in a grocery store, I'm in a wedding or somebody says, somehow they find out in the car. Oh, chiropractor. Oh, you must see a lot of old people or whatever. My means of education telling the story is to create some pattern interrupt, some interruption of what they think they know about what it is that I do. And I said, well, in my practice, it's mostly infants and babies. And they take that. Mostly infants and babies. Why? I said, well, many people think that what chiropractors do is take care of old people, back pain and headaches. But the real magic of chiropractic is keeping the body functioning optimally. Now, the worst damages that occur very often happen to the spine at the birth process, even sometimes before birth. So checking a baby at birth by a chiropractor allows that body to be as healthy as it possibly
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): So it says some sort of interruption of the pattern for me to open the door in their brain that might allow them to have more information. Usually, I won't even go into the spiel without saying, yeah, I take care of lots of infants and babies. Has he? She's got bad backs. Do I want to explain it to you? And lastly, is you want education? You're going to say yes. And rather than just be puking on them, I'd rather just ask questions. If there's a space in time to do that, do you want to have a conversation about it? Because you want me to just tell you, they'll have a conversation. It's all engaged in the dialogue and get them to perceive and understand why the brain and nervous is really one of the most critical links to us being healthy, strong, vital, energetic and within our lives.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): I love that. You know, and babies, there's no control of communication except for the body relaxes and goes into a state of ease. Always. Yeah. And you know, I like to tell a story to people like the reason the chiropractic works is this why, because if I cut my finger, which you've probably heard 10 million times, I don't have to look at and tell it to heal. And Nate's always on the job and it's not going to let me bleed out. So a Nate intelligence is inside my body. This unborn wisdom that you're talking about that heals it naturally. And that's just like when a chiropractor corrects a subluxation, he doesn't have to tell it to heal the body or she doesn't have to tell it to heal. The body just does what it's supposed to and it starts functioning the way it's supposed to. And an intelligence switches on to a higher level then. And the body heals quicker. And you know, I used to go and do these talks at the local chamber of commerce when I worked at a clinic in Chicago. So I worked at a clinic for six years too. And they would have me go and do the chamber of commerce meetings. And I would go meet with a young professionals networking group. And I would go meet with a call the let tip group, which is a business leads group. So I was meeting three meetings a week while being the traction tech at an office doing chiropractic biophysics, uh, tracking setups. And it was my job to come up with a creative way to explain subluxations to people. So I would put one slide up and it was an abscess tooth. And I would say, do you see that tooth? This is what it looks like on your spine when you have pain in your back. Do you want that? Oh, you don't want that. That looks gross, right? Well, you can't see a subluxation in your spine, but you can feel it. And I said, anytime you feel cranky or it's tough to turn or tight or stiff, that's what your spine looks like. And I said, if you come see us, we can check you for that and see if we can help you.
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): That is a way of education.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): So I think, you know, when people think about like soft tissue work, your gum is a direct influence of that, like your gums, like dental people figure it out, man. They're like, Hey, you got to come and get checked every like amount of months. And we're going to do some x-rays and we're going to check you for like cavities and stuff like they've figured it out. So I think it is really important to tell the story and maybe one day, just one day, the people that control the way that information is disseminated in this beautiful country and in the world, they will say, wow, these chiropractors have had it right for 127 years. What has helped them tell the story?
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): Yeah. And you like me are an idealist and I don't know if that'll be happening in either my lifetime or yours, but we all got to keep chiseling away at doing what it is that we do in our offices and out of our offices to begin to shift the paradigm.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): That's why we do the show. You know, for know how far reaching something you may say or do today might have the impact on millions of lives tomorrow.
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): I've heard that before.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Yeah. And he's a DJ Palmer. He's quite the man. I wrote a bunch of things called the green books. If you guys are chiropracts, you might want to pick one up. So the ICPA. Yes. You've been a part of that.
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association started a lot of years ago by Dr. Webster, Larry Webster is best known for the Webster technique, which has been around, oh, probably good 40 years at this point. Where I started the ICPA with this vision to ensure that family practice, family care, particularly the care of a person, a woman during pregnancy and pediatric care of a child as they were growing up, elevated in terms of its level of excellence, proficiency, research to validate it and support that within a wellness, salutagenic, vitalistic model. So that was as visually started the organization. Larry was a tremendous leader in pulling together some great people who began to instruct for the program. And after, oh, God, I want to say five or six years, maybe eight years, Dr. Jean Yolm took over the organization. And Jeannie grew that organization from less than 500 members upon Larry's passing to well over 5,000 numbers internationally from all countries, all schools, all techniques, all approaches in chiropractic. Jeannie sadly passed away in 2019. Since that time, her son, Dr. Justin Ohm, taken over the organization and is now well over 6,000 numbers and is growing in terms of its impact across the globe, literally every chiropractic college. Midwives, doulas, anybody involved in birthing is familiar with the Webster technique. Refer to Webster practitioners, ICPA, certified Webster practitioners, all over the country, all over the world. So the ICPA really has four parts to it. There is the training portion of it, which is the certification and deployment program. It's designed as postgraduate, although students can begin to take the courses in terms of developing proficiencies and analyzing and adjusting the spine, as well as all things that are supportive and peripheral in chiropractic practice, relative to family practice, everything from communications and nutrition and other things that are connected to a well-rounded understanding of the vitalistic or chiropractic lifestyle. The second part of the ICPA is Pathways Magazine and Community Outreach. So Pathways is an award-winning publication that is available obviously to all the members of ICPA, but it's now in many alternative health circles as well in terms of looking at things from a vitalistic inside out perspective on not just chiropractic, but other things pertinent to health, well-being, raising kids, education, things of that nature. So Pathways, the public education is the second portion of ICPA. The third portion is Research Director, Dr. Joel Alcantara has published more papers in journals, not even within the Calvary and Professional, but across the board, within the profession, outside the profession, in health journals. He has published more in the last five years that all the chiropractic colleges put together during that period of time, and all of our research comes from a saloonogenic wellness, subluxation-centric model of care. The fourth part of ICPA is Membership. Membership benefits of the organization are tremendous. The referral directory is open to anybody that is a member. Discounts obviously to all the services that they have, magazines, education materials for your chiropractic practice, the Facebook pages, the depth of podcasts, the things that are offered nice and good. It's really voluminous for its membership. So, Chiropractic Education, Public Education, Research and Membership are the main parts of the organization. If you're not part of the ICPA, check out their website, icpa number fourkids.com or icpa number fourkids.org. One is the patient portal, one is the doctor portal, loads and loads of information and data out there.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast.
Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.
This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, Align Life, Brain-based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let's hustle!
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Thank you for sharing that. My first introduction to the Webster technique goes back 13 years ago. I was working in a chiropractic office and this lady came out with a trouble pregnancy. And Dr. Mike was there and I had no idea that this could even happen, but she was going to have a breach baby. And Dr. Mike turned the baby. And I was in disbelief. I'm like, you got to be, you know, this, what? Like, I'm like, I don't believe, anyways. Well, turns, turns out she has a baby and the baby comes out the right way. And for like the, this night we went out for like a little celebration. And I might have had a few too many drinks at this point, but I'm like, Dr. Mike can turn babies. This guy here, he can turn babies. I was like, it's a miracle. And I was really like blown away that like, this was a thing with the entire project because I looked at it more of like, we're helping people get out of pain. Like that was my introduction, you know, when I worked in an office, I was like, I had no idea that there was a vitalistic movement of helping pregnancies.
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): Well, Jim, I don't want to make you wrong, but he didn't turn the baby. He gave a very specific carburetic adjustment. And with that carburetic adjustment, proper nerve supply, optimal biomechanics allowed the baby to be in the most appropriate position for birth, usually head down. So it is a misnomer to put it as a breach turning technique because it doesn't involve the baby directly. It's a very specific adjustment to the sacrum and to the woman's body to allow there to be minimal tension structurally and biomechanically into the uterine pelvic relationship and optimal nerve supply to the uterus and allows that baby to assume its ideal position. So it is not a breach turning technique, although I will say many times during pregnancy, if a child is in a less than optimal position, once following the protocols, many times the baby turns. But that's not the objective. In the same way that somebody going to a chiropractor with a headache, the goal of the chiropractor is to reduce nerve interference. They'll give a spinal adjustment. The objective of the chiropractor is to adjust a spinal supplementation and utilizing the techniques that they had in school. When the headache goes away, it's not because the chiropractor made the headache go away because the body was working optimally. Does that make sense?
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): And you know, as I was with a breach baby, the breach baby is happening for could be multitude of reasons by giving a specific adjustment, it allows ideal functionality in that woman's body and optimal biomechanics. And the baby assumes a better position.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): But me coming from like just a layman's perspective, I was blown away. And I was like, how like I was in disbelief almost. And you know, there's an old saying in chiropractic, the power that made the body heals the body. There's there's nothing like to give that more validation than what we just discussed there. And the body needs nothing extra in it. It simply needs no interference. So when that chiropractor did that specific adjustment to the pelvic region, Dr. Mike, it allowed the body to actually adapt. And that's what I love about chiropractic is the adaptability within the person that's getting the care. And that's why the hat says expect miracles because we never know it's going to happen. You know, and I think that that's the real love story of chiropractic.
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): Well, you know, if I could just put you on pause there because what you said was actually brilliant. Okay. The capability of the body to adapt adaptation is one of the greatest expressions of life that we have. You know, you go outside and you run around your house 10 times, the body adapts, raise blood pressure, raise of degradation to skeletal muscles, your respiration. Well, the body adapts whatever happens. You put food in your mouth, adaptation the body, digest the food. The ability of the body to adapt is one of the greatest expressions or signs of life that there is. When we deliver a spinal adjustment, the ability of the body to optimally adapt is only enhanced. It provides the body with more information data, less interference, less static on the system. Because that adaptation increases the body works better, always works better. So that you actually put your words right at the heart of the matter, adaptation the key toward what's happening with a spinal adjustment and life expression.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And it takes me back to this guy that some people might know in the chiropractic search goals named Reggie Gold. And he was famously, for my perspective, for saying, because I watch a lot of his recordings, he's like a chiropractor can't even cure a ham.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): And the humor that's involved in that makes a lot of sense. But the chiropractor doesn't cure anyone. The chiropractor removes the subluxation by correcting with a specific adjustment. The body, even if it's the doc that you went to as a young man that went bam, bam, bam, he's still clearing the subluxation around the body to adapt.
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): Well, the truth is the chiropractic is even correct the subluxation. That means there are different places specific force to the body, the important wisdom of the body takes that force and brings the spine and the nervous system into a better place. So it's really the body's ability to assimilate the force that he placed into the body. So that the more specifically adjustment, the, the grave of the body's ability to take that force, adapt that force in a constructive way and not have to resist it. So that, that that's, Reggie was brilliant. He made the message simple.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): know, and once again back to the old war stories, I mean, working in an office, I would talk to people about their health like being like a spring. And if you tighten a spring up to much what happens eventually it pops. And it breaks the spring. And I said, a lot of times when people come into us, they have a lot of drill tension on their spinal column. And eventually it says, Oh, you're in pain. So I was like, so what we have to do over time is we like take the tension off of that spring. And we make it more pliable and restore it back to a place where it doesn't have so much tension on it to where it feels like it's going to pop. And you know, people would be like, wow, that makes a lot of sense. So I'd say that's why, you know, we're doing the protocols that we're doing here to make sure that we're restoring you back to a place where you actually feel good about yourself and yourself a steam will improve and you know, all these things that we don't really talk about and like the health market places. I was like, yeah, and you know, you just come in and get your adjustments and let us you know, take care of you. And you know, just keep smiling through it, you know, that that's like a big takeaway for me was I had a chance to really make an impact on the person's life. And I didn't have to do the adjustment. But I could I could talk to people in a very constructive way to give them the understanding that like, Hey, it's not going to happen overnight, it might happen overnight. But hey, stick with this.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Longest continuous running philosophy group in the world.
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): So the Massachusetts Alliance for Calvarytic Philosophy is an organization that has origins back around 1983, 84, probably the end of 1983. There was a group of us new practitioners in Massachusetts that wanted to get together. So we started to get together socially, and we decided to build it into being something more than just a social get together. And the chiropractic Massachusetts Alliance for Calvarytic Philosophy was born. It originally started as a group that we call the Chiro group, CHRO, we termed it to be the chiropractic health information resource organization. And along with it, we did health fairs together, we did outreach into our communities together support. There's a back then probably about, well, maybe 20 offices, 20 new chiropractors. Toward the end of the 1980s, I think we formally incorporated at the end of the 1980 or so, we became an actual legitimate 501 C six, and has been the Massachusetts Alliance for Calvarytic Philosophy ever since. We hold monthly meetings. They used to be held in people's homes or offices when we first started. And now we meet here at my home office. Actually since 1992, we've been meeting here. Every month with speakers from all over the world, we've had everything for people to do seminars. And one time we had this great speaker, Jim Chester, come by, phenomenal. We've got presidents of Chiropractic colleges, we've had local practitioners, most of the time chiropractors, but people involved in chiropractic. The goal in essence of it is to keep the philosophy alive. So the organization we try to provide two services at each of our philosophy nights. One is a sharing by somebody on our board or immediate, immediate proximity to the organization. And it may be basic philosophy readings from the green books or the philosophy principles or question and answer. It could be the next extrapolation to that in terms of how do you keep the philosophy alive within your practice? How do you have a congruent, the procedures and practices that are congruent with our philosophy? How do you shift the beginning to shift the consciousness of people? So there's like a workshop area mentoring program that we offer, and then we end up guest speaker. And the guest speaker would share what is their passion. You know, some people are, you know, they're coach consultant, they'll go in that direction, if they're marketing person, they'll go in that direction. If they're a, you know, grounded philosophy person, they'll explore our philosophy people. But it's basically all things that are centered around a vitalistic and salutogenic model practice that some sensation centered. So, so it's a group that we keep it open to allow the expression of the guest speaker to be within their wheelhouse and what they're excited about.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): You know, I think it's really, really valuable. We talk about getting out of your headspace into your heart space, we talk about telling the story. And we talk about opening up the profession. And I think that there's a lot of conversation today we we had that really inspires people to support what they're doing and believe in what they're doing. And it's bigger than us. You know, that's the thing is, BJ Palmer once said, once you get the big idea, all else will follow. And I think that when we have these conversations, and we create this documentation, this tapestry of chiropractic stories, this is my big idea is if we tell the story a thousand times 2000 times, you know, we're doing what we can to have an influence on the masses. And I'm really thankful for you coming on today and being a part of episode 537. And the last thing that you wanted to drive home was you have to get outside your office. What does that mean to you? Well, the
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): cornerstone to build chiropractors is the ability to be able to practice and transform people's lives in their offices by doing their unique thing and adjusting civilizations in whatever place they want to do it. I like doing it with families. My greatest claim to fame, I believe, is the longevity of patients within my practice. A great idea to do with the gig 40 years, but right now we have over 200 active patients in the practice that have been under care for over 20 years. Yeah, active care means they've walked to the front door of my office, the light on the table got in check, adjusted as needed 20 years or more once a week or more. Yeah. So that's a maintenance practice. It's like, it's my family, right? I also believe that if what we want to do is to grow our profession, we need to step outside the walls of our office. Nowadays, you can do that virtually, but I believe that we need to put energy into organizations that we love, that we feel as though advance the human experience. Now, there may be within our profession, it might be being on a state board and maybe part of the state society. It might be for a national organization or international group to serve on a board or to participate in some level and those organizations it may be a management service, something that gets you outside your office to grow your profession, but even engaging in things that may not be directly chiropractic, it might be on a school board in your town. It may be in the legislature of your town or your state. It may be at your church room or an environmental group. By us being outside our office and participating in the organization and being who we are, chiropractors with a different perspective, this vitalistic perspective that honors life, that honors the intelligence and wisdom that pieces this universe together to have that perspective as we engage in organizations and striving to do the same thing that we do in our spines, to remove an interference, to participate in organizations and use that same logic. What interference is going to be removed to this organization to allow the optimal expression of this organization in this community, to take our message out to the world. As more and more people begin to embrace that perspective of enhancing adaptability of an organization of themselves, then they're only going to be naturally driven to advancing the chiropractic ideals forward. That's where the future lives. It's not just get into chiropractic care. Yes, absolutely get into chiropractic care. But the biggest thing we can do is begin to shift the paradigm that allows people to see the brilliance of life expressing itself from the inside out. But that's true within the physiology. It's also true within the lifeblood of an organization. Dr. Peter,
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): my takeaway is we need unsublipsated leadership.
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): Hey, beautifully said, beautifully said. And we need to go
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): out there and serve our communities and take care of the kids. And I thank you so much once again for being our guest today. Is there anything I didn't ask you that you're hoping I would have asked you that you'd like to share with your
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): audience today? We can go anywhere, my friend. But I guess the biggest thing when we started before you put on the recording is what are the three takeaways. I think the one thing that I would like to amplify that I don't think that we talked about, but I think resonates for truth with everybody. Very often we try to make decisions from our head in terms of what's logical, what's the, and I'm going to say you ignore that. But to never forget to be driven by your heart. And I think that when we come back into our heart center and embrace things in compassion and curiosity that we build bridges, we allow people to hear the story, we allow people to possibly do the same thing within their own lives. I believe some of the greatest interferences that exist right now within our world is the polarity that's beginning to happen stronger and stronger every day. Whether it be in the political level, the healthcare paradigms, or economically, or whatever it is, we get into polarities. I think if we come from our heart, realize that we're dealing with life and human beings and respect and honor one another as human beings. It opens the door for people to hear our story. It opens the door for people to want to engage within our lives and maybe make a shift within the paradigm of our planet. So living in your heart or moving from your heart is a key aspect of where I believe all of us need to live.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): One of my first mentors said that we're all more like than we are different. Amen. And I really, that's a take home for me. So if people want to work with you, learn from you, learn more about you, connect with you, work with me, send them to you.
DR PETER KEVORKIAN DC (GUEST): Really easy. Just, I mean, Google Dr. Peter Kevorkian and it'll bring it up. You can go to Dr. Peter Kevorkian.com. That's my personal webpage that I created for ICPA. You can connect with me there. You can go to my email, Dr. Peter Kevorkian at pm.me, protonmail.me or pm.me. You can get me. And what through you? It's all easy.
JAMES CHESTER (HOST): Great. Well, you're 537. Thank you. Love you, brother. Thank you so much for what you're doing. Love you more. Thank you. And I'm going to close out by telling everyone you're just one story away. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys on the next episode. Thanks, Doc. Thank you, man. Bye for now. Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.
This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, Align Life, Brain-based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let's hustle!
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